Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static string ExpandLine(string line)
            var obj = new EntryParser(line).Parse();

            var entry = obj as Статья;

            if (entry == null)

            string lemma;
            string symbol;

            int[] secAccPos;
            new EntryParser(line).ParseCommonPart(out lemma, out symbol, out secAccPos);

            bool failed = false;
            var  forms  = FormGenerator.GetAccentedFormsWithCorrectCase(line, delegate { failed = true; });

            if (failed)

            return(lemma + "," + symbol + "," + string.Join(",", forms.Skip(1)
                                                            .Select(form => Stress.StripStressMarks(form.AccentedForm))));
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			Configuration configuration = GetConfiguration (args);
			BlogLocator blogLocator = new BlogLocator(configuration.UserName, configuration.Password);
			EntryParser entryParser = new EntryParser(configuration.FileName);
			string blogPostUrl = blogLocator.FindBlogByTitle(configuration.BlogTitle).PostUri.Content;
			PostPublisher postPublisher = new PostPublisher(configuration.UserName, configuration.Password, blogPostUrl);
			ImportPosition importPosition = new ImportPosition();
			var blogEntries = entryParser.Entries.Skip(importPosition.BlogIndex).Take(50);
				foreach(var blogEntry in blogEntries)
			} catch(Exception e)
				System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace);
        public async Task FunctionHandler(S3NotificationEvent input, ILambdaContext context)
            var data      = input?.GetFileData();
            var retriever = new S3ObjectRetriever(data.Value.objectsKey,

            using var connection = new DbConnection();
            await connection.GetConnection().OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var    logSaver = new LogSaver(connection.GetConnection());
            string logId    = await logSaver.GetAssociatedLogIdAsync(data.Value.objectsKey).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(logId))
                var entries = retriever.GetObjectDataAsync().Select(
                    logLine => EntryParser.ProcessLogLine(logLine));
                await logSaver.SaveLogsAsync(logId, entries).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (NotificationSender.IsNotificationNecessary(data.Value.objectsKey))
                    await NotificationSender.TryPublishNotification(data.Value.objectsKey).ConfigureAwait(false);
                throw new Exception($"Log with given object name " +
                                    $"({data.Value.objectsKey}) has no associated record in database");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public string Solve(string[] input)
            var parser    = new EntryParser();
            var list      = input.Select(parser.Parse);
            var cc        = new ChecksumComputer();
            var realRooms = list.Where(r => r.DeclaredChecksum == cc.Compute(r.EncryptedName));

            return(realRooms.Sum(r => r.SectorId).ToString());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public string Solve(string[] input)
            var parser    = new EntryParser();
            var list      = input.Select(parser.Parse);
            var cc        = new ChecksumComputer();
            var realRooms = list.Where(r => r.DeclaredChecksum == cc.Compute(r.EncryptedName));
            var shifter   = new Shifter();
            var decrypted = realRooms.Select(r => new { name = shifter.Shift(r.EncryptedName, r.SectorId), r.SectorId });
            var northPole = decrypted.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name.Contains("northpole"));

            return(northPole?.SectorId.ToString() ?? "Not found");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: ocr-kata </path/to/file>");

            var filePath = args.Single();

            var entries = EntryParser.Parse(filePath, 3);

            foreach (var entry in entries)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TestProcessLogLineMatchResponseCode(string logLine, int expectedResponseCode)
            var logEntry = EntryParser.ProcessLogLine(logLine);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResponseCode, logEntry.ResponseCode);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestProcessLogLineMatchIP(string logLine, string expectedIP)
            var logEntry = EntryParser.ProcessLogLine(logLine);

            Assert.Equal(expectedIP, logEntry.ClientIp);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void TestProcessLogLineMatchRequestTime(string logLine, DateTime expectedRequestTime)
            var logEntry = EntryParser.ProcessLogLine(logLine);

            Assert.Equal(expectedRequestTime, logEntry.RequestTime);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void TestProcessLogLineMatchResource(string logLine, string expectedResource)
            var logEntry = EntryParser.ProcessLogLine(logLine);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResource, logEntry.Resource);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void TestProcessLogLineMatchMethod(string logLine, LogEntry.RequestType expectedMethod)
            var logEntry = EntryParser.ProcessLogLine(logLine);

            Assert.Equal(expectedMethod, logEntry.Method);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void UseCaseOneShouldHave11Entries()
            var pathToUseCase = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "../../../ExampleFiles/UseCase1.txt");

            Assert.That(EntryParser.Parse(pathToUseCase, 3), Has.Count.EqualTo(11));
Exemplo n.º 13
            public static Entry First(string hashTagString)
                var parser = new EntryParser(hashTagString);

Exemplo n.º 14
 public void Initialize()
     _entryParser = _mocker.CreateInstance <EntryParser>();
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void TestProcessLogLineMatchRawEntry(string logLine)
            var logEntry = EntryParser.ProcessLogLine(logLine);

            Assert.Equal(logLine, logEntry.RawEntry);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void TestProcessLogLineMatchUserAgent(string logLine, string expectedUserAgent)
            var logEntry = EntryParser.ProcessLogLine(logLine);

            Assert.Equal(expectedUserAgent, logEntry.UserAgent);
Exemplo n.º 17
        //todo handle current line in file passing and updating
        public static Batch ParseStream(System.IO.StreamReader reader, out string messages, out uint linesRead, uint currentLine)
            linesRead = 0;
            messages  = "";
            Batch batch = new Batch();
            int   recordType;

            if ((recordType = reader.Peek()) != -1)
                if (recordType != ACHParser.BATCH_HEADER_RECORD_TYPE_ASCII_VALUE)
                    //consume line, message that not expected
                    string notBatchHeader = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (notBatchHeader != null)
                        messages += "\nDid not receive batch header as expected: " + notBatchHeader;
                        //TODO error message that its null
                    //assume next line to consume is a batch header
                    //TODO check null?
                    string batchHeader = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (batchHeader != null)
                        ParseHeader(batchHeader, batch);

                        //TODO if batchheadermsg not null/ws then add to messages
                        //if not 94 chars then error message

                    bool expectingEntryType = true;//if true, then expecting entry, else expecting the last entry's addenda

                    //for testing just for the moment
                    //while not a batch control or end of file, consume a line
                    string devnull;
                    while ((recordType = reader.Peek()) != -1 &&
                           recordType != ACHParser.BATCH_CONTROL_RECORD_TYPE_ASCII_VALUE &&
                           recordType != ACHParser.ACH_CONTROL_RECORD_TYPE_ASCII_VALUE)
                        //TODO more checks needed, must be an entry type, would be an error to get an ACH header here, or some random character
                        //if not an entry record type then error message

                        if (recordType == ACHParser.ENTRY_RECORD_TYPE_ASCII_VALUE)
                            if (!expectingEntryType)
                                //TODO log error that was expecting an addenda

                            //add entry (even if was expecting addenda)
                            Entry entry = EntryParser.ParseEntry(reader.ReadLine());

                            //TODO if entry msgs not null/ws then log


                            //if entry says it has an addenda then set expecting entry to false
                            if (entry.AddendaRecord.Equals("1"))
                                expectingEntryType = false;
                        else if (recordType == ACHParser.ADDENDA_RECORD_TYPE_ASCII_VALUE)
                            if (expectingEntryType)
                                //TODO log error that wasn't expecting addenda

                            Addenda addenda = AddendaParser.ParseAddenda(reader.ReadLine());

                            //TODO if addendamsgs not null/ws, log

                            if (batch.Entries.Count <= 0)
                                //TODO log no entries to append this addenda
                                //TODO do a while addenda, can have many addenda  for each entry
                                ((Entry)batch.Entries[batch.Entries.Count - 1]).AddendaList.Add(addenda);


                            expectingEntryType = true;
                            //TODO log error that wasn't entry or addenda inside a batch

                        //if not 94 chars then error message

                    //TODO shoudl be batch control, check then get that, would be an error if -1
                    if (recordType != ACHParser.BATCH_CONTROL_RECORD_TYPE_ASCII_VALUE)
                        //check if peek to next record type is batch control as expected, or something else or end of file which are errors
                        if (recordType == -1)
                            //TODO add to msg unected end of file
                            devnull = reader.ReadLine();
                        string batchControl = reader.ReadLine();
                        //TODO if not 94 chars then error
                        if (batchControl != null)
                            string batchMessages;
                            ParseControl(batchControl, batch);

                            //TODO if batchcontrolmsg not null/ws then add to msgs
                            batchMessages = batch.Verify();

                            //TODO add to message that batch control was null
                //message that we got an unexpected emtpy file