Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Run_Update(On.RoR2.Run.orig_Update orig, RoR2.Run self)

            //Wait till all players loaded
            //Dont know if there is a better option for this
            if (RoR2.Run.instance.time < 5)

            //Compare this user with the host user
            bool isHost = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser().cachedMasterController == PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances[0];

            //If Not host unhook the update function and quit this function
            if (!isHost)
                On.RoR2.Run.Update -= Run_Update;

            //If Host send a Reset, so everything is setup correctly
            ExampleCommandClientCustom.Invoke(x =>
                //Send this to every client so its host dependend

            //Hook host specific stuff
            On.EntityStates.Barrel.Opening.OnEnter         += Opening_OnEnter;
            On.RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.OnInteractionBegin += PurchaseInteraction_OnInteractionBegin;
            //Unhook the Update function
            On.RoR2.Run.Update -= Run_Update;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Run_OnServerTeleporterPlaced(On.RoR2.Run.orig_OnServerTeleporterPlaced orig, Run self, SceneDirector sceneDirector, GameObject teleporter)
            orig.Invoke(self, sceneDirector, teleporter);

            ExampleCommandClientCustom.Invoke(y => { y.Write("Setup"); y.Write(0.0); });

            times = new float[PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Count];
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void RegisterMiniRpcCMDs(MiniRpcInstance miniRpc)
            // This command will be called by a client (including the host), and executed on the server (host)
            ExampleCommandHostCustom = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Server, (user, x) =>
                // This is what the server will execute when a client invokes the IRpcAction

                var str = x.ReadString();

                Debug.Log($"[Host] {user?.userName} sent us: {str}");

                if (str == "Buymenu")
                    //Get a user id, starts from 0

                    List <NetworkUser> instancesList = typeof(NetworkUser).GetFieldValue <List <NetworkUser> >("instancesList");
                    int id = instancesList.IndexOf(user);
                    if (id < 0)

                    //When the id is bigger than the count add items, with a default value of false
                    if (AllBuyMenuStates.Count - 1 < id)
                        for (int i = AllBuyMenuStates.Count - 1; i < id; i++)

                    //Didnt work with Boolean ...
                    var doubleVal = x.ReadDouble();

                    bool state = doubleVal == 0.0 ? false : true;

                    AllBuyMenuStates[id] = state;

                    //Check if any one has the select menu open
                    int check = AllBuyMenuStates.FindAll(a => a == true).Count;
                    //If at least one has it opened set the Timescale to the config one
                    //Else set it back to 1.0
                    if (check > 0)
                        ExampleCommandClientCustom.Invoke(y =>
                            //Convert to double
                        ExampleCommandClientCustom.Invoke(y =>

                if (str == "CreatePickupDroplet_Item")
                    ItemIndex item           = x.ReadItemIndex();
                    PickupIndex pickupIndex  = new PickupIndex(item);
                    Transform chestTransform = x.ReadTransform();

                    Vector3 pos     = chestTransform.position;
                    Vector3 forward = chestTransform.position;

                    RoR2.PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet(pickupIndex, pos + Vector3.up * 1.5f, Vector3.up * 20f + forward * 2f);

                if (str == "CreatePickupDroplet_Equipment")
                    EquipmentIndex item      = x.ReadEquipmentIndex();
                    PickupIndex pickupIndex  = new PickupIndex(item);
                    Transform chestTransform = x.ReadTransform();

                    Vector3 pos     = chestTransform.position;
                    Vector3 forward = chestTransform.position;

                    RoR2.PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet(pickupIndex, pos + Vector3.up * 1.5f, Vector3.up * 20f + forward * 2f);

            // This command will be called by the host, and executed on all clients
            ExampleCommandClientCustom = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Client, (user, x) =>
                // This is what all clients will execute when the server invokes the IRpcAction

                var str = x.ReadString();

                Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {str}");

                if (str == "Reset")
                    bool everything_Avaiable = x.ReadBoolean();
                    Debug.Log("BOOL TEST:" + everything_Avaiable);

                    playerCharacterMaster = null;
                    //Get the local player
                    if (this.playerCharacterMaster == null)
                        this.playerCharacterMaster = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser().cachedMasterController;

