Exemplo n.º 1

        private void Initialise()
            ((WizardMasterPage)this.Master).WizardTitle = "Document Wizard";

            if (this.ScannedFormId > 0)
                Orchestrator.Facade.Form facForm     = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
                Entities.Scan            scannedform = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(this.ScannedFormId);

                tblPODReturn.Visible = false;

                this.AppendOrReplaceFieldSet.Style["display"] = "";
                this.appendReplaceText.Style["display"]       = "";

                if (scannedform.ScannedFormPDF == Globals.Constants.NO_DOCUMENT_AVAILABLE)
                    this.AppendOrReplaceFieldSet.Style["display"] = "none";
                    this.appendReplaceText.Style["display"]       = "none";
                    this.rblAppandOReplace.Style["display"]       = "none";
                    this.rblAppandOReplace.Style["display"] = "";

                this.appendReplaceText.InnerHtml = "A "
                                                   + scannedform.FormTypeId.ToString() + " document already exists.";

                if (scannedform.IsUploaded)
                    this.appendReplaceText.InnerHtml += " [ <a target='_blank' href='" + scannedform.ScannedFormPDF + "' > View </a> ]";
                    this.appendReplaceText.InnerHtml += " [ Not yet uploaded ]";
                this.AppendOrReplaceFieldSet.Visible = false;
                this.appendReplaceText.Visible       = false;
                this.rblAppandOReplace.Visible       = false;

            Facade.IUser  facUser      = new Facade.User();
            Entities.User loggedOnUser = facUser.GetUserByUserName(this.Page.User.Identity.Name);
            if (!loggedOnUser.HasScannerLicense)
                // Disable the scanning option
                this.rblOperation.Items[0].Selected = false;
                this.rblOperation.Items[0].Text     = "You do not currently have a license to scan.";
                this.rblOperation.Items[0].Enabled  = false;

                // select the upload option.
                this.rblOperation.Items[1].Selected = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void dgUnattachedDeHire_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e)
            m_assignedPodCount = (int)ViewState["AssignedPODCount"];

            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                Orchestrator.Facade.POD  facPOD  = new Orchestrator.Facade.POD();
                Orchestrator.Facade.Form facForm = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();

                int    orderID         = int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[0].Text);
                int    scannedFormId   = -1;
                int    dehireReceiptId = int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[1].Text);
                string receiptNumber   = e.Item.Cells[2].Text;

                Entities.Scan dehireReceiptScan = null;

                if (int.TryParse(e.Item.Cells[3].Text, out scannedFormId) && scannedFormId > 0)
                    dehireReceiptScan = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(scannedFormId);

                if (dehireReceiptScan == null)
                    string date           = e.Item.Cells[5].Text;
                    string truncatedDate  = date.Substring(0, date.LastIndexOf(' '));
                    string urlEncodedDate = Server.UrlEncode(truncatedDate);

                    ((CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("chkUnassignPOD")).Visible      = false;
                    ((HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkPODScanning")).Text        = "Scan Dehire Receipt";
                    ((HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkPODScanning")).NavigateUrl = @"javascript:OpenDehireWindow(" + JobId + "," + orderID + "," + dehireReceiptId + ",'" + receiptNumber + "');";
                    if (dehireReceiptScan.ScannedFormId > 0)
                        ((HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkPODView")).Visible     = true;
                        ((HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkPODView")).Target      = "_blank";
                        ((HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkPODView")).NavigateUrl = dehireReceiptScan.ScannedFormPDF.Trim();

                    ((RdoBtnGrouper)e.Item.FindControl("rbgCollectionDrop")).Visible = false;
                    ((HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkPODScanning")).Text           = "Dehire Receipt Number " + receiptNumber;
                    ((HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkPODScanning")).NavigateUrl    = @"javascript:OpenDehireWindowForEdit(" + dehireReceiptScan.ScannedFormId.ToString() + "," + JobId + "," + orderID + "," + dehireReceiptId + ",'" + receiptNumber + "');";


