protected override EstimationResult BuildEstimate(Scalar spotPrice, CurveMarketData interestDataSet, CallPriceMarketData callDataSet, EquityCalibrationData equityCalData, SolutionInfo solution)
            string[] names = new string[] { "S0", "kappa", "theta", "sigma",
                                            "rho", "V0", "r", "q" };
            Vector param = new Vector(8);

            param[0] = spotPrice.Value;
            param[Range.New(1, 5)] = solution.x[Range.New(0, 4)];
            param[6] = equityCalData.zrFunc.Evaluate(TheoreticalModelsSettings.ConstantDYRFMaturity);
            if (impliedDividends)
                param[7] = solution.x[Range.End];// equityCalData.dyFunc.Evaluate(TheoreticalModelsSettings.ConstantDYRFMaturity);
                param[7] = DY(equityCalData);

            var result = new EstimationResult(names, param);

            result.Fit = HestonCallOptimizationProblem.avgPricingError;
        protected override EstimationResult BuildEstimate(Scalar spotPrice, CurveMarketData interestDataSet, CallPriceMarketData callDataSet, EquityCalibrationData equityCalData, SolutionInfo solution)
            string[] names = new string[] { "S0", "kappa", "theta", "sigma",
                                            "rho", "V0", "r", "q" };
            Vector param = new Vector(8);
            param[0] = spotPrice.Value;
            param[Range.New(1, 5)] = solution.x[Range.New(0, 4)];
            param[6] = equityCalData.zrFunc.Evaluate(TheoreticalModelsSettings.ConstantDYRFMaturity);
            if (impliedDividends)
                param[7] = solution.x[Range.End];// equityCalData.dyFunc.Evaluate(TheoreticalModelsSettings.ConstantDYRFMaturity);
                param[7] = DY(equityCalData);

            var result = new EstimationResult(names, param);
            result.Fit = HestonCallOptimizationProblem.avgPricingError;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private static void AssertEstimationResultsAreEqual(EstimationResult expected, EstimationResult actual)
     if (expected == null)
         Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, actual.Count);
         foreach (var expectedItem in expected)
             var actualItem = actual.Single(i => i.Key.Name == expectedItem.Key.Name);
             AssertObserversAreEqual(expectedItem.Key, actualItem.Key, true);
             Assert.AreEqual(expectedItem.Value, actualItem.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="PelsserCappletOptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using caps matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller which may be used to cancel the process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List <object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary <string, object> properties = null)
            InterestRateMarketData dataset   = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;
            MatrixMarketData       normalVol = null;

            if (data.Count > 1)
                normalVol = (MatrixMarketData)data[1];
            EstimationResult result;

            if ((dataset.ZRMarket == null) || (dataset.CapVolatility == null))
                result = new EstimationResult();
                result.ErrorMessage = "Not enough data to calibrate.\n" +
                                      "The estimator needs a ZRMarket and a CapVolatility " +
                                      "defined inside InterestRateMarketData";

            // Backup the dates
            DateTime effectiveDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            DateTime valuationDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

            if (Document.ActiveDocument != null)
                effectiveDate = Document.ActiveDocument.ContractDate;
                valuationDate = Document.ActiveDocument.SimulationStartDate;

            // Creates the Context.
            Document   doc = new Document();
            ProjectROV prj = new ProjectROV(doc);


            Function zr = new PFunction(null);

            zr.VarName = "zr";
            // Load the zr.
            double[,] zrvalue = (double[, ])ArrayHelper.Concat(dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray(), dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray());
            zr.Expr           = zrvalue;


            var bm = BlackModelFactory(zr);

            if (bm is BachelierNormalModel)
                (bm as BachelierNormalModel).Tenor = dataset.CapTenor;

            double deltak = dataset.CapTenor;

            Matrix capVol = normalVol != null ? normalVol.Values:dataset.CapVolatility;
            Vector capMat = normalVol != null ? normalVol.RowValues: dataset.CapMaturity;
            Vector capK   = normalVol != null ? normalVol.ColumnValues: dataset.CapRate;

            var preferences = settings as Fairmat.Calibration.CapVolatilityFiltering;

            // Matrix calculated with black.
            var blackCaps = new Matrix(capMat.Length, capK.Length);

            for (int m = 0; m < capMat.Length; m++)
                for (int s = 0; s < capK.Length; s++)
                    bool skip = false;
                    if (preferences != null)
                        if (capK[s] < preferences.MinCapRate || capK[s] > preferences.MaxCapRate ||
                            capMat[m] < preferences.MinCapMaturity || capMat[m] > preferences.MaxCapMaturity)
                            skip = true;

                    if (capVol[m, s] == 0 || skip)
                        blackCaps[m, s] = 0;
                        blackCaps[m, s] = bm.Cap(capK[s], capVol[m, s], deltak, capMat[m]);

            if (blackCaps.IsNaN())
                Console.WriteLine("Black caps matrix has non real values:");
                throw new Exception("Cannot calculate Black caps");

            // Maturity goes from 0 to the last item with step deltaK.
            Vector maturity = new Vector((int)(1.0 + capMat[capMat.Length - 1] / deltak));

            for (int l = 0; l < maturity.Length; l++)
                maturity[l] = deltak * l;

            Vector fwd = new Vector(maturity.Length - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < fwd.Length; i++)
                fwd[i] = bm.Fk(maturity[i + 1], deltak);

            // Creates a default Pelsser model.
            Pelsser.SquaredGaussianModel model = new Pelsser.SquaredGaussianModel();
            model.a1     = (ModelParameter)0.014;
            model.sigma1 = (ModelParameter)0.001;
            model.zr     = (ModelParameter)"@zr";
            StochasticProcessExtendible iex = new StochasticProcessExtendible(prj, model);



            DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;
            Caplet   cp = new Caplet();

            PelsserCappletOptimizationProblem problem = new PelsserCappletOptimizationProblem(prj, cp, maturity, fwd, capK, deltak, capMat, blackCaps);

            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver  = new QADE();
            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver2 = new SteepestDescent();

            DESettings o = new DESettings();

            o.NP         = 35;
            o.TargetCost = 0.0025;
            o.MaxIter    = 10;
            o.Verbosity  = Math.Max(1, Engine.Verbose);
            o.controller = controller;
            // Parallel evaluation is not supported for this calibration.
            o.Parallel = false;
            o.Debug    = true;
            SolutionInfo solution = null;

            Vector x0 = (Vector) new double[] { 0.1, 0.1 };

            solution = solver.Minimize(problem, o, x0);
            if (solution.errors)
                return(new EstimationResult(solution.message));

            o.epsilon   = 10e-7;
            o.h         = 10e-7;
            o.MaxIter   = 1000;
            o.Debug     = true;
            o.Verbosity = Math.Max(1, Engine.Verbose);

            if (solution != null)
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, solution.x);
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, x0);

            if (solution.errors)
                return(new EstimationResult(solution.message));


            string[] names = new string[] { "alpha1", "sigma1" };
            result = new EstimationResult(names, solution.x);

            result.ZRX        = (double[])dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray();
            result.ZRY        = (double[])dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray();
            result.Objects    = new object[1];
            result.Objects[0] = solution.obj;
            //result.Fit = solution.obj;//Uncomment in 1.6
            // Restore the dates
            if (Document.ActiveDocument != null)
                Document.ActiveDocument.ContractDate        = effectiveDate;
                Document.ActiveDocument.SimulationStartDate = valuationDate;

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate editable fields from name and value vectors
        /// specific to the Heston extended process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stocProcess">
        /// The stochastic process which is being referenced to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="estimate">
        /// The estimation result which contains values and names of parameters.
        /// It will be searched for S0, kappa, theta, sigma, V0, r, q and rho.
        /// </param>
        public void Populate(IStochasticProcess stocProcess, EstimationResult estimate)
            bool found;
            this.S0 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("S0", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.S0.Description);
            this.k = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("kappa", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.k.Description);
            this.theta = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("theta", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.theta.Description);
            this.sigma = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("sigma", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.sigma.Description);
            this.V0 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("V0", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.V0.Description);
            this.r = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("r", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.r.Description);
            this.q = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("q", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.q.Description);

            int index = stocProcess.NoiseIndex;
            ProjectProcess prj = stocProcess.Context as ProjectProcess;

