Exemplo n.º 1
 public JsonResult SaveScene(string userid, string URL, string Detail, string Name, string Desc, string ProjectID, string MedicineCode)
     Hashtable htparm = new Hashtable();
     htparm["Name"] = Name;
     htparm["Desc"] = Desc;
     htparm["Detail"] = Detail;
     htparm["ProjectID"] = ProjectID;
     htparm["MedicineCode"] = MedicineCode;
     int uid = Int32.Parse(userid);
     int memberid = new MemberUserInfoDao().Find(uid).MemberID;
     string eName = new EnterpriseMemberInfoDao().Find(memberid).EnterpriseName;
     htparm["eid"] = new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterprise(eName).Single().ID;
         if (URL.IndexOf("SceneNo") > 0)
             int start = URL.IndexOf("SceneNo") + 7;
             htparm["SceneNo"] = Int32.Parse(URL.Substring(start, URL.Length - start));
             htparm["URL"] = URL + "/" + htparm["SceneNo"];
             EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().Update("Scene.myupdate", htparm);
             htparm["SceneNo"] = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("Scene.GetMaxNo", "") + 1;
             htparm["URL"] = URL + "/" + htparm["SceneNo"];
             EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().Insert("Scene.myinsert", htparm);
     catch (Exception e)
         return Json("保存失败");
     return Json("保存成功");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public JsonResult GetDateBase(string cids, string field, string pid, string eorp, string projectid)
            int flag = -1;
            List<string> finalscore = new List<string>();
            int projid = Int32.Parse(projectid);
            int IsStandard = new ProjectDao().Find(projid).IsStandard;
            int p = Int32.Parse(pid);
            int Method = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("Point.GetMethod", p);
            string nodatacompany = string.Empty;

            string cidlist = "(";
            string[] tempids = cids.Trim(',').Split(',');
            foreach (string i in tempids)
                cidlist += "'" + i + "',";
            cidlist = cidlist.Substring(0, cidlist.Length - 1);
            cidlist += ")";

            if (Method != 4)
                string[] clist = cids.Substring(0, cids.Length - 1).Split(',');
                IList<IDictionary> keyvaluelist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("SmallPoint.GetKeyValue", p);
                if (keyvaluelist.Count > 0)
                    flag = 1;//表明有指标分项,自动赋值要赋值radiobutton
                    flag = 0;
                SqlConnection sqlconn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=EmedEvaluationBase;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=DataCenter;Password=sqlpassword");

                string strcommand1 = string.Empty;
                switch (eorp)
                    case "1":
                        strcommand1 = "select " + field + ",EnterpriseCode from EnterpriseAttributeProject where ProjectID=" + projid + " and  EnterpriseCode in" + cidlist + " order by CHARINDEX(','+ RTRIM(EnterpriseCode) + ','  ,   ',' + '" + cids.Substring(0, cids.Length - 1) + "' + ',')";
                    case "0":
                        strcommand1 = "select " + field + ",ProductCode,Substring(ProductCode,16,12) as EnterpriseCode  from ProductAttributeProject where ProjectID=" + projid + " and ProductCode in" + cidlist + " order by CHARINDEX(','+ RTRIM(productcode) + ','  ,   ',' + '" + cids.Substring(0, cids.Length - 1) + "' + ',')";
                    case "3":
                        strcommand1 = "select " + field + ",EnterpriseCode from EnterpriseAttributeCommon where EnterpriseCode in" + cidlist + " order by CHARINDEX(','+ RTRIM(EnterpriseCode) + ','  ,   ',' + '" + cids.Substring(0, cids.Length - 1) + "' + ',')";
                    case "2":
                        strcommand1 = "select " + field + ",ProductCode,Substring(ProductCode,16,12) as EnterpriseCode  from ProductAttributeCommon where ProductCode in" + cidlist + " order by CHARINDEX(','+ RTRIM(productcode) + ','  ,   ',' + '" + cids.Substring(0, cids.Length - 1) + "' + ',')";

