public async Task ClientCannotRetrieveMetadataWhenClosed(bool sync)
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    Assert.That(async() => await client.GetPropertiesAsync(), Throws.Nothing);
                    Assert.That(async() => await client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partition), Throws.Nothing);

                    if (sync)
                        await client.CloseAsync();

                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                    Assert.That(async() => await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync(), Throws.TypeOf <ObjectDisposedException>());
                    Assert.That(async() => await client.GetPropertiesAsync(), Throws.TypeOf <ObjectDisposedException>());
                    Assert.That(async() => await client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partition), Throws.TypeOf <ObjectDisposedException>());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task StopAsyncCallsPartitionProcessorCloseAsyncWithShutdownReason()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(2))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var closeCalls   = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, int>();
                    var closeReasons = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, PartitionProcessorCloseReason>();

                    // Create the event processor hub to manage our event processors.

                    var hub = new EventProcessorManager
                        onClose: (partitionContext, checkpointManager, reason) =>
                        closeCalls.AddOrUpdate(partitionContext.PartitionId, 1, (partitionId, value) => value + 1);
                        closeReasons[partitionContext.PartitionId] = reason;


                    // Start the event processors.

                    await hub.StartAllAsync();

                    // Make sure the event processors have enough time to stabilize.
                    // TODO: we'll probably need to extend this delay once load balancing is implemented.

                    await Task.Delay(5000);

                    // CloseAsync should have not been called when constructing the event processor or initializing the partition processors.

                    Assert.That(closeCalls.Keys, Is.Empty);

                    // Stop the event processors.

                    await hub.StopAllAsync();

                    // Validate results.

                    var partitionIds = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                    foreach (var partitionId in partitionIds)
                        Assert.That(closeCalls.TryGetValue(partitionId, out var calls), Is.True, $"{ partitionId }: CloseAsync should have been called.");
                        Assert.That(calls, Is.EqualTo(1), $"{ partitionId }: CloseAsync should have been called only once.");

                        Assert.That(closeReasons.TryGetValue(partitionId, out var reason), Is.True, $"{ partitionId }: close reason should have been set.");
                        Assert.That(reason, Is.EqualTo(PartitionProcessorCloseReason.Shutdown), $"{ partitionId }: unexpected close reason.");

                    Assert.That(closeCalls.Keys.Count, Is.EqualTo(partitionIds.Count()));
        public async Task ProducerCanSendBatchToASpecificPartition()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition       = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();
                    var producerOptions = new EventHubProducerOptions {
                        PartitionId = partition

                    await using (var producer = client.CreateProducer(producerOptions))
                        var events = new[]
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is a message")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is another message")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Do we need more messages"))

                        Assert.That(async() => await producer.SendAsync(events), Throws.Nothing);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <int> OnExecute()
            using var cts           = new CancellationTokenSource();
            Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Shutting down...");
            var ct = cts.Token;

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            await using var client = new EventHubClient(ConnectionString);
            var partitions = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync(ct);

            Console.WriteLine($"Got {partitions.Length} partitions");
            var tasks = new Task[partitions.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < partitions.Length; i++)
                tasks[i] = RunForPartition(partitions[i], client, ct);
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

        public async Task ClientCannotRetrieveMetadataWhenProxyIsInvalid()
            await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);
                var clientOptions    = new EventHubClientOptions
                    Proxy         = new WebProxy(""),
                    TransportType = TransportType.AmqpWebSockets,
                    RetryOptions  = new RetryOptions {
                        TryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    await using (var invalidProxyClient = new EventHubClient(connectionString, clientOptions))
                        var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                        Assert.That(async() => await invalidProxyClient.GetPartitionIdsAsync(), Throws.InstanceOf <WebSocketException>().Or.InstanceOf <TimeoutException>());
                        Assert.That(async() => await invalidProxyClient.GetPropertiesAsync(), Throws.InstanceOf <WebSocketException>().Or.InstanceOf <TimeoutException>());
                        Assert.That(async() => await invalidProxyClient.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partition), Throws.InstanceOf <WebSocketException>().Or.InstanceOf <TimeoutException>());
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task ReceiveCanReadOneEventBatch()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                var eventBatch = new[]
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("One")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Two")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Three"))

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    await using (var producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                        PartitionId = partition
                        await using (var consumer = client.CreateConsumer(partition, EventPosition.Latest))
                            // Initiate an operation to force the consumer to connect and set its position at the
                            // end of the event stream.

                            Assert.That(async() => await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero), Throws.Nothing);

                            // Send the batch of events.

                            await producer.SendAsync(eventBatch);

                            // Recieve and validate the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the
                            // sent events may not be immediately available.  Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order
                            // to account for availability delays.

                            var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();
                            var index          = 0;

                            while ((receivedEvents.Count < eventBatch.Length) && (++index < 5))
                                receivedEvents.AddRange(await consumer.ReceiveAsync(eventBatch.Length + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)));

                            index = 0;

                            Assert.That(receivedEvents, Is.Not.Empty, "There should have been a set of events received.");

                            foreach (var receivedEvent in receivedEvents)
                                Assert.That(receivedEvent.IsEquivalentTo(eventBatch[index]), Is.True, $"The received event at index: { index } did not match the sent batch.");

                            Assert.That(index, Is.EqualTo(eventBatch.Length), "The number of received events did not match the batch size.");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task StartAsyncCallsPartitionProcessorInitializeAsync()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(2))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var initializeCalls = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, int>();

                    // Create the event processor hub to manage our event processors.

                    var hub = new EventProcessorManager
                        onInitialize: (partitionContext, checkpointManager) =>
                        initializeCalls.AddOrUpdate(partitionContext.PartitionId, 1, (partitionId, value) => value + 1)


                    // InitializeAsync should have not been called when constructing the event processors.

