Exemplo n.º 1
        // Join the inside bid/offer
        public static ExchangeOrderResult GdaxJoinInside(ExchangeGdaxAPI api, string symbol, OrderSide side, decimal amount)
            var t     = api.GetTicker(symbol);
            var order = new ExchangeOrderRequest();
            var price = (side == OrderSide.Buy) ? t.Bid : t.Ask;

            return(GdaxOrder(api, symbol, side, price, amount, postOnly: true));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public CGDAX() : base()
     API_KEY        = Properties.Settings.Default.GDAX_API_KEY;
     API_SECRET     = Properties.Settings.Default.GDAX_API_SECRET;
     API_PASSPHRASE = Properties.Settings.Default.GDAX_API_PASSPHRASE;
     api            = new ExchangeGdaxAPI();
     Name = api.Name;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public GdaxConnector2()
            api = new ExchangeGdaxAPI();
            var symbols = api.GetSymbols();

            Debug.Print("{0}: ", api.Name);
            foreach (var s in symbols)
                Debug.Print("\t{0}", s);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public IDisposable TestWebsocketsGdax(bool display = false)
     IExchangeAPI a = new ExchangeGdaxAPI();
     var socket = a.GetCompletedOrderDetailsWebSocket((or) =>
         if (display) Console.WriteLine("[GDAX {0,-9}] {1} at {2}", or.Symbol, or.AmountFilled, or.Price);
         //await Task.Run(async () => HandleTickerUpdate( a, tickers));
         //HandleTickerUpdate(a, tickers);
         //m_outputQ.Enqueue(new TickerOutput("GDAX", tickers));
     return socket;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestWebsocketsGdax()
            // create a web socket connection to the exchange. Note you can Dispose the socket anytime to shut it down.
            // the web socket will handle disconnects and attempt to re-connect automatically.
            IExchangeAPI b = new ExchangeGdaxAPI();

            using (var socket = b.GetTickersWebSocket((tickers) =>
                Console.WriteLine("{0} tickers, first: {1}", tickers.Count, tickers.First());
                Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to shutdown.");
Exemplo n.º 6
        // ICEBERG: Join the inside bid/offer
        public static void GdaxIcebergJoinInside(ExchangeGdaxAPI api, string symbol, OrderSide side, decimal amount, int repeatCount, TimeSpan delayBetweenTrades)
            decimal amountPer = amount / repeatCount;
            int     count     = 0;

            while (count < repeatCount)
                // Submit new order
                var or = GdaxJoinInside(api, symbol, side, amountPer);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}: {2}", count, repeatCount, or.ToStr());
                var eor = api.GetOrderDetails(or.OrderId);
        public IDisposable TestWebsocketsGdax(bool display = false)
            IExchangeAPI a      = new ExchangeGdaxAPI();
            var          socket = a.GetTickersWebSocket((tickers) =>
                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("GDAX     {0,4} tickers, first: {1}", tickers.Count, tickers.First());
                //await Task.Run(async () => HandleTickerUpdate( a, tickers));
                //HandleTickerUpdate(a, tickers);
                m_outputQ.Enqueue(new TickerOutput("GDAX", tickers));

        public static void RunShowExchangeStats(Dictionary <string, string> dict)
            string       symbol      = "BTC-USD";
            string       symbol2     = "XXBTZUSD";
            IExchangeAPI apiGDAX     = new ExchangeGdaxAPI();
            IExchangeAPI apiGemini   = new ExchangeGeminiAPI();
            IExchangeAPI apiKraken   = new ExchangeKrakenAPI();
            IExchangeAPI apiBitfinex = new ExchangeBitfinexAPI();

            while (true)
                ExchangeTicker    ticker       = apiGDAX.GetTicker(symbol);
                ExchangeOrderBook orders       = apiGDAX.GetOrderBook(symbol);
                decimal           askAmountSum = orders.Asks.Values.Sum(o => o.Amount);
                decimal           askPriceSum  = orders.Asks.Values.Sum(o => o.Price);
                decimal           bidAmountSum = orders.Bids.Values.Sum(o => o.Amount);
                decimal           bidPriceSum  = orders.Bids.Values.Sum(o => o.Price);

                ExchangeTicker    ticker2       = apiGemini.GetTicker(symbol);
                ExchangeOrderBook orders2       = apiGemini.GetOrderBook(symbol);
                decimal           askAmountSum2 = orders2.Asks.Values.Sum(o => o.Amount);
                decimal           askPriceSum2  = orders2.Asks.Values.Sum(o => o.Price);
                decimal           bidAmountSum2 = orders2.Bids.Values.Sum(o => o.Amount);
                decimal           bidPriceSum2  = orders2.Bids.Values.Sum(o => o.Price);

