Exemplo n.º 1
        static void PrintConvertProgress(udSDK.Convert.udConvertContext convertContext)
            System.Threading.Thread conversionThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(convertContext.DoConvert));
            ulong currentItem = 1;

            while (!conversionThread.Join(50))
                if (currentItem != convertContext.Status.currentInputItem)
                    currentItem = convertContext.Status.currentInputItem;
                string fn = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(convertContext.CurrentItem.pFilename);
                Console.Write("\rReading {0} ({1}/{2}): {3}/{4} points read ({5} total read)", fn, convertContext.Status.currentInputItem + 1, convertContext.Status.totalItems, convertContext.CurrentItem.pointsRead, convertContext.CurrentItem.pointsCount, convertContext.Status.totalPointsRead);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Convert(string inputPath, string outputPath, udSDK.udContext context)
            udSDK.Convert.udConvertContext convertContext = new udSDK.Convert.udConvertContext(context);

            convertContext.OutputFile      = outputPath;
            convertContext.TempDirectory   = "./customTemp/";
            convertContext.PointResolution = 0.1;
            convertContext.SRID            = 28356;
            convertContext.SkipErrors      = true;
            convertContext.GlobalOffset    = new double[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            udSDK.Convert.udConvertItemInfo input = convertContext.inputItems[0];
            input.srid = 28354; // this sets the internal item srid value
            // metadata can be set in the following way:
            convertContext.metadata["Copyright"] = "Euclideon Pty";
            // we can read the current metadata as a string using convertContext.metadata.JsonString
            // The following function demonstrates printing the conversion status as the converion is running in a separate thread:
            // Alternatively this runs the conversion in this thread: