Exemplo n.º 1
        private FieldValue GetValues(ExcelField field, List <XZC> value, List <ExcelField> fields, string tableName)
            var item = _results.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Index == field.Index);

            if (item != null)
            var a         = 0;
            var b         = .0;
            var IntSum    = 0;
            var DoubleSum = .0;

            foreach (var index in field.Indexs)
                var f = fields.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Index == index);
                if (f != null)
                    var val = f.Indexs != null?GetValues(f, value, fields, tableName) : GetValue(f, value, tableName);

                    if (val != null)
                        switch (field.Type)
                        case ExcelType.Double:
                            DoubleSum += Math.Round(double.TryParse(val.Val.ToString(), out b) ? b : .0, 4);

                        case ExcelType.Int:
                            IntSum += int.TryParse(val.Val.ToString(), out a) ? a : 0;

            var ee = new FieldValue
                Index = field.Index,
                Type  = field.Type,
                Title = field.Title,
                Val   = field.Type == ExcelType.Double ? DoubleSum : IntSum


Exemplo n.º 2
        private FieldValue GetValue(ExcelField field, List <XZC> value, string tableName)
            var item = _results.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Index == field.Index);

            if (item != null)
            var qy  = string.Join(" OR ", value.Select(e => string.Format("{0}.XZCDM = '{1}'", string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.FieldTableName) ? tableName : field.FieldTableName, e.XZCDM)).ToArray());
            var val = GainCommon(field, qy, tableName);

            if (val != null)

Exemplo n.º 3
        private FieldValue GetValues(ExcelField field, List <XZC> value)
            var a         = 0;
            var b         = .0;
            var IntSum    = 0;
            var DoubleSum = .0;

            foreach (var index in field.Indexs)
                var f = Fields.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Index == index);
                if (f != null)
                    var val = GetValue(f, value);
                    if (val != null)
                        switch (field.Type)
                        case ExcelType.Double:
                            DoubleSum += Math.Round(double.TryParse(val.Val.ToString(), out b) ? b : .0, 4);

                        case ExcelType.Int:
                            IntSum += int.TryParse(val.Val.ToString(), out a) ? a : 0;

            return(new FieldValue
                Index = field.Index,
                Type = field.Type,
                Title = field.Title,
                Val = field.Type == ExcelType.Double ? DoubleSum : IntSum
Exemplo n.º 4
        private FieldValue GainCommon(ExcelField field, string dmWhere, string tableName)
            var a   = 0;
            var b   = .0;
            var val = string.Empty;
            var sb  = new StringBuilder(string.Format("Select {0} from ", field.SQL));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.View))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.FieldTableName))
                sb.AppendFormat("({0})", field.View);
            sb.AppendFormat(" Where ( {0} )", dmWhere);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.WhereClause))
                sb.AppendFormat(" AND {0}", field.WhereClause);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", tableName, sb.ToString());
            var obj = ADOSQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(Connection, sb.ToString());

            if (obj == null)
            if (field.Type == ExcelType.Double)
                double.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out b);
                switch (field.Unit)
                case "亩":
                    b = b / 15;

                case "平方米":
                    b = b / 10000;

                val = Math.Round(b, 4).ToString();
                int.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out a);
                val = a.ToString();
            var result = new FieldValue
                Index = field.Index,
                Type  = field.Type,
                Title = field.Title,
                Val   = val

Exemplo n.º 5
 private FieldValue GetValue(ExcelField field, string tableName)
     return(GainCommon(field, tableName));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 只支持.xlsx格式,不支持03版本excel(.xls)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <ExcelTable> Read(string filePath)
            Debug.Log("read file:" + filePath);

            List <ExcelTable> excelTables = new List <ExcelTable>();
            string            fileName    = Path.GetFileName(filePath);

            FileStream       fs          = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(fs);
            DataSet          result      = excelReader.AsDataSet();
            DataTableCollection tables = result.Tables;


            foreach (DataTable table in tables)
                ExcelTable et = new ExcelTable();
                et.tableName = table.TableName;
                if (et.tableName.ContainChinese() || !et.tableName.StartsWith("t_"))
                Debug.Log("begin read------>fileName:" + fileName + ",tableName:" + et.tableName);

                et.rowCount = table.Rows.Count;
                if (et.rowCount < 6)
                    Debug.LogWarnning("fileName:" + fileName + ", tableName:" + et.tableName + ", line count less than 6, we will not handle with it");

                for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
                    //init ExcelField
                    string name = table.Rows[0][i].ToString();
                    if (name.ContainChinese())//中文字段用于注释,不处理

                    string typeDes = table.Rows[1][i].ToString();
                    string tag     = table.Rows[3][i].ToString();
                    if (i == 0 && tag == "KVT")//check KVT format whether correct
                        et.isKVT = true;
                        if (table.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "Key" ||
                            table.Rows[0][1].ToString() != "Value" ||
                            table.Rows[0][2].ToString() != "KeyDes")
                            Debug.ThrowException("table:" + et.tableName + "is KVT,but field name is not correct!");