                ExchangeTicker    ticker3       = apiKraken.GetTicker(symbol2);
                ExchangeOrderBook orders3       = apiKraken.GetOrderBook(symbol2);
                decimal           askAmountSum3 = orders3.Asks.Values.Sum(o => o.Amount);
                decimal           askPriceSum3  = orders3.Asks.Values.Sum(o => o.Price);
                decimal           bidAmountSum3 = orders3.Bids.Values.Sum(o => o.Amount);
                decimal           bidPriceSum3  = orders3.Bids.Values.Sum(o => o.Price);

                ExchangeTicker    ticker4       = apiBitfinex.GetTicker(symbol);
                ExchangeOrderBook orders4       = apiBitfinex.GetOrderBook(symbol);
                decimal           askAmountSum4 = orders4.Asks.Values.Sum(o => o.Amount);
                decimal           askPriceSum4  = orders4.Asks.Values.Sum(o => o.Price);
                decimal           bidAmountSum4 = orders4.Bids.Values.Sum(o => o.Amount);
                decimal           bidPriceSum4  = orders4.Bids.Values.Sum(o => o.Price);

                Console.WriteLine("GDAX: {0:0.00}, {1:0.00}, {2:0.00}, {3:0.00}, {4:0.00}, {5:0.00}", ticker.Last, ticker.Volume.BaseVolume, askAmountSum, askPriceSum, bidAmountSum, bidPriceSum);
                Console.WriteLine("GEMI: {0:0.00}, {1:0.00}, {2:0.00}, {3:0.00}, {4:0.00}, {5:0.00}", ticker2.Last, ticker2.Volume.BaseVolume, askAmountSum2, askPriceSum2, bidAmountSum2, bidPriceSum2);
                Console.WriteLine("KRAK: {0:0.00}, {1:0.00}, {2:0.00}, {3:0.00}, {4:0.00}, {5:0.00}", ticker3.Last, ticker3.Volume.BaseVolume, askAmountSum3, askPriceSum3, bidAmountSum3, bidPriceSum3);
                Console.WriteLine("BITF: {0:0.00}, {1:0.00}, {2:0.00}, {3:0.00}, {4:0.00}, {5:0.00}", ticker4.Last, ticker4.Volume.BaseVolume, askAmountSum4, askPriceSum4, bidAmountSum4, bidPriceSum4);
Exemplo n.º 9
        // where symbol like "ETH-USD"
        // where side is OrderSide.Buy/OrderSide.Sell
        // where price like 390.19M
        // where amount like 0.1M
        // where postOnly is true/false (true means DO NOT allow "taker" -- "maker" only)
        public static ExchangeOrderResult GdaxOrder(ExchangeGdaxAPI api, string symbol, OrderSide side, decimal price, decimal amount, bool postOnly = true)
            var order = new ExchangeOrderRequest();

            order.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
            order.Symbol    = symbol;
            order.Price     = price;
            order.Amount    = amount;
            order.IsBuy     = side == OrderSide.Buy;
            //order.ShouldRoundAmount = true;
            //var parameters = order.ExtraParameters;
            order.ExtraParameters["post_only"] = postOnly;

            //var api = new ExchangeGdaxAPI();
            //api.LoadAPIKeysUnsecure(m_creds["GDAX"].Key, m_creds["GDAX"].Secret, m_creds["GDAX"].Passphrase);
            //var api = m_apiMap["GDAX"];
Exemplo n.º 10
        // TODO: change iceberg orders to require TOTAL amount (and split that amount based on repeatCount)

        // ICEBERG: Join the inside bid/offer
        public static void GdaxIcebergJoinInside(ExchangeGdaxAPI api, string symbol, OrderSide side, decimal amount, int repeatCount)
            decimal amountPer = amount / repeatCount;
            int     count     = 0;

            while (count < repeatCount)
                // Submit new order
                var or = GdaxJoinInside(api, symbol, side, amountPer);
                var eor = api.GetOrderDetails(or.OrderId);

                // Wait for fill
                while (eor.AmountFilled < eor.Amount)
                    eor = api.GetOrderDetails(or.OrderId);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public IDisposable StartWebsocketsGdax(bool display = false)
            IExchangeAPI a      = new ExchangeGdaxAPI();
            var          socket = a.GetTickersWebSocket((tickers) =>
                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("GDAX     {0,4} tickers, first: {1}", tickers.Count, tickers.First());
                HandleTickerUpdate("GDAX", tickers);
                //m_outputQ.Enqueue(new TickerOutput("GDAX", tickers));
                if (tickers.Select(s => s.Key).Contains("BTC-USD"))
                    if (TickersExistForAllExchanges)
