// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Update User methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// THis method saves the ResultData object updating the field values contained in the 
    /// parameter list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.ClientClientDataObjectEvado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>Application Data object</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getDataObject_ExitPage (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject_ExitPage" );
      this.LogValue ( "Parameter: " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
      EvEventCodes result;

      // register the user details.
      result = this.RegisterUserDetails ( PageCommand );

      // create the registration exit page.

      clientDataObject = this.GetUserRegistrationExitPage ( result );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject_ExitPage" );
      return clientDataObject;

    }//END getDataObject_ExitPage method
    }//END getClientDataObject method

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class get object methods

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getObject" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
      Guid OrgGuid = Guid.Empty;

        // return the client ResultData object for the customer.
        this.getDataObject ( clientDataObject );

        return clientDataObject;
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.ApplicationProfile_Page_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return null;

    }//END getObject method
    }//END getObject method

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ClientDataObject">Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object.</param>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getDataObject_MUP_Page (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ClientDataObject )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject_MUP_Page" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command pageCommand = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Command ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Field pageField = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Field ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Group pageGroup = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Group ( );
      // set the client ResultData object properties
      ClientDataObject.Id = this.Session.UserProfile.Guid;
      ClientDataObject.Page.Id = this.Session.UserProfile.Guid;
      ClientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.User_Profile_Page_Title
        + this.Session.UserProfile.CommonName;

      ClientDataObject.Page.Title = ClientDataObject.Title;
      ClientDataObject.Page.PageId = Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.User_Profile_Page.ToString ( );
      ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      this.LogDebug ( "clientDataObject status: " + ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess );

      this.getDataObject_MUP_GeneralGroup ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      this.getDataObject_MUP_DetailsGroup ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      this.getDataObject_MUP_OrganisationGroup ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      this.getDataObject_MUP_PersonaliseGroup ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject_MUP_Page" );

    }//END getclientDataObject Method
Exemplo n.º 4
    }//END Method

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class private create object methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// THis method saves the ResultData object updating the field values contained in the 
    /// parameter list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Command">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData createObject ( Evado.UniForm.Model.Command Command )
      this.LogMethod ( "createObject" );
        // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
        if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
            this.ClassNameSpace + "createObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

          return this.Session.LastPage;

        // Log access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "createObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
        this.Session.MenuItem = new EvMenuItem ( );
        this.Session.MenuItem.Guid = Evado.Digital.Model.EvcStatics.CONST_NEW_OBJECT_ID;
        this.Session.MenuItem.Group = this.Session.MenuGroupIdentifier;
        this.Session.MenuItem.Platform = this.Session.MenuPlatformId;

        this.AdapterObjects.MenuList = new List<EvMenuItem> ( );

        this.getClientData ( clientDataObject );

        //this.LogDebug ( "Exit createObject method. ID: {0}, Title: {1} ", clientDataObject.Id, clientDataObject.Title );

        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.MenuItem_Load_Page_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return this.Session.LastPage; ;

    }//END method
    }//END getProperties_SectionsPageGroup Method

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Form properties Section page.

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getPropertiesSectionObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getFormPropertiesSection" );

      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
      Guid formGuid = Guid.Empty;
      int SectionNo = 0;

        string value = PageCommand.GetParameter ( EdRecordSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_No.ToString ( ) );
        this.LogDebug ( "Parameter value: " + value );

        if ( value != String.Empty )
          if ( int.TryParse ( value, out SectionNo ) == false )
            SectionNo = 0;

        if ( this.getSection ( SectionNo ) == false )
          return null;

        // Generate the client ResultData object for the UniForm client.
        this.getPropertiesSectionDataObject ( clientDataObject );

        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getFormPropertiesSection" );
        // Return the client ResultData object to the calling method.
        return clientDataObject;
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // On an exception raised create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Form_Retrieve_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );
      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getFormPropertiesSection" );
      return null;

    }//END getFormPropertiesObject method
Exemplo n.º 6
    }//END getClientDataObject method

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class private methods

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getListObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getListObject" );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // initialise the list page.
        clientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.ApplicationEvent_List_Page_Title;
        clientDataObject.Page.Title = clientDataObject.Title;
        clientDataObject.Id = Guid.NewGuid ( );

        this.queryApplicatinEventLog ( );

        // Create the new pageMenuGroup.
        this.getSelectionGroup ( clientDataObject.Page );
        // Add the trial applicationEvent list to the page.
        this.getListGroup ( clientDataObject.Page );

        this.LogValue ( "data.Title: " + clientDataObject.Title );
        this.LogValue ( "data.Page.Title: " + clientDataObject.Page.Title );

        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.ApplicationEvent_List_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getListObject" );

      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getListObject method.
    }//END updateObject method

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Create User methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// THis method saves the ResultData object updating the field values contained in the 
    /// parameter list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>Application Data object</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getDataObject_RegistrationPage (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogValue ( Evado.UniForm.Model.EuStatics.CONST_METHOD_START
        + this.ClassNameSpace + "getDataObject_RegistrationPage" );
      this.LogDebug ( "AdminOrganisation.OrgId: " +this.Session.SelectedUserType.ToString() );
      this.LogDebug ( "Demo Expiry {0}", this.AdapterObjects.Settings.DemoAccountExpiryDays.ToString() );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // Create the milestone object and add it to the clinical session object.
        this.Session.AdminUserProfile = new Evado.Digital.Model.EdUserProfile ( );
        this.Session.AdminUserProfile.Guid = Evado.Digital.Model.EvcStatics.CONST_NEW_OBJECT_ID;
        this.Session.AdminUserProfile.ExpiryDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays (
          this.AdapterObjects.Settings.DemoAccountExpiryDays );
        this.Session.AdminUserProfile.UserId = this.createDemoUderId ( );
        this.Session.AdminUserProfile.FamilyName = this.Session.AdminUserProfile.UserId;
        this.Session.AdminUserProfile.GivenName = this.Session.AdminUserProfile.UserId;
        this.Session.AdminUserProfile.UserType = "End_User";

        this.LogDebug ( "AdminUserProfile.UserId: {0} ", this.Session.AdminUserProfile.UserId );
        this.LogDebug ( "AdminUserProfile.ExpiryDate: {0} ", this.Session.AdminUserProfile.ExpiryDate );

        this.getDataObject_RegistrationPage ( clientDataObject );