                        if (table.Rows[1][0].ToString() != "string")
                            Debug.ThrowException("table:" + et.tableName + "is KVT,but key's type is not string");
                    string     defaultValue = table.Rows[2][i].ToString();
                    string     fieldDes     = table.Rows[4][i].ToString();
                    string     fieldDesMore = table.Rows[5][i].ToString();
                    ExcelField field        = new ExcelField(et.tableName, name, typeDes, defaultValue, tag, fieldDes, fieldDesMore, i == 0 ? true : false);

                    //read Field datas
                    for (int j = 6; j < et.rowCount; j++)
                        string tmpValue = table.Rows[j][i].ToString().Trim();
                        field.AddData(tmpValue == "" ? defaultValue : tmpValue);


                #region old
                //////for (int i = 0; i < et.rowCount; i++)
                //////    if (i == 0)//获得key
                //////    {
                //////        for (int j = 0; j < et.columnCount; j++)
                //////        {
                //////            var key = table.Rows[0][j].ToString();

                //////            if (j == 0)//主键
                //////            {
                //////                et.primaryKeyName = key;
                //////                et.primaryKeyType = table.Rows[1][j].ToString();
                //////                if (table.Rows[2][j].ToString().Contains("KVT"))
                //////                {
                //////                    et.isKVPairTable = true;
                //////                    et.valueKeyType = table.Rows[1][1].ToString();
                //////                    if (table.Rows[0][1].ToString() != "Value" || table.Rows[0][2].ToString() != "KeyDes")
                //////                    {
                //////                        throw new Exception(et.tableName + "表有问题,KVT表,要求第二个字段名为 Value,第三个字段名为 KeyDes");
                //////                    }
                //////                }
                //////                else
                //////                {
                //////                    et.isKVPairTable = false;
                //////                }
                //////            }

                //////            Console.WriteLine("@@初始化map, key:" + key);
                //////            et.tableContent[key] = new List<string>();

                //////            if (et.keys.Contains(key))
                //////            {
                //////                throw new Exception("fatal error, table:" + et.tableName + ",有重复的字段:" + key);
                //////            }
                //////            else
                //////            {
                //////                if (!key.ContainChinese() && key != "KeyDes")//字段非中文才加入,且 KeyDes字段不用加入
                //////                {
                //////                    et.keys.Add(key);
                //////                }
                //////            }

                //////        }
                //////        Console.WriteLine("@@初始化map key完毕");
                //////    }
                //////    else
                //////    {
                //////        for (int k = 0; k < et.columnCount; k++)
                //////        {
                //////            string key = table.Rows[0][k].ToString();
                //////            string property = table.Rows[i][k].ToString();
                //////            Console.WriteLine("table:" + et.tableName + " , key: " + key + " , property:" + property);

                //////            //主键的数据要保持唯一性
                //////            if (k == 0 && i > 4 && et.tableContent[key].Contains(property))
                //////            {
                //////                throw new Exception("fatal error, table:" + et.tableName + "的主键" + key + ",property:" + property);
                //////            }
                //////            else
                //////            {
                //////                if (property == "")
                //////                {
                //////                    property = "囧";//对于数据表中,用户没有填写的空格,默认赋值为 囧 ,读取的时候需要特殊处理
                //////                }
                //////                et.tableContent[key].Add(property);
                //////            }

                //////        }

                //////    }


Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void WriteLuaCode(string outputDir, List <ExcelTable> tables)
            if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir))

            string outputFile = outputDir + @"\ConfigTable.lua";
            string luaContent = "---@class ConfigTable\r\n";

            luaContent += "local ConfigTable={}\r\n";
            for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++)
                var        table         = tables[i];
                ExcelField primaryField  = table.GetPrimaryField();
                string     luaContentSub = "";
                if (table.isKVT)
                    luaContentSub += "\r\n";

                    luaContentSub += "---@class " + table.tableName + ":ConfigTable\r\n";
                    luaContentSub += "ConfigTable." + table.tableName + "={\r\n";
                    for (int j = 6; j < table.rowCount; j++)
                        var kStr = table.fields[0].datas[j - 6];
                        var vStr = table.fields[1].datas[j - 6];
                        //var kStr = table.tableContent[table.primaryKeyName][j];
                        //var vStr = table.tableContent["Value"][j];
                        var commentStr = table.fields[2].datas[j - 6];

