Exemplo n.º 1
 public MovementFunctionality(Robot robot, MutualData mutualData)
     _robot      = robot;
     _stopped    = true;
     RunMode     = Enums.RobotRunMode.Idle;
     _mutualData = mutualData;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Stop()
            _stopped = true;

            int i = 0;

            while (i < 5)
                ControlMotors(0, 0);

            RunMode = Enums.RobotRunMode.Idle;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task StartLogic()
            while (true)
                // await Task.Delay(LOOP_WAIT_TIME);

                    if (_stopped)
                        await Task.Delay(200);
                    // Run logic

                        // Robot started
                        if (RunMode == Enums.RobotRunMode.Idle)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Run mode: Idle");
                            // Wait a moment to acquire enough reliable sensor data
                            await Task.Delay(1500);

                            // Read filtered sensor values
                            var sensorValues = _mutualData.ReadFilteredData();

                            if (IsSensorValueInReach(sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.RightSensor]))
                                RunMode = Enums.RobotRunMode.FollowWall;
                                RunMode = Enums.RobotRunMode.FindWall;

                        // Robot doesn't see a wall, run forward till it does.
                        // If wall is seen on the side sensor closer, turn to that direction
                        else if (RunMode == Enums.RobotRunMode.FindWall)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Run mode: Find wall");

                            // Read filtered sensor values
                            var sensorValues = _mutualData.ReadFilteredData();
                            // check if other sensors find walls
                            if (IsSensorValueInReach(sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.LeftSensor]))
                                ControlMotors(0, 100);
                                await Task.Delay(2000); // Turn 40
                            else if (IsSensorValueInReach(sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.RearSensor]))
                                ControlMotors(0, 100);
                                await Task.Delay(6000); // Turn 180

                            while (!_stopped && sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.RightSensor] > 50)
                                sensorValues = _mutualData.ReadFilteredData();

                                if (sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.FrontSensor] < 70)
                                    ControlMotors(0, 100);
                                    await Task.Delay(1000);
                                else if (sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.LeftSensor] < 70)
                                    ControlMotors(0, 100);
                                    await Task.Delay(1500);
                                    ControlMotors(100, 100);
                                    await Task.Delay(100);
                            RunMode = Enums.RobotRunMode.FollowWall;

                        // Continues straight, till wall makes turn. Tries to follow it smoothly
                        else if (RunMode == Enums.RobotRunMode.FollowWall)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Run mode: Follow wall");

                            int  margin        = 8;
                            bool tightTurnDone = false;

                            while (!_stopped)
                                var    sensorValues = _mutualData.ReadFilteredData();
                                double rightSensor  = sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.RightSensor];

                                // Front sensor sees new wall
                                if (IsSensorValueInReach(sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.FrontSensor]))
                                    // Turn left until robot is parallel with new wall
                                    while (sensorValues[Enums.Sensor.FrontSensor] < 50 && !_stopped)
                                        ControlMotors(0, 100);
                                        await Task.Delay((int)(LOOP_WAIT_TIME));

                                        sensorValues = _mutualData.ReadFilteredData();
                                // Continue straight if right sensor reading is within margin
                                if (rightSensor > IDEAL_RIGHT_SENSOR_DISTANCE - margin &&
                                    rightSensor < IDEAL_RIGHT_SENSOR_DISTANCE + margin)
                                    ControlMotors(100, 100);
                                    await Task.Delay(LOOP_WAIT_TIME);

                                // If wall ends, continue for a while
                                else if (!IsSensorValueInReach(rightSensor) && !tightTurnDone)
                                    ControlMotors(100, 100);
                                    tightTurnDone = true;
                                    await Task.Delay(350);

                                // "P-controller", difference from right sensor value and setpoint.
                                // Controls with kind of a pulse-width modulation by stopping track
                                // Larger difference causes longer stopping sequence
                                    double i = Math.Abs(rightSensor - IDEAL_RIGHT_SENSOR_DISTANCE) / 4;
                                    i = Math.Min(i, 10);
                                    await Task.Delay((int)(LOOP_WAIT_TIME *i));

                                    // continue forward for a while to get new sensor data
                                    ControlMotors(100, 100);
                                    await Task.Delay(LOOP_WAIT_TIME *3);

                                    tightTurnDone = false;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Random exception