                    Assert.That(initializeCalls.Keys, Is.Empty);

                    // Start the event processors.

                    await hub.StartAllAsync();

                    // Make sure the event processors have enough time to stabilize.
                    // TODO: we'll probably need to extend this delay once load balancing is implemented.

                    await Task.Delay(5000);

                    // Validate results before calling stop.  This way, we can make sure the initialize calls were
                    // triggered by start.

                    var partitionIds = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                    foreach (var partitionId in partitionIds)
                        Assert.That(initializeCalls.TryGetValue(partitionId, out var calls), Is.True, $"{ partitionId }: InitializeAsync should have been called.");
                        Assert.That(calls, Is.EqualTo(1), $"{ partitionId }: InitializeAsync should have been called only once.");

                    Assert.That(initializeCalls.Keys.Count, Is.EqualTo(partitionIds.Count()));

                    // Stop the event processors.

                    await hub.StopAllAsync();
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static async Task CreateSenderAndReceiver()
            Console.Write("Creating the Sender and Receivers... ");
            var partition       = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();
            var producerOptions = new EventHubProducerOptions
                PartitionId = partition

            sender   = client.CreateProducer(producerOptions);
            receiver = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partition, EventPosition.Latest);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        ///   Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param>
        public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString,
                                   string eventHubName)
            // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options.

            await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName))
                // Because partitions are owned by the Event Hubs service, it is not advised to assume that they have a stable
                // and predictable set of identifiers.  We'll inspect the Event Hub and select the first partition to use for
                // publishing our event batch.

                string[] partitionIds = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                // In order to request that a producer be associated with a specific partition, it needs to be created with a custom
                // set of options.  Like the Event Hub client, there are options for a producer available to tune the behavior for
                // operations that interact with the Event Hubs service.
                // In our case, we will set the partition association but otherwise make use of the default options.

                var producerOptions = new EventHubProducerOptions
                    PartitionId = partitionIds[0]

                await using (var producer = client.CreateProducer(producerOptions))
                    // When an Event Hub producer is associated with any specific partition, it can publish events only to that partition.
                    // The producer has no ability to ask for the service to route events, including by using a partition key.
                    // If you attempt to use a partition key with an Event Hub producer that is associated with a partition, an exception
                    // will occur.  Otherwise, publishing to a specific partition is exactly the same as other publishing scenarios.

                    // We will publish a small batch of events based on simple sentences.

                    var eventBatch = new EventData[]
                        new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, Event Hubs!")),
                        new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Goodbye, Event Hubs!"))

                    await producer.SendAsync(eventBatch);

                    Console.WriteLine("The event batch has been published.");

            // At this point, our client and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of.  We
            // have no further obligations.

Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task ConsumerWithNoOptionsCanReceive()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    await using (var consumer = client.CreateConsumer(partition, EventPosition.Latest))
                        Assert.That(async() => await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero), Throws.Nothing);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static async Task CreateSenderAndReceiver()
            Console.Write("Creating the Sender and Receivers... ");
            var partition     = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();
            var senderOptions = new EventSenderOptions
                PartitionId = partition
            var receiverOptions = new EventReceiverOptions
                BeginReceivingAt = EventPosition.NewEventsOnly

            sender   = client.CreateSender(senderOptions);
            receiver = client.CreateReceiver(partition, receiverOptions);
        public async Task SendDoesNotUpdatePartitionPropertiesWhenSendingToDifferentPartition()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(2))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partitionIds = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                    var events = new[] { new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I should not update stuff")) };

                    await using (var producer0 = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                        PartitionId = partitionIds[0]
                        await using (var producer1 = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                            PartitionId = partitionIds[1]
                            // Sending events beforehand so the partition has some information

                            await producer0.SendAsync(events);

                            var oldPartitionProperties = await client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partitionIds[0]);

                            Assert.That(oldPartitionProperties, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition properties should have been returned.");

                            await producer1.SendAsync(events);

                            var newPartitionProperties = await client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partitionIds[0]);

                            Assert.That(newPartitionProperties, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition properties should have been returned.");

                            // All properties should remain the same

                            Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.Id, Is.EqualTo(oldPartitionProperties.Id));
                            Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.EventHubPath, Is.EqualTo(oldPartitionProperties.EventHubPath));
                            Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.BeginningSequenceNumber, Is.EqualTo(oldPartitionProperties.BeginningSequenceNumber));
                            Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber, Is.EqualTo(oldPartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber));
                            Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedOffset, Is.EqualTo(oldPartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedOffset));
        public async Task SendUpdatesPartitionProperties()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();
                    var events    = new[] { new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I should update stuff")) };

                    await using (var producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                        PartitionId = partition
                        // Sending events beforehand so the partition has some information

                        await producer.SendAsync(events);

                        var oldPartitionProperties = await client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partition);

                        Assert.That(oldPartitionProperties, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition properties should have been returned.");

                        await producer.SendAsync(events);

                        var newPartitionProperties = await client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(partition);

                        Assert.That(newPartitionProperties, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition properties should have been returned.");

                        // The following properties should not have been altered

                        Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.Id, Is.EqualTo(oldPartitionProperties.Id));
                        Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.EventHubPath, Is.EqualTo(oldPartitionProperties.EventHubPath));
                        Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.BeginningSequenceNumber, Is.EqualTo(oldPartitionProperties.BeginningSequenceNumber));

                        // The following properties should have been updated

                        Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber, Is.GreaterThan(oldPartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber));
                        Assert.That(newPartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedOffset, Is.GreaterThan(oldPartitionProperties.LastEnqueuedOffset));
        public async Task ClientPartitionIdsMatchPartitionProperties()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var properties = await client.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    var partitions = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                    Assert.That(properties, Is.Not.Null, "A set of properties should have been returned.");
                    Assert.That(properties.PartitionIds, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition identifiers for the properties should have been returned.");
                    Assert.That(partitions, Is.Not.Null, "A set of partition identifiers should have been returned.");
                    Assert.That(partitions, Is.EquivalentTo(properties.PartitionIds), "The partition identifiers returned directly should match those returned with properties.");
        public async Task SenderCanSendToASpecificPartition()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition     = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();
                    var senderOptions = new EventSenderOptions {
                        PartitionId = partition

                    await using (var sender = client.CreateSender(senderOptions))
                        var events = new[] { new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("AWord")) };
                        Assert.That(async() => await sender.SendAsync(events), Throws.Nothing);
        public async Task ReceiverWithOptionsCanReceive()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                var options = new EventReceiverOptions
                    ConsumerGroup    = "$Default",
                    BeginReceivingAt = EventPosition.NewEventsOnly

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    await using (var receiver = client.CreateReceiver(partition, options))
                        Assert.That(async() => await receiver.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero), Throws.Nothing);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task PartitionProcessorCanCreateACheckpointFromPartitionContext()
            await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    // Send some events.