        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject_RegistrationPage" );

        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.User_Profile_Creation_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject_RegistrationPage" );
      return this.Session.LastPage; ;

    }//END method
    }//END getObject method

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ClientDataObject">Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getDataObject ( Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ClientDataObject )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command pageCommand = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Command ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Field pageField = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Field ( );

      ClientDataObject.Id = Guid.NewGuid ( );
      ClientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.UserAdmin_Page_Title;

      ClientDataObject.Page.Id = ClientDataObject.Id;
      ClientDataObject.Page.Title = ClientDataObject.Title;
      ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;
      this.LogValue ( "Page.Status: " + ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess );

      // Add the page commands
      //this.addPageCommands ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // Create the demo registration group..
      this.create_DemonRegistration_Group ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // Create the introductory email Group.
      this.create_IntroductoryEmail_Group ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // create the reset pssword email group.
      this.create_ResetPasswordEmail_Group ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // Create the passsword update email group
      this.create_UpdatePasswordEmail_Group ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // create the reset pssword email group.
      this.create_PasswordChangeEmail_Group ( ClientDataObject.Page );

    }//END getDataObject Method
    }//END getOrganisation method.

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ClientDataObject">Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getDataObject ( Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ClientDataObject )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command pageCommand = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Command ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Field pageField = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Field ( );

      ClientDataObject.Id = this.Session.AdminOrganisation.Guid;
      ClientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.Organisation_Page_Title;

      ClientDataObject.Page.Id = ClientDataObject.Id;
      ClientDataObject.Page.Title = ClientDataObject.Title;
      ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Disabled;

      // Set the user edit access to the objects.
      if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == true )
        ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;
      this.LogValue ( "Page.EditAccess: " + ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess );

      // Add the page commands 
      this.getDataObject_PageCommands ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // Add the detail group to the page.
      this.getDataObject_DetailsGroup ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject" );

    }//END Method
    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getObject_MyUserProfile (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getObject_MyUserProfile" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Guid subjectGuid = Guid.Empty;
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // return the client ResultData object for the customer.
        this.getDataObject_MUP_Page ( clientDataObject );

        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getObject_MyUserProfile" );
        return clientDataObject;
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.User_Profile_Page_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getObject_MyUserProfile" );
      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getObject method
    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ClientDataObject">Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object.</param>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getDataObject_RegistrationPage (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ClientDataObject )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject_RegistrationPage" );
      // set the client ResultData object properties
      ClientDataObject.Id = this.Session.AdminUserProfile.Guid;
      ClientDataObject.Page.Id = this.Session.AdminUserProfile.Guid;
      ClientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.User_Profile_Page_Title
        + this.Session.AdminUserProfile.CommonName;

      ClientDataObject.Page.Title = ClientDataObject.Title;
      ClientDataObject.Page.PageId = Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.User_Profile_Page.ToString ( );
      ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      this.getDataObject_Debug_Group ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // Display the instructions 
      this.getDataObject_InstructionsGroup ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // Add the page commands to the page.
      this.getDataObject_PageCommands ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      // Add the field pageMenuGroup to the page.
      this.getDataObject_FieldGroup ( ClientDataObject.Page );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject_RegistrationPage" );

    }//END getDataObject_RegistrationPage Method
Exemplo n.º 12
    }//END getDataObject_GroupCommands Method

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class create object methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// THis method saves the ResultData object updating the field values contained in the 
    /// parameter list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Command">Evado.UniForm.Model.ClientClientDataObjectEvado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>Application Data object</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData createObject ( Evado.UniForm.Model.Command Command )
      this.LogMethod ( "createObject" );
        // Log access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "createObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
        if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess ( "getListObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

          return this.Session.LastPage; ;

        // Initialise the dlinical ResultData objects.
        this.Session.AdminOrganisation = new EdOrganisation ( );
        this.Session.AdminOrganisation.Guid = Evado.Digital.Model.EvcStatics.CONST_NEW_OBJECT_ID;
        this.Session.AdminOrganisation.OrgId = String.Empty;
        this.Session.AdminOrganisation.ImageFileName = String.Empty;
        this._CurrentFileName = String.Empty;

        this.getDataObject ( clientDataObject );

        this.LogValue ( "Exit createObject method. ID: "
          + clientDataObject.Id + ", Title: " + clientDataObject.Title );

        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = "Error raised when creating a trial site.";

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END method
    }//END RegisterUserDetails method

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// THis method validates that the user id is not duplicated in the ADS
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Application Data object</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData GetUserRegistrationExitPage (
      EvEventCodes UpdateResult )
      this.LogMethod ( "GetUserRegistrationExitPage method" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
      String groupDescription = this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.DemoRegistrationConfirmation;

      if ( UpdateResult != EvEventCodes.Ok )
        this.LogDebug ( "ERROR: Update Result Error: {0}", UpdateResult );

        groupDescription = this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.DemoRegistrationError;

      // set the client ResultData object properties
      clientDataObject.Id = this.Session.AdminUserProfile.Guid;
      clientDataObject.Page.Id = this.Session.AdminUserProfile.Guid;
      clientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.User_Profile_Page_Title
        + this.Session.AdminUserProfile.CommonName;

      clientDataObject.Page.Title = clientDataObject.Title;
      clientDataObject.Page.PageId = Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.User_Profile_Page.ToString ( );
      clientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      var pageGroup = clientDataObject.Page.AddGroup (
        Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Disabled );
      pageGroup.Layout = Evado.UniForm.Model.GroupLayouts.Full_Width;