                        if (j == 6)
                            luaContentSub = "---@field public " + kStr + " @" + commentStr + luaContentSub;
                            luaContentSub = "---@field public " + kStr + " @" + commentStr + "\r\n" + luaContentSub;

                        luaContentSub += "\t" + kStr + "=\"" + vStr + "\",\r\n";
                    luaContentSub += "}\r\n";
                    luaContentSub += "\r\n";

                    luaContentSub += "---@class " + table.tableName + ":ConfigTable\r\n";
                    luaContentSub += "ConfigTable." + table.tableName + "={\r\n";
                    for (int j = 6; j < table.rowCount; j++)
                        var typeDes = table.fields[0].typeDes;
                        if (typeDes == "int")
                            luaContentSub += "\t[" + table.fields[0].datas[j - 6] + "]={";
                        else if (typeDes == "string")
                            luaContentSub += "\t[\"" + table.fields[0].datas[j - 6] + "\"]={";
                            Debug.LogError("error, primary type only support int and string, cur is:" + typeDes);

                        for (int k = 0; k < table.fields.Count; k++)
                            var field   = table.fields[k];
                            var keyName = field.name;
                            var value   = field.datas[j - 6];
                            if (field.typeDes == "string")
                                luaContentSub += keyName + "=\"" + value + "\",";

                            else if (field.typeDes == "Vector3" || field.typeDes == "float[]" || field.typeDes == "int[]" || field.typeDes == "string[]")
                                luaContentSub += keyName + "=";
                                //+ value + ",";
                                luaContentSub += "{";
                                if (value != "")
                                    var vs = value.Split('|');
                                    for (int p = 0; p < vs.Length; p++)
                                        if (field.typeDes == "float[]" || field.typeDes == "Vector3")
                                            luaContentSub += float.Parse(vs[p]);
                                        else if (field.typeDes == "int[]")
                                            luaContentSub += int.Parse(vs[p]);
                                        else if (field.typeDes == "string[]")
                                            luaContentSub += "\"" + vs[p] + "\"";
                                        if (p < vs.Length - 1)
                                            luaContentSub += ",";

                                luaContentSub += "},";
                            else if (field.typeDes != "")
                                luaContentSub += keyName + "= " + value + " ,";
                        luaContentSub += "},\r\n";
                    luaContentSub += "}\r\n";

                luaContentSub += "local mt_" + table.tableName + "={}\r\n";
                luaContentSub += "mt_" + table.tableName + ".__index=function(t,k)\r\n";
                luaContentSub += "\tLogE(\"can not find item with key:\"..k..\" in " + table.tableName + "\")\r\n";
                luaContentSub += "end\r\n";
                luaContentSub += "setmetatable(ConfigTable." + table.tableName + ",mt_" + table.tableName + ")\r\n";
                luaContentSub += "\r\n";

                luaContent += luaContentSub;

            luaContent += "return ConfigTable";

            File.WriteAllText(outputFile, luaContent.TrimEnd(), new UTF8Encoding(false));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void WriteCSCode(string outputDir, ExcelTable et)
            if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir))

            ExcelField primaryField = et.GetPrimaryField();

            #region step1:output Setting.cs base class
            string setting = "namespace ZGame.ZTable{\r\n";
            setting += "\tpublic class Setting{\r\n";
            setting += "\t}\r\n";
            setting += "}";
            File.WriteAllText(outputDir + @"\" + "Setting.cs", setting.TrimEnd(), Encoding.UTF8);

            #region step2:output table class
            string content = "";;
            content += "using System;\r\n";
            content += "using UnityEngine;\r\n";
            content += "using System.Text;\r\n";
            content += "\r\n";
            content += "namespace ZGame.ZTable{\r\n";
            if (et.isKVT)//if KVT,we should output addition class,which can direct get value by key
                content += "public class " + et.tableName + "KVP{\r\n";

