Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void HandleNewBeauty(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            byte       unk          = packet.ReadByte();
            bool       useVoucher   = packet.ReadBool();
            int        beautyItemId = packet.ReadInt();
            EquipColor equipColor   = packet.Read <EquipColor>();

            Item beautyItem = new Item(beautyItemId)
                Color              = equipColor,
                IsTemplate         = false,
                IsEquipped         = true,
                OwnerCharacterId   = session.Player.CharacterId,
                OwnerCharacterName = session.Player.Name
            BeautyMetadata beautyShop = BeautyMetadataStorage.GetShopById(session.Player.ShopId);

            if (useVoucher)
                if (!PayWithVoucher(session, beautyShop))
                if (!PayWithShopItemTokenCost(session, beautyItemId, beautyShop))

            ModifyBeauty(session, packet, beautyItem);
Exemplo n.º 2
 // Make a copy of item
 public Item(Item other)
     Id                     = other.Id;
     InventoryTab           = other.InventoryTab;
     ItemSlot               = other.ItemSlot;
     GemSlot                = other.GemSlot;
     Rarity                 = other.Rarity;
     SlotMax                = other.SlotMax;
     PlayCount              = other.PlayCount;
     Content                = other.Content;
     Uid                    = other.Uid;
     Slot                   = other.Slot;
     Amount                 = other.Amount;
     CreationTime           = other.CreationTime;
     ExpiryTime             = other.ExpiryTime;
     TimesAttributesChanged = other.TimesAttributesChanged;
     IsLocked               = other.IsLocked;
     UnlockTime             = other.UnlockTime;
     RemainingGlamorForges  = other.RemainingGlamorForges;
     Enchants               = other.Enchants;
     EnchantExp             = other.EnchantExp;
     CanRepackage           = other.CanRepackage;
     Charges                = other.Charges;
     TransferFlag           = other.TransferFlag;
     RemainingTrades        = other.RemainingTrades;
     PairedCharacterId      = other.PairedCharacterId;
     PairedCharacterName    = other.PairedCharacterName;
     Owner                  = other.Owner;
     Color                  = other.Color;
     HairD                  = other.HairD;
     AppearanceFlag         = other.AppearanceFlag;
     Stats                  = new ItemStats(other.Stats);
Exemplo n.º 3
    private static void HandleModifyExistingBeauty(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
        byte       unk           = packet.ReadByte();
        bool       useVoucher    = packet.ReadBool();
        long       beautyItemUid = packet.ReadLong();
        EquipColor equipColor    = packet.Read <EquipColor>();

        Item beautyItem = session.Player.Inventory.GetEquippedItem(beautyItemUid);

        if (beautyItem.ItemSlot is ItemSlot.CP) // This should only work with the mirror shop
            HatData hatData = packet.Read <HatData>();
            beautyItem.HatData = hatData;
            session.FieldManager.BroadcastPacket(ItemExtraDataPacket.Update(session.Player.FieldPlayer, beautyItem));

        BeautyShop beautyShop = DatabaseManager.BeautyShops.FindById(session.Player.ShopId);

        if (beautyShop is null)

        if (!HandleShopPay(session, beautyShop, useVoucher))

        beautyItem.Color = equipColor;
        ModifyBeauty(session, packet, beautyItem);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public Item(int id)
     Id                    = id;
     Level                 = ItemMetadataStorage.GetLevel(id);
     Uid                   = GuidGenerator.Long();
     InventoryTab          = ItemMetadataStorage.GetTab(id);
     ItemSlot              = ItemMetadataStorage.GetSlot(id);
     GemSlot               = ItemMetadataStorage.GetGem(id);
     Rarity                = ItemMetadataStorage.GetRarity(id);
     StackLimit            = ItemMetadataStorage.GetStackLimit(id);
     EnableBreak           = ItemMetadataStorage.GetEnableBreak(id);
     IsTwoHand             = ItemMetadataStorage.GetIsTwoHand(id);
     IsDress               = ItemMetadataStorage.GetIsDress(id);
     IsTemplate            = ItemMetadataStorage.GetIsTemplate(id);
     IsCustomScore         = ItemMetadataStorage.GetIsCustomScore(id);
     Gender                = ItemMetadataStorage.GetGender(id);
     RemainingGlamorForges = ItemExtractionMetadataStorage.GetExtractionCount(id);
     PlayCount             = ItemMetadataStorage.GetPlayCount(id);
     FileName              = ItemMetadataStorage.GetFileName(id);
     SkillId               = ItemMetadataStorage.GetSkillID(id);
     RecommendJobs         = ItemMetadataStorage.GetRecommendJobs(id);
     Content               = ItemMetadataStorage.GetContent(id);
     Function              = ItemMetadataStorage.GetFunction(id);
     Tag                   = ItemMetadataStorage.GetTag(id);
     ShopID                = ItemMetadataStorage.GetShopID(id);
     Slot                  = -1;
     Amount                = 1;
     Score                 = new MusicScore();
     Stats                 = new ItemStats(id, Rarity, Level);
     Color                 = ItemMetadataStorage.GetEquipColor(id);
     CanRepackage          = true; // If false, item becomes untradable
Exemplo n.º 5
    public static void ChangeFace(GameSession session, int faceId, out Item previousFace, out Item newFace)
        Random random = Random.Shared;

