Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IList <PermissionRoleModel> > GetAllUserPermissionsWithRolesAsync(long userId)
            var user = await SmartHomeAppDbContext.SingleAsync <User>(userId);

            var userPermissions = await SmartHomeAppDbContext.Query <UserPermission>()
                                  .Where(x => x.UserId == userId)
                                  .ProjectTo <PermissionRoleModel>(Mapper.ConfigurationProvider)

            var rolesStrings = (List <string>) await userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);

            var rolePermissions = await SmartHomeAppDbContext.Query <RolePermission>()
                                  .Where(x => rolesStrings.Contains(x.Role.Name))
                                  .ProjectTo <PermissionRoleModel>(Mapper.ConfigurationProvider)

            var comparer = EqualityComparerFactory.Create <PermissionRoleModel>(
                x => (int)x.PermissionId,
                (x, y) => x.PermissionId == y.PermissionId && string.Equals(x.RoleName, y.RoleName));
            var resultPermissions = userPermissions.Union(rolePermissions, comparer);

            resultPermissions = resultPermissions.OrderBy(x => x.PermissionName);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool Exists(User user)
            IEqualityComparer <User> userComparer = EqualityComparerFactory <User> .Create((user_a, user_b) => user_a.Username == user_b.Username, (_user) => _user.GetHashCode());

            return(dbset.ToList().Contains(user, userComparer));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static IList <T> MergeLists <T, TE>(IEnumerable <T> first, IEnumerable <T> second, Func <T, TE> selection)
            var comparer = EqualityComparerFactory <T>
                           .CreateComparer(x => selection(x).GetHashCode(), (x, y) => x != null && x.Equals(y));

            var list = new List <T>();

            if (second != null && first != null)
                list.AddRange(first.Where(x => !second.Contains(x, comparer)));
                if (first != null)
                if (second != null)

 private Transformation(IQuery query)
     _query = query;
     _repositoryFactory = new VerifiableRepositoryFactory();
     _metadataSource = new AggregateConstructionMetadataSource();
     _comparerFactory = new EqualityComparerFactory(new LinqToDbPropertyProvider(Schema.Erm, Schema.Facts, Schema.CustomerIntelligence));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Probes working directory for all available metadata providers
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of UWP XAML metadata providers</returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <WUX.Markup.IXamlMetadataProvider> DiscoverMetadataProviders()
            // Get all assemblies loaded in app domain and placed side-by-side from all DLL and EXE
            var loadedAssemblies = GetAssemblies();

#if NET462
            var uniqueAssemblies = new HashSet <Assembly>(loadedAssemblies, EqualityComparerFactory <Assembly> .CreateComparer(
                                                              a => a.GetName().FullName.GetHashCode(),
                                                              (a, b) => a.GetName().FullName.Equals(b.GetName().FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
            var uniqueAssemblies = new HashSet <Assembly>(loadedAssemblies, EqualityComparerFactory <Assembly> .CreateComparer(
                                                              a => a.GetName().FullName.GetHashCode(StringComparison.InvariantCulture),
                                                              (a, b) => a.GetName().FullName.Equals(b.GetName().FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));

            // Load all types loadable from the assembly, ignoring any types that could not be resolved due to an issue in the dependency chain
            foreach (var assembly in uniqueAssemblies)
                foreach (var provider in LoadTypesFromAssembly(assembly))
                    yield return(provider);

                    if (typeof(WUX.Application).IsAssignableFrom(provider.GetType()))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Xaml application has been created");
                        yield break;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Probes working directory for all available metadata providers
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of UWP XAML metadata providers</returns>
        internal static List <WUX.Markup.IXamlMetadataProvider> DiscoverMetadataProviders()
            var filteredTypes = FilteredTypes;

            // List of discovered UWP XAML metadata providers
            var metadataProviders = new List <WUX.Markup.IXamlMetadataProvider>();

            // Get all assemblies loaded in app domain and placed side-by-side from all DLL and EXE
            var loadedAssemblies = GetAssemblies();