      // Define the markdown options.
      MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions markDownOptions = new MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions ( );
      markDownOptions.AutoHyperlink = true;
      markDownOptions.AutoNewlines = true;
      markDownOptions.EmptyElementSuffix = "/>";
      markDownOptions.EncodeProblemUrlCharacters = true;
      markDownOptions.LinkEmails = true;
      markDownOptions.StrictBoldItalic = true;

      // Initialise the markdown class
      MarkdownSharp.Markdown markDown = new MarkdownSharp.Markdown ( markDownOptions );

      // perform the html body transformation.
      string description = markDown.Transform ( groupDescription );

      pageGroup.Description = description;

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "GetUserRegistrationExitPage" );
      return clientDataObject;
    }//END getDataObject_ExitPage method

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// THis method saves the ResultData object updating the field values contained in the 
    /// parameter list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.ClientClientDataObjectEvado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>Application Data object</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private EvEventCodes RegisterUserDetails (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "RegisterUserDetails" );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
        EvEventCodes result;

        // Update the object.
        if ( this.updateObjectValue ( PageCommand ) == false )
          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.UserProfile_Value_Update_Error_Message;

          this.LogMethodEnd ( "RegisterUserDetails" );
          return EvEventCodes.Value_Update_Processing_Error;

        this.LogValue ( "Guid: " + this.Session.AdminUserProfile.Guid );
        this.LogValue ( "UserId: " + this.Session.AdminUserProfile.UserId );
        this.LogValue ( "CommonName: " + this.Session.AdminUserProfile.CommonName );

        this.Session.AdminUserProfile.UserId = EvStatics.CleanSamUserId (
          this.Session.AdminUserProfile.UserId );

        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( EuUserRegistration.CONST_NEW_PASSWORD_PARAMETER ) == true )
          this.LogValue ( "Creating a new password." );
          this.createDefaultPassword ( );

        this.LogValue ( "AdminUserProfile.Password: "******"RegisterUserDetails" );
          return result;

        this.LogMethodEnd ( "RegisterUserDetails" );

        return EvEventCodes.Ok;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.User_Profile_Save_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "RegisterUserDetails" );
      return EvEventCodes.Database_Record_Update_Error;

    }//END RegisterUserDetails method
    }//END getFormPropertiesObject method

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ClientDataObject">Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object.</param>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getPropertiesSectionDataObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ClientDataObject )
      this.LogMethod ( "getPropertiesSectionDataObject" );
      this.LogDebug ( "FormSection.No: " + this.Session.FormSection.No );
      this.LogDebug ( "FormSection.Title: " + this.Session.FormSection.Title );
      this.LogDebug ( "FormSection.DisplayRoles: " + this.Session.FormSection.ReadAccessRoles );
      this.LogDebug ( "FormSection.EditRoles: " + this.Session.FormSection.EditAccessRoles );
      this.LogDebug ( "HasConfigrationEditAccess: " + this.Session.UserProfile.hasManagementAccess );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Group pageGroup = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Group ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command pageCommand = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Command ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Field pageField = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Field ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Parameter parameter = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Parameter ( );
      List<EvOption> optionList = new List<EvOption> ( );
      optionList.Add ( new EvOption ( ) );

      foreach ( EdRecordField field in this.Session.EntityLayout.Fields )
        optionList.Add ( new EvOption (
          + EdLabels.Space_Hypen
          + field.Title ) );

      // Initialise the client ResultData object.
      if ( this.Session.EntityLayout.Guid != Guid.Empty )
        ClientDataObject.Id = Guid.NewGuid ( );
        ClientDataObject.Title =
          String.Format (
          this.Session.FormSection.LinkText );
        ClientDataObject.Page.Id = ClientDataObject.Id;
        ClientDataObject.Page.PageDataGuid = ClientDataObject.Id;
        ClientDataObject.Page.PageId = this.Session.EntityLayout.LayoutId;
        ClientDataObject.Id = Guid.NewGuid ( );
        ClientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.Form_Page_New_Form_Title;
        ClientDataObject.Page.Id = ClientDataObject.Id;
        ClientDataObject.Page.PageDataGuid = ClientDataObject.Id;
      ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasManagementAccess == true )
        ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      if ( this.Session.EntityLayout.State != EdRecordObjectStates.Form_Issued
        && this.Session.EntityLayout.State != EdRecordObjectStates.Withdrawn )
        ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Disabled;

      // Set the user's edit access if they have configuration edit access.

      if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasManagementAccess == true )
        ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      pageGroup = ClientDataObject.Page.AddGroup (
        Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Inherited );
      pageGroup.Layout = Evado.UniForm.Model.GroupLayouts.Full_Width;

      // Form No
      pageField = pageGroup.createTextField (
        EdRecordSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_No.ToString ( ),
        this.Session.FormSection.No.ToString ( ),
        50 );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;
      pageField.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      // Form title
      pageField = pageGroup.createTextField (
        EdRecordSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_Title.ToString ( ),
        50 );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Form Instructions
      pageField = pageGroup.createFreeTextField (
        EdRecordSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_Instructions.ToString ( ),
        90, 5 );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      optionList = new List<EvOption> ( );

      this.LogDebug ( "FormSection.Order: " + this.Session.FormSection.Order );
      foreach ( EdRecordSection section in this.Session.EntityLayout.Design.FormSections )
        if ( section.Order < this.Session.FormSection.Order )
          this.LogDebug ( "secttion.Order: " + section.Order + " BEFORE SECTION" );

          var value = String.Format ( EdLabels.Form_Section_Order_Before_Text, section.Title );
          optionList.Add ( new EvOption ( ( section.Order - 1 ).ToString ( ), value ) );
        if ( section.Order == this.Session.FormSection.Order )
          this.LogDebug ( "secttion.Order: " + section.Order + " CURRENT" );
          optionList.Add ( new EvOption (
            this.Session.FormSection.Order.ToString ( ),
            this.Session.FormSection.Title ) );
        if ( section.Order > this.Session.FormSection.Order )
          this.LogDebug ( "secttion.Order: " + section.Order + " AFTER SECTION" );
          var value = String.Format ( EdLabels.Form_Section_Order_After_Text, section.Title );
          optionList.Add ( new EvOption ( ( section.Order + 1 ).ToString ( ), value ) );

