Exemplo n.º 1
        public void BatchGenerate(MCTSIterator context, Span <MCTSNode> nodes, EvalResultTarget resultTarget)
                if (EvaluatorDef.Location == NNEvaluatorDef.LocationType.Remote)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                    //SetBatch(context, nodes);
                    //RunRemote(nodes, resultTarget);
                    SetBatch(context, nodes);
                    RunLocal(nodes, resultTarget);
            catch (Exception exc)
                Console.WriteLine("Error in NodeEvaluatorNN " + exc);
                throw exc;

            NUM_POSITIONS_EVALUATED += (ulong)Batch.NumPos;
Exemplo n.º 2
        void RunLocal(Span <MCTSNode> nodes, EvalResultTarget resultTarget)
//      Span<NodeEvaluatorResult> resultSpan;
            const bool RETRIEVE_SUPPLEMENTAL = false;

            IPositionEvaluationBatch result;

            if (localEvaluator.InputsRequired > NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Boards)
                bool hasPositions = localEvaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Positions);
                bool hasHashes    = localEvaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Hashes);
                bool hasMoves     = localEvaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Moves);

                if (hasPositions && Batch.Positions == null)
                    Batch.Positions = new MGPosition[Batch.MaxBatchSize];
                if (hasHashes && Batch.PositionHashes == null)
                    Batch.PositionHashes = new ulong[Batch.MaxBatchSize];
                if (hasMoves && Batch.Moves == null)
                    Batch.Moves = new MGMoveList[Batch.MaxBatchSize];

                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                    MCTSNode node = nodes[i];

                    if (hasPositions)
                        Batch.Positions[i] = node.Annotation.PosMG;
                    if (hasHashes)
                        Batch.PositionHashes[i] = node.Annotation.PositionHashForCaching;
                    if (hasMoves)
                        Batch.Moves[i] = node.Annotation.Moves;

            // Note that we call EvaluateBatchIntoBuffers instead of EvaluateBatch for performance reasons
            // (we immediately extract from buffers in RetrieveResults below)
            result = localEvaluator.EvaluateIntoBuffers(Batch, RETRIEVE_SUPPLEMENTAL);
            Debug.Assert(!FP16.IsNaN(result.GetWinP(0)) && !FP16.IsNaN(result.GetLossP(0)));

            RetrieveResults(nodes, result, resultTarget);

            //          if (MCTSParamsFixed.MONITORING) EventSourceCeres.Log.WriteMetric("MCTS.NodeEvaluatorNN_Local.Hit", counterNumHits++);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: this method similar to one below, try to unify them
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodes"></param>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        void RetrieveResults(Span <MCTSNode> nodes, IPositionEvaluationBatch results, EvalResultTarget resultTarget)
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                MCTSNode node = nodes[i];

                FP16 winP;
                FP16 lossP;
                FP16 rawM = results.GetM(i);

                // Copy WinP
                FP16 rawWinP = results.GetWinP(i);

                // Copy LossP
                FP16 rawLossP = results.GetLossP(i);

                // Assign win and loss probabilities
                // If they look like non-WDL result, try to rewrite them
                // in equivalent way that avoids negative probabilities
                if (rawWinP < 0 && rawLossP == 0)
                    winP  = 0;
                    lossP = -rawWinP;
                    winP  = rawWinP;
                    lossP = rawLossP;

                LeafEvaluationResult evalResult = new LeafEvaluationResult(GameResult.Unknown, winP, lossP, rawM);
                evalResult.PolicyInArray = results.GetPolicy(i);

                // Copy policy
                if (resultTarget == EvalResultTarget.PrimaryEvalResult)
                    node.EvalResult = evalResult;
                else if (resultTarget == EvalResultTarget.SecondaryEvalResult)
                    node.EvalResultSecondary = evalResult;
                    throw new Exception("Internal error: unexpected EvalResultTarget");

                // Save back to cache
                if (SaveToCache)
                                GameResult.Unknown, rawWinP, rawLossP, rawM,
                                in node.EvalResult.PolicyRef);