        // Grab random preset color
        ColorPaletteMetadata palette = ColorPaletteMetadataStorage.GetMetadata(1); // pick from palette 2. Seems like it's the correct palette for basic face colors

        int        indexColor = random.Next(palette.DefaultColors.Count);
        MixedColor color      = palette.DefaultColors[indexColor];

        newFace = new(faceId)
            Color              = EquipColor.Argb(color, indexColor, palette.PaletteId),
            IsEquipped         = true,
            OwnerCharacterId   = session.Player.CharacterId,
            OwnerCharacterName = session.Player.Name
        Dictionary <ItemSlot, Item> cosmetics = session.Player.Inventory.Cosmetics;

        //Remove old face
        if (cosmetics.Remove(ItemSlot.FA, out previousFace))
            previousFace.Slot = -1;
            session.FieldManager.BroadcastPacket(EquipmentPacket.UnequipItem(session.Player.FieldPlayer, previousFace));

        cosmetics[ItemSlot.FA] = newFace;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static Item TutorialBow(Player owner)
     // bow 15100216
     // [longsword]  Tairen Royal Longsword - 13200309
     // [shield] Tairen Royal Shield - 14100279
     // [greatsword] Tairen Royal Greatsword - 15000313
     // [scepter] Tairen Royal Scepter - 13300308
     // [codex] Tairen Royal Codex - 14000270
     // [staff] Tairen Royal Staff - 15200312
     // [cannon] Tairen Royal Cannon - 15300308
     // [bow] Tairen Royal Bow - 15100305
     // [dagger] Tairen Royal Knife - 13100314
     // [star] Tairen Royal Star - 13400307
     // [blade] Tairen Royal Blade - 15400294
     // [knuckles] Tairen Royal Knuckles - 15500226
     // [orb] Tairen Royal Spirit - 15600228
     return(new Item(15100216)
         Uid = 3430503306390578751, // Make sure its unique! If the UID is equipped, it will say "Equipped" on the item in your inventory
         Rarity = 1,
         CreationTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
         Owner = owner,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(MixedColor.Custom(
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xBC, 0xBC, 0xB3),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xC3, 0xDA, 0x3D),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xB0, 0xB4, 0xBA)
                                   10, 0x13
         TransferFlag = TransferFlag.Binds | TransferFlag.Splitable,
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static void HandleModifyExistingBeauty(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            byte       unk           = packet.ReadByte();
            bool       useVoucher    = packet.ReadBool();
            long       beautyItemUid = packet.ReadLong();
            EquipColor equipColor    = packet.Read <EquipColor>();

            Item beautyItem = session.Player.GetEquippedItem(beautyItemUid);

            if (beautyItem.ItemSlot == ItemSlot.CP)
                HatData hatData = packet.Read <HatData>();
                beautyItem.HatData = hatData;
                session.FieldManager.BroadcastPacket(ItemExtraDataPacket.Update(session.FieldPlayer, beautyItem));