      // The form section order 
      pageField = pageGroup.createSelectionListField (
        EdRecordSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_Order.ToString ( ),
        this.Session.FormSection.Order.ToString ( ),
        optionList );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // The form section field id 
      pageField = pageGroup.createSelectionListField (
        EvFormSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_Field_Id.ToString ( ),
        optionList );
      pageField.Layout = EuPageGenerator.ApplicationFieldLayout;

      // Form Field value
      pageField = pageGroup.createTextField (
        EvFormSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_Field_Value.ToString ( ),
        50 );
      pageField.Layout = EuPageGenerator.ApplicationFieldLayout;
      pageField.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Inherited;

      // form secton on open display section.
      pageField = pageGroup.createBooleanField (
        EvFormSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_On_Open_Visible.ToString ( ),
        this.SessionObjects.FormSection.OnOpenVisible );
      pageField.Layout = EuPageGenerator.ApplicationFieldLayout;

      // Form on field value match display field field
      pageField = pageGroup.createBooleanField (
        EvFormSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_On_Match_Visible.ToString ( ),
        this.SessionObjects.FormSection.OnMatchVisible );
      pageField.Layout = EuPageGenerator.ApplicationFieldLayout;
      // get the list of display roles.
      optionList = new List<EvOption> ( );

      optionList = this.AdapterObjects.Settings.GetRoleOptionList ( false );

      // The form section user display roles 
      pageField = pageGroup.createCheckBoxListField (
        EdRecordSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_Display_Roles.ToString ( ),
        optionList );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // get the list of edit roles.
      pageField = pageGroup.createCheckBoxListField (
        EdRecordSection.FormSectionClassFieldNames.Sectn_Edit_Roles.ToString ( ),
        optionList );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Add the command to save the page content.
      pageCommand = pageGroup.addCommand (
        EuAdapterClasses.Entity_Layouts.ToString ( ),
        Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Custom_Method );

      pageCommand.SetPageId ( Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.Form_Properties_Page );
      pageCommand.setCustomMethod ( Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Get_Object );
      pageCommand.SetGuid ( this.Session.EntityLayout.Guid );
      pageCommand.AddParameter ( EuRecordLayouts.CONST_UPDATE_SECTION_COMMAND_PARAMETER, "1" );

    }//END getPropertiesDataObject Method
Exemplo n.º 16
    }//END getListGroup method.

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class get object methods

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getObject" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
      Guid orgGuid = Guid.Empty;

      // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
      if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == false )
        this.LogIllegalAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "getObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getObject" );
        return this.Session.LastPage;

      // Log access to page.
      this.LogPageAccess (
        this.ClassNameSpace + "getObject",
        this.Session.UserProfile );

      // get the organisation guid.
      orgGuid = PageCommand.GetGuid ( );

      // guid and object empty.
      if ( orgGuid == Guid.Empty
        && this.Session.AdminOrganisation.Guid == Guid.Empty )
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Organisation_Guid_Empty_Message;
        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getObject" );
        return this.Session.LastPage;

      // load the organisation
      if ( this.getOrganisation ( orgGuid ) == false )
        this.Session.LastPage.Message = this.ErrorMessage;
        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getObject" );
        return this.Session.LastPage;

      // return the client ResultData object for the customer.
      this.getDataObject ( clientDataObject );

      // return the client data object.
      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getObject" );
      return clientDataObject;

    }//END getObject method
Exemplo n.º 17
    }//END getListObject method.

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class private get object methods

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getObject" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
      Guid menuGuid = Guid.Empty;

        // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
        if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
            this.ClassNameSpace + "getObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

          return this.Session.LastPage;

        // Log access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "getObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        // if the parameter value exists then set the customerId
        menuGuid = PageCommand.GetGuid ( );
        this.LogDebug ( "Menu Guid: " + menuGuid );

        // return if not trial id
        if ( menuGuid == Guid.Empty )
          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.MenuItem_Guid_Empty_Message;

          return this.Session.LastPage;
        // Retrieve the menu item from the global list of menut items.
        this.Session.MenuItem = this.getMenuItem ( menuGuid );

        this.LogDebug ( "MenuItem.PageId: " + this.Session.MenuItem.PageId );

        // return the client ResultData object for the customer.
        this.getClientData ( clientDataObject );

        return clientDataObject;
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.MenuItem_Load_Page_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getObject method
Exemplo n.º 18
    }//END getListObject method.