                for (int i = 0; i < primaryField.datas.Count; i++)
                    string keyName = primaryField.datas[i].ToString();
                    content += "\t/// <summary>\r\n";
                    content += "\t/// " + et.fields[2].datas[i].ToString() + "\r\n";//KeyDes
                    content += "\t/// </summary>\r\n";
                    content += "\tpublic static " + et.fields[1].typeDes + " " + keyName + "{\r\n";
                    content += "\t\tget{\r\n";
                    content += "\t\t\treturn " + et.tableName + "Reader.Instance.GetEntityByPrimaryKey(\"" + keyName + "\").Value;\r\n";
                    content += "\t\t}\r\n"; //get
                    content += "\t}\r\n";   //attribute
                content += "}\r\n";         //class

            content += "public class " + et.tableName + ":Setting{\r\n";

            for (int l = 0; l < et.fields.Count; l++)
                if (et.fields[l].name.ContainChinese() ||
                    et.fields[l].name == "KeyDes")
                    continue;//key为汉字的时候跳过(汉字作为字段的 用于注释说明)
                content += "\t /// <summary>\r\n";
                content += "\t /// " + et.fields[l].fieldDes + "\r\n";
                if (et.fields[l].fieldDesMore != "")
                    content += "\t /// " + et.fields[l].fieldDesMore + "\r\n";
                content += "\t /// </summary>\r\n";
                content += "\t public " + et.fields[l].typeDes + " " + et.fields[l].name + ";\r\n";
                content += "\r\n";
            content += "\t public static string FileName = " + "\"" + et.tableName + "\";\r\n";
            content += "}\r\n";
            content += "}";

            File.WriteAllText(outputDir + @"\" + et.tableName + ".cs", content.TrimEnd(), Encoding.UTF8);

            #region  step3:output table reader class
            content = "";

            content += "using UnityEngine;\r\n";
            content += "using System;\r\n";
            content += "using System.Text;\r\n";
            content += "using System.Collections.Generic;\r\n";
            content += "\r\n";

            content += "namespace ZGame.ZTable{\r\n";
            content += "\tpublic class " + et.tableName + "Reader{\r\n";

            content += "\t\tprivate " + et.tableName + "[] entities;\r\n";
            content += "\t\tprivate Dictionary<" + primaryField.typeDes + ",int> keyIndexMap = new Dictionary<" + primaryField.typeDes + ",int>();\r\n";

            content += "\r\n\t\tprivate int count;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t public int Count{\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\tget{ return this.count;}\r\n";
            content += "\t\t}\r\n\r\n";

            content += "\t\tstatic " + et.tableName + "Reader instance=null;\r\n";
            content += "\t\tpublic static " + et.tableName + "Reader Instance{\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\tget{\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\tif(instance==null){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t\tinstance=new " + et.tableName + "Reader();\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t\tinstance.Load();\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t}\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\treturn instance;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t}\r\n";
            content += "\t\t}\r\n\r\n";

            content += "\t\tvoid Load(){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\tAction<string> onTableLoad=(text)=>{\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t";
            content += @"string[] lines=text.Split(new string[]{""\r\n""},System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);";
            content += "\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\tint count=lines.Length;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\tif(count<0){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t\treturn;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t}\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\tthis.count = count;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\tentities=new " + et.tableName + "[count];\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\tfor(int i=0;i<count;i++){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t\tstring line=lines[i];\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t\tif(string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
            content += @"Debug.LogError(""data error, line ""+i+"" is null"");";
            content += "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t\tstring[] vals=line.Split('\\t');\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]=new " + et.tableName + "();\r\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < et.fields.Count; i++)
                string filedName = et.fields[i].name;
                string typeStr   = et.fields[i].typeDes;
                if (typeStr == "int" || typeStr == "float")
                    content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]." + filedName + "=" + typeStr + ".Parse(vals[" + i + "].Trim());\r\n";
                else if (typeStr == "object")
                    content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]." + filedName + "=(" + typeStr + ")(vals[" + i + "].Trim());\r\n";
                else if (typeStr == "bool")
                    content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]." + filedName + "=" + typeStr + ".Parse(vals[" + i + "].Trim());\r\n";
                else if (typeStr == "string")
                    content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]." + filedName + "=" + "vals[" + i + "];\r\n";
                else if (typeStr == "string[]")
                    content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]." + filedName + "=" + "vals[" + i + "].Split(\'|\');\r\n";
                else if (typeStr == "int[]")
                    content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]." + filedName + "=" + "vals[" + i + "].Split(\'|\').ToIntArray();\r\n";
                else if (typeStr == "float[]")
                    content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]." + filedName + "=" + "vals[" + i + "].Split(\'|\').ToFloatArray();\r\n";
                else if (typeStr == "Vector3")
                    content += "\t\t\t\t\tentities[i]." + filedName + "=" + "new Vector3("
                               + "float.Parse(vals[" + i + "].Trim().Split(\'|\')[0]),"
                               + "float.Parse(vals[" + i + "].Trim().Split(\'|\')[1]),"
                               + "float.Parse(vals[" + i + "].Trim().Split(\'|\')[2])"
                               + ");\r\n";
                //TODO:support more type