                    EventData lastEvent;
                    var       dummyEvent = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm dummy."));

                    var partitionId = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer())
                        await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partitionId, EventPosition.Earliest))
                            // Send a few events.  We are only interested in the last one of them.

                            var dummyEventsCount = 10;

                            for (int i = 0; i < dummyEventsCount; i++)
                                await producer.SendAsync(dummyEvent);

                            // Receive the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the
                            // sent events may not be immediately available.  Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order
                            // to account for availability delays.

                            var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();
                            var index          = 0;

                            while ((receivedEvents.Count < dummyEventsCount) && (++index < ReceiveRetryLimit))
                                receivedEvents.AddRange(await consumer.ReceiveAsync(dummyEventsCount + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)));

                            Assert.That(receivedEvents.Count, Is.EqualTo(dummyEventsCount));

                            lastEvent = receivedEvents.Last();

                    // Create a partition manager so we can retrieve the created checkpoint from it.

                    var partitionManager = new InMemoryPartitionManager();

                    // Create the event processor manager to manage our event processors.

                    var eventProcessorManager = new EventProcessorManager
                        onProcessEvents: (partitionContext, events, cancellationToken) =>
                        // Make it a list so we can safely enumerate it.

                        var eventsList = new List <EventData>(events ?? Enumerable.Empty <EventData>());

                        if (eventsList.Any())


                    // Start the event processors.

                    await eventProcessorManager.StartAllAsync();

                    // Make sure the event processors have enough time to stabilize and receive events.

                    await eventProcessorManager.WaitStabilization();

                    // Stop the event processors.

                    await eventProcessorManager.StopAllAsync();

                    // Validate results.

                    IEnumerable <PartitionOwnership> ownershipEnumerable = await partitionManager.ListOwnershipAsync(client.FullyQualifiedNamespace, client.EventHubName, EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName);

                    Assert.That(ownershipEnumerable, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(ownershipEnumerable.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

                    PartitionOwnership ownership = ownershipEnumerable.Single();

                    Assert.That(ownership.Offset.HasValue, Is.True);
                    Assert.That(ownership.Offset.Value, Is.EqualTo(lastEvent.Offset));

                    Assert.That(ownership.SequenceNumber.HasValue, Is.True);
                    Assert.That(ownership.SequenceNumber.Value, Is.EqualTo(lastEvent.SequenceNumber));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task EventProcessorCanReceiveFromCheckpointedEventPosition()
            await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    int receivedEventsCount = 0;

                    // Send some events.

                    var  expectedEventsCount        = 20;
                    var  dummyEvent                 = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm dummy."));
                    long?checkpointedSequenceNumber = default;

                    var partitionId = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer())
                        await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partitionId, EventPosition.Earliest))
                            // Send a few dummy events.  We are not expecting to receive these.

                            var dummyEventsCount = 30;

                            for (int i = 0; i < dummyEventsCount; i++)
                                await producer.SendAsync(dummyEvent);

                            // Receive the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the
                            // sent events may not be immediately available.  Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order
                            // to account for availability delays.

                            var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();
                            var index          = 0;

                            while ((receivedEvents.Count < dummyEventsCount) && (++index < ReceiveRetryLimit))
                                receivedEvents.AddRange(await consumer.ReceiveAsync(dummyEventsCount + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)));

                            Assert.That(receivedEvents.Count, Is.EqualTo(dummyEventsCount));

                            checkpointedSequenceNumber = receivedEvents.Last().SequenceNumber;

                            // Send the events we expect to receive.

                            for (int i = 0; i < expectedEventsCount; i++)
                                await producer.SendAsync(dummyEvent);

                    // Create a partition manager and add an ownership with a checkpoint in it.

                    var partitionManager = new InMemoryPartitionManager();

                    await partitionManager.ClaimOwnershipAsync(new List <PartitionOwnership>()
                        new PartitionOwnership(client.FullyQualifiedNamespace, client.EventHubName,
                                               EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, "ownerIdentifier", partitionId,
                                               sequenceNumber: checkpointedSequenceNumber, lastModifiedTime: DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)

                    // Create the event processor manager to manage our event processors.

                    var eventProcessorManager = new EventProcessorManager
                        onProcessEvents: (partitionContext, events, cancellationToken) =>
                        // Make it a list so we can safely enumerate it.

                        var eventsList = new List <EventData>(events ?? Enumerable.Empty <EventData>());

                        if (eventsList.Count > 0)
                            Interlocked.Add(ref receivedEventsCount, eventsList.Count);


                    // Start the event processors.

                    await eventProcessorManager.StartAllAsync();

                    // Make sure the event processors have enough time to stabilize and receive events.

                    await eventProcessorManager.WaitStabilization();

                    // Stop the event processors.

                    await eventProcessorManager.StopAllAsync();

                    // Validate results.

                    Assert.That(receivedEventsCount, Is.EqualTo(expectedEventsCount));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task PartitionProcessorProcessEventsAsyncReceivesAllEvents()
            await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(2))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var allReceivedEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <EventData> >();

                    // Create the event processor manager to manage our event processors.

                    var eventProcessorManager = new EventProcessorManager
                        onProcessEvents: (partitionContext, events, cancellationToken) =>
                        // Make it a list so we can safely enumerate it.

                        var eventsList = new List <EventData>(events ?? Enumerable.Empty <EventData>());

                        if (eventsList.Count > 0)
                                partitionId => eventsList,
                                (partitionId, list) =>


                    // Send some events.

                    var partitionIds = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                    var expectedEvents = new Dictionary <string, List <EventData> >();

                    foreach (var partitionId in partitionIds)
                        // Send a similar set of events for every partition.

                        expectedEvents[partitionId] = new List <EventData>
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{ partitionId }: event processor tests are so long.")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{ partitionId }: there are so many of them.")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{ partitionId }: will they ever end?")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{ partitionId }: let's add a few more messages.")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{ partitionId }: this is a monologue.")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{ partitionId }: loneliness is what I feel.")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{ partitionId }: the end has come."))