            ViewState["AssignedPODCount"] = m_assignedPodCount;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public bool DoesScannedFormRowExist(string fileName)
            bool doesScanFormRowExist = false;

            Facade.Form   facScanForm = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
            Entities.Scan scan        = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormForScannedFormPDF(fileName);

            if (scan.ScannedFormId > 0)
                doesScanFormRowExist = true;

Exemplo n.º 4
 protected void dgPODSearchResults_ItemCommand(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
     if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
         Facade.IPOD   facPOD    = new Facade.POD();
         Facade.IForm  facForm   = new Facade.Form();
         Entities.POD  podToView = facPOD.GetForPODId(int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[0].Text));
         Entities.Scan scan      = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(podToView.ScannedFormId);
         byte[]        scannedFormImage;
         scannedFormImage = Convert.FromBase64String(scan.ScannedFormImage);
         Response.ContentType = "image/tiff";
         Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "PODTicketNo" + e.Item.Cells[1].Text + ".tif");
         Response.OutputStream.Write(scannedFormImage, 0, scannedFormImage.Length);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Facade.IForm  facForm = new Facade.Form();
            Entities.Scan scan    = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(scannedFormId);
            for (int i = 0; i < scan.PageCount; i++)
                TabStripTab tab     = new TabStripTab();
                string      imgName = "_page" + ((int)(i + 1)).ToString() + ".jpg";
                tab.Look.ImageUrl         = imgName;
                tab.SelectedLook.ImageUrl = imgName;
                tab.ClientSideCommand     = "selectPage(" + i.ToString() + ");";

            CurrentImage.Width  = Unit.Percentage(100);
            CurrentImage.Height = Unit.Percentage(100);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public string ScanHasBeenUploadedTo(string URL)
            string methodStatus = String.Empty;

            Uri    URI         = new Uri(URL);
            string newFileName = URI.Segments[URI.Segments.Length - 1];

            Facade.Form   facScanForm = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
            Entities.Scan scan        = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormForScannedFormPDF(newFileName);

            if (scan == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploadedTo - Scan not found for filename " + newFileName);

            scan.IsUploaded     = true;
            scan.ScannedFormPDF = URL;

                // update the IsUploaded flag on the scannedForm
                facScanForm.Update(scan, scan.CreateUserID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploadedTo - Update ScanForm failed", ex);

            //If the scan is a POD email it
            if (scan.FormTypeId == eFormTypeId.POD)
                //Email the POD to the client
                Facade.IPOD facPod = new Facade.POD();

                //Make the call to send the email async as it will
                //have to download the attachment
                MethodCall <string, int> asyncSendClientPod = facPod.SendClientPod;
                asyncSendClientPod.BeginInvoke(scan.ScannedFormId, r =>
                    try { asyncSendClientPod.EndInvoke(r); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { WebUI.Global.UnhandledException(ex); }
                }, null);

Exemplo n.º 7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            userFullName = ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName;

            if (!IsLocal && Request.QueryString["ScannedFormID"] != null)
                txtFileName.Text = "";
                Facade.IForm facForm = new Facade.Form();
                scannedFormId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ScannedFormId"]);
                Entities.Scan scan = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(scannedFormId);
                txtFirstFormPageID.Text = Request.QueryString["PageNumber"];
                txtTotalPages.Text      = scan.PageCount.ToString();
                txtTotalPages.Text = Request.QueryString["TotalPages"];
                txtFileName.Text   = Request.QueryString["FileName"];
Exemplo n.º 8
        private int SaveReportPdf(eReportType reportType, byte[] bytes, string userName)
            var uploaderPath = Globals.Configuration.OrchestratorServerUploaderPdfsPath;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploaderPath))
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot email report: the OrchestratorServerUploaderPdfsPath setting has not been configured.");

            if (!Directory.Exists(uploaderPath))

            var sendNowPath = Path.Combine(uploaderPath, "sendnow");

            if (!Directory.Exists(sendNowPath))

            var fileName        = string.Format("EmailedReport_{0}_{1}_{2:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.pdf", Enum.GetName(typeof(eReportType), reportType), userName, DateTime.Now);
            var fileNameAndPath = Globals.Configuration.ScanFormSendNow ? Path.Combine(sendNowPath, fileName) : Path.Combine(uploaderPath, fileName);

