protected virtual async Task ExecuteMessageHandlerAsync(
            EventArgs messageEventArgs,
            ReceivedItemHandlerAsyncDelegate receivedItemHandlerAsyncDelegateFunc,
            bool automaticFinalizationEnabled = true

            AzureServiceBusReceivedItem <TUniqueIdentifier, TPayload> azureServiceBusReceivedItem = null;

            //FIRST attempt to convert the Message into an AzureServiceBus Received Item....
                //Initialize the MessageHandler facade for processing the Azure Service Bus message...
                azureServiceBusReceivedItem = await CreateReceivedItemAsync(
                    //Force Dead-lettering if there is any issue with initialization!
            catch (Exception exc)
                var messageException = new Exception("The message could not be correctly initialized due to unexpected exception." +
                                                     " It must be Dead lettered to prevent blocking of the Service Bus as it will never be" +
                                                     " processed successfully.", exc);


            //IF the Received Item is successfully initialized then process it!
            if (azureServiceBusReceivedItem != null)
                    //Execute the delegate to handle/process the published item...
                    await receivedItemHandlerAsyncDelegateFunc(azureServiceBusReceivedItem).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    //If necessary, we need to Finalize the item with Azure Service Bus (Complete/Abandon) based on the Status returned on the item!
                    if (automaticFinalizationEnabled && !azureServiceBusReceivedItem.IsStatusFinalized)
                        await azureServiceBusReceivedItem.SendFinalizedStatusToAzureServiceBusAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (Exception exc)

                    //Always attempt to Reject/Abandon the message if any unhandled exceptions are thrown...
                    if (!azureServiceBusReceivedItem.IsStatusFinalized)
                        //Finalize the status as set by the Delegate function if it's not already Finalized!
                        //NOTE: We ALWAYS do this even if autoMessageFinalizationEnabled is false to prevent BLOCKING and risk of Infinite Loops...
                        await azureServiceBusReceivedItem.SendFinalizedStatusToAzureServiceBusAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);