            // Updates the correlation.
            prj.Processes.r.Set(index, index + 1, (RightValue)PopulateHelper.GetValue("rho", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found));
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to solve the Variance Gamma Optimization problem using
        /// <see cref="Heston.VarianceGammaOptimizationProblem"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// The data to be used in order to perform the optimization.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the optimization.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List<object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
            EquitySpotMarketData espmd = data[0] as EquitySpotMarketData;
            CallPriceMarketData cpmd = data[1] as CallPriceMarketData;
            DiscountingCurveMarketData dcmd = data[2] as DiscountingCurveMarketData;
            EquityCalibrationData ecd = new EquityCalibrationData(cpmd, dcmd);
            this.s0 = espmd.Price;
            this.r = espmd.RiskFreeRate;
            this.q = espmd.DividendYield;

            this.k = ecd.Hdata.Strike;
            this.m = ecd.Hdata.Maturity;
            this.cp = ecd.Hdata.CallPrice;

            Vector x0 = (Vector)new double[] { -0.1, 0.2, 0.1 };
            IOptimizationAlgorithm algorithm = new QADE();
            OptimizationSettings optimizationSettings = new DESettings();

            // Maximum number of iteration allowed.

            // Positive integer values print debug info.
            optimizationSettings.Verbosity = 1;

            // Tolerance.
            optimizationSettings.epsilon = 10e-5;
            var solution = algorithm.Minimize(new VarianceGammaOptimizationProblem(this.q, this.s0, this.k,
                                                                          this.r, this.cp, this.m),
                                                                          optimizationSettings, x0);

            if (solution.errors)
                return new EstimationResult(solution.message);

            var er = new EstimationResult();
            er.Names= new string[]{"S0","theta","sigma","nu","rate","dividend"};
            er.Values = new double[] {this.s0,solution.x[0],solution.x[1],solution.x[2],this.r,this.q};
            return er;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="CapsHW1OptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using caps matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller which may be used to cancel the process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List <object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary <string, object> properties = null)
            InterestRateMarketData dataset = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;

            PFunction zr = new PFunction(null);

            zr.VarName = "zr";

            var preferences = settings as Fairmat.Calibration.CapVolatilityFiltering;

            // Loads ZR
            double[,] zrvalue = (double[, ])ArrayHelper.Concat(dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray(), dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray());
            zr.Expr           = zrvalue;

            BlackModel bm = new BlackModel(zr);

            double deltak = dataset.CapTenor;

            if (dataset.CapVolatility == null)
                return(new EstimationResult("Cap not available at requested date"));

            Matrix capVolatility = dataset.CapVolatility;
            Vector capMaturity   = dataset.CapMaturity;
            Vector capRate       = dataset.CapRate;
            double a             = 0.1;
            double sigma         = 0.1;

            // Matrix calculated with Black.
            Matrix blackCaps = new Matrix(capMaturity.Length, capRate.Length);
            Matrix logic     = new Matrix(capMaturity.Length, capRate.Length);

            for (int m = 0; m < capMaturity.Length; m++)
                for (int s = 0; s < capRate.Length; s++)
                    blackCaps[m, s] = bm.Cap(capRate[s], capVolatility[m, s], deltak, capMaturity[m]);
                    if (double.IsNaN(blackCaps[m, s]))
                        bm.Cap(capRate[s], capVolatility[m, s], deltak, capMaturity[m]);
                        throw new Exception("Malformed black caps");

                    if (blackCaps[m, s] == 0.0)
                        logic[m, s] = 0.0;
                        logic[m, s] = 1.0;

                    if (preferences != null)
                        if (capRate[s] < preferences.MinCapRate || capRate[s] > preferences.MaxCapRate ||
                            capMaturity[m] < preferences.MinCapMaturity || capMaturity[m] > preferences.MaxCapMaturity)
                            logic[m, s] = 0; blackCaps[m, s] = 0;

            DateTime t0      = DateTime.Now;
            CapHW1   hw1Caps = new CapHW1(zr);
            Matrix   caps    = hw1Caps.HWMatrixCaps(capMaturity, capRate, a, sigma, deltak);

            for (int m = 0; m < capMaturity.Length; m++)
                for (int s = 0; s < capRate.Length; s++)
                    caps[m, s] = logic[m, s] * caps[m, s];

            CapsHW1OptimizationProblem problem = new CapsHW1OptimizationProblem(hw1Caps, blackCaps, capMaturity, capRate, deltak);
            Vector provaparam = new Vector(2);

            var solver = new QADE();

            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver2 = new SteepestDescent();

            DESettings o = new DESettings();

            o.NP        = 20;
            o.MaxIter   = 10;
            o.Verbosity = 1;
            o.Parallel  = false;
            SolutionInfo solution = null;
            Vector       x0       = new Vector(new double[] { 0.05, 0.01 });

            o.controller = controller;
            solution     = solver.Minimize(problem, o, x0);

            o.epsilon = 10e-8;
            o.h       = 10e-8;

            o.MaxIter = 100;
            solution  = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, solution.x);
            if (solution.errors)
                return(new EstimationResult(solution.message));
            string[] names = new string[] { "Alpha", "Sigma" };

            //solution.x[0] *= 3;

            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, solution.x);

            result.ZRX = (double[])dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray();
            result.ZRY = (double[])dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray();

Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void AddCount(this StringBuilder builder, GeometryType type, EstimationResult result, string separator)
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="CapsCIROptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using caps matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">A controller used for the optimization process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List <object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary <string, object> properties = null)
            InterestRateMarketData dataset = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;

            // Creates the context.
            Document   doc = new Document();
            ProjectROV prj = new ProjectROV(doc);


            CapCIROptimizationProblem problem = new CapCIROptimizationProblem(dataset);
            IOptimizationAlgorithm    solver  = new QADE();
            IOptimizationAlgorithm    solver2 = new SteepestDescent();

            DESettings o = new DESettings();

            o.NP         = 50;
            o.MaxIter    = 50;
            o.Verbosity  = 1;
            o.Parallel   = false;
            o.controller = controller;
            SolutionInfo solution = null;

            Vector x0 = new Vector(new double[] { 1, 0.01, 0.05 });

            solution = solver.Minimize(problem, o, x0);
            if (solution.errors)
                return(new EstimationResult(solution.message));

            o.epsilon = 10e-10;
            o.h       = 10e-10;
            o.MaxIter = 1000;

            if (solution != null)
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, solution.x);
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, x0);

            if (solution.errors)
                return(new EstimationResult(solution.message));

            string[] names  = CIR.parameterNames;
            Vector   values = new Vector(4);

            values[Range.New(0, 2)] = solution.x;
            values[3] = problem.r0;

            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, values);

Exemplo n.º 10
 public override AquisitionFunctionValue GetAquistionValue(EstimationResult er)
     return(new AquisitionFunctionValue(er.X, er.UpperBound - er.LowerBound));
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate editable fields from name and value vectors
        /// specific to the CIR process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">
        /// The stochastic process which is being referenced to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="estimate">
        /// The estimation result which contains values and names of parameters.
        /// </param>
        public void Populate(IStochasticProcess container, EstimationResult estimate)
            bool found;
            this.parameterValues = new double[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.Length; i++)
                this.parameterValues[i] = PopulateHelper.GetValue(parameterNames[i],
                                                                  estimate.Names, estimate.Values,
                                                                  out found);
                Console.WriteLine("ParameterValues[{0}] = {1}\t ParameterNames[{0}] = {2}",
                                  i, this.parameterValues[i], parameterNames[i]);

Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate editable fields from name and value vectors
        /// specific to HW.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="names">
        /// An array with the names of the variable,
        /// will search for alpha (or a1), sigma (or sigma1).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="values">The values associated to the parameters in names.</param>
        public void Populate(string[] names, double[] values)
            bool found = false;
            this.alpha1 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("alpha", "a1", names, values, out found), alphaDescription);
            this.sigma1 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("sigma", "sigma1", names, values, out found), sigmaDescription);
            this.lambda0 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("Lambda0", "lambda0", names, values, out found), lambda0Description);

        /// <summary>
        /// Populate editable fields from name and value vectors
        /// specific to the Heston extended process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stocProcess">
        /// The stochastic process which is being referenced to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="estimate">
        /// The estimation result which contains values and names of parameters.
        /// It will be searched for S0, kappa, theta, sigma, V0 and rho.
        /// </param>
        public void Populate(IStochasticProcess stocProcess, EstimationResult estimate)
            bool found;
            this.alpha1 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("alpha", "a1", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), alphaDescription);
            this.sigma1 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("sigma", "sigma1", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), sigmaDescription);
            this.lambda0 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("Lambda0", "lambda0", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), lambda0Description);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public abstract AquisitionFunctionValue GetAquistionValue(EstimationResult er);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private EstimationResult QuantLibEstimate(CurveMarketData discoutingCurve, CallPriceMarketData Hdataset)
            EquityCalibrationData HCalData = new EquityCalibrationData(Hdataset, discoutingCurve);

            bool hasArbitrage = HCalData.HasArbitrageOpportunity(10e-2);

            if (hasArbitrage)
                Console.WriteLine("Market data contains arbitrage opportunity");

            this.r = new DVPLDOM.PFunction(discoutingCurve.Durations, discoutingCurve.Values);
            this.q = HCalData.dyFunc as PFunction;


            Hdataset.Volatility = new Matrix(Hdataset.CallPrice.R, Hdataset.CallPrice.C);
            for (int i = 0; i < Hdataset.Volatility.R; i++)
                double m = Hdataset.Maturity[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < Hdataset.Volatility.C; j++)
                    if (Hdataset.CallPrice[i, j] > 0)
                        var bs = new Fairmat.Finance.BlackScholes(r.Evaluate(m), Hdataset.S0, Hdataset.Strike[j], 0, m, q.Evaluate(m));
                        //Hdataset.Volatility[i, j] = Hdataset.Volatility[i, j] * Hdataset.Volatility[i, j] * Hdataset.Maturity[i];

                        //Hdataset.Volatility[i, j] = bs.ImpliedCallVolatility(Hdataset.CallPrice[i, j]);


            IFunction impVol = FitImplVolModel(Hdataset);

            Document   doc = new Document();
            ProjectROV prj = new ProjectROV(doc);

            // doc.WriteToXMLFile("impVol.fair");

            int       nmat = calibrationSettings.LocalVolatilityMaturities;
            int       nstrike = calibrationSettings.LocalVolatilityStrikes;
            double    lastMat = Hdataset.Maturity[SymbolicIntervalExtremes.End];
            double    lastStr = Hdataset.Strike[SymbolicIntervalExtremes.End];
            Vector    locVolMat = Vector.Linspace(Hdataset.Maturity[0], lastMat, nmat);
            Vector    locVolStr = Vector.Linspace(Hdataset.Strike[0], lastStr, nstrike);
            Matrix    locVolMatrix = new Matrix(nmat, nstrike);
            double    t, dt, forwardValue, y, dy, strike, strikep, strikem, w, wp, wm, dwdy;
            double    d2wdy2, den1, den2, den3, strikept, strikemt, wpt, wmt, dwdt;
            Integrate integrate = new Integrate(this);

            for (int i = 0; i < nmat; i++)
                t            = locVolMat[i];
                forwardValue = Hdataset.S0 * Math.Exp(integrate.AdaptLobatto(0.0, t));
                for (int j = 0; j < nstrike; j++)
                    strike = locVolStr[j];
                    y      = Math.Log(strike / forwardValue);
                    dy     = ((Math.Abs(y) > 0.001) ? y * 0.0001 : 0.000001);

                    // strike derivative
                    strikep = strike * Math.Exp(dy);
                    strikem = strike / Math.Exp(dy);
                    w       = impVol.Evaluate(t, strike);
                    wp      = impVol.Evaluate(t, strikep);
                    wm      = impVol.Evaluate(t, strikem);
                    dwdy    = (wp - wm) / (2.0 * dy);
                    d2wdy2  = (wp - 2.0 * w + wm) / (dy * dy);

                    // time derivative
                    if (t == 0.0)
                        dt       = 0.0001;
                        strikept = strike * Math.Exp(integrate.AdaptLobatto(0.0, t + dt));
                        wpt      = impVol.Evaluate(t + dt, strikept);
                        // if (wpt < w)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Decreasing variance at strike {0} between time {1} and time {2}", strike, t, t + dt);
                        dwdt = (wpt - w) / dt;
                        dt       = Math.Min(0.0001, t / 2.0);
                        strikept = strike * Math.Exp(integrate.AdaptLobatto(t, t + dt));
                        strikemt = strike * Math.Exp(-integrate.AdaptLobatto(t - dt, t));
                        wpt      = impVol.Evaluate(t + dt, strikept);
                        wmt      = impVol.Evaluate(t + dt, strikemt);

                        //if (wpt < w)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Decreasing variance at strike {0} between time {1} and time {2}", strike, t, t + dt);
                        //if (w < wmt)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Decreasing variance at strike {0} between time {1} and time {2}", strike, t-dt, t);
                        dwdt = (wpt - wmt) / (2.0 * dt);
                    if (dwdy == 0.0 && d2wdy2 == 0.0)
                        locVolMatrix[i, j] = Math.Sqrt(dwdt);
                        den1 = 1.0 - y / w * dwdy;
                        den2 = 0.25 * (-0.25 - 1.0 / w + y * y / w / w) * dwdy * dwdy;
                        den3 = 0.5 * d2wdy2;
                        locVolMatrix[i, j] = dwdt / (den1 + den2 + den3);
                        //if (locVolMatrix[i,j] < 0.0)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Negative local vol^2 at strike {0} and time {1}; " +
                        //        "Black vol surface is not smooth enought.", strike, t);

            // Create dupire outputs.
            PFunction2D.PFunction2D localVol = new PFunction2D.PFunction2D(locVolMat, locVolStr, locVolMatrix);
            string[] names = new string[] { "S0" };
            Vector   param = new Vector(1);

            param[0] = Hdataset.S0;
            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, param);

            //result.Objects = new object[3];
            result.Objects    = new object[4];
            result.Objects[0] = this.r;
            result.Objects[1] = this.q;
            result.Objects[2] = localVol;
            result.Objects[3] = impVol;
            //Console.WriteLine("r = " + HCalData.Rate.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("q = " + HCalData.DividendYield.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate editable fields from name and value vectors
        /// specific to the Heston extended process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stocProcess">
        /// The stochastic process which is being referenced to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="estimate">
        /// The estimation result which contains values and names of parameters.
        /// It will be searched for S0, kappa, theta, sigma, V0 and rho.
        /// </param>
        public void Populate(IStochasticProcess stocProcess, EstimationResult estimate)
            bool found;
            this.S0 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("S0", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.S0.Description);
            this.k = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("kappa", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.k.Description);
            this.theta = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("theta", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.theta.Description);
            this.sigma = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("sigma", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.sigma.Description);
            this.V0 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("V0", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.V0.Description);

            int index = stocProcess.NoiseIndex;
            ProjectProcess prj = stocProcess.Context as ProjectProcess;

