public override void Evaluate()
            var stub = SymbolTable.ReplacedByStubs.Contains(Target) ||
                       _function.DeclaringModule.ModuleType == ModuleType.Stub ||
                       Module.ModuleType == ModuleType.Specialized;

            using (Eval.OpenScope(_function.DeclaringModule, FunctionDefinition, out _)) {
                var returnType = TryDetermineReturnValue();

                var parameters = Eval.CreateFunctionParameters(_self, _function, FunctionDefinition, !stub);

                // Do process body of constructors since they may be declaring
                // variables that are later used to determine return type of other
                // methods and properties.
                var ctor = _function.IsDunderInit() || _function.IsDunderNew();
                if (ctor || returnType.IsUnknown() || Module.ModuleType == ModuleType.User)
                    // Return type from the annotation is sufficient for libraries and stubs, no need to walk the body.
                    // For libraries remove declared local function variables to free up some memory.
                    var optionsProvider = Eval.Services.GetService <IAnalysisOptionsProvider>();
                    if (Module.ModuleType != ModuleType.User && optionsProvider?.Options.KeepLibraryLocalVariables != true)
            Result = _function;