Exemplo n.º 1
        // A location bubble was popped.  Notify the server and display the notification string to the user.
        async void Pop(object sender, CLRegionEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Region.Identifier.Equals("RefreshZone")) // Ignore the refresh zone.
                // Get the ID of the bubble that was popped.
                int bubbleId = Int32.Parse(e.Region.Identifier);
                Debug.WriteLine(">>>>> Popped bubble #" + bubbleId.ToString());

                // Notify the server and get notification message.
                EventMobile localEvent = new EventMobile();
                localEvent.BubbleId      = bubbleId;
                localEvent.TimestampJson = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
                string json = await WebApiPost("api/Event", localEvent);

                EventMobile serverEvent = (EventMobile)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, typeof(EventMobile));

                // If the event has not been suppressed, process it.
                if (!serverEvent.Suppressed)
                    Debug.WriteLine(">>>>> Processing event: Bubble #" + bubbleId.ToString());
                    // Display a notification.
                    DisplayNotification(serverEvent.ProviderName, serverEvent.MsgTitle, serverEvent.Msg, "Popdit" + " " + e.Region.Identifier);
                    // If the pops page is displayed, refresh it.
                    UIWebView webView = (UIWebView)UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.View;
                    if (webView.Request.Url.AbsoluteString.Contains("Event"))
                        webView.LoadRequest(new NSUrlRequest(PopditServer.WebRoot));
                    Debug.WriteLine(">>>>> Event suppressed: Bubble #" + bubbleId.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 2
        Event FromInterop(EventMobile em)
            Event e = new Event();

            e.BubbleId  = em.BubbleId;
            e.Id        = em.Id;
            e.ProfileId = em.ProfileId;
            e.Timestamp = em.Timestamp;
Exemplo n.º 3
        EventMobile ToInterop(Event e, Bubble b)
            EventMobile em = new EventMobile();

            em.Id           = e.Id;
            em.ProviderName = b.Profile.Nickname;
            em.MsgTitle     = b.Name;
            em.Msg          = b.AlertMsg;
            em.Timestamp    = e.Timestamp;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IHttpActionResult PostEvent(EventMobile em)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // Get user.
            int     userId = AuthenticatedUserId;
            Profile user   = db.Profiles.Find(userId);

            // Get bubble and its creator.
            Bubble bubble = db.Bubbles.Find(em.BubbleId);
            //db.Entry(bubble).Reference(b => b.Profile).Load();  // TBD - speed this up - this is crap.

            // Don't pop anything that's been popped in the last 24 hours.
            DateTime dayAgo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            if (bubble.IsFriendly(user) && bubble.IsFresh(user, dayAgo))
                // Save the event in the DB.
                em.ProfileId = userId;  // Security.
                Event evnt = FromInterop(em);

                // Set EventMobileFields for return trip.
                em            = ToInterop(evnt, bubble);
                em.Suppressed = false; // TBD - enable suppression.
                em.Suppressed = true;

            return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = em.Id }, em));