Exemplo n.º 1
 public void erodeAllTerrain(ErosionProgressDelegate erosionProgressDelegate)
     erosionMode = ErosionMode.Filter;
     // Check enum vars...
     // Error checking...
     Terrain ter = (Terrain) GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
     if (ter == null) {
     try {
         TerrainData terData = ter.terrainData;
         int Tw = terData.heightmapWidth;
         int Th = terData.heightmapHeight;
         float[,] heightMap = terData.GetHeights(0, 0, Tw, Th);
         // Set the number of iterations and pass the height array to the appropriate erosion script...
         int iterations;
         switch (erosionType) {
             case ErosionType.Thermal:
             iterations = thermalIterations;
             heightMap = fastErosion(heightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), iterations, erosionProgressDelegate);
             case ErosionType.Hydraulic:
             iterations = hydraulicIterations;
             switch (hydraulicType) {
                 case HydraulicType.Fast:
                 heightMap = fastErosion(heightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), iterations, erosionProgressDelegate);
                 case HydraulicType.Full:
                 heightMap = fullHydraulicErosion(heightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), iterations, erosionProgressDelegate);
                 case HydraulicType.Velocity:
                 heightMap = velocityHydraulicErosion(heightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), iterations, erosionProgressDelegate);
             case ErosionType.Tidal:
             Vector3 terSize = terData.size;
             if (tidalSeaLevel >= transform.position.y && tidalSeaLevel <= transform.position.y + terSize.y) {
                 iterations = tidalIterations;
                 heightMap = fastErosion(heightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), iterations, erosionProgressDelegate);
             } else {
                 Debug.LogError("Sea level does not intersect terrain object. Erosion operation failed.");
             case ErosionType.Wind:
             iterations = windIterations;
             heightMap = windErosion(heightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), iterations, erosionProgressDelegate);
         // Apply it to the terrain object
         terData.SetHeights(0, 0, heightMap);
     catch (Exception e) {
         Debug.LogError("An error occurred: "+e);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void erodeTerrainWithBrush()
     erosionMode = ErosionMode.Brush;
     // Error checking...
     Terrain ter = (Terrain) GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
     if (ter == null) {
     int Px = 0;
     int Py = 0;
     try {
         TerrainData terData = ter.terrainData;
         int Tw = terData.heightmapWidth;
         int Th = terData.heightmapHeight;
         Vector3 Ts = terData.size;
         int Sx = (int) Mathf.Floor((Tw / Ts.x) * brushSize);
         int Sy = (int) Mathf.Floor((Th / Ts.z) * brushSize);
         Vector3 localBrushPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(brushPosition);
         Px = (int) Mathf.Round((localBrushPosition.x / Ts.x) * Tw - (Sx / 2));
         Py = (int) Mathf.Round((localBrushPosition.z / Ts.z) * Th - (Sy / 2));
         if (Px < 0) {
             Sx = Sx + Px;
             Px = 0;
         if (Py < 0) {
             Sy = Sy + Py;
             Py = 0;
         if (Px + Sx > Tw) {
             Sx = Tw - Px;
         if (Py + Sy > Th) {
             Sy = Th - Py;
         float[,] heightMap = terData.GetHeights(Px, Py, Sx, Sy);
         Sx = heightMap.GetLength(1);
         Sy = heightMap.GetLength(0);
         // Pass the height array to the erosion script...
         float[,] erodedheightMap = (float[,]) heightMap.Clone();
         ErosionProgressDelegate erosionProgressDelegate = new ErosionProgressDelegate(dummyErosionProgress);
         erodedheightMap = fastErosion(erodedheightMap, new Vector2(Sx, Sy), 1, erosionProgressDelegate);
         // Apply it to the terrain object
         float sampleRadius = Sx / 2.0f;
         for (int Ty = 0; Ty < Sx; Ty++) {
             for (int Tx = 0; Tx < Sy; Tx++) {
                 float oldHeightAtPoint = heightMap[Tx, Ty];
                 float newHeightAtPoint = erodedheightMap[Tx, Ty];
                 float distancefromOrigin = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(Tx, Ty), new Vector2(sampleRadius, sampleRadius));
                 float weightAtPoint = 1.0f - ((distancefromOrigin - (sampleRadius - (sampleRadius * brushSoftness))) / (sampleRadius * brushSoftness));
                 if (weightAtPoint < 0.0f) {
                     weightAtPoint = 0.0f;
                 } else if (weightAtPoint > 1.0f) {
                     weightAtPoint = 1.0f;
                 weightAtPoint *= brushOpacity;
                 float blendedHeightAtPoint = (newHeightAtPoint * weightAtPoint) + (oldHeightAtPoint * (1.0f - weightAtPoint));
                 heightMap[Tx, Ty] = blendedHeightAtPoint;
         terData.SetHeights(Px, Py, heightMap);
     catch (Exception e) {
      	Debug.LogError("A brush error occurred: "+e);