            BeautyMetadata beautyShop = BeautyMetadataStorage.GetShopById(session.Player.ShopId);

            if (!HandleShopPay(session, beautyShop, useVoucher))

            beautyItem.Color = equipColor;
            ModifyBeauty(session, packet, beautyItem);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static Item TutorialBow()
     return(new Item(15100216)
         Uid = 3430503306390578751, // Make sure its unique! If the UID is equipped, it will say "Equipped" on the item in your inventory
         Rarity = 1,
         CreationTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
         //Owner = owner,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xBC, 0xBC, 0xB3),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xC3, 0xDA, 0x3D),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xB0, 0xB4, 0xBA),
         AppearanceFlag = 0x5,
         Stats = new ItemStats
             BasicAttributes =
                 ItemStat.Of(ItemAttribute.CriticalRate, 12),
                 ItemStat.Of(ItemAttribute.MinWeaponAtk, 15),
                 ItemStat.Of(ItemAttribute.MaxWeaponAtk, 17)
         Transfer = TransferFlag.Binds | TransferFlag.Splitable,
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void HandleNewBeauty(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            byte       unk          = packet.ReadByte();
            bool       useVoucher   = packet.ReadBool();
            int        beautyItemId = packet.ReadInt();
            EquipColor equipColor   = packet.Read <EquipColor>();

            Item beautyItem = new Item(beautyItemId)
                Color = equipColor, IsTemplate = false
            BeautyMetadata beautyShop = BeautyMetadataStorage.GetCosmeticShopByItemId(beautyItem.Id);

            if (useVoucher)
                if (!PayWithVoucher(session, beautyShop))
                if (!PayWithShopItemTokenCost(session, beautyItemId))

            ModifyBeauty(session, packet, beautyItem);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public Item(int id, bool saveToDatabase = true)
        Id = id;
        Name       = ItemMetadataStorage.GetName(id);
        Level      = ItemMetadataStorage.GetLevel(id);
        ItemSlot   = ItemMetadataStorage.GetSlot(id);
        IsTemplate = ItemMetadataStorage.GetIsTemplate(id);
        if (GemSlot == GemSlot.TRANS)
            TransparencyBadgeBools = new byte[10];

        Rarity                = ItemMetadataStorage.GetRarity(id);
        PlayCount             = ItemMetadataStorage.GetPlayCount(id);
        Color                 = ItemMetadataStorage.GetEquipColor(id);
        CreationTime          = TimeInfo.Now();
        RemainingGlamorForges = ItemExtractionMetadataStorage.GetExtractionCount(id);
        Slot   = -1;
        Amount = 1;
        Score  = new();
        Stats  = new(id, Rarity, ItemSlot, Level);
        if (saveToDatabase)
            Uid = DatabaseManager.Items.Insert(this);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static void HandleRandomHair(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            int  shopId     = packet.ReadInt();
            bool useVoucher = packet.ReadBool();

            BeautyMetadata    beautyShop  = BeautyMetadataStorage.GetShopById(shopId);
            List <BeautyItem> beautyItems = BeautyMetadataStorage.GetGenderItems(beautyShop.ShopId, session.Player.Gender);

            if (!HandleShopPay(session, beautyShop, useVoucher))

            // Grab random hair
            Random     random     = new Random();
            int        indexHair  = random.Next(beautyItems.Count);
            BeautyItem chosenHair = beautyItems[indexHair];

            //Grab a preset hair and length of hair
            ItemMetadata beautyItemData = ItemMetadataStorage.GetMetadata(chosenHair.ItemId);
            int          indexPreset    = random.Next(beautyItemData.HairPresets.Count);
            HairPresets  chosenPreset   = beautyItemData.HairPresets[indexPreset];

            //Grab random front hair length
            double chosenFrontLength = random.NextDouble() *
                                       (beautyItemData.HairPresets[indexPreset].MaxScale - beautyItemData.HairPresets[indexPreset].MinScale) + beautyItemData.HairPresets[indexPreset].MinScale;

            //Grab random back hair length
            double chosenBackLength = random.NextDouble() *
                                      (beautyItemData.HairPresets[indexPreset].MaxScale - beautyItemData.HairPresets[indexPreset].MinScale) + beautyItemData.HairPresets[indexPreset].MinScale;

            // Grab random preset color
            ColorPaletteMetadata palette = ColorPaletteMetadataStorage.GetMetadata(2); // pick from palette 2. Seems like it's the correct palette for basic hair colors

            int        indexColor = random.Next(palette.DefaultColors.Count);
            MixedColor color      = palette.DefaultColors[indexColor];

            Dictionary <ItemSlot, Item> equippedInventory = session.Player.GetEquippedInventory(InventoryTab.Gear);