                SqlCommand sqlcomm = new SqlCommand(strcommand1, sqlconn);
                SqlDataReader reader = sqlcomm.ExecuteReader();
                int num = 0;
                Hashtable htparm = new Hashtable();
                htparm["pid"] = projid;
                while (reader.Read())
                    switch (Method)
                        case 1:
                            bool i = false;
                            foreach (IDictionary k in keyvaluelist)
                                string[] ks = k["keyValue"].ToString().Split(',');
                                if (float.Parse(reader[0].ToString()) <= float.Parse(ks[1]) && float.Parse(reader[0].ToString()) > float.Parse(ks[0].ToString()))
                                    i = true;
                            if (!i)
                                htparm["ec"] = reader["EnterpriseCode"].ToString();
                                nodatacompany += new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(reader["EnterpriseCode"].ToString()).First().Enterprise + ",";
                        case 2:
                            bool j = false;
                            foreach (IDictionary k in keyvaluelist)
                                if (k["keyValue"].ToString() == reader[0].ToString())
                                    j = true;
                            if (!j)
                                htparm["ec"] = reader["EnterpriseCode"].ToString();
                                nodatacompany += new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(reader["EnterpriseCode"].ToString()).First().Enterprise + ",";
                        case 3:
                            int additinal = 0;
                            for (int k = num; k < clist.Length; k++)
                                if (k > 0 && clist[k] == clist[k - 1])
                                    finalscore.Add(finalscore[finalscore.Count - 1]);
                                if (reader[1].ToString() == clist[k])

                                    if (eorp == "1")
                                        htparm["ec"] = clist[k];
                                        nodatacompany += new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(clist[k]).First().Enterprise + ",";
                                        htparm["ec"] = clist[k].Substring(15, 12);
                                        nodatacompany += new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(clist[k].Substring(15, 12)).First().Enterprise + ",";
                            num = num + additinal;

                flag = 3;
                SubjectPoint sp = new SubjectPointDao().FindByPointID(p).Single();
                string[] ids = cids.Trim(',').Split(',');
                Hashtable hhtparm = new Hashtable();
                foreach (string code in ids)
                    string ecode = code.Substring(15, 12);
                    hhtparm["pid"] = Int32.Parse(projectid);
                    hhtparm["ecode"] = ecode;
                    IList<double> fds = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<double>("Expert.FindFD", hhtparm);//找到相应的专家行为分析数据
                    double score = 0;
                    if (fds.Count != 0)
                        score = sp.Average.Value + sp.MaxValue.Value * fds.First();
                        Hashtable htparm = new Hashtable();
                        htparm["pid"] = projid;
                        htparm["ec"] = ecode;
                        nodatacompany += new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(ecode).First().Enterprise + ",";

            string result = string.Empty;
            foreach (string s in finalscore)
                result += s + ",";
            return Json(new { result = result.Trim(','), flag = flag, nodatacompany = nodatacompany });
Exemplo n.º 3
 public JsonResult ListAuthorizationCompany(string projectoid)
     int oid = Int32.Parse(projectoid);
     IList<IDictionary> list = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("AuthorizationProject.FindByPoid", oid);
     string html = "<tr><th>参评公司</th><th height='26' >项目名称</th></tr>";
     foreach (IDictionary a in list)
         string companyname = new EnterpriseCodeDao().Find(Int32.Parse(a["EnterpriseID"].ToString())).Enterprise;
         html += "<tr>";
         html += "<td><input type='hidden' value='" + a["EnterpriseID"] + "'/><a class='eachauthorization' href='javascript:void(0)'>" + companyname + "</a></td>";
         html += "<td>" + a["ProjectName"] + "</td></tr>";
     return Json(html);
        public ActionResult Detail(Int32? id, int eid,string parm, FormCollection collection)
            Dictionary<string, string> sitemaster = GetSiteMaster();
            ViewData["SiteMaster"] = sitemaster;
            int PageNo = id ?? 1;
            if (Int32.Parse(sitemaster["isadmin"]) > 2)
                string selectview = string.Empty;
                Hashtable htparm = new Hashtable();
                htparm["start"] = PageSizeList * (PageNo - 1) + 1;   //记录开始数
                htparm["end"] = PageNo * PageSizeList;    //记录结束数
                htparm["enterprisecode"] = new EnterpriseCodeDao().Find(eid).EnterpiseCode;
                ViewData["eid"] = htparm["enterprisecode"];
                Dictionary<string, string> dict = ParmHelper.Analysis(collection);
                if (dict.Count == 0 && parm == null)
                    IList<IDictionary> bidAnounceList;
                    bidAnounceList = CRMMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("MemberProduct.GetOwnProduct", htparm);
                    int count = CRMMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("MemberProduct.GetOwnProductCount", htparm);
                    PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(bidAnounceList, PageNo, PageSizeList, count);
                    ViewData["ProvincebidAnounceListByUser"] = list;
                    ViewData["Count"] = count;
                    return View(list);
                if (dict.Count == 0 && parm != null)
                    Dictionary<string, string> use = ParmHelper.AnalysisParm(parm);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> doc in use)