            File.WriteAllBytes(fileNameAndPath, bytes);

            var facForm = new Facade.Form();

            var bookingForm = new Entities.Scan
                ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today,
                FormTypeId      = eFormTypeId.EmailedReport,
                ScannedFormPDF  = fileName,
                IsAppend        = false,
                IsUploaded      = false,

            var scannedFormID = facForm.Create(bookingForm, userName);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public Entities.Scan GetScannedForm(string FileName, out string PreviousScanURL)
            Facade.Form   facScanForm = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
            Entities.Scan scan        = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormForScannedFormPDF(FileName);

            PreviousScanURL = string.Empty;
            if (scan != null && scan.PreviousScannedFormId.HasValue)
                Entities.Scan previousScan = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormId(scan.PreviousScannedFormId.Value);
                if (previousScan != null)
                    PreviousScanURL = previousScan.ScannedFormPDF;

            if (scan == null || scan.ScannedFormId < 1)
Exemplo n.º 10
        public string ScanHasBeenUploaded(string fileNameAndFTPDirectory)
            //If the http post file upload is being used then the PODs must be on this server
            //so we can append etc.
            //Not sure why something sikmilar to this is done in scanreceive.aspx
            //TODO However this needs to be tested
            //This is no longer called - is it redundant?

            if (fileNameAndFTPDirectory.StartsWith("\\"))
                fileNameAndFTPDirectory = fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Substring(1, fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Length - 1);

            string methodStatus           = String.Empty;
            string newFileName            = Path.GetFileName(fileNameAndFTPDirectory);
            string newFileLocation        = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/PDFS"), fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Replace(newFileName, ""));
            string newFileLocationAndName = Path.Combine(newFileLocation, newFileName);

            Facade.Form facScanForm = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();

            if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("A"))
                Entities.Scan scan = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormId(this.ScannedFormId);

                if (scan != null)
                    PdfDocument previousDocument;
                    string      existingFileNameAndPath = scan.ScannedFormPDF;

                    if (File.Exists(existingFileNameAndPath))
                        previousDocument = PdfReader.Open(existingFileNameAndPath, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

                            // should always exist
                            if (!Directory.Exists(newFileLocation))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploaded - Error Creating directory - "
                                                           + newFileLocation, ex);

                            // read the exisiting but newly created pdf
                            PdfDocument newPdfDoc = PdfReader.Open(newFileLocationAndName, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

                            PdfDocument finalDoc = new PdfDocument();

                            // Append the previous document to our new document
                            foreach (PdfPage page in previousDocument.Pages)
                            // Append the new document to the previous document
                            foreach (PdfPage page in newPdfDoc.Pages)

                            // attempt to save the new doc

                            methodStatus = "Appended " + newFileLocationAndName
                                           + " to " + existingFileNameAndPath;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploaded - Error appending document - "
                                                           + fileNameAndFTPDirectory, ex);
                        throw new ApplicationException("ExistingScanForm file could not be found - Path - "
                                                       + existingFileNameAndPath);
                    throw new ApplicationException("ExistingScanForm entity could not be found.");
                methodStatus = "Append = false or no previousScanneDformId to append too.";