#if NET462
            var uniqueAssemblies = new HashSet <Assembly>(loadedAssemblies, EqualityComparerFactory <Assembly> .CreateComparer(
                                                              a => a.GetName().FullName.GetHashCode(),
                                                              (a, b) => a.GetName().FullName.Equals(b.GetName().FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
            var uniqueAssemblies = new HashSet <Assembly>(loadedAssemblies, EqualityComparerFactory <Assembly> .CreateComparer(
                                                              a => a.GetName().FullName.GetHashCode(StringComparison.InvariantCulture),
                                                              (a, b) => a.GetName().FullName.Equals(b.GetName().FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));

            // Load all types loadable from the assembly, ignoring any types that could not be resolved due to an issue in the dependency chain
            foreach (var assembly in uniqueAssemblies)
                    LoadTypesFromAssembly(assembly, ref metadataProviders, ref filteredTypes);
                catch (FileLoadException)
                    // These exceptions are expected

        public DatabaseEntity CreateEmptyEntity(DatabaseTableDefinitionJson definition, DatabaseKey key, bool phantomEntity)
            Dictionary <string, IDatabaseField> columns = new(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var column in definition.Groups.SelectMany(t => t.Fields)
                         EqualityComparerFactory.Create <DatabaseColumnJson>(
                             f => f.DbColumnName.GetHashCode(),
                             (a, b) => a !.DbColumnName.Equals(b !.DbColumnName))))
                IValueHolder valueHolder;
                var          type = column.ValueType;

                if (parameterFactory.IsRegisteredLong(type))
                    type = "uint";
                else if (parameterFactory.IsRegisteredString(type))
                    type = "string";
                else if (type.EndsWith("Parameter"))
                    type = "uint";

                if (type == "float")
                    valueHolder = new ValueHolder <float>(column.Default is float f ? f : 0.0f, column.CanBeNull && column.Default == null);
                else if (type is "int" or "uint" or "long")
                    valueHolder = new ValueHolder <long>(column.Default is long f ? f : 0, column.CanBeNull && column.Default == null);
 public static IImmutableSession WithRegexComparer(this IImmutableSession context)
     return(context.WithComparer(GetComparerNameFromCaller(), EqualityComparerFactory <object> .Create
                                     equals: (left, right) => Regex.IsMatch((string)right, (string)left, RegexOptions.None),
                                     getHashCode: (obj) => 0
Exemplo n.º 9
 private Transformation(IQuery query, IRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory)
     _query             = query;
     _repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
     _operations        = new List <IOperation>();
     _metadataSource    = new FactsReplicationMetadataSource();
     _comparerFactory   = new EqualityComparerFactory(new LinqToDbPropertyProvider(Schema.Erm, Schema.Facts, Schema.CustomerIntelligence));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static IImmutableSession WithSoftStringComparer(this IImmutableSession context)
     return(context.WithComparer(GetComparerNameFromCaller(), EqualityComparerFactory <object> .Create
                                     equals: (left, right) => SoftString.Comparer.Equals((string)left, (string)right),
                                     getHashCode: (obj) => SoftString.Comparer.GetHashCode((string)obj)
        private ProjectionGatewayConfigurationBuilder(ILocator locator)
            _locator = locator;
            var stringEqComparer = EqualityComparerFactory.Create <string>(
                (x, y) => x.ToLower() == y.ToLower(),
                s => s.GetHashCode());

            Subscriptions = new MultiValueDictionary <string, Subscription>(stringEqComparer);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private bool ProcessMultipartData(ref IDictionary <string, string> postVars, ref IDictionary <string, IFile> files)
            bool?result = null;

                var match = _REGEX_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY.Match(this.ContentType ?? string.Empty);
                if (match.Success)
                    postVars = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateHttpKeyComparer());
                    files    = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, IFile>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateHttpKeyComparer());

                    var parser = new HttpMultipartContentParser(this.GetBodyData(),
                                                                Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("--" + match.Groups[9].Value));

                    foreach (var part in parser.PARTS
                             .Where(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.NAME)))
                            var data = part.DATA ?? new byte[0];

                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.FILE_NAME))
                                // POST data