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getObject" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

      // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
      if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasManagementAccess == false )
        this.LogIllegalAccess (
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

        return null;

      // Log access to page.
      this.LogPageAccess (
        this.Session.UserProfile );

      // if the parameter value exists then set the customerId
      Guid objectGuid = PageCommand.GetGuid ( );
      this.LogValue ( "objectGuid: " + objectGuid );

        // Retrieve the customer object from the database via the DAL and BLL layers.
        this._ApplicationEvent = this._Bll_ApplicationEvents.getItem ( objectGuid );

        this.LogClass ( this._Bll_ApplicationEvents.Log );

        this.LogValue ( "EventId: " + this._ApplicationEvent.EventId );
        // return the client ResultData object for the customer.
        this.getDataObject ( clientDataObject );

        return clientDataObject;
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.ApplicationEvent_Page_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getObject method
Exemplo n.º 19
    }//END getObject method

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ClientDataObject">Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getDataObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ClientDataObject )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command pageCommand = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Command ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Field pageField = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Field ( );

      ClientDataObject.Id = this._ApplicationEvent.Guid;
      ClientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.ApplicationEvent_Page_Title;

      ClientDataObject.Page.Id = ClientDataObject.Id;
      ClientDataObject.Page.Title = ClientDataObject.Title;
      ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      // Add the help button if the help url is defined.
      if ( this.AdapterObjects.HelpUrl != String.Empty )
        Evado.UniForm.Model.Command helpCommand = ClientDataObject.Page.addCommand (
         EuAdapterClasses.Events.ToString ( ),
         Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Get_Object );

        helpCommand.Type = Evado.UniForm.Model.CommandTypes.Http_Link;

        helpCommand.AddParameter ( Evado.UniForm.Model.CommandParameters.Link_Url,
           EvcStatics.createHelpUrl (
             Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.Application_Event ) );

      // create the page pageMenuGroup
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Group pageGroup = ClientDataObject.Page.AddGroup (
        Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Inherited );
      pageGroup.Layout = Evado.UniForm.Model.GroupLayouts.Full_Width;
      pageGroup.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      // Create the customer id object
      pageField = pageGroup.createReadOnlyTextField (
        this._ApplicationEvent.DateTime.ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" ) );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Create the event id object
      // {
      if ( this._ApplicationEvent.EventId == 0
        || this._ApplicationEvent.EventId == 1 )
        this._ApplicationEvent.EventId = (int) EvEventCodes.Ok;

      EvEventCodes code = (EvEventCodes) this._ApplicationEvent.EventId;

      String content = this._ApplicationEvent.EventId.ToString ( "000000" )
        + " > " +
         Evado.Model.EvStatics.enumValueToString ( code );

      pageField = pageGroup.createReadOnlyTextField (
        content );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Create the type id object
      pageField = pageGroup.createReadOnlyTextField (
         Evado.Model.EvStatics.enumValueToString ( this._ApplicationEvent.Type ) );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Create the Category id object
      pageField = pageGroup.createReadOnlyTextField (
        this._ApplicationEvent.Category );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Create the description object
      pageField = pageGroup.createFreeTextField (
        40 );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Create the user object
      pageField = pageGroup.createReadOnlyTextField (
        this._ApplicationEvent.UserId );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

    }//END Method
Exemplo n.º 20
    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class public methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method gets the application object from the list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">ClientPateEvado.UniForm.Model.Command object</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getClientDataObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getClientDataObject" );
      this.LogValue ( "Parameter PageCommand " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, true ) );

        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // Initialise the menu platformID value.
        if ( this.Session.MenuPlatformId == null )
          this.Session.MenuPlatformId = this.AdapterObjects.PlatformId;

        // Determine the method to be called
        switch ( PageCommand.Method )
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.List_of_Objects:
              clientDataObject = this.getListObject ( PageCommand );
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Get_Object:
              clientDataObject = this.getObject ( PageCommand );
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Create_Object:
              clientDataObject = this.createObject ( PageCommand );
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Save_Object:
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Delete_Object:
              clientDataObject = this.updateObject ( PageCommand );

        }//END Switch
        // Handle returned exceptions.
        if ( clientDataObject == null )
          this.LogDebug ( " null application data returned." );
          clientDataObject = this.Session.LastPage;

        // If an errot message exist display it.
        if ( this.ErrorMessage != String.Empty )
          clientDataObject.Message = this.ErrorMessage;

        // return the client ResultData object.
        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject" );
        return clientDataObject;
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        this.LogException ( Ex );
      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject" );
      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getClientDataObject method
Exemplo n.º 21
    }//END getGroupListCommand method


    #region Class private record export methods

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getRecordExport_Object (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getRecordExport_Object" );

      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
      List<EdRecord> recordList = new List<EdRecord> ( );

        // If the user does not have monitor or ResultData manager roles exit the page.
        if ( this.Session.Entity.hasReadAccess ( this.Session.UserProfile.Roles ) == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
            this.ClassNameSpace + "getRecordExport_Object",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Record_Access_Error_Message;

          return this.Session.LastPage;

        // Log the user's access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "getRecordExport_Object",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        // Initialise the client ResultData object.
        clientDataObject.Id = Guid.NewGuid ( );
        clientDataObject.Page.Id = clientDataObject.Id;
        clientDataObject.Page.PageDataGuid = clientDataObject.Id;
        clientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.Record_View_Page_Title;
        clientDataObject.Page.Title = clientDataObject.Title;
        clientDataObject.Page.PageId = Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.Record_Export_Page.ToString ( );

        // Create the new pageMenuGroup for query selection.
        this.getRecordExport_SelectionGroup ( clientDataObject.Page );

        this.LogValue ( "FormId: " + this.Session.Selected_EntityLayoutId );
        this.LogValue ( "UserCommonName: " + this.Session.UserProfile.CommonName );

        // Create the export file and save if for download.
        this.getRecordExport_DownloadGroup ( clientDataObject.Page );

        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Record_View_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getListObject method.
    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class public methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method gets the trial site object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">ClientPateEvado.UniForm.Model.Command object</param>
    /// <returns>Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    override public Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getDataObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getClientDataObject" );

      this.LogValue ( "PageCommand Content: " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        bool bResult = true;
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObjectObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
        if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
            this.ClassNameSpace + "getListObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

          return null;

        // Log access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "getObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        if ( this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates == null )
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates = new EvStaticContentTemplates ( );