Exemplo n.º 11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // This property defaults to eFormTypeId.POD if it has not been supplied
                if (this.FormType == eFormTypeId.POD)
                    Facade.POD   facPod = new Orchestrator.Facade.POD();
                    Entities.POD pod    = null;

                    if (this.OrderID > 0)
                        pod = facPod.GetForOrderID(OrderID);
                    if (this.CollectDropID > 0)
                        pod = facPod.GetPODForCollectDropID(CollectDropID);

                    if (pod != null)
                        lblDescription.Text           = "There has already been a PDF uploaded for this order, if you upload another one this will overrwite the existing file.";
                        txtTicketNo.Text              = pod.TicketNo;
                        dteSignatureDate.SelectedDate = pod.SignatureDate;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ticket"]))
                            txtTicketNo.Text = Request.QueryString["ticket"];
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sigDate"]))
                            dteSignatureDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["sigDate"]);
                // This property defaults to eFormTypeId.POD if it has not been supplied
                else if (this.FormType == eFormTypeId.BookingForm)
                    Orchestrator.Facade.Form facBF    = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
                    Facade.IOrder            facOrder = new Orchestrator.Facade.Order();

                    Entities.Order order       = null;
                    Entities.Scan  bookingForm = null;

                    txtTicketNo.Visible             = false;
                    lblTicketRef.Visible            = false;
                    this.btnUpload.CausesValidation = false;
                    dteSignatureDate.Visible        = false;
                    lblSignatureDate.Visible        = false;

                    if (this.OrderID > 0)
                        order = facOrder.GetForOrderID(OrderID);

                    if (order != null && order.BookingFormScannedFormId != null)
                        bookingForm = facBF.GetForScannedFormId((int)order.BookingFormScannedFormId);

                    if (bookingForm != null)
                        lblDescription.Text = "There has already been a booking form uploaded for this order, if you upload another one this will overwrite the existing file.";
                        lblDescription.Text = String.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                //If the http post file upload is being used then the PODs must be on this server
                //so we can append etc.
                //TODO However this needs to be tested

                // get the existing file if neccessary

                if (Request.QueryString["AppendOrReplace"] != null && Request.QueryString["AppendOrReplace"].ToString().Contains("A"))
                    // get the ScannedForm record so that we can retrieve the existing document and append to it.
                    BusinessLogicLayer.Form busForm  = new Orchestrator.BusinessLogicLayer.Form();
                    Entities.Scan           scanForm = busForm.GetForScannedFormId(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ScannedFormId"].ToString()));

                    if (scanForm != null)
                        _pdfDocument = PdfReader.Open(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/PDFS"), scanForm.ScannedFormPDF), PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

                HttpFileCollection files      = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;
                HttpPostedFile     postedFile = files[0];

                BufferedStream bs         = null;
                byte[]         fileOutput = null;

                    if (postedFile.InputStream != null)
                        bs = new BufferedStream(postedFile.InputStream);
                        int length = Convert.ToInt32(bs.Length);
                        fileOutput = new byte[length];
                        bs.Read(fileOutput, 0, length);

                if (fileOutput.Length > 0)
                    string basePath = Server.MapPath("~/PDFS");
                    if (!basePath.EndsWith("\\"))
                        basePath += "\\";

                    bool writeError = false;

                    string pathAndFileName = Path.Combine(basePath, postedFile.FileName);
                    string path            = pathAndFileName.Replace(Path.GetFileName(pathAndFileName), "");

                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(fileOutput);

                        if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;

                    if (!writeError)
                            // create new pdf
                            MemoryStream previousFileStream = new MemoryStream(fileOutput);

                            PdfDocument newPdfDoc = PdfReader.Open(previousFileStream, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Modify);

                            // _pdf will be null unless we are appending to an existing doc
                            if (_pdfDocument == null)
                                foreach (PdfPage page in newPdfDoc.Pages)

                            //File.WriteAllBytes(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", path, fileName), ms.ToArray());
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;

Exemplo n.º 13
        public string ScanHasBeenUploaded(string fileNameAndFTPDirectory)
            if (fileNameAndFTPDirectory.StartsWith("\\"))
                fileNameAndFTPDirectory = fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Substring(1, fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Length - 1);

            string pdfLocation            = Server.MapPath("~/PDFS");
            string methodStatus           = String.Empty;
            string newFileName            = Path.GetFileName(fileNameAndFTPDirectory);
            string newFileLocation        = Path.Combine(pdfLocation, fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Replace(newFileName, ""));
            string newFileLocationAndName = Path.Combine(newFileLocation, newFileName);

