Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the name of the data store that the provided entity is stored in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity to get the data store name for.</param>
        /// <param name="throwErrorIfNotFound">A flag indicating whether an error should be thrown when no data store attribute is found.</param>
        /// <returns>The data store that the provided entity is stored in.</returns>
        static public string GetDataStoreName(IEntity entity, bool throwErrorIfNotFound)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

            string dataStoreName = String.Empty;
            Type   type          = entity.GetType();

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Retrieving data store name for entity of type '" + type.ToString() + "'.", LogLevel.Debug))
                if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entity))
                    LogWriter.Debug("Provided entity is an EntityReference");

                    EntityReference reference = (EntityReference)entity;

                    dataStoreName = GetDataStoreName(new string[] { reference.Type1Name, reference.Type2Name });
                    LogWriter.Debug("Provided entity is NOT an EntityReference.");

                    dataStoreName = GetDataStoreName(entity.GetType());

                LogWriter.Debug("Data store name: " + dataStoreName);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Counts all the entities of the specified type matching the specified values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type of entity to retrieve.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters to query with.</param>
        /// <returns>The total number of entities counted.</returns>
        public override int CountEntities <T>(string propertyName, object propertyValue)
            int total = 0;

            Type type = typeof(T);

            //using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Counting the entities of the specified type with a property matching the provided name and value."))
            //	LogWriter.Debug("Type: " + type.ToString());
            //	LogWriter.Debug("Property name: " + propertyName);
            //	LogWriter.Debug("Property value: " + (propertyValue == null ? "[null]" : propertyValue.ToString()));

            Db4oDataStore store = ((Db4oDataStore)GetDataStore(type));

            if (store != null)
                if (store.ObjectContainer != null)
                    IQuery query = store.ObjectContainer.Query();
                    query.Descend(EntitiesUtilities.GetFieldName(typeof(T), propertyName)).Constrain(propertyValue);

                    IObjectSet os = query.Execute();

                    total = os.Count;

            //LogWriter.Debug("Results: " + results.Count.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Test_IsEntity_True()
            TestArticle article = new TestArticle();

            Assert.IsTrue(EntitiesUtilities.IsEntity(article.GetType()), "Returned false when it should have returned true.");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public virtual int SetNumber(ISubEntity entity)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Setting the number of the new sub entity.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))
                if (entity == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

                if (entity.Parent == null)
                    throw new Exception("No parent is assigned to this item.");

                IEntity parent = entity.Parent;

                ActivateStrategy.New(parent).Activate(parent, entity.ItemsPropertyName);

                ISubEntity[] items = Collection <ISubEntity> .ConvertAll(EntitiesUtilities.GetPropertyValue(parent, entity.ItemsPropertyName));

                LogWriter.Debug("Existing items: " + items.Length.ToString());

                entity.Number = items.Length + 1;

                LogWriter.Debug("Entity number: " + entity.Number.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the references that are no longer active on the provided entity and haven't yet been removed from the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity containing the active references to compare with.</param>
        /// <param name="idsOfEntitiesToKeep">An array of IDs of the entities that are still active and are not obsolete.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of the obsolete references that correspond with the provided entity.</returns>
        public virtual EntityReferenceCollection GetObsoleteReferences(IEntity entity, Guid[] idsOfEntitiesToKeep)
            EntityReferenceCollection collection = new EntityReferenceCollection(entity);

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Retrieving the obsolete references for the entity provided."))
                Type entityType = entity.GetType();

                foreach (PropertyInfo property in entityType.GetProperties())
                    if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entityType, property.Name, property.PropertyType))
                        LogWriter.Debug("Checking reference property: " + property.Name);

                        Type referencedEntityType = EntitiesUtilities.GetReferenceType(entity, property);

                        // If the referenced entity type is not null then get the obsolete references
                        if (referencedEntityType != null)
                        // else
                        // Otherwise skip it because a null referenced entity type means its a dynamically typed reference property which hasn't been set
Exemplo n.º 6
        public bool SetCountProperties(IEntity entity, bool autoUpdate)
            bool changed = false;

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entity.GetType(), property))
                    if (SetCountProperties(entity, property))
                        changed = true;

            // If the count property was changed then activate and update the referenced entity
            if (changed && autoUpdate)
                LogWriter.Debug("Entity was updated. Updating to data store.");

                if (Provider.IsStored(entity))

        private void ValidateDataSource(object dataSource)
            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new Exception("DataSource == null");

            bool isValid = false;

            if (EntitiesUtilities.IsEntity(dataSource.GetType()))
                isValid = true;
            else if (dataSource is Array)
                isValid = true;
                foreach (object item in (Array)dataSource)
                    if (!EntitiesUtilities.IsEntity(item.GetType()))
                        isValid = false;

            if (!isValid)
                throw new Exception("Invalid data source: " + dataSource.GetType().ToString());
        public override IEntity Authorise(IEntity entity)
            IEntity output = null;

            bool isAuthorised = false;

