Exemplo n.º 1
        //for updating a particular epic based on epic id.
        public void Update(int id, EpicMaster bklog)
            EpicMaster data = _context.EpicDb.FirstOrDefault(m => m.EpicId == id);

            data.Description = bklog.Description;
            //persisting the changes made to the database
Exemplo n.º 2
        //for deleting particular epic  based on epic id
        public void Delete(int id)
            //selecting the Epics from the EpicDb Table by EpicId  passed by the client
            EpicMaster backlogToBeRemoved = _context.EpicDb.FirstOrDefault(m => m.EpicId == id);

            //Removing the Epic object
            //persisting the changes made to the database
        public void Epic_service_setConnection_method_should_throw_Format_Exception_with_invalid_input()
            EpicMaster backlog = new EpicMaster();

            backlog.EpicId = 1;

            var mockrepo = new Mock <IEpicRepository>();

            mockrepo.Setup(x => x.SetConnectId(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Throws(new FormatException());
            EpicService obj = new EpicService(mockrepo.Object);

            var exception = Record.Exception(() => obj.SetConnectId(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string>()));

            Assert.IsType <FormatException>(exception);
        public void Epic_Service_Add_Method_should_throw_FormatException_with_invalid_input()

            var request = new EpicMaster();

            request.EpicId = 1;
            var mockRepoReq = new Mock <IEpicRepository>();                       //mocking RequestRepository

            mockRepoReq.Setup(x => x.Add(request)).Throws(new FormatException()); //mocking GetAll() of RequestRepository
            EpicService obj = new EpicService(mockRepoReq.Object);
            var ex = Record.Exception(() => obj.Add(request));

            // Assert.NotNull(res);
            Assert.IsType <FormatException>(ex);
        public void Epic_Service_Add_Method_should_throw_nullRefrenceException()

            var request = new EpicMaster();

            request.EpicId = 1;
            var mockRepoReq = new Mock <IEpicRepository>();                              //mocking RequestRepository

            mockRepoReq.Setup(x => x.Add(request)).Throws(new NullReferenceException()); //mocking GetAll() of RequestRepository
            EpicService obj = new EpicService(mockRepoReq.Object);
            var ex = Record.Exception(() => obj.Add(request));

            Assert.IsType <NullReferenceException>(ex);
        public void Epic_Service_GetAll_Method_should_return_productbacklog_type_object()
            List <EpicMaster> requests = new List <EpicMaster>();
            var request = new EpicMaster();

            request.EpicId = 1;
            var mockRepoReq = new Mock <IEpicRepository>();        //mocking RequestRepository

            mockRepoReq.Setup(x => x.GetAll(1)).Returns(requests); //mocking GetAll() of RequestRepository
            EpicService obj = new EpicService(mockRepoReq.Object);
            var res = obj.GetAll(1);

            Assert.IsType <List <EpicMaster> >(res);
        public void Epic_Service_GetAll_Method_To_GetAll_Epics()
            List <EpicMaster> requests = new List <EpicMaster>();
            var request = new EpicMaster();

            request.EpicId = 1;
            var mockRepoReq = new Mock <IEpicRepository>();        //mocking RequestRepository

            mockRepoReq.Setup(x => x.GetAll(1)).Returns(requests); //mocking GetAll() of RequestRepository
            EpicService obj = new EpicService(mockRepoReq.Object);
            var res = obj.GetAll(1);

            Assert.Equal(requests, res);
Exemplo n.º 8
 //for update particular epic based on project id
 public void Update(int id, EpicMaster res)
     _repository.Update(id, res);
Exemplo n.º 9
 //for adding new item into the product EpicDb table
 public void Add(EpicMaster bklog)
Exemplo n.º 10
 //for adding new epic
 public void Add(EpicMaster backlog)
Exemplo n.º 11
 //this method is to update a particular epic based on epicid
 public Task put(int id, EpicMaster value)
     _service.Update(id, value);
Exemplo n.º 12
 //this method is to add new epic based on prject id
 public Task Post(EpicMaster backlog)
 public void put(int id, [FromBody] EpicMaster value)
     _service.Update(id, value);
 public void Post([FromBody] EpicMaster backlog)