                    //If the local player isnt setup yet, set him up
                    if (this.playerCharacterMaster.GetComponent <CA_PlayerScript>() == null)
                        this.playerCharacterMaster.gameObject.AddComponent <CA_PlayerScript>();
                        this.playerCharacterMaster.gameObject.GetComponent <CA_PlayerScript>().ExampleCommandHostCustom = this.ExampleCommandHostCustom;
                        this.playerCharacterMaster.gameObject.GetComponent <CA_PlayerScript>().config = config;
                        this.playerCharacterMaster.gameObject.GetComponent <CA_PlayerScript>().Everything_Avaiable = everything_Avaiable;
                        this.playerCharacterMaster.gameObject.GetComponent <CA_PlayerScript>().AwakeManual();

                if (str == "Chest")
                    //Get transfered variables
                    GameObject interactor = x.ReadGameObject();
                    Transform transform   = x.ReadTransform();
                    double tier           = x.ReadDouble();

                    CA_PlayerScript playerScript = this.playerCharacterMaster.gameObject.GetComponent <CA_PlayerScript>();

                    //Check the player that opened the chest is correctly setup
                    if (!playerScript)

                    GameObject activator = interactor.GetComponent <CharacterBody>().gameObject;
                    GameObject thisGO    = this.playerCharacterMaster.master.GetBody().gameObject;

                    //Check if this local player is the one that opened the chest
                    if (activator != thisGO)

                    // RNG Value was above specified percantage values
                    // Cancel the drop
                    if ((int)tier == 0)
                        Chat.AddMessage("Mhh Unlucky you found nothing in this Chest.");

                    //Add the items to the UI and Unhide the SelectMenu
                    playerScript.AddTierToGUI((int)tier, transform);


                if (str == "Timescale")
                    var floatVal   = (float)x.ReadDouble();
                    Time.timeScale = floatVal;

            // -1 = Error/Not Same  ||  1 = Same but not idling  ||  0 = Same and idling
            ExampleFuncClient = miniRpc.RegisterFunc <GameObject, int>(Target.Client, (user, activator) =>
                CA_PlayerScript playerScript = this.playerCharacterMaster.gameObject.GetComponent <CA_PlayerScript>();

                Debug.Log(playerScript != null);
                if (!playerScript)

                GameObject activatorGO = activator.GetComponent <CharacterBody>().gameObject;
                GameObject thisGO      = this.playerCharacterMaster.master.GetBody().gameObject;

                Debug.Log(activatorGO == thisGO);
                if (activatorGO != thisGO)

                if (playerScript.isChestOpening)

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void PurchaseInteraction_OnInteractionBegin(On.RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.orig_OnInteractionBegin orig, RoR2.PurchaseInteraction self, RoR2.Interactor activator)
            //Get the lowercase name of the Interacted Object
            string objName = self.gameObject.name.ToLower();

            //Check if its a supported Chest
            if (!objName.Contains("chest1") && !objName.Contains("chest2") && !objName.Contains("goldchest") && !objName.Contains("equipmentbarrel") && !objName.Contains("isclockbox"))
                orig.Invoke(self, activator);

            //Get the chest type
            //Too lazy and tired to make it prettier
            int chestType = objName.Contains("chest1") ? 0 : objName.Contains("chest2") ? 1 : objName.Contains("goldchest") ? 2 : objName.Contains("isclockbox") ? 3 : -1;

            //Randomly Select Tier
            double tier = GetRandomTier(chestType);

            //Send every client a message that a chest has been opened
            ExampleFuncClient.Invoke(activator.gameObject, check =>
                //Check which client opened the chest and wheter or not he is idling
                Debug.Log("Check: " + check);
                if (check == 0)
                    orig.Invoke(self, activator);
                if (check != 0)

                if (objName.Contains("equipmentbarrel"))
                    //Signal the server that a chest has been opened
                    //Give the player that opend it and the chest position
                    ExampleCommandClientCustom.Invoke(x =>
                        //Specify tier as Equipment
                    // RNG Value was above specified percantage values
                    // Cancel the drop