            Item newHair = new Item(chosenHair.ItemId)
                Color      = EquipColor.Argb(color, indexColor, palette.PaletteId),
                HairD      = new HairData((float)chosenBackLength, (float)chosenFrontLength, chosenPreset.BackPositionCoord, chosenPreset.BackPositionRotation, chosenPreset.FrontPositionCoord, chosenPreset.FrontPositionRotation),
                IsTemplate = false

            //Remove old hair
            if (session.Player.Equips.Remove(ItemSlot.HR, out Item previousHair))
                previousHair.Slot = -1;
                session.Player.HairInventory.RandomHair = previousHair; // store the previous hair
                session.FieldManager.BroadcastPacket(EquipmentPacket.UnequipItem(session.FieldPlayer, previousHair));

            equippedInventory[ItemSlot.HR] = newHair;

            session.FieldManager.BroadcastPacket(EquipmentPacket.EquipItem(session.FieldPlayer, newHair, ItemSlot.HR));
            session.Send(BeautyPacket.RandomHairOption(previousHair, newHair));
    private static void HandleCreate(LoginSession session, PacketReader packet)
        Gender    gender    = (Gender)packet.ReadByte();
        Job       job       = (Job)packet.ReadShort();
        string    name      = packet.ReadUnicodeString();
        SkinColor skinColor = packet.Read <SkinColor>();


        if (DatabaseManager.Characters.NameExists(name))

        Account account      = DatabaseManager.Accounts.FindById(session.AccountId);
        Player  newCharacter = new(account, name, gender, job, skinColor);

        session.CharacterId = newCharacter.CharacterId;

        byte equipCount = packet.ReadByte();

        for (int i = 0; i < equipCount; i++)
            int    id      = packet.ReadInt();
            string typeStr = packet.ReadUnicodeString();
            if (!Enum.TryParse(typeStr, out ItemSlot type))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown equip type: {typeStr}");

            EquipColor equipColor = packet.Read <EquipColor>();

            switch (type)
            case ItemSlot.HR:     // Hair
                // Hair Length/Position
                float  backLength            = packet.ReadFloat();
                CoordF backPositionCoord     = packet.Read <CoordF>();
                CoordF backPositionRotation  = packet.Read <CoordF>();
                float  frontLength           = packet.ReadFloat();
                CoordF frontPositionCoord    = packet.Read <CoordF>();
                CoordF frontPositionRotation = packet.Read <CoordF>();
                if (!DefaultItemsMetadataStorage.IsValid((int)job, id))

                newCharacter.Inventory.Cosmetics.Add(ItemSlot.HR, new(id)
                    Color      = equipColor,
                    HairData   = new(backLength, frontLength, backPositionCoord, backPositionRotation, frontPositionCoord, frontPositionRotation),
                    IsTemplate = false,
                    IsEquipped = true
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static void HandleDyeItem(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            BeautyMetadata beautyShop = BeautyMetadataStorage.GetShopById(506);

            byte itemCount = packet.ReadByte();

            short[]      quantity     = new short[itemCount];
            bool[]       useVoucher   = new bool[itemCount];
            byte[]       unk1         = new byte[itemCount];
            long[]       unk2         = new long[itemCount];
            int[]        unk3         = new int[itemCount];
            long[]       itemUid      = new long[itemCount];
            int[]        itemId       = new int[itemCount];
            EquipColor[] equipColor   = new EquipColor[itemCount];
            int[]        paletteId    = new int[itemCount];
            CoordF[]     hatXPosition = new CoordF[itemCount];
            CoordF[]     hatYPosition = new CoordF[itemCount];
            CoordF[]     hatZPosition = new CoordF[itemCount];
            CoordF[]     hatRotation  = new CoordF[itemCount];
            int[]        hatScale     = new int[itemCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                quantity[i]   = packet.ReadShort(); // should always be one
                useVoucher[i] = packet.ReadBool();
                unk1[i]       = packet.ReadByte();  // just 0
                unk2[i]       = packet.ReadLong();  // just 0
                unk3[i]       = packet.ReadInt();   // also 0
                itemUid[i]    = packet.ReadLong();
                itemId[i]     = packet.ReadInt();
                equipColor[i] = packet.Read <EquipColor>();
                paletteId[i]  = packet.ReadInt();
                Item item = session.Player.GetEquippedItem(itemUid[i]);
                if (item == null)