          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates =
            EvStatics.Files.readXmlFile<EvStaticContentTemplates> (
            this.AdapterObjects.ApplicationPath, EuStaticContentTemplates.CONST_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FILENAME );

        if ( this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates == null )
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates = new EvStaticContentTemplates ( );
        if ( this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.IntroductoryEmail_Title == null )
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.IntroductoryEmail_Title = String.Empty;
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.IntroductoryEmail_Body = String.Empty;
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.UpdatePasswordEmail_Title = String.Empty;
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.UpdatePasswordEmail_Body = String.Empty;
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.ResetPasswordEmail_Body = String.Empty;
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.ResetPasswordEmail_Body = String.Empty;
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.PasswordConfirmationEmail_Title = String.Empty;
          this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates.PasswordConfirmationEmail_Body = String.Empty;

        _displayPage = false;
        string value = PageCommand.GetParameter ( EuStaticContentTemplates.CONST_DISPLAY_PAGE );

        if ( true == EvStatics.getBool ( value ) )
          _displayPage = true;

        // Set the page type to control the DB query type.
        string pageType = PageCommand.GetPageId ( );

        this.Session.setPageId ( pageType );

        this.LogValue ( "PageId: " + this.Session.PageId );

        // Determine the method to be called
        switch ( PageCommand.Method )
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Get_Object:
              clientDataObjectObject = this.getObject ( PageCommand );
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Save_Object:
              this.LogValue ( " Save Object method" );

              // Update the object values
              bResult = this.updateObject ( PageCommand );

              // Process an update error result.
              if ( bResult == false )
                this.LogValue ( " Save method failed" );

                // Return the generated ResultData object.
                clientDataObjectObject = null;

        }//END Swith

        // Handle returned exceptions.
        if ( clientDataObjectObject == null )
          this.LogValue ( " null application data returned." );

        // Return the last client ResultData object.
        return clientDataObjectObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        this.LogException ( Ex );
      return new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

    }//END getClientDataObject method
    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class create  object methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// THis method saves the ResultData object updating the field values contained in the 
    /// parameter list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Command">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>Application Data object</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData createObject ( Evado.UniForm.Model.Command Command )
        this.LogMethod ( "createObject" );

        // Log access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "createObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
        if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasEvadoAccess == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
            this.ClassNameSpace + "createObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

          return null;

        // Initialise the dlinical ResultData objects.
        this.AdapterObjects.ContentTemplates = new EvStaticContentTemplates ( );

        this.getDataObject ( clientDataObject );

        this.LogValue ( "Exit createObject method. ID: "
          + clientDataObject.Id + ", Title: " + clientDataObject.Title );

        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = "Error raised when creating a trial site.";

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return null;

    }//END method
Exemplo n.º 24
    }//END getClientDataObject method
    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class private list methods

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getListObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getListObject" );
      this.LogDebug ( "MenuPlatformId: " + this.Session.MenuPlatformId );
      this.LogDebug ( "MenuGroupIdentifer: " + this.Session.MenuGroupIdentifier );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
        if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
            this.ClassNameSpace + "getListObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

          return this.Session.LastPage;

        // Log access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "getListObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        // if the customer command has been executed then refresh the menu list.
        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( Evado.UniForm.Model.CommandParameters.Custom_Method ) == true )
          this.AdapterObjects.MenuList = new List<EvMenuItem> ( );

        // Get the selected pageMenuGroup identifier.
        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( EuSession.CONST_MENU_GROUP_ID ) == true )
          this.Session.MenuGroupIdentifier = PageCommand.GetParameter ( EuSession.CONST_MENU_GROUP_ID );
        this.LogValue ( "UPDATED: MenuGroupIdentifer: " + this.Session.MenuGroupIdentifier );

        // Get the selected pageMenuGroup identifier.
        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( EvMenuItem.MenuFieldNames.Platform.ToString ( ) ) == true )
          this.Session.MenuPlatformId = PageCommand.GetParameter ( EvMenuItem.MenuFieldNames.Platform.ToString ( ) );
        this.LogValue ( "UPDATED: MenuPlatformId: " + this.Session.MenuPlatformId );

        // Update the global menu list, to pick up any changes that where made during an audit cycle.
        this.loadGlobalMenu ( );

        // ensure that all page layouts have menu groups headers.
        this.updatePageLayoutGroups ( );

        // Initialise the ResultData object.
        clientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.Menu_Item_List;
        clientDataObject.Page.Title = clientDataObject.Title;
        clientDataObject.Id = Guid.NewGuid ( );

        // Add the save groupCommand
        clientDataObject.Page.addCommand (
          EuAdapterClasses.Menu.ToString ( ),
          Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Create_Object );

        // add the selection pageMenuGroup.
        this.getSelectionListGroup ( clientDataObject.Page );

        // Add the Menu Field list to the page.
        this.getList_Menu_List_Group (
          this.Session.MenuGroupIdentifier );

        this.LogDebug ( "Page.Title: " + clientDataObject.Page.Title );
        this.LogDebug ( "Page.CommandList.Count: " + clientDataObject.Page.CommandList.Count );

        // Return the client ResultData object.
        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Menu_List_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getListObject method.
Exemplo n.º 25
    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class public methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method gets the trial site object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">ClientPateEvado.UniForm.Model.Command object</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getDataObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject" );
      this.LogValue ( "PageCommand Content: " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( EdOrganisation.FieldNames.Org_Type ) == true )
          this.Session.SelectedOrganisationType = PageCommand.GetParameter ( EdOrganisation.FieldNames.Org_Type );
        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( Evado.UniForm.Model.CommandParameters.Custom_Method ) == true )
          this.Session.AdminOrganisationList = new List<EdOrganisation> ( );
        this.LogValue ( "SelectedOrganisationType: " + this.Session.SelectedOrganisationType );