                        await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                            PartitionId = partitionId
                            await producer.SendAsync(expectedEvents[partitionId]);

                    // Start the event processors.

                    await eventProcessorManager.StartAllAsync();

                    // Make sure the event processors have enough time to stabilize and receive events.

                    await eventProcessorManager.WaitStabilization();

                    // Stop the event processors.

                    await eventProcessorManager.StopAllAsync();

                    // Validate results.  Make sure we received every event in the correct partition processor,
                    // in the order they were sent.

                    foreach (var partitionId in partitionIds)
                        Assert.That(allReceivedEvents.TryGetValue(partitionId, out List <EventData> partitionReceivedEvents), Is.True, $"{ partitionId }: there should have been a set of events received.");
                        Assert.That(partitionReceivedEvents.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedEvents[partitionId].Count), $"{ partitionId }: amount of received events should match.");

                        var index = 0;

                        foreach (EventData receivedEvent in partitionReceivedEvents)
                            Assert.That(receivedEvent.IsEquivalentTo(expectedEvents[partitionId][index]), Is.True, $"{ partitionId }: the received event at index { index } did not match the sent set of events.");

                    Assert.That(allReceivedEvents.Keys.Count, Is.EqualTo(partitionIds.Count()));
        /// <summary>
        ///   Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param>
        public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString,
                                   string eventHubName)
            // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options.  It will be used by the event processor to
            // communicate with the Azure Event Hubs service.

            await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName))
                // An event processor is associated with a specific Event Hub and a consumer group.  It receives events from
                // multiple partitions in the Event Hub, passing them to the user for processing.
                // A partition manager may create checkpoints and list/claim partition ownership.  The user can implement their
                // own partition manager by creating a subclass from the PartitionManager abstract class.  Here we are creating
                // a new instance of an InMemoryPartitionManager, provided by the Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor namespace.
                // This isn't relevant to understanding this sample, but is required by the event processor constructor.

                PartitionManager partitionManager = new InMemoryPartitionManager();

                // It's also possible to specify custom options upon event processor creation.  We want to receive events from
                // the latest available position so older events don't interfere with our sample.  We also don't want to wait
                // more than 1 second for every set of events.

                EventProcessorOptions eventProcessorOptions = new EventProcessorOptions
                    InitialEventPosition   = EventPosition.Latest,
                    MaximumReceiveWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)

                // Let's finally create our event processor.  We're using the default consumer group that was created with the Event Hub.

                var eventProcessor = new EventProcessor(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, client, partitionManager, eventProcessorOptions);

                int totalEventsCount = 0;
                int partitionsBeingProcessedCount = 0;

                // TODO: explain callbacks setup once the public API is finished for the next preview.

                eventProcessor.InitializeProcessingForPartitionAsync = (PartitionContext partitionContext) =>
                    // This is the last piece of code guaranteed to run before event processing, so all initialization
                    // must be done by the moment this method returns.

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref partitionsBeingProcessedCount);

                    Console.WriteLine($"\tPartition '{ partitionContext.PartitionId }': partition processing has started.");

                    // This method is asynchronous, which means it's expected to return a Task.


                eventProcessor.ProcessingForPartitionStoppedAsync = (PartitionContext partitionContext, PartitionProcessorCloseReason reason) =>
                    // The code to be run just before stopping processing events for a partition.  This is the right place to dispose
                    // of objects that will no longer be used.

                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref partitionsBeingProcessedCount);

                    Console.WriteLine($"\tPartition '{ partitionContext.PartitionId }': partition processing has stopped. Reason: { reason }.");

                    // This method is asynchronous, which means it's expected to return a Task.


                eventProcessor.ProcessEventsAsync = (PartitionContext partitionContext, IEnumerable <EventData> events) =>
                    // Here the user can specify what to do with the events received from the event processor.  We are counting how
                    // many events were received across all partitions so we can check whether all sent events were received.
                    // It's important to notice that this method is called even when no events are received after the maximum wait time, which
                    // can be specified by the user in the event processor options.  In this case, the IEnumerable events is empty, but not null.

                    int eventsCount = events.Count();

                    if (eventsCount > 0)
                        Interlocked.Add(ref totalEventsCount, eventsCount);
                        Console.WriteLine($"\tPartition '{ partitionContext.PartitionId }': { eventsCount } event(s) received.");

                    // This method is asynchronous, which means it's expected to return a Task.


                eventProcessor.ProcessExceptionAsync = (PartitionContext partitionContext, Exception exception) =>
                    // All the unhandled exceptions encountered during the event processor execution are passed to this method so
                    // the user can decide how to handle them.
                    // This piece of code is not supposed to be reached by this sample.  If the following message has been printed
                    // to the Console, then something unexpected has happened.

                    Console.WriteLine($"\tPartition '{ partitionContext.PartitionId }': an unhandled exception was encountered. This was not expected to happen.");

                    // This method is asynchronous, which means it's expected to return a Task.


                // Once started, the event processor will start to claim partitions and receive events from them.

                Console.WriteLine("Starting the event processor.");

                await eventProcessor.StartAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Event processor started.");

                // Wait until the event processor has claimed ownership of all partitions in the Event Hub.  This may take some time
                // as there's a 10 seconds interval between claims.  To be sure that we do not block forever in case the event processor
                // fails, we will specify a fairly long time to wait and then cancel waiting.

                CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                var partitionsCount = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).Length;

                while (partitionsBeingProcessedCount < partitionsCount)
                    await Task.Delay(500, cancellationSource.Token);

                // To test our event processor, we are publishing 10 sets of events to the Event Hub.  Notice that we are not
                // specifying a partition to send events to, so these sets may end up in different partitions.

                EventData[] eventsToPublish = new EventData[]
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I am not the second event.")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I am not the first event."))

                int amountOfSets           = 10;
                int expectedAmountOfEvents = amountOfSets * eventsToPublish.Length;

                await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer())
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending events to the Event Hub.");

                    for (int i = 0; i < amountOfSets; i++)
                        await producer.SendAsync(eventsToPublish);

                // Because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the sent events may not be immediately
                // available.  For this reason, we wait 500 ms before resuming.

                await Task.Delay(500);

                // Once stopped, the event processor won't receive events anymore.  In case there are still events being
                // processed when the stop method is called, the processing will complete before the corresponding partition
                // processor is closed.

