Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void MakeExplosions()
                new EntityTemplate(
                    new Placement()
                Layer   = 4,
                Visible = true,
                    new Aspect()
                ModelNameId = "Explosion".CRC32Hash(),
                Tint        = Color.White,
                Size        = new Vector2(1.7f),
                    new Explosion()
                Countdown            = GameConstants.ExplosionDuration,
                PropagationCountDown = GameConstants.PropagationTime,
                    new FrameAnimation()
                FrameRate = GameConstants.ExplosionFrameRate,

                new EntityTemplate(
                    new Placement()
                Layer   = 4,
                Visible = true,
                    new Aspect()
                ModelNameId = "ExplosionBlue".CRC32Hash(),
                Tint        = Color.White,
                Size        = new Vector2(1.7f),
                    new Explosion()
                Countdown            = GameConstants.ExplosionDuration,
                PropagationCountDown = GameConstants.PropagationTime,
                    new FrameAnimation()
                FrameRate = GameConstants.ExplosionFrameRate,
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static void MakeCharacter(string name, Color tint, int number, InputMap inputMap)
         new EntityTemplate(
             new Placement()
         Layer   = 3,
         Visible = true,
             new Aspect()
         ModelNameId = "Man".CRC32Hash(),
         Tint        = tint,
         Size        = new Vector2(1.1f),
             new Physics()
         BoundingVolumeType = BoundingVolumeType.Circle,
         IsDynamic          = true,
         Size = 0.95f,
         CollisionCategories = CollisionCategory.AllPlayers,
         CollidesWidth       = CollisionCategory.Bricks | CollisionCategory.Bombs,
             new ExplosionImpact()
         Barrier           = ExplosionBarrier.None,
         ShouldSendMessage = true,
             new InputHandlers("DropBomb", "MovePlayer")
             // TODO: Update with a better handler that does animations, etc...
             new MessageHandler(new MessageAndHandler(Messages.InExplosion, "KillPlayer".CRC32Hash()),
                                new MessageAndHandler(Messages.DirectKill, "KillPlayer".CRC32Hash()))
             new PlayerInfo()
         MaxSpeed = GameConstants.PlayerDefaultSpeed,
         PermittedSimultaneousBombs = 1,
         BombState = new BombState()
             PropagationDirection = PropagationDirection.NESW,
             Range = 1,
         PlayerNumber = number,
Exemplo n.º 3
 private static void MakeGame()
         new EntityTemplate(
             new GameState()
         TimeRemaining = GameConstants.GameLength
             new InputMap(
                 new KeyValuePair <Keys, int>[]
         new KeyValuePair <Keys, int>(Keys.Space, InputActions.RestartGame),
             // We'll add the RestartGame action handler dynamically after
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void MakePowerUp(PowerUpType type, string name, string model, string sound, Color tint)
            ScriptContainer scriptContainer = new ScriptContainer("Wiggle".CRC32Hash())

            Scripts.Scripts.Wiggle_Init(scriptContainer, period: GameConstants.PowerUpWigglePeriod, extent: GameConstants.PowerUpWiggleExtent);

                new EntityTemplate(
                    new Placement()
                Layer   = 2,
                Visible = true,
                    new Aspect()
                ModelNameId = model.CRC32Hash(),
                Tint        = tint,
                Size        = new Vector2(1.12f),
                    new PowerUp()
                Type    = type,
                SoundId = sound.CRC32Hash()
                    new ExplosionImpact()
                Barrier           = ExplosionBarrier.None,
                ShouldSendMessage = true,
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void MakeBricks()
            // Hard blocks are permanent.
                new EntityTemplate(
                    new Placement()
                Layer   = 1,
                Visible = true,
                    new Aspect()
                ModelNameId = "Brick".CRC32Hash(),
                Tint        = new Color(196, 196, 196, 255),
                Size        = new Vector2(1.12f),
                    new ExplosionImpact()
                Barrier = ExplosionBarrier.Hard,
                    new Physics()
                BoundingVolumeType = BoundingVolumeType.Box,
                IsDynamic          = false,
                Size = 1f,
                CollisionCategories = CollisionCategory.Bricks,
                CollidesWidth       = CollisionCategory.AllPlayers,

