Exemplo n.º 1
 // Generates an error for static classes
 public RuntimeBinderException ReportStaticClassError(Symbol symCtx, CType CType, ErrorCode err) =>
 ErrorContext.Error(err, symCtx != null ? new [] { CType, new ErrArg(symCtx) } : new ErrArg[] { CType });
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void TryReportLvalueFailure(Expr expr, CheckLvalueKind kind)
            Debug.Assert(expr != null);

            // We have a lvalue failure. Was the reason because this field
            // was marked readonly? Give special messages for this case.

            bool isNested = false; // Did we recurse on a field or property to give a better error?

            while (true)
                Debug.Assert(expr != null);

                if (expr is ExprLocal local && local.IsOK)
                    throw ReportLocalError(local.Local, kind, isNested);

                Expr pObject = null;

                if (expr is ExprProperty prop)
                    // We've already reported read-only-property errors.
                    Debug.Assert(prop.MethWithTypeSet != null);
                    pObject = prop.MemberGroup.OptionalObject;
                else if (expr is ExprField field)
                    if (field.FieldWithType.Field().isReadOnly)
                        throw ReportReadOnlyError(field, kind, isNested);
                    if (!field.FieldWithType.Field().isStatic)
                        pObject = field.OptionalObject;

                if (pObject != null && pObject.Type.isStructOrEnum())
                    if (pObject is IExprWithArgs withArgs)
                        // assigning to RHS of method or property getter returning a value-type on the stack or
                        // passing RHS of method or property getter returning a value-type on the stack, as ref or out
                        throw ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ReturnNotLValue, withArgs.GetSymWithType());
                    if (pObject is ExprCast)
                        // An unboxing conversion.
                        // In the static compiler, we give the following error here:
                        // ErrorContext.Error(pObject.GetTree(), ErrorCode.ERR_UnboxNotLValue);
                        // But in the runtime, we allow this - mark that we're doing an
                        // unbox here, so that we gen the correct expression tree for it.
                        pObject.Flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_UNBOXRUNTIME;

                // everything else
                if (pObject != null && !pObject.isLvalue() && (expr is ExprField || !isNested))
                    expr = pObject;
                    throw ErrorContext.Error(GetStandardLvalueError(kind));

                isNested = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Return true if we actually report a failure.
        private bool TryReportLvalueFailure(EXPR expr, CheckLvalueKind kind)
            Debug.Assert(expr != null);

            // We have a lvalue failure. Was the reason because this field
            // was marked readonly? Give special messages for this case.

            bool isNested = false; // Did we recurse on a field or property to give a better error?

            EXPR walk = expr;

            while (true)
                Debug.Assert(walk != null);

                if (walk.isANYLOCAL_OK())
                    ReportLocalError(walk.asANYLOCAL().local, kind, isNested);

                EXPR pObject = null;

                if (walk.isPROP())
                    // We've already reported read-only-property errors.
                    Debug.Assert(walk.asPROP().mwtSet != null);
                    pObject = walk.asPROP().GetMemberGroup().GetOptionalObject();
                else if (walk.isFIELD())
                    EXPRFIELD field = walk.asFIELD();
                    if (field.fwt.Field().isReadOnly)
                        ReportReadOnlyError(field, kind, isNested);
                    if (!field.fwt.Field().isStatic)
                        pObject = field.GetOptionalObject();

                if (pObject != null && pObject.type.isStructOrEnum())
                    if (pObject.isCALL() || pObject.isPROP())
                        // assigning to RHS of method or property getter returning a value-type on the stack or
                        // passing RHS of method or property getter returning a value-type on the stack, as ref or out
                        ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ReturnNotLValue, pObject.GetSymWithType());
                    if (pObject.isCAST())
                        // An unboxing conversion.
                        // In the static compiler, we give the following error here:
                        // ErrorContext.Error(pObject.GetTree(), ErrorCode.ERR_UnboxNotLValue);
                        // But in the runtime, we allow this - mark that we're doing an
                        // unbox here, so that we gen the correct expression tree for it.
                        pObject.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_UNBOXRUNTIME;

                // everything else
                if (pObject != null && !pObject.isLvalue() && (walk.isFIELD() || (!isNested && walk.isPROP())))
                    walk = pObject;
                isNested = true;