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Authorising the creation of references on the provided '" + entity.ShortTypeName + "' entity."))
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entity.GetType(), property))
                        IAuthoriseReferenceStrategy strategy = AuthoriseReferenceStrategy.New(entity, property);
                        // If the strategy is null then skip it because it means the reference property isn't set
                        if (strategy != null)

                isAuthorised = IsAuthorised(entity);

                LogWriter.Debug("Is authorised: " + isAuthorised);

                if (isAuthorised)
                    output = entity;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Test_IsEntity_False()
            object obj = String.Empty;

            Assert.IsFalse(EntitiesUtilities.IsEntity(obj.GetType()), "Returned true when it should have returned false.");
Exemplo n.º 10
        static public Type GetEntityType(IEntity entity, PropertyInfo property)
            Type type = null;

            using (LogGroup group = LogGroup.Start("Retrieving the type of entity being referenced by the provided property.", LogLevel.Debug))
                if (entity == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

                if (property == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("property");

                LogWriter.Debug("Entity type: " + entity.GetType().ToString());
                LogWriter.Debug("Property name: " + property.Name);
                LogWriter.Debug("Property type: " + property.PropertyType.Name);

                type = EntitiesUtilities.GetReferenceType(entity, property);

            if (type == null)
                LogWriter.Debug("return type == null");
                LogWriter.Debug("return type == " + type.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 11
        // TODO: Check if function should be removed
        static public void StripReferences(IEntity entity)
            using (LogGroup logGroup2 = LogGroup.Start("Clearing all the object references so that they don't cascade automatically.", LogLevel.Debug))
                if (entity is EntityReference)
                    //  Clear all the references from the entity once they're ready to be saved separately
                    foreach (PropertyInfo property in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
                        LogWriter.Debug("Property name: " + property.Name);
                        LogWriter.Debug("Property type: " + property.PropertyType.ToString());

                        // If the property is a reference
                        // OR the actual provided entity is a reference AND the property holds an IEntity instance
                        if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entity.GetType(), property.Name, property.PropertyType))
                            LogWriter.Debug("Cleared property. (Set to null)");
                            Reflector.SetPropertyValue(entity, property.Name, null);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override string CreateUrl(string action, string typeName, string propertyName, string dataKey)
            if (action == null || action == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("action");

            if (typeName == null || typeName == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeName");

            if (propertyName == null || propertyName == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyName");

            if (dataKey == null || dataKey == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataKey");

            return("http://localhost/TestApplication/" + EntitiesUtilities.FormatUniqueKey(action)
                   + "-" + EntitiesUtilities.FormatUniqueKey(typeName)
                   + "/" + EntitiesUtilities.FormatUniqueKey(propertyName)
                   + "--" + EntitiesUtilities.FormatUniqueKey(dataKey));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void Activate(IEntity entity, int depth)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Activating the references on type: " + entity.GetType().ToString()))
                Type entityType = entity.GetType();

                EntityReferenceCollection references = Provider.Referencer.GetReferences(entity);

                foreach (PropertyInfo property in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entityType, property.Name, property.PropertyType))
                        LogWriter.Debug("Found reference property: " + property.Name);
                        LogWriter.Debug("Property type: " + property.PropertyType.ToString());

                        Activate(entity, property.Name, property.PropertyType, depth, references);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Test_IsMultipleReference_False()
            EntityOne e1 = new EntityOne();

            PropertyInfo property = e1.GetType().GetProperty("SingleReferenceProperty");

            Assert.IsFalse(EntitiesUtilities.IsMultipleReference(e1.GetType(), property), "Returned true when it should have returned false.");
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Test_GetMirrorPropertyName_Single_Implicit_Sync()
            EntityOne e1 = new EntityOne();

            string mirrorPropertyName = EntitiesUtilities.GetMirrorPropertyName(e1, e1.GetType().GetProperty("SingleReferenceProperty"));

            Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, mirrorPropertyName, "The mirror property name wasn't determined correctly.");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void Test_IsReference_False()
            TestArticle article = new TestArticle();

            PropertyInfo property = article.GetType().GetProperty("ID");

            Assert.IsFalse(EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(article.GetType(), property), "Returned true when it should have returned false.");
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Test_IsReference_True_InterfaceType()
            EntityFive e5 = new EntityFive();