                    /*if (tier == 0)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log("Mhh Unlucky you found nothing in this Chest.");
                     *  return;
                     * }*/

                    //Signal the server that a chest has been opened
                    //Give the player that opend it and the chest position
                    ExampleCommandClientCustom.Invoke(x =>
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async void Update()
            // If we hit PageUp on a client, execute ExampleCommandHost on the server with the parameter "C2S!"
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageUp))

            // If we hit PageUp on the server, execute ExampleCommandClient on all clients (including ourselves) with the parameter "S2C!"
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageDown))

            // If we hit Home on the client, execute ExampleCommandHostCustom on the server, which writes a custom message as "parameter"
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Home))
                ExampleCommandHostCustom.Invoke(x =>
                    x.Write("Test C2S");

            // If we hit End on the server, execute ExampleCommandHostCustom on all clients, which writes a custom message as "parameter"
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.End))
                ExampleCommandClientCustom.Invoke(x =>
                    x.Write("Test S2C");

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Insert))
                Debug.Log("[MiniRpcDemo] Sending request ExampleFuncHost.");
                ExampleFuncHost.Invoke(true, result =>
                    Debug.Log($"[MiniRpcDemo] Received response ExampleFuncHost: {result}");

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Delete))
                Debug.Log("[MiniRpcDemo] Sending request ExampleFuncClient.");
                ExampleFuncClient.Invoke(true, result =>
                    Debug.Log($"[MiniRpcDemo] Received response ExampleFuncClient: {result}");

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
                Debug.Log("[MiniRpcDemo] Sending request ExampleFuncClientObject.");
                ExampleFuncClientObject.Invoke(new ExampleObject(true, 28, "Pure"), result =>
                    Debug.Log($"[MiniRpcDemo] Received response ExampleFuncClientObject: {result}");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void RegisterMiniRpcCommands(MiniRpcInstance miniRpc)
            ExampleCommandHost   = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Server, (NetworkUser user, string x) => Debug.Log($"[Host] {user?.userName} sent us: {x}"));
            ExampleCommandClient = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, string x) => Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {x}"));

            // This command will be called by a client (including the host), and executed on the server (host)
            ExampleCommandHostCustom = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Server, (user, x) =>
                // This is what the server will execute when a client invokes the IRpcAction

                var str       = x.ReadString();
                var doubleVal = x.ReadDouble();

                Debug.Log($"[Host] {user?.userName} sent us: {str} {doubleVal}");

                if (str == "Time")
                    List <NetworkUser> instancesList = typeof(NetworkUser).GetFieldValue <List <NetworkUser> >("instancesList");
                    int id = instancesList.IndexOf(user);
                    if (id < 0)

                    //Debug.Log("ID: " + id);

                    times[id] = ((float)doubleVal / times.Length);

                    float timeScale = 0.0f;

                    for (int i = 0; i < times.Length; i++)
                        timeScale += times[i];

                    ExampleCommandClientCustom.Invoke(y => { y.Write("SetTimeScale"); y.Write((double)timeScale); });

            // This command will be called by the host, and executed on all clients
            ExampleCommandClientCustom = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Client, (user, x) =>
                // This is what all clients will execute when the server invokes the IRpcAction

                var str       = x.ReadString();
                var doubleVal = x.ReadDouble();

                float floatVal = (float)doubleVal;

                Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {str} {floatVal}");

                if (str == "SetTimeScale")
                     *  Todo Add config
                    if (floatVal < .1f)
                        floatVal = .1f;
                    Time.timeScale = floatVal;

                if (str == "Setup")
                    characterBody       = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser().cachedBody;
                    inputPlayer         = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser().inputPlayer;
                    characterMotor      = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser().cachedBodyObject.GetComponent <CharacterMotor>();
                    On.RoR2.Run.Update += Run_Update;