            content += "\t\t\t\t\tkeyIndexMap[entities[i]." + primaryField.name + "]=i;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t}\r\n";    //for
            content += "\t\t\t};\r\n\r\n"; //Action
            content += "\t\t\tstring fileName=" + et.tableName + ".FileName;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\tFileMgr.ReadFile(fileName,onTableLoad);\r\n";
            content += "\t\t}\r\n\r\n";//Load()

            content += "\t\t/// <summary>\r\n";
            content += "\t\t/// get datas of a row by Index\r\n";
            content += "\t\t/// index starts form 0,which marching the line 7 of excel table\r\n";
            content += "\t\t/// </summary>\r\n";
            content += "\t\tpublic " + et.tableName + " GetEntityByRowIndex(int index){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\tif(index<0||index>count){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t";
            content += @"Debug.LogError(""index:""+index+"" is not valid"");";
            content += "\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\treturn null;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\telse{\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\treturn entities[index];\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t}\r\n";
            content += "\t\t}\r\n";//GetEntityByRowIndex

            content += "\t\t/// <summary>\r\n";
            content += "\t\t/// get datas of a row by primary key\r\n";
            content += "\t\t/// </summary>\r\n";
            content += "\t\tpublic " + et.tableName + " GetEntityByPrimaryKey(" + primaryField.typeDes + " key){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\tint index;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\tif(keyIndexMap.TryGetValue(key,out index)){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\treturn entities[index];\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\telse{\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\t";
            content += @"Debug.LogError(""no entity with key:""+key);";
            content += "\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t\treturn default(" + et.tableName + ");\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\t}\r\n";
            content += "\t\t}\r\n";//GetEntityByPrimaryKey

            content += "\t\t/// <summary>\r\n";
            content += "\t\t/// get all row datas\r\n";
            content += "\t\t/// </summary>\r\n";
            content += "\t\tpublic " + et.tableName + "[]" + " AllItems(){\r\n";
            content += "\t\t\treturn this.entities;\r\n";
            content += "\t\t}\r\n";//AllItems

            content += "\t}\r\n"; //class
            content += "}";       //namespace

            File.WriteAllText(outputDir + @"\" + et.tableName + "Reader.cs", content.TrimEnd(), Encoding.UTF8);
            Debug.Log("write file " + et.tableName + ".cs");
Exemplo n.º 9
        //public List<ExcelField> Fields { get { return _fields == null ? _fields = GetFields() : _fields; } }
        private List <ExcelField> GetFields()
            var list  = new List <ExcelField>();
            var nodeP = XmlManager.GetSingle(string.Format("/Tables/Excel[@Name='{0}']", CollectTable.Name), XmlEnum.Field);

            if (nodeP != null)
                var nodes = nodeP.SelectNodes("Field");
                if (nodes != null && nodes.Count > 0)
                    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                        var node = nodes[i];
                        var val  = new ExcelField
                            TableName = CollectTable.Name,
                            Name      = node.Attributes["Name"].Value,
                            Title     = node.Attributes["Title"].Value,
                            Index     = int.Parse(node.Attributes["Index"].Value),
                            Type      = node.Attributes["Type"].Value.ToLower() == "int" ? ExcelType.Int : ExcelType.Double,
                            Compute   = node.Attributes["Compute"].Value.ToLower() == "sum" ? Compute.Sum : Compute.Count,
                        if (node.Attributes["Unit"] != null)
                            val.Unit = node.Attributes["Unit"].Value.Trim();

                        if (node.Attributes["View"] != null)
                            val.View = node.Attributes["View"].Value;
                        if (node.Attributes["WhereClause"] != null)
                            val.WhereClause = node.Attributes["WhereClause"].Value;
                        if (node.Attributes["TableName"] != null)
                            val.FieldTableName = node.Attributes["TableName"].Value;
                        if (node.Attributes["Indexs"] != null)
                            var indexs = node.Attributes["Indexs"].Value;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexs))
                                var temps = indexs.Split(',');
                                var res   = new int[temps.Length];
                                for (var j = 0; j < temps.Length; j++)
                                    var a = 0;
                                    res[j] = int.TryParse(temps[j], out a) ? a : 0;
                                val.Indexs = res;