        // Determine the method to be called
        switch ( PageCommand.Method )
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.List_of_Objects:
              clientDataObject = this.getListObject ( PageCommand );
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Get_Object:
              clientDataObject = this.getObject ( PageCommand );
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Create_Object:
              clientDataObject = this.createObject ( PageCommand );
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Save_Object:
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Delete_Object:
              // Update the object values
              clientDataObject = this.updateObject ( PageCommand );

        }//END Switch

        // Handle returned exceptions.
        if ( clientDataObject == null )
          this.LogDebug ( " null application data returned." );
          clientDataObject = this.Session.LastPage;

        // If an errot message exist display it.
        if ( this.ErrorMessage != String.Empty )
          clientDataObject.Message = this.ErrorMessage;

        // return the client ResultData object.
        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject" );
        return clientDataObject;
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        this.LogException ( Ex );
      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getDataObject" );
      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getDataObject method
    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class public methods

    /// <summary>
    /// This method gets the application object from the list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">ClientPateEvado.UniForm.Model.Command object</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    override public Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getDataObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getClientDataObject" );
      this.LogValue ( "Parameter PageCommand " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );

        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        var pageId = PageCommand.GetPageId<Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds> ( );

        this.LogDebug ( "Page Id {0}.", pageId );
        // Load the customer group.
        this.getAdsCustomerGroup ( );

        // Determine the method to be called
        switch ( PageCommand.Method )
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.List_of_Objects:
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Get_Object:
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Create_Object:
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Save_Object:
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Delete_Object:
              switch ( pageId )
                case Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.User_Registration_Page:
                    clientDataObject = this.getDataObject_RegistrationPage ( PageCommand );
                case Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.Demo_User_Exit_Page:
                    this.LogValue ( " Save Object method" );

                    clientDataObject = this.getDataObject_ExitPage ( PageCommand );
        }//END Switch

        // Handle returned exceptions.
        if ( clientDataObject == null )
          clientDataObject = this.Session.LastPage;
          this.LogDebug ( " null application data returned." );

        if ( this.ErrorMessage != String.Empty )
          this.LogDebug ( "Append error message" );
          clientDataObject.Message = this.ErrorMessage;

        // return the client ResultData object.
        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getClientDataObject" );
        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getClientDataObject" );
      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END updateObject method
Exemplo n.º 27
    }//END getDataObject method

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class list methods

    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getListObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getListObject" );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
        if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
            this.ClassNameSpace + "getListObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

          return this.Session.LastPage; ;

        // Log access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "getListObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( Evado.UniForm.Model.CommandParameters.Custom_Method ) == true )
          this.Session.AdminOrganisationList = new List<EdOrganisation> ( );

        // fill the organisation list.
        this.getOrganisationList ( );

        // Initialise the list of organisations.
        clientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.Organisation_List_Page_Title;
        clientDataObject.Page.Title = clientDataObject.Title;
        clientDataObject.Id = Guid.NewGuid ( );

        this.getOrganisationSelection ( clientDataObject.Page );
        // Add the trial organisation list to the page.
        this.getListGroup ( clientDataObject.Page );

        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getListObject" );
        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Organisation_List_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getListObject" );
      return this.Session.LastPage; ;

    }//END getListObject method.
Exemplo n.º 28
    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">Evado.UniForm.Model.Command object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getListObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getListObject" );
      this.LogDebug ( "Selected_EntityLayoutId: " + this.Session.Selected_EntityLayoutId );
      this.LogDebug ( "EntitySelectionState: " + this.Session.EntityStateSelection );
      this.LogDebug ( "EntitySelectionLayoutId: " + this.Session.Selected_EntityLayoutId );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );
        this.EnableEntityEditButtonUpdate = false; 
        // get the selected entity.
        this.Session.EntityLayout = this.AdapterObjects.GetEntityLayout ( this.Session.Selected_EntityLayoutId );

        this.LogDebug ( "EntityLayout.ReadAccessRoles: " + this.Session.EntityLayout.Design.ReadAccessRoles );
        this.LogDebug ( "UserProfile.Roles: " + this.Session.UserProfile.Roles );

        // If the user does not have monitor or ResultData manager roles exit the page.
        if ( this.Session.EntityLayout.hasReadAccess ( this.Session.UserProfile.Roles ) == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
            this.ClassNameSpace + "getListObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Record_Access_Error_Message;

          return this.Session.LastPage; ;
        // Log the user's access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
          this.ClassNameSpace + "getListObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        this.LogDebug ( "LayoutId {0}", this.Session.EntityLayout.LayoutId );

        // Set the parent entity variables.
        this.ParentLayoutId = this.Session.Entity.LayoutId;
        this.ParentGuid = this.Session.Entity.Guid;
        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( EdRecord.FieldNames.ParentGuid ) == true )
          this.ParentGuid = PageCommand.GetParameterAsGuid ( EdRecord.FieldNames.ParentGuid );
        if ( PageCommand.hasParameter ( EdRecord.FieldNames.ParentLayoutId ) == true )
          this.ParentLayoutId = PageCommand.GetParameter ( EdRecord.FieldNames.ParentLayoutId );

        // Execute the monitor list record query.
        this.executeRecordQuery ( );

        // Initialise the client ResultData object.
        clientDataObject.Id = Guid.NewGuid ( );
        clientDataObject.Page.Id = clientDataObject.Id;
        clientDataObject.Page.PageDataGuid = clientDataObject.Id;
        clientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.Entity_View_Page_Title;

        if ( this.AdapterObjects.Settings.UseHomePageHeaderOnAllPages == true )
          clientDataObject.Title = this.AdapterObjects.Settings.HomePageHeaderText;
          clientDataObject.Title = this.Session.EntityLayout.Title;

        clientDataObject.Page.Title = clientDataObject.Title;
        clientDataObject.Page.PageId = Evado.Digital.Model.EdStaticPageIds.Records_View.ToString ( );

        if ( this.Session.Entity.hasEditAccess ( this.Session.UserProfile.Roles ) == true )
          clientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;
        this.LogValue ( "Page.EditAccess: " + clientDataObject.Page.EditAccess );