                if (item.ItemSlot == ItemSlot.CP)
                    hatXPosition[i] = packet.Read <CoordF>(); // TODO: implement correct hat positioning
                    hatYPosition[i] = packet.Read <CoordF>();
                    hatZPosition[i] = packet.Read <CoordF>();
                    hatRotation[i]  = packet.Read <CoordF>();
                    hatScale[i]     = packet.ReadInt();

                if (!HandleShopPay(session, beautyShop, useVoucher[i]))

                item.Color = equipColor[i];
                session.FieldManager.BroadcastPacket(ItemExtraDataPacket.Update(session.FieldPlayer, item));
Exemplo n.º 14
 // Make a copy of item
 public Item(Item other)
     Id                     = other.Id;
     Name                   = other.Name;
     Level                  = other.Level;
     Gender                 = other.Gender;
     InventoryTab           = other.InventoryTab;
     ItemSlot               = other.ItemSlot;
     GemSlot                = other.GemSlot;
     Rarity                 = other.Rarity;
     StackLimit             = other.StackLimit;
     EnableBreak            = other.EnableBreak;
     IsTwoHand              = other.IsTwoHand;
     IsDress                = other.IsDress;
     IsTemplate             = other.IsTemplate;
     IsCustomScore          = other.IsCustomScore;
     PlayCount              = other.PlayCount;
     FileName               = other.FileName;
     Function               = other.Function;
     Uid                    = other.Uid;
     Slot                   = other.Slot;
     Amount                 = other.Amount;
     CreationTime           = other.CreationTime;
     ExpiryTime             = other.ExpiryTime;
     TimesAttributesChanged = other.TimesAttributesChanged;
     IsLocked               = other.IsLocked;
     UnlockTime             = other.UnlockTime;
     RemainingGlamorForges  = other.RemainingGlamorForges;
     GachaDismantleId       = other.GachaDismantleId;
     Enchants               = other.Enchants;
     EnchantExp             = other.EnchantExp;
     RepackageCount         = other.RepackageCount;
     Charges                = other.Charges;
     TransferFlag           = other.TransferFlag;
     RemainingTrades        = other.RemainingTrades;
     PairedCharacterId      = other.PairedCharacterId;
     PairedCharacterName    = other.PairedCharacterName;
     PetSkinBadgeId         = other.PetSkinBadgeId;
     RecommendJobs          = other.RecommendJobs;
     OwnerCharacterId       = other.OwnerCharacterId;
     OwnerCharacterName     = other.OwnerCharacterName;
     InventoryId            = other.InventoryId;
     BankInventoryId        = other.BankInventoryId;
     BlackMarketCategory    = other.BlackMarketCategory;
     Category               = other.Category;
     HomeId                 = other.HomeId;
     Color                  = other.Color;
     HairData               = other.HairData;
     HatData                = other.HatData;
     Score                  = new();
     Stats                  = new(other.Stats);
     UGC                    = other.UGC;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static Item ShoesMale()
     return(new Item(11700852)
         Uid = 2754959794416496484,
         CreationTime = 1558494660,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(MixedColor.Custom(
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x69, 0xB5),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x85, 0xDB),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x48, 0x5E, 0xA8)),
                                   10, 4
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static Item FaceMale()
     return(new Item(10300051)
         Uid = 2754959794416496483,
         CreationTime = 1558494660,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(MixedColor.Custom(
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x7E, 0xF3, 0xF8),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xF7, 0xE3, 0xE3),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x14, 0x07, 0x02)),
                                   10, 0
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static Item CloathMale()
     return(new Item(12200398)
         Uid = 2754959794416496484,
         CreationTime = 1558494660,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x69, 0xB5),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x85, 0xDB),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x48, 0x5E, 0xA8),
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static Item HairMale()
     return(new Item(10200003)
         Uid = 2867972925711604442,
         CreationTime = 1565575851,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(MixedColor.Custom(
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x69, 0xB5),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x85, 0xDB),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x48, 0x5E, 0xA8)),
                                   10, 4
         HairD = new HairData(0.3f, 0.3f, new CoordF(), new CoordF(), new CoordF(), new CoordF()),
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static Item Face()
     return(new Item(10300004)
         Uid = 2754959794416496483,
         CreationTime = 1558494660,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xB5, 0x24, 0x29),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xF7, 0xE3, 0xE3),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x14, 0x07, 0x02),
         AppearanceFlag = 3,
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void HandleDyeItem(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            BeautyMetadata beautyShop = BeautyMetadataStorage.GetShopById(506);