                Console.WriteLine("Stopping the event processor.");

                await eventProcessor.StopAsync();

                // Print out the amount of events that we received.

                Console.WriteLine($"Amount of events received: { totalEventsCount }. Expected: { expectedAmountOfEvents }.");

            // At this point, our client and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of.  We
            // have no further obligations.

Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        ///   Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param>
        public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString,
                                   string eventHubName)
            // An Event Hub consumer is associated with a specific Event Hub partition and a consumer group.  The consumer group is
            // a label that identifies one or more consumers as a set.  Often, consumer groups are named after the responsibility
            // of the consumer in an application, such as "Telemetry" or "OrderProcessing".  When an Event Hub is created, a default
            // consumer group is created with it, called "$Default."
            // Each consumer has a unique view of the events in the partition, meaning that events are available to all consumers
            // and are not removed from the partition when a consumer reads them.  This allows for different consumers to read and
            // process events from the partition at different speeds and beginning with different events without interfering with
            // one another.
            // When events are published, they will continue to exist in the partition and be available for consuming until they
            // reach an age where they are older than the retention period.
            // (see:
            // Because events are not removed from the partition when consuming, a consumer must specify where in the partition it
            // would like to begin reading events.  For example, this may be starting from the very beginning of the stream, at an
            // offset from the beginning, the next event available after a specific point in time, or at a specific event.

            // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options.

            await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName))
                // With our client, we can now inspect the partitions and find the identifier
                // of the first.

                string firstPartition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                // In this example, we will create our consumer for the first partition in the Event Hub, using the default consumer group
                // that is created with an Event Hub.  Our consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events
                // that we will publish for it.

                await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest))
                    await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                        PartitionId = firstPartition
                        // Because our consumer is reading from the latest position, it won't see events that have previously
                        // been published.  Before we can publish the events, we will need to ask the consumer to perform an operation,
                        // because it opens its connection only when it needs to.  The first receive that we ask of it will not see
                        // any events, but will allow the consumer to start watching the partition.
                        // Because the maximum wait time is specivied as zero, this call will return immediately and will not
                        // have consumed any events.

                        await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero);

                        // Now that the consumer is watching the partition, let's publish the event that we would like to
                        // receive.

                        await producer.SendAsync(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, Event Hubs!")));

                        Console.WriteLine("The event batch has been published.");

                        // Because publishing and receving events is asynchronous, the events that we published may not
                        // be immediately available for our consumer to see.
                        // Each receive specifies the maximum amount of events that we would like in the batch and the maximum
                        // amount of time that we would like to wait for them.  If there are enough events available to meet the
                        // requested amount, they'll be returned immediately.  If not, the consumer will wait and collect events
                        // as they become available in an attempt to reach the requested amount.  If the maximum time that we've
                        // allowed it to wait passes, the consumer will return the events that it has collected so far.
                        // Each Receive call may return between zero and the number of events that we requested, depending on the
                        // state of events in the partition.  Likewise, it may return immediately or take up to the maximum wait
                        // time that we've allowed.
                        // We will ask for just our event, but allow a fairly long wait period to ensure that we're able to receive it.
                        // If you observe the time that the call takes, it is extremely likely that the request to recieve will complete
                        // long before the maximum wait time.

                        Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        IEnumerable <EventData> receivedBatch = await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5));


                        // Print out the events that we received.

                        Console.WriteLine($"The following events were consumed in { watch.ElapsedMilliseconds } milliseconds:");

                        foreach (EventData eventData in receivedBatch)
                            // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the
                            // message by reversing the encoding process.

                            string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray());
                            Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\"");

            // At this point, our client, consumer, and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of.  We
            // have no further obligations.

        public async Task ProducerSendsEventsInTheSameBatchToTheSamePartition()
            var partitions = 10;

            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(partitions))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    await using (var producer = client.CreateProducer())
                        var eventBatch = Enumerable
                                         .Range(0, 30)
                                         .Select(index => new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm getting used to this amount of messages")))

                        var partitionIds = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                        var partitionsCount     = 0;
                        var receivedEventsCount = 0;
                        var consumers           = new List <EventHubConsumer>();

                            for (var index = 0; index < partitions; index++)
                                consumers.Add(client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partitionIds[index], EventPosition.Latest));

                                // Initiate an operation to force the consumer to connect and set its position at the
                                // end of the event stream.

                                await consumers[index].ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero);

                            // Send the batch of events.

                            await producer.SendAsync(eventBatch);

                            // Receive the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the
                            // sent events may not be immediately available.  Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order
                            // to account for availability delays.

                            foreach (var consumer in consumers)
                                var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();
                                var index          = 0;

                                while (++index < ReceiveRetryLimit)
                                    receivedEvents.AddRange(await consumer.ReceiveAsync(eventBatch.Count + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)));

                                if (receivedEvents.Count > 0)
                                    receivedEventsCount += receivedEvents.Count;
                            foreach (var consumer in consumers)

                        Assert.That(partitionsCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
                        Assert.That(receivedEventsCount, Is.EqualTo(eventBatch.Count));
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        ///   Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param>
        public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString,
                                   string eventHubName)
            // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options.

            await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName))
                // With our client, we can now inspect the partitions and find the identifier
                // of the first.

                string firstPartition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                // In this example, we will create our consumer for the first partition in the Event Hub, using the default consumer group
                // that is created with an Event Hub.  Our consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events
                // that we will publish for it.

                await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest))
                    await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                        PartitionId = firstPartition
                        // Because our consumer is reading from the latest position, it won't see events that have previously
                        // been published. Before we can publish the events, we will need to ask the consumer to perform an operation,
                        // because it opens its connection only when it needs to.  The first receive that we ask of it will not see
                        // any events, but will allow the consumer to start watching the partition.
                        // Because the maximum wait time is specivied as zero, this call will return immediately and will not
                        // have consumed any events.

                        await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero);

                        // Now that the consumer is watching the partition, let's publish a fair sized batch of events
                        // we would like for it to consume.