        // Create the new pageMenuGroup for query selection.
        this.getList_SelectionGroup ( clientDataObject.Page );

        // Create the pageMenuGroup containing commands to open the records.
        this.getEntity_ListGroup ( clientDataObject.Page );

        this.LogValue ( "data.Page.Title: " + clientDataObject.Page.Title );

        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        // Create the error message to be displayed to the user.
        this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Record_View_Error_Message;

        // Generate the log the error event.
        this.LogException ( Ex );

      return this.Session.LastPage; ;

    }//END getListObject method.
Exemplo n.º 29
    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Class public methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method gets the trial site object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">ClientPateEvado.UniForm.Model.Command object</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData</returns>
    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData getClientDataObject (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getClientDataObject" );
      this.LogValue ( "PageCommand Content: " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, true ) );
        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData clientDataObject = new Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ( );

        // Determine if the user has access to this page and log and error if they do not.
        if ( this.Session.UserProfile.hasAdministrationAccess == false )
          this.LogIllegalAccess (
           this.ClassNameSpace + "getClientDataObject",
            this.Session.UserProfile );

          this.ErrorMessage = EdLabels.Illegal_Page_Access_Attempt;

          return this.Session.LastPage;

        // Log access to page.
        this.LogPageAccess (
         this.ClassNameSpace + "getClientDataObject",
          this.Session.UserProfile );

        // save the event selection parameters.
        this.saveEventLogSelectionParameters ( PageCommand );

        // Determine the method to be called
        switch ( PageCommand.Method )
          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.List_of_Objects:
              clientDataObject = this.getListObject ( PageCommand );

          case Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Get_Object:
              clientDataObject = this.getObject ( PageCommand );


        }//END Swith

        // Handle returned exceptions.
        if ( clientDataObject == null )
          this.LogValue ( " null application data returned." );
          clientDataObject = this.Session.LastPage;

        // If an errot message exist display it.
        if ( this.ErrorMessage != String.Empty )
          clientDataObject.Message = this.ErrorMessage;

        // return the client ResultData object.
        this.LogMethodEnd ( "getClientDataObject" );
        return clientDataObject;

      catch ( Exception Ex )
        this.LogException ( Ex );
      this.LogMethodEnd ( "getClientDataObject" );
      return this.Session.LastPage;

    }//END getClientDataObject method
Exemplo n.º 30
    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ClientDataObject">Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData object.</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData object</returns>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getClientData (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.AppData ClientDataObject )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Command pageCommand = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Command ( );
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Field pageField = new Evado.UniForm.Model.Field ( );
      List<EvOption> optionList = new List<EvOption> ( );
      EvOption option = new EvOption ( );

      ClientDataObject.Id = this.Session.MenuItem.Guid;
      ClientDataObject.Title = EdLabels.Menu_Item;

      ClientDataObject.Page.Id = ClientDataObject.Id;
      ClientDataObject.Page.Title = ClientDataObject.Title;
      ClientDataObject.Page.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Enabled;

      // create the page pageMenuGroup
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Group pageGroup = ClientDataObject.Page.AddGroup (
        Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Inherited );
      pageGroup.Layout = Evado.UniForm.Model.GroupLayouts.Full_Width;

      // Add the platform selection list

      optionList.Add ( new EvOption (
        EdLabels.Menu_Admin_Platform_Option_Description ) );

      optionList.Add ( new EvOption (
        EdLabels.Menu_Production_Platform_Option_Description ) );

      pageField = pageGroup.createSelectionListField (
        optionList );
      pageField.EditAccess = Evado.UniForm.Model.EditAccess.Disabled;

      // Create the customer id object
      optionList = this.AdapterObjects.PageIdentifiers;

      Evado.Digital.Model.EvcStatics.sortOptionListValues ( optionList );

      pageField = pageGroup.createSelectionListField (
        EvMenuItem.MenuFieldNames.Page_Id.ToString ( ),
        this.Session.MenuItem.PageId.ToString ( ),
        optionList );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Create the customer name object
      pageField = pageGroup.createTextField (
        EvMenuItem.MenuFieldNames.Title.ToString ( ),
        20 );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Create the customer name object
      pageField = pageGroup.createNumericField (
        EvMenuItem.MenuFieldNames.Order.ToString ( ),
        200 );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Create the customer name object
      optionList = this.AdapterObjects.Settings.GetRoleOptionList ( false );
      string roles = this.Session.MenuItem.RoleList;

      pageField = pageGroup.createCheckBoxListField (
        EvMenuItem.MenuFieldNames.Role_List.ToString ( ),
        optionList );

      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      pageField.Description = EdLabels.Menu_Role_List_Field_Description;

      // Create the customer name object
      pageField = pageGroup.createTextField (
        EvMenuItem.MenuFieldNames.Parameters.ToString ( ),
        20 );
      pageField.Layout = EuAdapter.DefaultFieldLayout;

      // Add the save groupCommand
      pageCommand = pageGroup.addCommand (
        EuAdapterClasses.Menu.ToString ( ),
        Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Save_Object );

      // Define the save and delete groupCommand parameters
      pageCommand.SetGuid ( ClientDataObject.Id );

      // Add the delete groupCommand object.
      pageCommand = pageGroup.addCommand (
         EuAdapterClasses.Menu.ToString ( ),
         Evado.UniForm.Model.ApplicationMethods.Save_Object );

      // Define the save and delete groupCommand parameters
      pageCommand.SetGuid ( ClientDataObject.Id );

      pageCommand.AddParameter ( Evado.Digital.Model.EvcStatics.CONST_SAVE_ACTION, EuMenus.CONST_DELETE_ACTION );

    }//END Method