            PropertyInfo property = e5.GetType().GetProperty("InterfaceReferencedEntities");

            Assert.IsTrue(EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(e5.GetType(), property), "Returned false when it should have returned true.");
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Test_GetMirrorPropertyName_Single_Explicit_Sync()
            TestSample sample = new TestSample();

            string mirrorPropertyName = EntitiesUtilities.GetMirrorPropertyName(sample, sample.GetType().GetProperty("Articles"));

            Assert.AreEqual("Samples", mirrorPropertyName, "The mirror property name wasn't determined correctly.");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Test_IsMultipleReference_True()
            TestArticle article = new TestArticle();

            PropertyInfo property = article.GetType().GetProperty("Categories");

            Assert.IsTrue(EntitiesUtilities.IsMultipleReference(article.GetType(), property), "Returned false when it should have returned true.");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Test_GetMirrorPropertyName_Multiple_Implicit_Sync()
            TestUser user = new TestUser();

            string mirrorPropertyName = EntitiesUtilities.GetMirrorPropertyName(user, user.GetType().GetProperty("Roles"));

            Assert.AreEqual("Users", mirrorPropertyName, "The mirror property name wasn't determined correctly.");
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void Activate(IEntity entity, string propertyName, Type propertyType, int depth, EntityReferenceCollection references)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Activating the '" + propertyName + "' property on the '" + entity.ShortTypeName + "' type."))
                if (entity == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

                if (propertyName == null || propertyName == String.Empty)
                    throw new ArgumentException("propertyName", "Cannot be null or String.Empty.");

                PropertyInfo property = EntitiesUtilities.GetProperty(entity.GetType(), propertyName, propertyType);

                if (property == null)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot find property with name '" + propertyName + "' and type '" + (propertyType == null ? "[null]" : propertyType.ToString()) + "' on the type '" + entity.ShortTypeName + "'.");

                Type referenceType = DataUtilities.GetEntityType(entity, property);

                // If the reference type is not null then activate the property
                // otherwise skip it because it means it's a dynamic reference property which hasn't been set
                if (referenceType != null)
                    LogWriter.Debug("Reference entity type: " + referenceType.ToString());

                    IEntity[] referencedEntities = Provider.Indexer.GetEntitiesWithReference(entity, property.Name, references);

                    if (referencedEntities == null)
                        LogWriter.Debug("# of entities found: [null]");
                        LogWriter.Debug("# of entities found:" + referencedEntities.Length);

                    // Multiple references.
                    if (EntitiesUtilities.IsMultipleReference(entity.GetType(), property))
                        LogWriter.Debug("Multiple reference property");

                        ActivateMultipleReferenceProperty(entity, property, referencedEntities);
                    // Single reference.
                        LogWriter.Debug("Single reference property");

                        ActivateSingleReferenceProperty(entity, property, referencedEntities);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public virtual void ApplyAuthorisation(IEntity fromEntity, PropertyInfo property)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Applying authorisation on '" + property.Name + "' property of '" + fromEntity.GetType().FullName + "'."))
                object value    = property.GetValue(fromEntity, null);
                object newValue = null;

                Type type = fromEntity.GetType();

                Type referenceType = EntitiesUtilities.GetReferenceType(fromEntity, property);

                if (EntitiesUtilities.IsSingleReference(type, property))
                    LogWriter.Debug("Is single reference.");

                    if (IsAuthorised((IEntity)value))
                        newValue = value;
                    LogWriter.Debug("Multiple reference.");

                    if (value != null)
                        IEntity[] toEntities = (IEntity[])value;

                        ArrayList entities = new ArrayList();

                        LogWriter.Debug("# before: " + toEntities.Length.ToString());

                        foreach (IEntity entity in toEntities)
                            if (IsAuthorised(entity))

                        LogWriter.Debug("# after: " + entities.Count.ToString());

                        newValue = entities.ToArray(referenceType);
                        LogWriter.Debug("Property value is null. Skipping authorisation check.");

                if (value != newValue)
                    LogWriter.Debug("Setting new value to property.");

                    property.SetValue(fromEntity, newValue, null);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Test_GetMirrorPropertyNameReverse_Multiple_Implicit_Async()
            MockEntity       entity       = new MockEntity();
            MockPublicEntity publicEntity = new MockPublicEntity();

            string mirrorPropertyName = EntitiesUtilities.GetMirrorPropertyNameReverse(publicEntity, "", typeof(MockEntity));