                        int         eventBatchSize = 100;
                        EventData[] eventBatch     = new EventData[eventBatchSize];

                        for (int index = 0; index < eventBatchSize; ++index)
                            eventBatch[index] = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"I am event #{ index }"));

                        await producer.SendAsync(eventBatch);

                        Console.WriteLine($"The event batch with { eventBatchSize } events has been published.");

                        // To allow for throughput in our application, we will process the published events by consuming them in
                        // small batches with a small wait time.  This will allow us to receive and process more quickly than blocking
                        // to wait on a larger batch size.
                        // The values that are used in this example are intended just for illustration and not as guidance for a recommended
                        // set of defaults.  In a real-world application, determining the right balance of batch size and wait time to achieve
                        // the desired performance will often vary depending on the application and event data being consumed.  It is an area
                        // where some experimentation in the application context may prove helpful.
                        // Our example will attempt to read about 1/5 of the batch at a time, which should result in the need for 5 batches to
                        // be consumed.  Because publishing and receving events is asynchronous, the events that we published may not be
                        // immediately available for our consumer to see. To compensate, we will allow for a small number of extra attempts beyond
                        // the expected 5 to to be sure that we don't stop reading before we receive all of our events.

                        var receivedEvents   = new List <EventData>();
                        int consumeBatchSize = (int)Math.Floor(eventBatchSize / 5.0f);
                        int maximumAttempts  = 15;
                        int attempts         = 0;

                        while ((receivedEvents.Count < eventBatchSize) && (++attempts < maximumAttempts))
                            // Each receive, we ask for the maximum amount of events that we would like in the batch and
                            // specify the maximum amount of time that we would like to wait for them.
                            // The batch of events will be returned to us when either we have read our maximum number of events
                            // or when the time that we asked to wait has elapsed.  This means that a batch we receive may have
                            // between zero and the maximum we asked for, depending on what was available in the partition.
                            // For this attempt, we will ask to receive our computed batch size (1/5 of published events) and wait, at most,
                            // 25 milliseconds to receive them.  We'll then process them and if we haven't gotten all that we published, we'll
                            // make another attempt until either we have them or we have tried for our maximum number of attempts.

                            IEnumerable <EventData> receivedBatch = await consumer.ReceiveAsync(consumeBatchSize, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25));


                        // Print out the events that we received.

                        Console.WriteLine($"Events Consumed: { receivedEvents.Count }");

                        foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents)
                            // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the
                            // message by reversing the encoding process.

                            string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray());
                            Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\"");

            // At this point, our client, consumer, and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of.  We
            // have no further obligations.

        /// <summary>
        ///   Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param>
        public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString,
                                   string eventHubName)
            // An Event Hub consumer is associated with a specific Event Hub partition and a consumer group.  The consumer group is
            // a label that identifies one or more consumers as a set.  Often, consumer groups are named after the responsibility
            // of the consumer in an application, such as "Telemetry" or "OrderProcessing".  When an Event Hub is created, a default
            // consumer group is created with it, called "$Default."
            // Each consumer has a unique view of the events in the partition, meaning that events are available to all consumers
            // and are not removed from the partition when a consumer reads them.  This allows for different consumers to read and
            // process events from the partition at different speeds and beginning with different events without interfering with
            // one another.
            // When events are published, they will continue to exist in the partition and be available for consuming until they
            // reach an age where they are older than the retention period.
            // (see:
            // Because events are not removed from the partition when consuming, a consumer must specify where in the partition it
            // would like to begin reading events.  For example, this may be starting from the very beginning of the stream, at an
            // offset from the beginning, the next event available after a specific point in time, or at a specific event.

            // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options.

            await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName))
                // With our client, we can now inspect the partitions and find the identifier
                // of the first.

                string firstPartition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                // In this example, we will create our consumer for the first partition in the Event Hub, using the default consumer group
                // that is created with an Event Hub.  Our consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events
                // that we will publish for it.

                await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest))
                    await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                        PartitionId = firstPartition
                        // Because our consumer is reading from the latest position, it won't see events that have previously
                        // been published.  Before we can publish the events, we will need to ask the consumer to perform an operation,
                        // because it opens its connection only when it needs to.  The first receive that we ask of it will not see
                        // any events, but will allow the consumer to start watching the partition.
                        // Because the maximum wait time is specified as zero, this call will return immediately and will not
                        // have consumed any events.

                        await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero);

                        // Now that the consumer is watching the partition, let's publish the events that we would like to
                        // receive.

                        EventData[] eventsToPublish = new EventData[]
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, Event Hubs!")),
                            new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Goodbye, Event Hubs!"))

                        await producer.SendAsync(eventsToPublish);

                        Console.WriteLine("The event batch has been published.");

                        // Because publishing and receiving events is asynchronous, the events that we published may not be immediately
                        // available for our consumer to see.  We will iterate over the available events in the partition, which should be
                        // just the events that we published.
                        // When a maximum wait time is specified, the iteration will ensure that it returns control after that time has elapsed,
                        // whether or not an event is available in the partition.  If no event was available a null value will be emitted instead.
                        // This is intended to return control to the loop and avoid blocking for an indeterminate period of time to allow event
                        // processors to verify that the iterator is still consuming the partition and to make decisions on whether or not to continue
                        // if events are not arriving.
                        // For this example, we will specify a maximum wait time, and won't exit the loop until we've received at least one more
                        // event than we published, which is expected to be a null value triggered by exceeding the wait time.
                        // To be sure that we do not end up in an infinite loop, we will specify a fairly long time to allow processing to complete
                        // then cancel.

                        CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                        TimeSpan         maximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250);
                        List <EventData> receivedEvents  = new List <EventData>();
                        Stopwatch        watch           = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                        await foreach (EventData currentEvent in consumer.SubscribeToEvents(maximumWaitTime, cancellationSource.Token))

                            if (receivedEvents.Count > eventsToPublish.Length)

                        // Print out the events that we received.

                        Console.WriteLine($"The following events were consumed in { watch.ElapsedMilliseconds } milliseconds:");

                        foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents)
                            // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the
                            // message by reversing the encoding process.

                            string message = (eventData == null) ? "<< This was a null event >>" : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray());
                            Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\"");

            // At this point, our client, consumer, and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of.  We
            // have no further obligations.

Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        ///   Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param>
        public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString,
                                   string eventHubName)
            // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options.

            await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName))
                // With our client, we can now inspect the partitions and find the identifier of the first.

                string firstPartition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                // In this example, we will make use of multiple consumers for the first partition in the Event Hub, using the default consumer group
                // that is created with an Event Hub.  Our initial consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events
                // that we will publish for it.

                await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions {
                    PartitionId = firstPartition
                    // Each event that the initial consumer reads will have attributes set that describe the event's place in the
                    // partition, such as it's offset, sequence number, and the date/time that it was enqueued.  These attributes can be
                    // used to create a new consumer that begins consuming at a known position.
                    // With Event Hubs, it is the responsibility of an application consuming events to keep track of those that it has processed,
                    // and to manage where in the partition the consumer begins reading events.  This is done by using the position information to track
                    // state, commonly known as "creating a checkpoint."
                    // The goal is to preserve the position of an event in some form of durable state, such as writing it to a database, so that if the
                    // consuming application crashes or is otherwise restarted, it can retrieve that checkpoint information and use it to create a consumer that
                    // begins reading at the position where it left off.
                    // It is important to note that there is potential for a consumer to process an event and be unable to preserve the checkpoint.  A well-designed
                    // consumer must be able to deal with processing the same event multiple times without it causing data corruption or otherwise creating issues.
                    // Event Hubs, like most event streaming systems, guarantees "at least once" delivery; even in cases where the consumer does not experience a restart,
                    // there is a small possibility that the service will return an event multiple times.
                    // In this example, we will publish a batch of events to be received with an initial consumer.  The third event that is consumed will be captured
                    // and another consumer will use it's attributes to start reading the event that follows, consuming the same set of events that our initial consumer
                    // read, skipping over the first three.

                    int eventBatchSize = 50;

                    EventData thirdEvent;

                    await using (EventHubConsumer initialConsumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest))
                        // The first receive that we ask of it will not see any events, but allows the consumer to start watching the partition.  Because
                        // the maximum wait time is specified as zero, this call will return immediately and will not have consumed any events.

                        await initialConsumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero);

                        // Now that the consumer is watching the partition, let's publish a batch of events.

                        EventData[] eventBatch = new EventData[eventBatchSize];

                        for (int index = 0; index < eventBatchSize; ++index)
                            eventBatch[index] = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"I am event #{ index }"));

                        await producer.SendAsync(eventBatch);

                        Console.WriteLine($"The event batch with { eventBatchSize } events has been published.");

                        // We will consume the events until all of the published events have been received.

                        var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();

                        CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                        await foreach (EventData currentEvent in initialConsumer.SubscribeToEvents(cancellationSource.Token))

                            if (receivedEvents.Count >= eventBatchSize)

                        // Print out the events that we received.

                        Console.WriteLine($"The initial consumer processed { receivedEvents.Count } events of the { eventBatchSize } that were published.  { eventBatchSize } were expected.");

                        foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents)
                            // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the
                            // message by reversing the encoding process.

                            string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray());
                            Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\"");

                        // Remember the third event that was consumed.

                        thirdEvent = receivedEvents[2];

                    // At this point, our initial consumer has passed its "using" scope and has been safely disposed of.
                    // Create a new consumer beginning using the third event as the last sequence number processed; this new consumer will begin reading at the next available
                    // sequence number, allowing it to read the set of published events beginning with the fourth one.

                    await using (EventHubConsumer newConsumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.FromSequenceNumber(thirdEvent.SequenceNumber.Value)))
                        // We will consume the events using the new consumer until all of the published events have been received.

                        CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                        int expectedCount  = (eventBatchSize - 3);
                        var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();

                        await foreach (EventData currentEvent in newConsumer.SubscribeToEvents(cancellationSource.Token))

                            if (receivedEvents.Count >= expectedCount)

                        // Print out the events that we received.

                        Console.WriteLine($"The new consumer processed { receivedEvents.Count } events of the { eventBatchSize } that were published.  { expectedCount } were expected.");

                        foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents)
                            // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the
                            // message by reversing the encoding process.

                            string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray());
                            Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\"");

            // At this point, our client, all consumers, and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of.  We
            // have no further obligations.

        public async Task ProducerDoesNotSendToSpecificPartitionWhenPartitionIdIsNotSpecified(bool nullPartition)
            var partitions = 10;

            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(partitions))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var producerOptions = new EventHubProducerOptions {

                    if (nullPartition)
                        producerOptions.PartitionId = null;

                    await using (var producer = client.CreateProducer(producerOptions))
                        var batches      = 30;
                        var partitionIds = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                        var partitionsCount = 0;
                        var consumers       = new List <EventHubConsumer>();

                            for (var index = 0; index < partitions; index++)
                                consumers.Add(client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partitionIds[index], EventPosition.Latest));

                                // Initiate an operation to force the consumer to connect and set its position at the
                                // end of the event stream.

                                await consumers[index].ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero);

                            // Send the batches of events.

                            for (var index = 0; index < batches; index++)
                                await producer.SendAsync(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("It's not healthy to send so many messages")));

                            // Receive the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the
                            // sent events may not be immediately available.  Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order
                            // to account for availability delays.

                            foreach (var consumer in consumers)
                                var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();
                                var index          = 0;

                                while (++index < ReceiveRetryLimit)
                                    receivedEvents.AddRange(await consumer.ReceiveAsync(batches + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)));

                                if (receivedEvents.Count > 0)
                            await Task.WhenAll(consumers.Select(consumer => consumer.CloseAsync()));

                        Assert.That(partitionsCount, Is.GreaterThan(1));
        /// <summary>
        ///   Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param>
        public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString,
                                   string eventHubName)
            // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options.  It will be used by the event processor to
            // communicate with the Azure Event Hubs service.

            await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName))
                // An event processor is associated with a specific Event Hub and a consumer group.  It receives events from
                // multiple partitions in the Event Hub, passing them to the user for processing.  It's worth mentioning that
                // an event processor is a generic class, and it takes a partition processor as its underlying type.
                // A partition processor is associated with a specific partition and is responsible for processing events when
                // requested by the event processor.  In order to use it as the event processor's underlying type, two conditions
                // must be met:
                //     - It must be a class derived from BasePartitionProcessor.
                //     - It must have a parameterless constructor.
                // We'll be using a SamplePartitionProcessor, whose implementation can be found at the end of this sample.

                // A partition manager may create checkpoints and list/claim partition ownership.  The user can implement their
                // own partition manager by creating a subclass from the PartitionManager abstract class.  Here we are creating
                // a new instance of an InMemoryPartitionManager, provided by the Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor namespace.
                // This isn't relevant to understanding this sample, but is required by the event processor constructor.

                PartitionManager partitionManager = new InMemoryPartitionManager();

                // It's also possible to specify custom options upon event processor creation.  We want to receive events from
                // the latest available position so older events don't interfere with our sample.  We also don't want to wait
                // more than 1 second for every set of events.

                EventProcessorOptions eventProcessorOptions = new EventProcessorOptions
                    InitialEventPosition   = EventPosition.Latest,
                    MaximumReceiveWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)

                // Let's finally create our event processor.  We're using the default consumer group that was created with the Event Hub.

                var eventProcessor = new EventProcessor <SamplePartitionProcessor>(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, client, partitionManager, eventProcessorOptions);

                // Once started, the event processor will start to claim partitions and receive events from them.

                Console.WriteLine("Starting the event processor.");

                await eventProcessor.StartAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Event processor started.");

                // Wait until the event processor has claimed ownership of all partitions in the Event Hub.  There should be a single
                // active partition processor per owned partition.  This may take some time as there's a 10 seconds interval between
                // claims.  To be sure that we do not block forever in case the event processor fails, we will specify a fairly long
                // time to wait and then cancel waiting.

                CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                var partitionsCount = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).Length;

                while (SamplePartitionProcessor.ActiveInstancesCount < partitionsCount)
                    await Task.Delay(500, cancellationSource.Token);

                // To test our event processor, we are publishing 10 sets of events to the Event Hub.  Notice that we are not
                // specifying a partition to send events to, so these sets may end up in different partitions.

                EventData[] eventsToPublish = new EventData[]
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I am not the second event.")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I am not the first event."))

                int amountOfSets           = 10;
                int expectedAmountOfEvents = amountOfSets * eventsToPublish.Length;

                await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer())
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending events to the Event Hub.");

                    for (int i = 0; i < amountOfSets; i++)
                        await producer.SendAsync(eventsToPublish);

                // Because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the sent events may not be immediately
                // available.  For this reason, we wait 500 ms before resuming.

                await Task.Delay(500);

                // Once stopped, the event processor won't receive events anymore.  In case there are still events being
                // processed when the stop method is called, the processing will complete before the corresponding partition
                // processor is closed.

                Console.WriteLine("Stopping the event processor.");

                await eventProcessor.StopAsync();

                // Print out the amount of events that we received.

                Console.WriteLine($"Amount of events received: { SamplePartitionProcessor.TotalEventsCount }. Expected: { expectedAmountOfEvents }.");

            // At this point, our client and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of.  We
            // have no further obligations.

        public async Task ProducerSendsEventsWithTheSamePartitionHashKeyToTheSamePartition()
            var partitions   = 10;
            var partitionKey = "some123key-!d";

            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(partitions))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    await using (var producer = client.CreateProducer())
                        var batches      = 5;
                        var partitionIds = await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync();

                        var partitionsCount     = 0;
                        var receivedEventsCount = 0;
                        var consumers           = new List <EventHubConsumer>();

                            for (var index = 0; index < partitions; index++)
                                consumers.Add(client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partitionIds[index], EventPosition.Latest));

                                // Initiate an operation to force the consumer to connect and set its position at the
                                // end of the event stream.

                                await consumers[index].ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero);

                            // Send the batches of events.

                            var batchOptions = new SendOptions {
                                PartitionKey = partitionKey

                            for (var index = 0; index < batches; index++)
                                await producer.SendAsync(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"Just a few messages ({ index })")), batchOptions);

                            // Receive the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the
                            // sent events may not be immediately available.  Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order
                            // to account for availability delays.

                            foreach (var consumer in consumers)
                                var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();
                                var index          = 0;

                                while (++index < ReceiveRetryLimit)
                                    receivedEvents.AddRange(await consumer.ReceiveAsync(batches + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)));

                                if (receivedEvents.Count > 0)
                                    receivedEventsCount += receivedEvents.Count;

                                    foreach (var receivedEvent in receivedEvents)
                                        Assert.That(receivedEvent.PartitionKey, Is.EqualTo(partitionKey));
                            foreach (var consumer in consumers)

                        Assert.That(partitionsCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
                        Assert.That(receivedEventsCount, Is.EqualTo(batches));
        public async Task ReceiveCanReadMultipleEventBatches()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                var eventBatch = new[]
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("One")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Two")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Three")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Four")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Five")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Six")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Seven")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Eight")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Nine")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Ten")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Eleven")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Twelve")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Thirteen")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Fourteen")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Fifteen"))

                var receiverOptions = new EventReceiverOptions
                    BeginReceivingAt = EventPosition.NewEventsOnly

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    await using (var sender = client.CreateSender(new EventSenderOptions {
                        PartitionId = partition
                        await using (var receiver = client.CreateReceiver(partition, receiverOptions))
                            // Initiate an operation to force the receiver to connect and set its position at the
                            // end of the event stream.

                            Assert.That(async() => await receiver.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero), Throws.Nothing);

                            // Send the batch of events, receive and validate them.

                            await sender.SendAsync(eventBatch);

                            // Recieve and validate the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the
                            // sent events may not be immediately available.  Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order
                            // to account for availability delays.

                            var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();
                            var index          = 0;
                            var batchNumber    = 1;
                            var batchSize      = (eventBatch.Length / 3);

                            while ((receivedEvents.Count < eventBatch.Length) && (++index < eventBatch.Length + 3))
                                var currentReceiveBatch = await receiver.ReceiveAsync(batchSize, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25));


                                Assert.That(currentReceiveBatch, Is.Not.Empty, $"There should have been a set of events received for batch number: { batchNumber }.");


                            index = 0;

                            foreach (var receivedEvent in receivedEvents)
                                Assert.That(receivedEvent.IsEquivalentTo(eventBatch[index]), Is.True, $"The received event at index: { index } did not match the sent batch.");

                            Assert.That(index, Is.EqualTo(eventBatch.Length), "The number of received events did not match the batch size.");