            Facade.Form   facScanForm = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
            Entities.Scan scan        = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormForScannedFormPDF(newFileName);

            if (scan.IsAppend && scan.PreviousScannedFormId != null)
                Entities.Scan existingScan = null;

                // get the previous scannedForm Record
                existingScan = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormId((int)scan.PreviousScannedFormId);

                if (existingScan != null)
                    PdfDocument previousDocument;
                    //string existingFileNameAndPath = Path.Combine(pdfLocation, existingScan.ScannedFormPDF);
                    string existingFileNameAndPath = Server.MapPath(existingScan.ScannedFormPDF);

                    if (File.Exists(existingFileNameAndPath))
                        previousDocument = PdfReader.Open(existingFileNameAndPath, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

                            // should always exist
                            if (!Directory.Exists(newFileLocation))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploaded - Error Creating directory - "
                                                           + newFileLocation, ex);

                            // read the exisiting but newly created pdf
                            PdfDocument newPdfDoc = PdfReader.Open(newFileLocationAndName, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

                            PdfDocument finalDoc = new PdfDocument();
                            // Append the previous document to our new document
                            foreach (PdfPage page in previousDocument.Pages)
                            // Append the new document to the previous document
                            foreach (PdfPage page in newPdfDoc.Pages)

                            // attempt to save the new doc

                            methodStatus = "Appended " + newFileLocationAndName
                                           + " to " + existingFileNameAndPath;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploaded - Error appending document - "
                                                           + fileNameAndFTPDirectory, ex);
                        throw new ApplicationException("ExistingScanForm file could not be found - Path - "
                                                       + existingFileNameAndPath + " - New FileLocationAndName: " + newFileLocationAndName);
                    throw new ApplicationException("ExistingScanForm entity could not be found.");
                methodStatus = "Append = false or no previousScanneDformId to append too." + Environment.NewLine;

            scan.IsUploaded = true;

            //Use full URL instead
            //scan.ScannedFormPDF = fileNameAndFTPDirectory;
            string URL = this.Context.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/PDFS/" + fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Replace('\\', '/');

            scan.ScannedFormPDF = URL;

                // update the IsUploaded flag on the scannedForm
                facScanForm.Update(scan, scan.CreateUserID);

                Facade.IPOD facPod = new Facade.POD();
                methodStatus += facPod.SendClientPod(scan.ScannedFormId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploaded - Update ScanForm failed (ScanForm ID:" + scan.ScannedFormId + ")", ex);

Exemplo n.º 14
        public List <Orchestrator.BulkScan.Types.ScanResult> GetScanUploadDefaultInformationAndExistingScans(string barcodes)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(barcodes))
                return(new List <ScanResult>());

            List <ScanResult> result = new List <ScanResult>();

            Facade.Form             facForm  = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
            Facade.ResourceManifest facRM    = new Orchestrator.Facade.ResourceManifest();
            Facade.IOrder           facOrder = new Orchestrator.Facade.Order();
            Entities.Scan           scan     = null;
            ScanResult sr = null;

            foreach (string barcode in barcodes.Split(":".ToCharArray()))
                    // The 3rd and 4th chars of the barcode indicate the form type
                    switch (barcode.Substring(2, 2))
                    case "02":     // Resource Manifests

                        string extractedResourceManifestId = barcode.Substring(4, 8);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            if (extractedResourceManifestId.Length > 0 && extractedResourceManifestId.Substring(0, 1) == "0")
                                extractedResourceManifestId = extractedResourceManifestId.Substring(1);

                        int resourceManifestId = Convert.ToInt32(extractedResourceManifestId);

                        Entities.ResourceManifest rm = facRM.GetResourceManifest(resourceManifestId);

                        if (rm != null)
                            sr          = new ScanResult();
                            sr.Barcode  = barcode;
                            sr.FormType = "02";

                            if (rm.ScannedFormId > 0)
                                scan = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(rm.ScannedFormId);
                                if (scan != null)
                                    sr.PDFPath = scan.ScannedFormPDF;
                                    sr.Replace = false;



                    //case "01": // Delivery Note

                    //    int orderId = Convert.ToInt32(barcode.Substring(3));
                    //    Entities.Order order = facOrder.GetForOrderID(orderId);

                    //    if (order != null)
                    //    {
                    //        sr = new ScanResult();
                    //        sr.Barcode = barcode;
                    //        sr.FormType = "01";

                    //        if (order.DeliveryNoteScannedFormId.HasValue)
                    //        {
                    //            scan = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(order.DeliveryNoteScannedFormId.Value);

                    //            if (scan != null)
                    //            {
                    //                sr.PDFPath = scan.ScannedFormPDF;
                    //                sr.Replace = false;
                    //            }
                    //        }

                    //        result.Add(sr);
                    //    }

                    //    break;

                    case "01":     // PODS

                        string extratedOrderId = barcode.Substring(4, 8);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            if (extratedOrderId.Length > 0 && extratedOrderId.Substring(0, 1) == "0")
                                extratedOrderId = extratedOrderId.Substring(1);
                        int orderId2 = Convert.ToInt32(extratedOrderId);

                        Entities.Order order2 = facOrder.GetForOrderID(orderId2);
                        if (order2 != null)
                            Facade.POD   facPod = new Orchestrator.Facade.POD();
                            Entities.POD pod    = facPod.GetForOrderID(orderId2);

                            BatchItemPodInfo podInfo = new BatchItemPodInfo();

                            sr          = new ScanResult();
                            sr.Barcode  = barcode;
                            sr.FormType = "01";

                            if (pod != null)
                                scan = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(pod.ScannedFormId);
                                if (scan != null)
                                    sr.PDFPath = scan.ScannedFormPDF;
                                    sr.Replace = false;

                            int collectDropId = facOrder.GetDeliveryCollectDropIDForPODScanner(orderId2);
                            int JobId         = facOrder.GetDeliveryJobIDForOrderID(orderId2);

                            DataSet dsJobDetails = facPod.GetJobDetails(JobId);

                            bool foundCollectDrop = false;
                            foreach (DataRow row in dsJobDetails.Tables["CollectionDrop"].Rows)
                                if ((int)row["CollectDropId"] == collectDropId)
                                    podInfo.TicketNumber  = row["ClientsCustomerReference"].ToString();
                                    podInfo.SignatureDate = (DateTime)row["CollectDropDateTime"];
                                    foundCollectDrop      = true;

                            // If we don't find pod info, default it to something sensible.
                            if (!foundCollectDrop)
                                podInfo.TicketNumber  = "";
                                podInfo.SignatureDate = DateTime.Now;

                            sr.BatchItemInfo = SerializeBatchItemInfoToString(sr.FormType, podInfo);



                catch (Exception ex)
                    ScanResult srError = new ScanResult();
                    srError.Barcode       = barcode;
                    srError.ErrorOccurred = true;
                    srError.ErrorText     = ex.Message;

Exemplo n.º 15
        public bool PrepareForBulkScanUpload(List <ScanPreparation> scanPreps, string userId)
            bool result = false;

            foreach (ScanPreparation sp in scanPreps)
                if (sp.FormType == "02") // Resource Manifest
                    Entities.Scan manifest = null;

                    // Resource Manifest
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(sp.RecordId) > 0)
                        Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form();

                        manifest = new Entities.Scan();

                        // If this is not a replace (ie its an 'append'), then the previousScannedFormId value must be set.
                        // The previousScannedFormId should also be set when a placeholder row (with NoDocumentScanned.pdf) is present.