            // Update the correlation matrix.
            prj.Processes.r.Set(index, index + 1, (RightValue)PopulateHelper.GetValue("rho", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found));
            bool errors = RetrieveCurve(stocProcess.Context, false);
            if (!errors)
                this.zrCurve.Expr = (estimate.Objects[0] as Matrix).ToArray();
                this.dyCurve.Expr = (estimate.Objects[1] as Matrix).ToArray();
                //Calibrator assumes dividend yield is a step constant function, the simulation model must be coherent with that assumption.
                (this.dyCurve as PFunction).m_Function.iType = DVPLUtils.EInterpolationType.ZERO_ORDER_LEFT;
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="SwaptionHW1OptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using swaption matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller which may be used to cancel the process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List<object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
            InterestRateMarketData dataset = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;

            PFunction zr = new PFunction(null);
            // Loads the zero rate.
            double[,] zrvalue = (double[,])ArrayHelper.Concat(dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray(), dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray());
            zr.Expr = zrvalue;

            double deltak = dataset.SwaptionTenor;

            var swaptionsFiltering = settings as SwaptionsFiltering;

            if (swaptionsFiltering == null)
                swaptionsFiltering = new SwaptionsFiltering();//creates a default

            int maturitiesCount = dataset.OptionMaturity.Count(x => x >= swaptionsFiltering.MinSwaptionMaturity && x <= swaptionsFiltering.MaxSwaptionMaturity);
            int durationsCount = dataset.SwapDuration.Count(x => x >= swaptionsFiltering.MinSwapDuration && x <= swaptionsFiltering.MaxSwapDuration);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Calibrating on {0} swaptions prices [#maturiries x #durations]=[{1} x {2}]", maturitiesCount * durationsCount, maturitiesCount,durationsCount));

            if (maturitiesCount * durationsCount == 0)
                return new EstimationResult("No swaptions satisfying criteria found, please relax filters");

            Matrix swaptionsVolatility = new Matrix(maturitiesCount, durationsCount);// dataset.SwaptionsVolatility;
            Vector optionMaturity = new Vector(maturitiesCount);// dataset.OptionMaturity;
            Vector swapDuration = new Vector(durationsCount);// dataset.SwapDuration;

            //Build filtered matrix and vectors
            int fm=0;
            for (int m = 0; m < dataset.OptionMaturity.Length; m++)
                int fd=0;
                if (dataset.OptionMaturity[m] >= swaptionsFiltering.MinSwaptionMaturity && dataset.OptionMaturity[m] <= swaptionsFiltering.MaxSwaptionMaturity)
                    for (int d = 0; d < dataset.SwapDuration.Length; d++)
                        if (dataset.SwapDuration[d] >= swaptionsFiltering.MinSwapDuration && dataset.SwapDuration[d] <= swaptionsFiltering.MaxSwapDuration)
                            swaptionsVolatility[fm, fd] = dataset.SwaptionsVolatility[m, d];
                            swapDuration[fd] = dataset.SwapDuration[d];
                            fd++; }

                    optionMaturity[fm] = dataset.OptionMaturity[m];


            SwaptionsBlackModel swbm = new SwaptionsBlackModel(zr);

            Matrix fsr;
            var blackSwaptionPrice = 1000.0 * swbm.SwaptionsSurfBM(optionMaturity, swapDuration, swaptionsVolatility, deltak, out fsr);

            Console.WriteLine("SwaptionHWEstimator: Black model prices");

            SwaptionHW1 swhw1 = new SwaptionHW1(zr);
            SwaptionHW1OptimizationProblem problem = new SwaptionHW1OptimizationProblem(swhw1, blackSwaptionPrice, optionMaturity, swapDuration, deltak);

            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver = new QADE();
            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver2 = new SteepestDescent();

            DESettings o = new DESettings();
            o.NP = 20;
            o.MaxIter = 5;
            o.Verbosity = 1;
            o.controller = controller;
            SolutionInfo solution = null;

            Vector x0 = new Vector(new double[] { 0.1, 0.1 });
            solution = solver.Minimize(problem, o, x0);
            if (solution.errors)
                return new EstimationResult(solution.message);

            o.epsilon = 10e-8;
            o.h = 10e-8;
            o.MaxIter = 1000;

            // We can permit this, given it is fast.
            o.accourate_numerical_derivatives = true;

            if (solution != null)
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, solution.x);
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, x0);
            if (solution.errors)
                return new EstimationResult(solution.message);
            string[] names = new string[] { "Alpha", "Sigma" };

            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, solution.x);

            result.ZRX = (double[])dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray();
            result.ZRY = (double[])dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray();

            double obj = problem.Obj(solution.x);

            return result;
 public EstimationResult Estimate(List<object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
     EstimationResult r = new EstimationResult();
     r.Objects = new object[] { };
     return r;
 public void Constructor_Null_ArgumentNullException()
     // Act
     var result = new EstimationResult(null);
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="CapsCIROptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using caps matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">A controller used for the optimization process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List<object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
            InterestRateMarketData dataset = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;

            // Creates the context.
            Document doc = new Document();
            ProjectROV prj = new ProjectROV(doc);

            CapCIROptimizationProblem problem = new CapCIROptimizationProblem(dataset);
            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver = new QADE();
            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver2 = new SteepestDescent();

            DESettings o = new DESettings();
            o.NP = 50;
            o.MaxIter = 50;
            o.Verbosity = 1;
            o.Parallel = false;
            o.controller = controller;
            SolutionInfo solution = null;

            Vector x0 = new Vector(new double[] { 1, 0.01, 0.05 });
            solution = solver.Minimize(problem, o, x0);
            if (solution.errors)
                return new EstimationResult(solution.message);

            o.epsilon = 10e-10;
            o.h = 10e-10;
            o.MaxIter = 1000;

            if (solution != null)
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, solution.x);
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, x0);

            if (solution.errors)
                return new EstimationResult(solution.message);

            string[] names = CIR.parameterNames;
            Vector values = new Vector(4);
            values[Range.New(0, 2)] = solution.x;
            values[3] = problem.r0;

            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, values);

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="SwaptionHW1OptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using swaption matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller which may be used to cancel the process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List<object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
            LambdaCalibrationSettings lsettings = (LambdaCalibrationSettings)settings;
            if (lsettings.Years > lsettings.BondMaturity)
                throw new Exception("Bond maturity has to be greater of the historical series time span.");

            InterestRateMarketData irmd = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;
            List<object> IrmdData = new List<object>();
            SwaptionHWEstimator shwe = new SwaptionHWEstimator();
            EstimationResult er1 = shwe.Estimate(IrmdData);

            DiscountingCurveMarketData[] dcmd = Array.ConvertAll<IMarketData, DiscountingCurveMarketData>
                ((IMarketData[])data[1], el => (DiscountingCurveMarketData)el);
            MarketPriceOfRiskCalculator mporc = new MarketPriceOfRiskCalculator();
            double lambda = mporc.Calculate(dcmd, lsettings);

            string[] names = new string[er1.Names.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < er1.Names.Length; i++)
                names[i] = er1.Names[i];
            names[er1.Names.Length] = "Lambda0";
            Vector values = new Vector(er1.Values.Length + 1);
            values[new Range(0, values.Length - 2)] = (Vector) er1.Values;
            values[Range.End] = lambda;
            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, values);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public EstimationResult Estimate(IDictionary <string, string> runtimeParameters, EstimationResult previousStageResult, bool optimize)
            var result    = new EstimationResult(previousStageResult);
            var optimized = Enumerable.Empty <EstimationResult.ParameterValue>();

            if (optimize)
                optimized = Optimize();
                if (previousStageResult != null && previousStageResult.Parameters != null && previousStageResult.Parameters.Count > 0)
                    result.Parameters = optimized.ToList();
            foreach (var runtimeParameter in runtimeParameters)
                if (!_values.ContainsKey(runtimeParameter.Key))
            result.CalculationTime = ComputeTime(previousStageResult != null ? previousStageResult.Time : 0);
                GetParameters().Where(p => optimized.All(op => op.Name != p.Name)).
                Select(p =>
                       new EstimationResult.ParameterValue {
                Name         = p.Name,
                InitialValue = GetParameterValue(p.Name),
                NewValue     = GetParameterValue(p.Name)
            foreach (var runtimeParameter in runtimeParameters)
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="CapsHW1OptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using caps matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller which may be used to cancel the process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List<object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
            InterestRateMarketData dataset = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;