            Assert.AreEqual("PublicEntities", mirrorPropertyName, "The mirror property name wasn't determined correctly.");
Exemplo n.º 24
        public virtual void Authorise(IEntity fromEntity, PropertyInfo property)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Checking whether the user is authorised to create a reference on the '" + property.Name + "' property of the '" + fromEntity.GetType().FullName + "' entity type."))
                Type type = EntitiesUtilities.GetReferenceType(fromEntity, property.Name);

                ApplyAuthorisation(fromEntity, property);
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the provided entity is stored in the corresponding data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity to look for in the corresponding data store.</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether the entity was found.</returns>
        public override bool IsStored(IEntity entity)
            bool isStored = false;

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Checking whether the provided entity has already been stored."))
                if (entity == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

                LogWriter.Debug("Entity type: " + entity.GetType());

                if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entity.GetType()))
                    LogWriter.Debug("Is reference == true");

                    EntityReference reference = (EntityReference)entity;

                    Type type  = EntityState.GetType(reference.Type1Name);
                    Type type2 = EntityState.GetType(reference.Type2Name);

                    LogWriter.Debug("Type 1: " + type.ToString());
                    LogWriter.Debug("Type 2: " + type2.ToString());

                    if (Stores[entity].IsStored(entity))
                        LogWriter.Debug("Reference object found in store.");

                        isStored = true;
                        LogWriter.Debug("Reference object NOT found. Checking for one with matching properties.");

                        isStored = Referencer.MatchReference(
                    LogWriter.Debug("Is reference != true");

                    isStored = Stores[entity].IsStored(entity);

            LogWriter.Debug("Is stored: " + isStored.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 26
        public void Test_GetFieldName()
            TestArticle article = new TestArticle();

            article.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

            string fieldName = EntitiesUtilities.GetFieldName(article.GetType(), "Title");

            Assert.AreEqual("title", fieldName, "Incorrect field name returned.");
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void Test_GetMirrorPropertyName_Multiple_Implicit_Async_SameEntity()
            TestGoal goal = new TestGoal();

            goal.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

            string mirrorPropertyName = EntitiesUtilities.GetMirrorPropertyName(goal, goal.GetType().GetProperty("Prerequisites"));

            Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, mirrorPropertyName, "The mirror property name wasn't determined correctly.");
Exemplo n.º 28
        public override IEntity[] GetEntitiesWithReference(IEntity entity, string propertyName, EntityReferenceCollection references)
            List <IEntity> entities = new List <IEntity>();

            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Querying the data store based on the provided parameters."))
                LogWriter.Debug("Property name: " + propertyName);
                LogWriter.Debug("References #: " + references.Count);

                if (references.Count > 0)
                    Type referencedEntityType = EntitiesUtilities.GetReferenceType(entity, propertyName);

                    if (referencedEntityType != null)
                        LogWriter.Debug("Referenced entity type: " + referencedEntityType.ToString());
                        LogWriter.Debug("Referenced entity type: [null]");

                    foreach (EntityReference reference in references)
                        if (reference.Includes(entity.ID, propertyName))
                            Guid   otherID       = reference.GetOtherID(entity.ID);
                            string otherTypeName = reference.GetOtherType(entity.ShortTypeName);

                            Type otherType = EntityState.GetType(otherTypeName);

                            IEntity referencedEntity = Provider.Reader.GetEntity(otherType, "ID", otherID);

                            if (referencedEntity != null)

                    if (entities != null)
                        LogWriter.Debug("entities != null");
                        LogWriter.Debug("entities == null");

                    LogWriter.Debug("Total objects: " + entities.Count);
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the file path for the entity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The full file path for the entity</returns>
 public string CreateFilePath()
     if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entity.GetType()))
Exemplo n.º 30
        public bool ContainsCircularReference_StepDown <T>(T[] originalList, Stack stack)
            where T : IEntity
            bool does = false;

            T foundEntity = (T)stack.Peek();
            T entity      = foundEntity;       //Collection<T>.GetByID(originalList, foundEntity.ID);

            // TODO: Check if entity should be activated

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(entity.GetType(), property))
                    if (EntitiesUtilities.GetReferencedEntities(entity, property).Length == 0)
                        DataAccess.Data.Activator.Activate(entity, property.Name);

                    foreach (IEntity referencedEntity in EntitiesUtilities.GetReferencedEntities(entity, entity.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name)))
                        // If the referenced entity is already in the stack then it's a circular reference
                        if (stack != null && stack.Count > 0)
                            foreach (IEntity e in stack.ToArray())
                                if (e.ID == referencedEntity.ID)


                            if (ContainsCircularReference_StepDown <T>(originalList, stack))
                                does = true;


                            if (does)