                        Facade.ResourceManifest   facResourceManifest = new Orchestrator.Facade.ResourceManifest();
                        Entities.ResourceManifest rm = facResourceManifest.GetResourceManifest(int.Parse(sp.RecordId));
                        if (rm.ScannedFormId > 0)
                            manifest.PreviousScannedFormId = rm.ScannedFormId;

                        manifest.ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today;
                        manifest.FormTypeId      = eFormTypeId.Manifest;
                        manifest.ScannedFormPDF  = sp.PDFFileName;
                        manifest.IsAppend        = !sp.Replace;
                        manifest.IsUploaded      = false;

                        int scanFormId = facForm.CreateNew(manifest, userId);

                        if (scanFormId > 0)
                            manifest.ScannedFormId = scanFormId;

                            // Update manifest record here
                            facResourceManifest.UpdateResourceManifestScan(int.Parse(sp.RecordId), scanFormId, userId);

                    result = true;

                if (sp.FormType == "01") // POD
                    Facade.IOrder facOrder = new Facade.Order();
                    Facade.POD    facPod   = new Orchestrator.Facade.POD();

                    Entities.POD pod = null;

                    int collectDropId = facOrder.GetDeliveryCollectDropIDForPODScanner(int.Parse(sp.RecordId));
                    int JobId         = facOrder.GetDeliveryJobIDForOrderID(int.Parse(sp.RecordId));

                    pod = facPod.GetForOrderID(int.Parse(sp.RecordId));
                    if (pod == null)
                        pod = new Entities.POD();

                    BatchItemPodInfo podInfo = (BatchItemPodInfo)DeserializeBatchItemInfoFromString(sp);
                    if (podInfo != null)
                        pod.TicketNo      = podInfo.TicketNumber;
                        pod.SignatureDate = podInfo.SignatureDate;
                        pod.TicketNo      = string.Empty;
                        pod.SignatureDate = DateTime.Now;


                    pod.ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today;
                    pod.JobId           = JobId;
                    pod.CollectDropId   = collectDropId;
                    pod.OrganisationId  = 0;

                    if (pod.ScannedFormPDF != null && pod.ScannedFormPDF.ToLower().Contains(Globals.Constants.NO_DOCUMENT_AVAILABLE.ToLower()))
                        pod.IsAppend = false;
                        pod.IsAppend = !sp.Replace;

                    pod.ScannedFormPDF = sp.PDFFileName;

                    if (pod.ScannedFormId > 0)
                        facPod.Update(pod, userId);
                        // re get the pod entry as the scannedFormId will have changed.
                        pod = facPod.GetForPODId(pod.PODId);
                        int podId = facPod.Create(pod, JobId, 0, collectDropId, userId);

                        // get the newly created pod.
                        pod = facPod.GetForPODId(podId);

                    result = true;

                //if (sp.FormType == "01") // delivery notes
                //    Entities.Scan deliveryNote = null;

                //    // delivery note
                //    if (Convert.ToInt32(sp.RecordId) > 0)
                //    {
                //        Facade.IOrder facOrder = new Facade.Order();
                //        Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form();

                //        deliveryNote = new Entities.Scan();

                //        // If this is not a replace (ie its an 'append'), then the previousScannedFormId value must be set.
                //        // The previousScannedFormId should also be set when a placeholder row (with NoDocumentScanned.pdf) is present.

                //        Entities.Order order = facOrder.GetForOrderID(int.Parse(sp.RecordId));
                //        if (order.DeliveryNoteScannedFormId > 0)
                //            deliveryNote.PreviousScannedFormId = order.DeliveryNoteScannedFormId;

                //        deliveryNote.ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today;
                //        deliveryNote.FormTypeId = eFormTypeId.DeliveryNote;
                //        deliveryNote.ScannedFormPDF = sp.PDFFileName;
                //        deliveryNote.IsAppend = !sp.Replace;
                //        deliveryNote.IsUploaded = false;

                //        int scanFormId = facForm.CreateNew(deliveryNote, userId);

                //        if (scanFormId > 0)
                //        {
                //            deliveryNote.ScannedFormId = scanFormId;

                //            // Update manifest record here
                //            facOrder.UpdateDeliveryNoteScannedFormId(int.Parse(sp.RecordId), scanFormId, userId);
                //        }
                //    }

                //    result = true;