            byte itemCount = packet.ReadByte();

            short[]      quantity   = new short[itemCount];
            bool[]       useVoucher = new bool[itemCount];
            byte[]       unk1       = new byte[itemCount];
            long[]       unk2       = new long[itemCount];
            int[]        unk3       = new int[itemCount];
            long[]       itemUid    = new long[itemCount];
            int[]        itemId     = new int[itemCount];
            EquipColor[] equipColor = new EquipColor[itemCount];
            HatData[]    hatData    = new HatData[itemCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                quantity[i]   = packet.ReadShort(); // should always be one
                useVoucher[i] = packet.ReadBool();
                unk1[i]       = packet.ReadByte();  // just 0
                unk2[i]       = packet.ReadLong();  // just 0
                unk3[i]       = packet.ReadInt();   // also 0
                itemUid[i]    = packet.ReadLong();
                itemId[i]     = packet.ReadInt();
                equipColor[i] = packet.Read <EquipColor>();
                Item item = session.Player.GetEquippedItem(itemUid[i]);
                if (item == null)

                if (!HandleShopPay(session, beautyShop, useVoucher[i]))

                if (item.ItemSlot == ItemSlot.CP)
                    hatData[i]   = packet.Read <HatData>();
                    item.HatData = hatData[i];

                item.Color = equipColor[i];
                session.FieldManager.BroadcastPacket(ItemExtraDataPacket.Update(session.FieldPlayer, item));
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected override List <ColorPaletteMetadata> Parse()
            List <ColorPaletteMetadata> palette = new List <ColorPaletteMetadata>();

            foreach (PackFileEntry entry in Resources.XmlFiles)
                if (!entry.Name.StartsWith("table/colorpalette"))

                XmlDocument document = Resources.XmlMemFile.GetDocument(entry.FileHeader);
                foreach (XmlNode node in document.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
                    ColorPaletteMetadata metadata = new ColorPaletteMetadata();

                    if (node.Name == "colorPalette")
                        metadata.PaletteId = int.Parse(node.Attributes["id"].Value);

                        foreach (XmlNode colorNode in node)
                            int    index        = int.Parse(colorNode.Attributes["colorSN"].Value);
                            int    primary      = Convert.ToInt32(colorNode.Attributes["ch0"].Value, 16);
                            byte[] primaryBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(primary);

                            int    secondary      = Convert.ToInt32(colorNode.Attributes["ch1"].Value, 16);
                            byte[] secondaryBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(secondary);

                            int    tertiary      = Convert.ToInt32(colorNode.Attributes["ch2"].Value, 16);
                            byte[] tertiaryBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(tertiary);

                            EquipColor newColor = EquipColor.Custom(
                                Color.Argb(primaryBytes[0], primaryBytes[1], primaryBytes[2], primaryBytes[3]),
                                Color.Argb(secondaryBytes[0], secondaryBytes[1], secondaryBytes[2], secondaryBytes[3]),
                                Color.Argb(tertiaryBytes[0], tertiaryBytes[1], tertiaryBytes[2], tertiaryBytes[3]),
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static Item Hair()
     return(new Item(10200148)
         Uid = 2867972925711604442,
         CreationTime = 1565575851,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x7E, 0xCC, 0xF7),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x85, 0xDB),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x48, 0x5E, 0xA8),
         HairD = new HairData(0.3f, 0.3f, new CoordF(), new CoordF(), new CoordF(), new CoordF()),
         AppearanceFlag = 2,
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static Item HairMale()
     return(new Item(10200003)
         Uid = 2867972925711604442,
         CreationTime = 1565575851,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x69, 0xB5),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x4C, 0x85, 0xDB),
             Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x48, 0x5E, 0xA8),
         HairD = new HairData(0.3f, 0.3f, new byte[24], new byte[24]),
         AppearanceFlag = 2,
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static Item DefaultCodex(Player owner)
     return(new Item(14000270)
         Uid = 3430503306390578751, // Make sure its unique! If the UID is equipped, it will say "Equipped" on the item in your inventory
         Rarity = 1,
         CreationTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
         Owner = owner,
         Color = EquipColor.Custom(MixedColor.Custom(
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xBC, 0xBC, 0xB3),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xC3, 0xDA, 0x3D),
                                       Maple2Storage.Types.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xB0, 0xB4, 0xBA)),
                                   10, 0x13
         TransferFlag = TransferFlag.Binds | TransferFlag.Splitable,
Exemplo n.º 25
 public Item(int id)
     Id = id;
     Level                 = ItemMetadataStorage.GetLevel(id);
     ItemSlot              = ItemMetadataStorage.GetSlot(id);
     Rarity                = ItemMetadataStorage.GetRarity(id);
     PlayCount             = ItemMetadataStorage.GetPlayCount(id);
     Color                 = ItemMetadataStorage.GetEquipColor(id);
     CreationTime          = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds();
     RemainingGlamorForges = ItemExtractionMetadataStorage.GetExtractionCount(id);
     Slot         = -1;
     Amount       = 1;
     Score        = new MusicScore();
     Stats        = new ItemStats(id, Rarity, Level, IsTwoHand);
     CanRepackage = true; // If false, item becomes untradable
     Uid          = DatabaseManager.AddItem(this);
Exemplo n.º 26
    public static void ChangeHair(GameSession session, int hairId, out Item previousHair, out Item newHair)
        Random random = Random.Shared;