            PFunction zr = new PFunction(null);
            zr.VarName = "zr";

            var preferences = settings as Fairmat.Calibration.CapVolatilityFiltering;

            // Loads ZR
            double[,] zrvalue = (double[,])ArrayHelper.Concat(dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray(), dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray());
            zr.Expr = zrvalue;

            BlackModel bm = new BlackModel(zr);

            double deltak = dataset.CapTenor;

            if (dataset.CapVolatility == null)
                return new EstimationResult("Cap not available at requested date");

            Matrix capVolatility = dataset.CapVolatility;
            Vector capMaturity = dataset.CapMaturity;
            Vector capRate = dataset.CapRate;
            double a = 0.1;
            double sigma = 0.1;

            // Matrix calculated with Black.
            Matrix blackCaps = new Matrix(capMaturity.Length, capRate.Length);
            Matrix logic = new Matrix(capMaturity.Length, capRate.Length);

            for (int m = 0; m < capMaturity.Length; m++)
                for (int s = 0; s < capRate.Length; s++)
                    blackCaps[m, s] = bm.Cap(capRate[s], capVolatility[m, s], deltak, capMaturity[m]);
                    if (double.IsNaN(blackCaps[m, s]))
                        bm.Cap(capRate[s], capVolatility[m, s], deltak, capMaturity[m]);
                        throw new Exception("Malformed black caps");

                    if (blackCaps[m, s] == 0.0)
                        logic[m, s] = 0.0;
                        logic[m, s] = 1.0;

                    if (preferences != null)
                        if (capRate[s] < preferences.MinCapRate || capRate[s] > preferences.MaxCapRate ||
                            capMaturity[m]<preferences.MinCapMaturity|| capMaturity[m]>preferences.MaxCapMaturity)
                                {logic[m, s] = 0; blackCaps[m, s] = 0;}


            DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;
            CapHW1 hw1Caps = new CapHW1(zr);
            Matrix caps = hw1Caps.HWMatrixCaps(capMaturity, capRate, a, sigma, deltak);

            for (int m = 0; m < capMaturity.Length; m++)
                for (int s = 0; s < capRate.Length; s++)
                    caps[m, s] = logic[m, s] * caps[m, s];

            CapsHW1OptimizationProblem problem = new CapsHW1OptimizationProblem(hw1Caps, blackCaps, capMaturity, capRate, deltak);
            Vector provaparam = new Vector(2);

            var solver = new QADE();

            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver2 = new SteepestDescent();

            DESettings o = new DESettings();
            o.NP = 20;
            o.MaxIter = 10;
            o.Verbosity = 1;
            o.Parallel = false;
            SolutionInfo solution = null;
            Vector x0 = new Vector(new double[] { 0.05, 0.01 });
            o.controller = controller;
            solution = solver.Minimize(problem, o, x0);

            o.epsilon = 10e-8;
            o.h = 10e-8;

            o.MaxIter = 100;
            solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, solution.x);
            if (solution.errors)
                return new EstimationResult(solution.message);
            string[] names = new string[] { "Alpha", "Sigma" };

            //solution.x[0] *= 3;

            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, solution.x);

            result.ZRX = (double[])dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray();
            result.ZRY = (double[])dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray();

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Populate(IStochasticProcess container, EstimationResult estimate)
            bool found;
            this.s0 = new ModelParameter(PopulateHelper.GetValue("S0", estimate.Names, estimate.Values, out found), this.s0.Description);

            bool errors = RetrieveCurve(container.Context, false);
            if (!errors)
                PFunction rFunc = estimate.Objects[0] as PFunction;
                PFunction rFuncDest = this.r.fVRef() as PFunction;
                rFuncDest.Expr = rFunc.Expr;

                PFunction qFunc = estimate.Objects[1] as PFunction;
                PFunction qFuncDest = this.q.fVRef() as PFunction;
                qFuncDest.Expr = qFunc.Expr;
                //Calibrator assumes dividend yield is a step constant function, the simulation model must be coherent with that assumption.
                qFuncDest.m_Function.iType = DVPLUtils.EInterpolationType.ZERO_ORDER_LEFT;

                PFunction2D.PFunction2D localVolSrc = estimate.Objects[2] as PFunction2D.PFunction2D;
                PFunction2D.PFunction2D localVolDest = this.localVol.fVRef() as PFunction2D.PFunction2D;
                localVolDest.Expr = localVolSrc.Expr;
                localVolDest.Interpolation = localVolSrc.Interpolation;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="SwaptionHW1OptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using swaption matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller which may be used to cancel the process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List <object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary <string, object> properties = null)
            InterestRateMarketData dataset   = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;
            MatrixMarketData       normalVol = null;

            if (data.Count > 1)
                normalVol = (MatrixMarketData)data[1];

            PFunction zr = new PFunction(null);

            // Loads the zero rate.
            double[,] zrvalue = (double[, ])ArrayHelper.Concat(dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray(), dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray());
            zr.Expr           = zrvalue;

            double deltak = dataset.SwaptionTenor;

            Console.WriteLine("Swaption Tenor\t" + dataset.SwaptionTenor);

            var swaptionsFiltering = settings as SwaptionsFiltering;

            if (swaptionsFiltering == null)
                swaptionsFiltering = new SwaptionsFiltering();//creates a default
            //F stands for Full matrix
            var optionMaturityF      = normalVol != null ? normalVol.RowValues: dataset.OptionMaturity;
            var swapDurationF        = normalVol != null ? normalVol.ColumnValues: dataset.SwapDuration;
            var swaptionsVolatilityF = normalVol != null ? normalVol.Values: dataset.SwaptionsVolatility;

            int maturitiesCount = optionMaturityF.Count(x => x >= swaptionsFiltering.MinSwaptionMaturity && x <= swaptionsFiltering.MaxSwaptionMaturity);
            int durationsCount  = swapDurationF.Count(x => x >= swaptionsFiltering.MinSwapDuration && x <= swaptionsFiltering.MaxSwapDuration);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Calibrating on {0} swaptions prices [#maturiries x #durations]=[{1} x {2}]", maturitiesCount * durationsCount, maturitiesCount, durationsCount));

            if (maturitiesCount * durationsCount == 0)
                return(new EstimationResult("No swaptions satisfying criteria found, please relax filters"));

            //reduced version
            var swaptionsVolatility = new Matrix(maturitiesCount, durationsCount); // dataset.SwaptionsVolatility;
            var optionMaturity      = new Vector(maturitiesCount);                 // dataset.OptionMaturity;
            var swapDuration        = new Vector(durationsCount);                  // dataset.SwapDuration;

            //Build filtered matrix and vectors
            int fm = 0;

            for (int m = 0; m < optionMaturityF.Length; m++)
                int fd = 0;
                if (optionMaturityF[m] >= swaptionsFiltering.MinSwaptionMaturity && optionMaturityF[m] <= swaptionsFiltering.MaxSwaptionMaturity)
                    for (int d = 0; d < swapDurationF.Length; d++)
                        if (swapDurationF[d] >= swaptionsFiltering.MinSwapDuration && swapDurationF[d] <= swaptionsFiltering.MaxSwapDuration)
                            swaptionsVolatility[fm, fd] = swaptionsVolatilityF[m, d];
                            swapDuration[fd]            = swapDurationF[d];

                    optionMaturity[fm] = optionMaturityF[m];

            var swbm = new SwaptionsBlackModel(zr, BlackModelFactory(zr));

            Matrix fsr;
            var    blackSwaptionPrice = 1000.0 * swbm.SwaptionsSurfBM(optionMaturity, swapDuration, swaptionsVolatility, deltak, out fsr);

            Console.WriteLine("Maturities\t" + optionMaturity);
            Console.WriteLine("swapDuration\t" + swapDuration);
            Console.WriteLine("SwaptionHWEstimator: Black model prices");

            SwaptionHW1 swhw1 = new SwaptionHW1(zr);
            SwaptionHW1OptimizationProblem problem = new SwaptionHW1OptimizationProblem(swhw1, blackSwaptionPrice, optionMaturity, swapDuration, deltak);

            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver  = new QADE();
            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver2 = new SteepestDescent();

            DESettings o = new DESettings();

            o.NP         = 20;
            o.MaxIter    = 5;
            o.Verbosity  = 1;
            o.controller = controller;
            SolutionInfo solution = null;

            Vector x0 = new Vector(new double[] { 0.1, 0.1 });

            solution = solver.Minimize(problem, o, x0);
            if (solution.errors)
                return(new EstimationResult(solution.message));

            o.epsilon = 10e-8;
            o.h       = 10e-8;
            o.MaxIter = 1000;

            // We can permit this, given it is fast.
            o.accourate_numerical_derivatives = true;

            if (solution != null)
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, solution.x);
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, x0);
            if (solution.errors)
                return(new EstimationResult(solution.message));
            string[] names = new string[] { "Alpha", "Sigma" };

            Console.WriteLine("SwaptionHWEstimator: hw model prices and error");
            problem.Obj(solution.x, true);

            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, solution.x);

            result.ZRX = (double[])dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray();
            result.ZRY = (double[])dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray();

            double obj = problem.Obj(solution.x);

Exemplo n.º 25
        private EstimationResult FairmatEstimate(CurveMarketData discountingCurve, CallPriceMarketData Hdataset)
            EquityCalibrationData HCalData = new EquityCalibrationData(Hdataset, discountingCurve);
            //HCalData.Setup(Hdataset, discountingCurve);

            bool hasArbitrage = HCalData.HasArbitrageOpportunity(10e-2);
            if (hasArbitrage)
                Console.WriteLine("Market data contains arbitrage opportunity");

            this.r = new DVPLDOM.PFunction(discountingCurve.Durations,discountingCurve.Values);
            this.q = HCalData.dyFunc as PFunction;

            //this.q.Expr = (double[,])ArrayHelper.Concat(HCalData.MaturityDY.ToArray(), HCalData.DividendYield.ToArray());

            Vector locVolMat, locVolStr;
            //IFunction fittedSurface = FitImplVolModel(Hdataset);
            //Matrix locVolMatrix = LocVolMatrixFromImpliedVol(Hdataset, fittedSurface, out locVolMat, out locVolStr);
            CallPriceSurface fittedSurface = CallPriceSurface.NoArbitrageSurface(HCalData);
            Matrix locVolMatrix = LocVolMatrixFromCallPrices(Hdataset, fittedSurface, out locVolMat, out locVolStr);

            // Create dupire outputs.
            PFunction2D.PFunction2D localVol = new PFunction2D.PFunction2D(locVolMat, locVolStr, locVolMatrix);
            string[] names = new string[] { "S0" };
            Vector param = new Vector(1);
            param[0] = Hdataset.S0;
            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, param);
            //result.Objects = new object[3];
            result.Objects = new object[4];
            result.Objects[0] = this.r;
            result.Objects[1] = this.q;
            result.Objects[2] = localVol;
            result.Objects[3] = fittedSurface;

            //Console.WriteLine("r = " + HCalData.Rate.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("q = " + HCalData.DividendYield.ToString());
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public EstimationResult Estimate(IDictionary<string, string> runtimeParameters, EstimationResult previousStageResult, bool optimize)
     var result = new EstimationResult(previousStageResult);
     var optimized = Enumerable.Empty<EstimationResult.ParameterValue>();
     if (optimize)
         optimized = Optimize();
         if (previousStageResult != null && previousStageResult.Parameters != null && previousStageResult.Parameters.Count > 0)
             result.Parameters = optimized.ToList();
     foreach (var runtimeParameter in runtimeParameters)
         if (!_values.ContainsKey(runtimeParameter.Key))
     result.CalculationTime = ComputeTime(previousStageResult != null ? previousStageResult.Time : 0);
         GetParameters().Where(p => optimized.All(op => op.Name != p.Name)).
             Select(p =>
                 new EstimationResult.ParameterValue {
                     Name = p.Name,
                     InitialValue = GetParameterValue(p.Name),
                     NewValue = GetParameterValue(p.Name) })
     foreach (var runtimeParameter in runtimeParameters)
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts a calibration through <see cref="PelsserCappletOptimizationProblem"/>
        /// using caps matrices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be used in order to perform the calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The parameter is not used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller which may be used to cancel the process.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the calibration.</returns>
        public EstimationResult Estimate(List<object> data, IEstimationSettings settings = null, IController controller = null, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
            InterestRateMarketData dataset = data[0] as InterestRateMarketData;
            EstimationResult result;
            if ((dataset.ZRMarket == null) || (dataset.CapVolatility == null))
                result = new EstimationResult();
                result.ErrorMessage = "Not enough data to calibrate.\n" +
                    "The estimator needs a ZRMarket and a CapVolatility " +
                    "defined inside InterestRateMarketData";
                return result;

            // Backup the dates
            DateTime effectiveDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            DateTime valuationDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            if (Document.ActiveDocument != null)
                effectiveDate = Document.ActiveDocument.ContractDate;
                valuationDate = Document.ActiveDocument.SimulationStartDate;

            // Creates the Context.
            Document doc = new Document();
            ProjectROV prj = new ProjectROV(doc);

            Function zr = new PFunction(null);
            zr.VarName = "zr";
            // Load the zr.
            double[,] zrvalue = (double[,])ArrayHelper.Concat(dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray(), dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray());
            zr.Expr = zrvalue;


            BlackModel bm = new BlackModel(zr);

            double deltak = dataset.CapTenor;

            Matrix capVol = dataset.CapVolatility;
            Vector capMat = dataset.CapMaturity;
            Vector capK = dataset.CapRate;

            var preferences = settings as Fairmat.Calibration.CapVolatilityFiltering;

            // Matrix calculated with black.
            Matrix blackCaps = new Matrix(capMat.Length, capK.Length);
            for (int m = 0; m < capMat.Length; m++)
                for (int s = 0; s < capK.Length; s++)
                    bool skip = false;
                    if (preferences != null)
                        if (capK[s] < preferences.MinCapRate || capK[s] > preferences.MaxCapRate ||
                           capMat[m] < preferences.MinCapMaturity || capMat[m] > preferences.MaxCapMaturity)
                                {skip = true; }

                    if (capVol[m, s] == 0 || skip)
                        blackCaps[m, s] = 0;
                        blackCaps[m, s] = bm.Cap(capK[s], capVol[m, s], deltak, capMat[m]);

            if (blackCaps.IsNAN())
                Console.WriteLine("Black caps matrix has non real values:");
                throw new Exception("Cannot calculate Black caps");

            // Maturity goes from 0 to the last item with step deltaK.
            Vector maturity = new Vector((int)(1.0 + capMat[capMat.Length - 1] / deltak));
            for (int l = 0; l < maturity.Length; l++)
                maturity[l] = deltak * l;

            Vector fwd = new Vector(maturity.Length - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < fwd.Length; i++)
                fwd[i] = bm.Fk(maturity[i + 1], deltak);

            // Creates a default Pelsser model.
            Pelsser.SquaredGaussianModel model = new Pelsser.SquaredGaussianModel();
            model.a1 = (ModelParameter)0.014;
            model.sigma1 = (ModelParameter)0.001;
            model.zr = (ModelParameter)"@zr";
            StochasticProcessExtendible iex = new StochasticProcessExtendible(prj, model);


            DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;
            Caplet cp = new Caplet();

            PelsserCappletOptimizationProblem problem = new PelsserCappletOptimizationProblem(prj, cp, maturity, fwd, capK, deltak, capMat, blackCaps);

            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver = new QADE();
            IOptimizationAlgorithm solver2 = new SteepestDescent();

            DESettings o = new DESettings();
            o.NP = 35;
            o.TargetCost = 0.0025;
            o.MaxIter = 10;
            o.Verbosity = Math.Max(1, Engine.Verbose);
            o.controller = controller;
            // Parallel evaluation is not supported for this calibration.
            o.Parallel = false;
            o.Debug = true;
            SolutionInfo solution = null;

            Vector x0 = (Vector)new double[] { 0.1, 0.1 };

            solution = solver.Minimize(problem, o, x0);
            if (solution.errors)
                return new EstimationResult(solution.message);

            o.epsilon = 10e-7;
            o.h = 10e-7;
            o.MaxIter = 1000;
            o.Debug = true;
            o.Verbosity = Math.Max(1, Engine.Verbose);

            if (solution != null)
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, solution.x);
                solution = solver2.Minimize(problem, o, x0);

            if (solution.errors)
                return new EstimationResult(solution.message);


            string[] names = new string[] { "alpha1", "sigma1" };
            result = new EstimationResult(names, solution.x);

            result.ZRX = (double[])dataset.ZRMarketDates.ToArray();
            result.ZRY = (double[])dataset.ZRMarket.ToArray();
            result.Objects = new object[1];
            result.Objects[0] = solution.obj;
            //result.Fit = solution.obj;//Uncomment in 1.6
            // Restore the dates
            if (Document.ActiveDocument != null)
                Document.ActiveDocument.ContractDate = effectiveDate;
                Document.ActiveDocument.SimulationStartDate = valuationDate;

            return result;
        private static Vector Test(int nm, int nk, double q, double s0, double r, double t, double theta, double sigma, double nu)
            // Simulate synthetic data.
            Vector m    = new Vector(nm);
            Vector k    = new Vector(nk);
            Matrix cp   = new Matrix(nm, nk);
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < nm; i++)
                m[i] = 0.01 + rand.NextDouble() * 0.99;

            for (int i = 0; i < nk; i++)
                k[i] = 60 + rand.NextDouble() * 90;

            for (int i = 0; i < nm; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nk; j++)
                    cp[i, j] = VarianceGammaOptionsCalibration.VGCall(theta, sigma, nu, m[i], k[j], q, s0, r);

            Console.WriteLine("Benchmark value");
            Console.WriteLine(new Vector()
                theta, sigma, nu

            Console.WriteLine("Call prices");

            // VGDiff at optimum.
            double fopt = VarianceGammaOptimizationProblem.VGDiff(new Vector()
                theta, sigma, nu
            }, q, s0, k, r, cp, m);


            VarianceGammaOptionsCalibration c = new VarianceGammaOptionsCalibration();
            List <object> marketData          = new List <object>();

            var espmd = new EquitySpotMarketData();

            espmd.Price         = s0;
            espmd.RiskFreeRate  = r;
            espmd.DividendYield = q;

            var cpmd = new CallPriceMarketData();

            cpmd.Strike    = k;
            cpmd.Maturity  = m;
            cpmd.CallPrice = cp;

            var dc = new DiscountingCurveMarketData();

            dc.Durations = new Vector()
            dc.Values = new Vector()


            EstimationResult res = c.Estimate(marketData, null);

        private EstimationResult QuantLibEstimate(CurveMarketData discoutingCurve, CallPriceMarketData Hdataset)
            EquityCalibrationData HCalData = new EquityCalibrationData(Hdataset, discoutingCurve);

            bool hasArbitrage = HCalData.HasArbitrageOpportunity(10e-2);
            if (hasArbitrage)
                Console.WriteLine("Market data contains arbitrage opportunity");

            this.r = new DVPLDOM.PFunction(discoutingCurve.Durations,discoutingCurve.Values);
            this.q = HCalData.dyFunc as PFunction;


            Hdataset.Volatility = new Matrix(Hdataset.CallPrice.R, Hdataset.CallPrice.C);
            for (int i = 0; i < Hdataset.Volatility.R; i++)
                double m=Hdataset.Maturity[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < Hdataset.Volatility.C; j++)
                    if (Hdataset.CallPrice[i, j] > 0)
                        var bs = new Fairmat.Finance.BlackScholes(r.Evaluate(m), Hdataset.S0, Hdataset.Strike[j], 0, m, q.Evaluate(m));
                        //Hdataset.Volatility[i, j] = Hdataset.Volatility[i, j] * Hdataset.Volatility[i, j] * Hdataset.Maturity[i];

                        //Hdataset.Volatility[i, j] = bs.ImpliedCallVolatility(Hdataset.CallPrice[i, j]);


            IFunction impVol = FitImplVolModel(Hdataset);

            Document doc = new Document();
            ProjectROV prj = new ProjectROV(doc);
            // doc.WriteToXMLFile("impVol.fair");

            int nmat = calibrationSettings.LocalVolatilityMaturities;
            int nstrike = calibrationSettings.LocalVolatilityStrikes;
            double lastMat = Hdataset.Maturity[SymbolicIntervalExtremes.End];
            double lastStr = Hdataset.Strike[SymbolicIntervalExtremes.End];
            Vector locVolMat = Vector.Linspace(Hdataset.Maturity[0], lastMat, nmat);
            Vector locVolStr = Vector.Linspace(Hdataset.Strike[0], lastStr, nstrike);
            Matrix locVolMatrix = new Matrix(nmat, nstrike);
            double t, dt, forwardValue, y, dy, strike, strikep, strikem, w, wp, wm, dwdy;
            double d2wdy2, den1, den2, den3, strikept, strikemt, wpt, wmt, dwdt;
            Integrate integrate = new Integrate(this);

            for (int i = 0; i < nmat; i++)
                t = locVolMat[i];
                forwardValue = Hdataset.S0 * Math.Exp(integrate.AdaptLobatto(0.0, t));
                for (int j = 0; j < nstrike; j++)
                    strike = locVolStr[j];
                    y = Math.Log(strike / forwardValue);
                    dy = ((Math.Abs(y) > 0.001) ? y * 0.0001 : 0.000001);

                    // strike derivative
                    strikep = strike * Math.Exp(dy);
                    strikem = strike / Math.Exp(dy);
                    w = impVol.Evaluate(t, strike);
                    wp = impVol.Evaluate(t, strikep);
                    wm = impVol.Evaluate(t, strikem);
                    dwdy = (wp - wm) / (2.0 * dy);
                    d2wdy2 = (wp - 2.0 * w + wm) / (dy * dy);

                    // time derivative
                    if (t == 0.0)
                        dt = 0.0001;
                        strikept = strike * Math.Exp(integrate.AdaptLobatto(0.0, t + dt));
                        wpt = impVol.Evaluate(t + dt, strikept);
                        // if (wpt < w)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Decreasing variance at strike {0} between time {1} and time {2}", strike, t, t + dt);
                        dwdt = (wpt - w) / dt;
                        dt = Math.Min(0.0001, t / 2.0);
                        strikept = strike * Math.Exp(integrate.AdaptLobatto(t, t + dt));
                        strikemt = strike * Math.Exp(-integrate.AdaptLobatto(t - dt, t));
                        wpt = impVol.Evaluate(t + dt, strikept);
                        wmt = impVol.Evaluate(t + dt, strikemt);

                        //if (wpt < w)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Decreasing variance at strike {0} between time {1} and time {2}", strike, t, t + dt);
                        //if (w < wmt)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Decreasing variance at strike {0} between time {1} and time {2}", strike, t-dt, t);
                        dwdt = (wpt - wmt) / (2.0 * dt);
                    if (dwdy == 0.0 && d2wdy2 == 0.0)
                        locVolMatrix[i, j] = Math.Sqrt(dwdt);
                        den1 = 1.0 - y / w * dwdy;
                        den2 = 0.25 * (-0.25 - 1.0 / w + y * y / w / w) * dwdy * dwdy;
                        den3 = 0.5 * d2wdy2;
                        locVolMatrix[i, j] = dwdt / (den1 + den2 + den3);
                        //if (locVolMatrix[i,j] < 0.0)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Negative local vol^2 at strike {0} and time {1}; " +
                        //        "Black vol surface is not smooth enought.", strike, t);

            // Create dupire outputs.
            PFunction2D.PFunction2D localVol = new PFunction2D.PFunction2D(locVolMat, locVolStr, locVolMatrix);
            string[] names = new string[] { "S0" };
            Vector param = new Vector(1);
            param[0] = Hdataset.S0;
            EstimationResult result = new EstimationResult(names, param);
            //result.Objects = new object[3];
            result.Objects = new object[4];
            result.Objects[0] = this.r;
            result.Objects[1] = this.q;
            result.Objects[2] = localVol;
            result.Objects[3] = impVol;
            //Console.WriteLine("r = " + HCalData.Rate.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("q = " + HCalData.DividendYield.ToString());
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void TestCalibration()
            InterestRateMarketData IData = InterestRateMarketData.FromFile("../../TestData/IRMD-sample.xml");
            CallPriceMarketData    HData = CallPriceMarketData.FromFile("../../TestData/CallData-sample.xml");
            //InterestRateMarketData IData = InterestRateMarketData.FromFile("../../../EquityModels.Tests/TestData/IRMD-EU-30102012-close.xml");
            //CallPriceMarketData HData = CallPriceMarketData.FromFile("../../../EquityModels.Tests/TestData/30102012-SX5E_Index-HestonData.xml");
            //CallPriceMarketData HData = ObjectSerialization.ReadFromXMLFile("../../../EquityModels.Tests/TestData/FTSE.xml") as CallPriceMarketData;

            List <object> l = new List <object>();


            DupireEstimator           DE       = new DupireEstimator();
            DupireCalibrationSettings settings = new DupireCalibrationSettings();

            settings.LocalVolatilityCalculation = LocalVolatilityCalculation.Method1;

            //settings.LocalVolatilityCalculation = LocalVolatilityCalculation.QuantLib;
            EstimationResult res = DE.Estimate(l, settings);
            //int nmat = HData.Maturity.Length;
            //int nstrike = HData.Strike.Length;

            int i = 5; // Maturity.
            int j = 4; // Strike.

            Engine.MultiThread = true;

            Document   doc = new Document();
            ProjectROV rov = new ProjectROV(doc);

            doc.DefaultProject.NMethods.m_UseAntiteticPaths = true;
            int    n_sim   = 10000;
            int    n_steps = 500;
            double strike  = HData.Strike[j];
            //double volatility = HData.Volatility[i, j];

             * PFunction2D.PFunction2D impvolfunc = new PFunction2D.PFunction2D(rov);
             * impvolfunc = res.Objects[3] as PFunction2D.PFunction2D;
             * impvolfunc.VarName = "impvol";
             * rov.Symbols.Add(impvolfunc);
             * double volatility = impvolfunc.Evaluate(HData.Maturity[i], HData.Strike[j]);
            double volatility = 0.2;
            double maturity   = HData.Maturity[i];

            ModelParameter Pstrike = new ModelParameter(strike, string.Empty, "strike");

            AFunction payoff = new AFunction(rov);

            payoff.VarName = "payoff";
            payoff.m_IndependentVariables = 1;
            payoff.m_Value = (RightValue)("max(x1 - strike ; 0)");

            bool           found;
            double         S0  = PopulateHelper.GetValue("S0", res.Names, res.Values, out found);
            ModelParameter PS0 = new ModelParameter(S0, string.Empty, "S0");

            PFunction rfunc = new PFunction(rov);

            rfunc         = res.Objects[0] as PFunction;
            rfunc.VarName = "r";

            PFunction qfunc = new PFunction(rov);

            qfunc         = res.Objects[1] as PFunction;
            qfunc.VarName = "q";

            PFunction2D.PFunction2D volfunc = new PFunction2D.PFunction2D(rov);
            volfunc         = res.Objects[2] as PFunction2D.PFunction2D;
            volfunc.VarName = "localvol";
            DupireProcess process = new DupireProcess();

            process.s0       = (ModelParameter)"S0";
            process.r        = (ModelParameter)"@r";
            process.q        = (ModelParameter)"@q";
            process.localVol = (ModelParameter)"@localvol";
            double rate = rfunc.Evaluate(maturity);
            double dy   = qfunc.Evaluate(maturity);

            StochasticProcessExtendible s = new StochasticProcessExtendible(rov, process);


            // Set the discounting.
            RiskFreeInfo rfi = rov.GetDiscountingModel() as RiskFreeInfo;

            rfi.ActualizationType = EActualizationType.RiskFree;
            rfi.m_deterministicRF = rate;
            OptionTree op = new OptionTree(rov);

            op.PayoffInfo.PayoffExpression          = "payoff(v1)";
            op.PayoffInfo.Timing.EndingTime.m_Value = (RightValue)maturity;
            op.PayoffInfo.European = true;
            rov.Map.Root           = op;

            rov.NMethods.Technology      = ETechType.T_SIMULATION;
            rov.NMethods.PathsNumber     = n_sim;
            rov.NMethods.SimulationSteps = n_steps;
            ROVSolver solver = new ROVSolver();

            if (rov.HasErrors)

            ResultItem price       = rov.m_ResultList[0] as ResultItem;
            double     samplePrice = price.value;
            double     sampleDevSt = price.stdDev / Math.Sqrt((double)n_sim);

            Console.WriteLine("Surf = " + volfunc.Expr);

            // Calculation of the theoretical value of the call.
            double theoreticalPrice = BlackScholes.Call(rate, S0, strike, volatility, maturity, dy);

            Console.WriteLine("Theoretical Price  = " + theoreticalPrice.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Monte Carlo Price  = " + samplePrice);
            Console.WriteLine("Standard Deviation = " + sampleDevSt.ToString());
            double tol = 4.0 * sampleDevSt;

            Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(theoreticalPrice - samplePrice), tol);
Exemplo n.º 31
        protected virtual EstimationResult BuildEstimate(Scalar spotPrice, CurveMarketData interestDataSet, CallPriceMarketData callDataSet, EquityCalibrationData equityCalData, SolutionInfo solution)
            string[] names = new string[] { "S0", "kappa", "theta", "sigma", "rho", "V0" };
            Vector param = new Vector(6);
            param[0] = spotPrice.Value;
            param[Range.New(1, 5)] = solution.x;
            var result = new EstimationResult(names, param);

            // In the following the two function describing the ZR and dividend yields are created
            //Matrix zerorate = new Matrix(interestDataSet.Durations.Length, 2);
            //zerorate[Range.All, 0] = interestDataSet.Durations;
            //zerorate[Range.All, 1] = interestDataSet.Values;

            //Matrix dividendYield = new Matrix(equityCalData.MaturityDY.Length, 2);
            //dividendYield[Range.All, 0] = equityCalData.MaturityDY;
            //dividendYield[Range.All, 1] = equityCalData.DividendYield;

            Matrix zerorate = new Matrix((equityCalData.zrFunc as PFunction).Expr);
            //Matrix dividendYield = new Matrix((equityCalData.dyFunc as PFunction).Expr);
            Matrix dividendYield = ToMatrix(IstantaneousDividendYield(equityCalData));
            result.Objects = new object[2];
            result.Objects[0] = zerorate;
            result.Objects[1] = dividendYield;
            result.Fit = solution.obj;
            return result;