                                postVars[part.NAME] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
                                // uploaded file
                                var newFile = new SimpleFile();
                                newFile.SetContentType(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.CONTENT_TYPE) ? "application/octet-stream" : part.CONTENT_TYPE.ToLower().Trim());
                                newFile.Name = part.FILE_NAME.Trim();

                                files[part.NAME] = newFile;
                            // ignore

                    parser = null;
                    result = true;
                // ignore

            return(result ?? false);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public Store()
            var data = new HashSet <object>();

            EqualityComparerFactory = new EqualityComparerFactory(new LinqToDbPropertyProvider(Schema.Erm, Schema.Facts, Schema.Aggregates));

            Query             = new StoreQuery(data);
            Builder           = new StoreBuilder(data);
            RepositoryFactory = new StoreRepositoryFactory(data, EqualityComparerFactory);
        private static IStatisticsProcessor StatisticsProcessor <T>(object[] data, out Mock <IRepository <T> > repository)
            where T : class
            var metadataSource = new StatisticsRecalculationMetadataSource();
            var metadata       = metadataSource.Metadata.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Elements).OfType <StatisticsRecalculationMetadata <T, StatisticsKey> >().Single();

            repository = new Mock <IRepository <T> >();
            var comparerFactory = new EqualityComparerFactory(new LinqToDbPropertyProvider(Schema.Erm, Schema.Facts, Schema.CustomerIntelligence));

            return(new StatisticsProcessor <T>(metadata, new MemoryMockQuery(data), new BulkRepository <T>(repository.Object), comparerFactory));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public XMerge(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > keyMap)
     _keyMap = keyMap.ToDictionary(
         x => x.Key.Split('/'),
         x => new Func <XElement, string>(e => e.Attribute(x.Value).Value),
         EqualityComparerFactory <IEnumerable <string> > .Create(
             (left, right) => left.SequenceEqual(right),
             (obj) => obj.CalcHashCode()
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static void AddUserSkillIfDoesNotExist(User dbUser, Skill userSkill)
            // Update user if programming skill is missing
            IEqualityComparer <Skill> compareSkills = EqualityComparerFactory <Skill> .Create((s1, s2) => s1.Type == s2.Type, s => s.GetHashCode());

            if (!dbUser.Skill.ToList().Contains(userSkill, compareSkills))
                Console.WriteLine($"dbUser does not contain skill: { userSkill }");
        public DatabaseEntity CreateEmptyEntity(DatabaseTableDefinitionJson definition, uint key)
            Dictionary <string, IDatabaseField> columns = new();

            foreach (var column in definition.Groups.SelectMany(t => t.Fields)
                         EqualityComparerFactory.Create <DatabaseColumnJson>(
                             f => f.DbColumnName.GetHashCode(),
                             (a, b) => a !.DbColumnName.Equals(b !.DbColumnName))))
                IValueHolder valueHolder;
                var          type = column.ValueType;

                if (parameterFactory.IsRegisteredLong(type))
                    type = "uint";
                else if (parameterFactory.IsRegisteredString(type))
                    type = "string";
                else if (type.EndsWith("Parameter"))
                    type = "uint";

                if (type == "float")
                    valueHolder = new ValueHolder <float>(column.Default is float f ? f : 0.0f, column.CanBeNull && column.Default == null);
                else if (type == "int" || type == "uint")
                    if (column.DbColumnName == definition.TablePrimaryKeyColumnName)
                        valueHolder = new ValueHolder <long>(key, false);
                        valueHolder = new ValueHolder <long>(column.Default is long f ? f : 0, column.CanBeNull && column.Default == null);
                    valueHolder = new ValueHolder <string>(column.Default is string f ? f : "", column.CanBeNull && column.Default == null);

                columns[column.DbColumnName] = databaseFieldFactory.CreateField(column.DbColumnName, valueHolder);

            return(new DatabaseEntity(false, key, columns, null));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public Wallet(IEnumerable <Coin> coins)
            Contract.Requires(coins != null);

            var coinEqualityComparer = EqualityComparerFactory.Create <Coin>(
                (c1, c2) => c1.ParValue == c2.ParValue,
                c => c.ParValue.GetHashCode());

            _coins = coins
                     .GroupBy(c => c.ParValue)
                     .Select(c => c.Aggregate(0, (i, coin) => i + coin.Count, count => new Coin(c.Key, count)))
        public void GetHashCodeShouldBeEqaulToResharperGenerated(int id, int? nullable, string name)
            var provider = new Mock<IObjectPropertyProvider>();
            var props = typeof(SampleEntity).GetProperties();
            provider.Setup(x => x.GetProperties<SampleEntity>()).Returns(props);
            provider.Setup(x => x.GetPrimaryKeyProperties<SampleEntity>()).Returns(new List<PropertyInfo>());

            var factory = new EqualityComparerFactory(provider.Object);
            var comparer = factory.CreateCompleteComparer<SampleEntity>();

            var left = new SampleEntity { Id = id, NullableId = nullable, Name = name };

            Assert.That(comparer.GetHashCode(left), Is.EqualTo(left.GetHashCode()));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void GetHashCodeShouldBeEqaulToResharperGenerated(int id, int?nullable, string name)
            var provider = new Mock <IObjectPropertyProvider>();
            var props    = typeof(SampleEntity).GetProperties();

            provider.Setup(x => x.GetProperties <SampleEntity>()).Returns(props);
            provider.Setup(x => x.GetPrimaryKeyProperties <SampleEntity>()).Returns(new List <PropertyInfo>());

            var factory  = new EqualityComparerFactory(provider.Object);
            var comparer = factory.CreateCompleteComparer <SampleEntity>();

            var left = new SampleEntity {
                Id = id, NullableId = nullable, Name = name

            Assert.That(comparer.GetHashCode(left), Is.EqualTo(left.GetHashCode()));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public BagOfGoods(IEnumerable <Goods> goods)
            Contract.Requires(goods != null);

            var goodsEqualityComparer = EqualityComparerFactory.Create <Goods>(
                (g1, g2) => g1.Identity.Equals(g2.Identity) && g1.Price == g2.Price,
                g => g.Identity.GetHashCode()

            _bag = goods
                   .GroupBy(g => new { g.Identity, g.Price })
                   .Select(g => g.Aggregate(
                               (count, nextGoods) => count + nextGoods.Count,
                               c => new Goods(g.Key.Identity, g.Key.Price, c)))
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a job item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The underlying item context.</param>
        protected virtual void HandleJobItem(IForAllItemExecutionContext <IJob, DateTimeOffset> ctx)
            List <Exception> occuredErrors = new List <Exception>();

            DateTimeOffset      completedAt;
            JobExecutionContext execCtx = new JobExecutionContext();

                execCtx.Job        = ctx.Item;
                execCtx.ResultVars = new Dictionary <string, object>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateCaseInsensitiveStringComparer(true, true));
                execCtx.SyncRoot   = new object();
                execCtx.Time       = ctx.State;


                completedAt = AppTime.Now;
            catch (Exception ex)
                completedAt = AppTime.Now;

                AggregateException aggEx = ex as AggregateException;
                if (aggEx != null)
                    occuredErrors.AddRange(CollectionHelper.OfType <Exception>(aggEx.InnerExceptions));

            JobExecutionResult result = new JobExecutionResult();

            result.Context = execCtx;
            result.Errors  = occuredErrors.ToArray();
            result.Vars    = new TMReadOnlyDictionary <string, object>(execCtx.ResultVars);
            result.Time    = completedAt;

                                   new JobExecutionResultEventArgs(result));
Exemplo n.º 23
        // Private Methods (3) 

        private static IDictionary <string, string> ExtractVarsFromQueryString(IEnumerable <char> queryStr)
            var result = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateHttpKeyComparer());

                var coll = BclHttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryStr.AsString() ?? string.Empty);
                foreach (var key in coll.AllKeys)
                    result[key ?? string.Empty] = coll[key];
                // ignore

        public void EqualityShouldRespectProvidedComparers(int idLeft, int idRight, bool expected)
            var provider = new Mock <IObjectPropertyProvider>();
            var props    = typeof(SampleEntity).GetProperties();

            provider.Setup(x => x.GetProperties <SampleEntity>()).Returns(props);
            provider.Setup(x => x.GetPrimaryKeyProperties <SampleEntity>()).Returns(new List <PropertyInfo>());

            var factory  = new EqualityComparerFactory(provider.Object, new CustomIntegerComparer());
            var comparer = factory.CreateCompleteComparer <SampleEntity>();

            var left = new SampleEntity {
                Id = idLeft
            var right = new SampleEntity {
                Id = idRight

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, comparer.GetHashCode(left) == comparer.GetHashCode(right));
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, comparer.Equals(left, right));
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an empty collection for parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The created collection.</returns>
 protected virtual IDictionary <string, object> CreateEmptyParameterCollection()
     return(new Dictionary <string, object>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateCaseInsensitiveStringComparer(true, true)));
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds, removes and updates contacts, groups, masages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syncData"></param>
        public static async Task SyncData()
            if (!ServerConnected)

            await Task.Run(() =>
                var res = commandChain.MakeRequest(CommandType.Synchronize, null, User);

                if (res == null)

                //Update user
                if (User.LastTimeUpdated != res.UserData.LastTimeUpdated)
                    User = res.UserData;

                var syncData = (object[])res.RequestData;

                var groupsInfo   = (List <Group>)syncData[0];
                var contactsInfo = (List <Contact>)syncData[1];
                var messagesInfo = (List <Message>)syncData[2];

                //Find differences in Last Time Update and update if necessary
                foreach (var group in groupsInfo)
                    var foundGroup = Database.GroupsTableRepo.FindFirst(GroupsTableFields.Id.ToString(), group.Id.ToString());

                    if (foundGroup == null)

                    if (foundGroup.LastTimeUpdated != group.LastTimeUpdated)
                        Database.GroupsTableRepo.Update(GroupsTableFields.Id.ToString(), group.Id.ToString(), group);

                foreach (var contact in contactsInfo)
                    var foundContact = Database.ContactsTableRepo.FindFirst(ContactsTableFields.Id.ToString(), contact.Id.ToString());

                    if (foundContact == null)

                    if (foundContact.LastTimeUpdated != contact.LastTimeUpdated)
                        Database.ContactsTableRepo.Update(ContactsTableFields.Id.ToString(), contact.Id.ToString(), contact);

                foreach (var message in messagesInfo)
                    var foundMessage = Database.MessagesTableRepo.FindFirst(MessagesTableFields.Id.ToString(), message.Id.ToString());

                    if (foundMessage == null)

                    if (foundMessage.LastTimeUpdated != message.LastTimeUpdated)
                        Database.MessagesTableRepo.Update(MessagesTableFields.Id.ToString(), message.Id.ToString(), message);

                #region Create custom comparers

                //Create comparers
                var groupsComparer = EqualityComparerFactory.Create <Group>(
                    (Group a) => a.Id.GetHashCode(),
                    (Group a, Group b) => a.Id == b.Id

                var contactsComparer = EqualityComparerFactory.Create <Contact>(
                    (Contact a) => a.Id.GetHashCode(),
                    (Contact a, Contact b) => a.Id == b.Id
                var messagesComparer = EqualityComparerFactory.Create <Message>(
                    (Message a) => a.Id.GetHashCode(),
                    (Message a, Message b) => a.Id == b.Id


                var deletedGroups   = Database.GroupsTableRepo.GetAll()?.Except(groupsInfo, groupsComparer);
                var deletedContacts = Database.ContactsTableRepo.GetAll()?.Except(contactsInfo, contactsComparer);
                var deletedMessages = Database.MessagesTableRepo.GetAll()?.Except(messagesInfo, messagesComparer);

                if (deletedGroups != null)
                    foreach (var group in deletedGroups)
                        Database.GroupsTableRepo.Remove(GroupsTableFields.Id.ToString(), group.Id.ToString());

                if (deletedContacts != null)
                    foreach (var contact in deletedContacts)
                        Database.ContactsTableRepo.Remove(GroupsTableFields.Id.ToString(), contact.Id.ToString());

                if (deletedMessages != null)
                    foreach (var message in deletedMessages)
                        Database.MessagesTableRepo.Remove(GroupsTableFields.Id.ToString(), message.Id.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 27
        internal HttpRequest(DateTimeOffset time,
                             HttpRequestMessageProperty property,
                             Message message,
                             WcfHttpServer server)
            this._TIME     = time;
            this._PROPERTY = property;
            this._MESSAGE  = message;
            this._SERVER   = server;

            this._METHOD = (this._PROPERTY.Method ?? string.Empty).ToUpper().Trim();
            if (this._METHOD == string.Empty)
                this._METHOD = null;

            this._BODY = new Lazy <byte[]>(valueFactory: this.GetBodyDataInner,
                                           isThreadSafe: true);

            //  address of remote client
                var messageProperties = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties;
                var endpointProperty  = messageProperties[RemoteEndpointMessageProperty.Name] as RemoteEndpointMessageProperty;

                this._REMOTE_ADDRESS = new SimpleTcpAddress()
                    Address = endpointProperty.Address,
                    Port    = endpointProperty.Port,
                // ignore here

            // requesting user
                ServiceSecurityContext context = ServiceSecurityContext.Current;
                if (context != null)
                    var finder = this._SERVER.PrincipalFinder;
                    if (finder != null)
                        this._USER = finder(context.PrimaryIdentity);
                // ignore here

            // request headers
                var headers = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateHttpKeyComparer());
                foreach (var key in this._PROPERTY.Headers.AllKeys)
                    headers[key] = this._PROPERTY.Headers[key];

                this._HEADERS = new TMReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(headers);

            // content type
                         out this._CONTENT_TYPE);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._CONTENT_TYPE))
                this._CONTENT_TYPE = null;
                this._CONTENT_TYPE = this._CONTENT_TYPE.ToLower().Trim();

            // GET
            this._GET = new TMReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(ExtractVarsFromQueryString(this._PROPERTY.QueryString));

            // POST
                IDictionary <string, string> postVars = null;
                IDictionary <string, IFile>  files    = null;

                if (this.TryGetKnownMethod() == HttpMethod.POST)
                        if (!this.ProcessMultipartData(ref postVars, ref files))
                            // no uploaded files, handle complete
                            // request body as variables

                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(this.GetBody(), Encoding.ASCII))
                                postVars = ExtractVarsFromQueryString(reader.ReadToEnd());
                        // ignore

                this._POST = new TMReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(postVars ??
                                                                       new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateHttpKeyComparer()));

                this._FILES = new TMReadOnlyDictionary <string, IFile>(files ??
                                                                       new ConcurrentDictionary <string, IFile>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateHttpKeyComparer()));

            // REQUEST
                var vars = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateHttpKeyComparer());

                // first copy GET
                foreach (var g in this._GET)
                    vars[g.Key] = g.Value;

                // then set POST vars and overwrite existing ones
                foreach (var p in this._POST)
                    vars[p.Key] = p.Value;

                this._REQUEST = new TMReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(vars);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static bool SequenceEqual <T>(IEnumerable <T> first, IEnumerable <T> second, Func <T?, T?, bool> equalizer)
     return(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(first, second, EqualityComparerFactory.Create <T>((t) => t?.GetHashCode() ?? 0, equalizer)));
 public Factory(IQuery query, IRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, EqualityComparerFactory comparerFactory)
     _query = query;
     _repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
     _comparerFactory = comparerFactory;
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the <see cref="TMApplication" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 static TMApplication()
     _VARS = new SynchronizedDictionary <string, object>(EqualityComparerFactory.CreateCaseInsensitiveStringComparer(true, true));
Exemplo n.º 31
 public Factory(IQuery query, IBulkRepository <TFact> repository, EqualityComparerFactory comparerFactory)
     _query           = query;
     _repository      = repository;
     _comparerFactory = comparerFactory;