        //Grab a preset hair and length of hair
        ItemCustomizeMetadata customize = ItemMetadataStorage.GetMetadata(hairId).Customize;
        int         indexPreset         = random.Next(customize.HairPresets.Count);
        HairPresets chosenPreset        = customize.HairPresets[indexPreset];

        //Grab random front hair length
        double chosenFrontLength = random.NextDouble() *
                                   (customize.HairPresets[indexPreset].MaxScale - customize.HairPresets[indexPreset].MinScale) + customize.HairPresets[indexPreset].MinScale;

        //Grab random back hair length
        double chosenBackLength = random.NextDouble() *
                                  (customize.HairPresets[indexPreset].MaxScale - customize.HairPresets[indexPreset].MinScale) + customize.HairPresets[indexPreset].MinScale;

        // Grab random preset color
        ColorPaletteMetadata palette = ColorPaletteMetadataStorage.GetMetadata(2); // pick from palette 2. Seems like it's the correct palette for basic hair colors

        int        indexColor = random.Next(palette.DefaultColors.Count);
        MixedColor color      = palette.DefaultColors[indexColor];

        newHair = new(hairId)
            Color              = EquipColor.Argb(color, indexColor, palette.PaletteId),
            HairData           = new((float)chosenBackLength, (float)chosenFrontLength, chosenPreset.BackPositionCoord, chosenPreset.BackPositionRotation, chosenPreset.FrontPositionCoord, chosenPreset.FrontPositionRotation),
            IsEquipped         = true,
            OwnerCharacterId   = session.Player.CharacterId,
            OwnerCharacterName = session.Player.Name
        Dictionary <ItemSlot, Item> cosmetics = session.Player.Inventory.Cosmetics;

        //Remove old hair
        if (cosmetics.Remove(ItemSlot.HR, out previousHair))
            previousHair.Slot = -1;
            session.Player.HairInventory.RandomHair = previousHair; // store the previous hair
            session.FieldManager.BroadcastPacket(EquipmentPacket.UnequipItem(session.Player.FieldPlayer, previousHair));