            // Soft blocks disintegrate when hit by an explosion.
                new EntityTemplate(
                    new Placement()
                Layer   = 1,
                Visible = true,
                    new Aspect()
                ModelNameId = "SoftBrick".CRC32Hash(),
                Tint        = new Color(128, 128, 128, 255),
                Size        = new Vector2(1.12f),
                    new ExplosionImpact()
                Barrier           = ExplosionBarrier.Soft,
                ShouldSendMessage = true,
                    new Physics()
                BoundingVolumeType = BoundingVolumeType.Box,
                IsDynamic          = false,
                Size = 1f,
                CollisionCategories = CollisionCategory.Bricks,
                CollidesWidth       = CollisionCategory.AllPlayers,
                    new MessageHandler(
                        new MessageAndHandler(Messages.HitByInitialExplosion, "DestroyOnExplosionAndRevealPowerUp".CRC32Hash())

            // Death blocks fall from the sky at the end.
                new EntityTemplate(
                    new Placement()
                Layer   = 5,
                Visible = true,
                    new Aspect()
                ModelNameId = "EndBrick".CRC32Hash(),
                Tint        = new Color(196, 196, 196, 255),
                Size        = new Vector2(1.12f),
                    new ExplosionImpact()
                Barrier = ExplosionBarrier.Hard,
                    new Physics()
                BoundingVolumeType = BoundingVolumeType.Box,
                IsDynamic          = false,
                Size = 1f,
                CollisionCategories = CollisionCategory.Bricks,
                CollidesWidth       = CollisionCategory.AllPlayers,
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void MakeBombs()
            ScriptContainer scriptContainer1 = new ScriptContainer("Pulsate".CRC32Hash())

            Scripts.Scripts.Pulsate_Init(scriptContainer1, period: GameConstants.PulsationPeriod);

                new EntityTemplate(
                    new Placement()
                Layer   = 2,
                Visible = true,
                    new Aspect()
                ModelNameId = "Bomb".CRC32Hash(),                    // Possibly Over-ridden when we create the bomb.
                Tint        = Color.White,
                Size        = new Vector2(1.12f),
                    new ExplosionImpact()
                Barrier           = ExplosionBarrier.None,
                ShouldSendMessage = true,
                    new MessageHandler(
                        new MessageAndHandler(Messages.HitByInitialExplosion, "TriggerOnExplosion".CRC32Hash())
                    new Bomb()
                Countdown = GameConstants.BombSecondsToExplode,
                // Other things are filled in when we create the bomb.
                    new Physics()
                IsSensor           = true,
                BoundingVolumeType = BoundingVolumeType.Box,
                Size                = 1f,
                IsDynamic           = false, // REVIEW: We'll need to modify this in the case of throwing bombs.
                CollisionCategories = CollisionCategory.Bombs,
                CollidesWidth       = CollisionCategory.AllPlayers,

            // Land mines are different enough that we'll use a different prefab
            ScriptContainer scriptContainer2 = new ScriptContainer("LandMineRiseFall".CRC32Hash())

            Scripts.Scripts.LandMineRiseFall_Init(scriptContainer2, GameConstants.LandMineFuseTime);

                new EntityTemplate(
                    new Placement()
                Layer   = 2,
                Visible = true,
                    new Aspect()
                ModelNameId = "LandMine".CRC32Hash(),                    // Possibly Over-ridden when we create the bomb.
                Tint        = new Color(196, 196, 196, 255),
                Size        = new Vector2(1.12f),
                    new ExplosionImpact()
                Barrier           = ExplosionBarrier.None,
                ShouldSendMessage = true,
                    new MessageHandler(
                        new MessageAndHandler(Messages.HitByInitialExplosion, "TriggerOnExplosion".CRC32Hash())
                    new Bomb()
                Countdown = GameConstants.BombSecondsToExplode,
                // Other things are filled in when we create the bomb.
                    // No physics for land mines, since we can walk over them.