        cosmetics[ItemSlot.HR] = newHair;
Exemplo n.º 27
 // Make a copy of item
 public Item(Item other)
     Id                     = other.Id;
     InventoryTab           = other.InventoryTab;
     ItemSlot               = other.ItemSlot;
     GemSlot                = other.GemSlot;
     Rarity                 = other.Rarity;
     StackLimit             = other.StackLimit;
     EnableBreak            = other.EnableBreak;
     IsTwoHand              = other.IsTwoHand;
     IsDress                = other.IsDress;
     IsTemplate             = other.IsTemplate;
     PlayCount              = other.PlayCount;
     FileName               = other.FileName;
     Content                = other.Content;
     FunctionName           = other.FunctionName;
     FunctionId             = other.FunctionId;
     FunctionDuration       = other.FunctionDuration;
     FunctionFieldId        = other.FunctionFieldId;
     FunctionCapacity       = other.FunctionCapacity;
     FunctionTargetLevel    = other.FunctionTargetLevel;
     Uid                    = other.Uid;
     Slot                   = other.Slot;
     Amount                 = other.Amount;
     CreationTime           = other.CreationTime;
     ExpiryTime             = other.ExpiryTime;
     TimesAttributesChanged = other.TimesAttributesChanged;
     IsLocked               = other.IsLocked;
     UnlockTime             = other.UnlockTime;
     RemainingGlamorForges  = other.RemainingGlamorForges;
     Enchants               = other.Enchants;
     EnchantExp             = other.EnchantExp;
     CanRepackage           = other.CanRepackage;
     Charges                = other.Charges;
     TransferFlag           = other.TransferFlag;
     RemainingTrades        = other.RemainingTrades;
     PairedCharacterId      = other.PairedCharacterId;
     PairedCharacterName    = other.PairedCharacterName;
     Owner                  = other.Owner;
     Color                  = other.Color;
     HairD                  = other.HairD;
     AppearanceFlag         = other.AppearanceFlag;
     Stats                  = new ItemStats(other.Stats);
Exemplo n.º 28
 // Make a copy of item
 public Item(Item other)
     Id                     = other.Id;
     InventoryTab           = other.InventoryTab;
     ItemSlot               = other.ItemSlot;
     GemSlot                = other.GemSlot;
     Rarity                 = other.Rarity;
     StackLimit             = other.StackLimit;
     EnableBreak            = other.EnableBreak;
     IsTwoHand              = other.IsTwoHand;
     IsDress                = other.IsDress;
     IsTemplate             = other.IsTemplate;
     IsCustomScore          = other.IsCustomScore;
     PlayCount              = other.PlayCount;
     FileName               = other.FileName;
     Content                = other.Content;
     Function               = other.Function;
     AdBalloon              = other.AdBalloon;
     Uid                    = other.Uid;
     Slot                   = other.Slot;
     Amount                 = other.Amount;
     CreationTime           = other.CreationTime;
     ExpiryTime             = other.ExpiryTime;
     TimesAttributesChanged = other.TimesAttributesChanged;
     IsLocked               = other.IsLocked;
     UnlockTime             = other.UnlockTime;
     RemainingGlamorForges  = other.RemainingGlamorForges;
     GachaDismantleId       = other.GachaDismantleId;
     Enchants               = other.Enchants;
     EnchantExp             = other.EnchantExp;
     CanRepackage           = other.CanRepackage;
     Charges                = other.Charges;
     TransferFlag           = other.TransferFlag;
     RemainingTrades        = other.RemainingTrades;
     PairedCharacterId      = other.PairedCharacterId;
     PairedCharacterName    = other.PairedCharacterName;
     PetSkinBadgeId         = other.PetSkinBadgeId;
     Owner                  = other.Owner;
     Color                  = other.Color;
     HairData               = other.HairData;
     HatData                = other.HatData;
     Score                  = new MusicScore();
     Stats                  = new ItemStats(other.Stats);
Exemplo n.º 29
        private static void HandleModifyExistingBeauty(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            byte       unk           = packet.ReadByte();
            bool       useVoucher    = packet.ReadBool();
            long       beautyItemUid = packet.ReadLong();
            EquipColor equipColor    = packet.Read <EquipColor>();
            int        colorIndex    = packet.ReadInt();

            Item           beautyItem = session.Player.Equips.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Uid == beautyItemUid).Value;
            BeautyMetadata beautyShop = BeautyMetadataStorage.GetCosmeticShopByItemId(beautyItem.Id);

            if (!HandleShopPay(session, beautyShop, useVoucher))

            beautyItem.Color = equipColor;
            ModifyBeauty(session, packet, beautyItem);
Exemplo n.º 30
    private static void HandleNewBeauty(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
        byte       unk          = packet.ReadByte();
        bool       useVoucher   = packet.ReadBool();
        int        beautyItemId = packet.ReadInt();
        EquipColor equipColor   = packet.Read <EquipColor>();

        Item beautyItem = new(beautyItemId)
            Color              = equipColor,
            IsEquipped         = true,
            OwnerCharacterId   = session.Player.CharacterId,
            OwnerCharacterName = session.Player.Name
        BeautyShop beautyShop = DatabaseManager.BeautyShops.FindById(session.Player.ShopId);

        if (beautyShop is null)

        if (useVoucher)
            if (!PayWithVoucher(session, beautyShop))
            if (!PayWithShopItemTokenCost(session, beautyItemId, beautyShop))

        ModifyBeauty(session, packet, beautyItem);