                        switch (doc.Key)
                            case "Category":
                                if (doc.Value != "无")
                                    htparm[doc.Key] = doc.Value;
                                htparm[doc.Key] = doc.Value;

                    IList<IDictionary> bidAnounceList = CRMMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("MemberProduct.GetOwnProduct", htparm);

                    int count = CRMMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("MemberProduct.GetOwnProductCount", htparm);
                    PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(bidAnounceList, PageNo, PageSizeList, count);
                    ViewData["ProvincebidAnounceListByUser"] = list;
                    ViewData["Form"] = use;
                    selectview = string.Empty;
                    ViewData["Count"] = count;
                    return View(list);

                {   //把表单转为参数
                    if (dict.Count != 0)
                        string parmeter = ParmHelper.BuildParm(dict);
                        return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = 1, eid=eid,parm = parmeter });
                return View();
                return RedirectToAction("MemberLevelError", "Base");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult Middle(int? id, int? PageNo)
            Dictionary<string, string> sitemaster = GetSiteMaster();
            ViewData["SiteMaster"] = sitemaster;
            int page = PageNo ?? 1;
            int userid = Int32.Parse(CurrentUserInfo.UserID);
            int eid = new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterprise(EnterPriseMemberInfo.EnterpriseName).Single().ID;
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
            ht["eid"] = eid;
            ht["pid"] = id.Value;
            EnterpriseCode ec = new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterprise(EnterPriseMemberInfo.EnterpriseName).First();
            int memberid = ec.ID;
            IList<string> medicinebaseidlist = EmedAppraiseMapper.Get().QueryForList<string>("AuthorizationAuctionProject.queryid", memberid);
            /*IList<string> productbaselist = new List<string>();
            foreach (string m in medicinebaseidlist)
            Hashtable htparm = new Hashtable();
            if (medicinebaseidlist.Count != 0)
                IList<string> medicineprojectidlist = EmedAppraiseMapper.Get().QueryForList<string>("AuctionProjectProduct.queryid", id);
                string[] idlist = medicinebaseidlist.Intersect<string>(medicineprojectidlist).ToArray();
                htparm["pids"] = idlist;
                htparm["pid"] = id.Value;
                htparm["eccode"] = ec.EnterpiseCode;
                string[] idlist = EmedAppraiseMapper.Get().QueryForList<string>("AuctionProjectProduct.listproduct", htparm).ToArray();
                htparm["pids"] = idlist;
            htparm["start"] = PageSizeList * (page - 1) + 1;   //记录开始数
            htparm["end"] = page * PageSizeList;    //记录结束数
            IList<IDictionary> medicinelist = EmedEvaluationBaseMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("ChineseAndImportMed.ListMedicine", htparm);

            PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(
                    medicinelist, page, PageSizeList, medicinelist.Count);
            ViewData["Count"] = medicinelist.Count;
            ViewData["Projectid"] = id.Value;
            return View(list);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult Step1(int? Projectid, string itemid, int? scene, FormCollection collection)
            Dictionary<string, string> sitemaster = GetSiteMaster();
            ViewData["uid"] = sitemaster["userid"];
            //ViewData["SiteMaster"] = sitemaster;
            //ViewData["TenderEnterprise"] = EnterPriseMemberInfo.EnterpriseName;
            //EnterpriseCode ec = new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterprise(EnterPriseMemberInfo.EnterpriseName).First();
            //int eid = ec.ID;
            //string ecode = ec.EnterpiseCode;
            //ViewData["eid"] = eid;
            bool needregion = false;
            int IsStandard = new ProjectDao().Find(Projectid.Value).IsStandard;
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
            ht["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
            ht["itemid"] = itemid;
            IDictionary medicineinfo = (IsStandard == 1) ? StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("CompareData.ListSingleName", itemid) : EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("CompareDataProject.ListSingleName", ht);
            ViewData["medicineinfo"] = medicineinfo;
            ViewData["Projectid"] = Projectid.Value;
            int IsBest = new ProjectDao().Find(Projectid.Value).IsBest;
            ViewData["IsBest"] = IsBest;//是否技术标的标志
            ViewData["ProductID"] = itemid;
            ViewData["Detail"] = "";

            if (scene != null)
                ViewData["Detail"] = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("Scene.FindByScenceNo", scene.Value);

            StringBuilder commonnamegrouphtml = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable cghtparm = new Hashtable();
            cghtparm["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
            cghtparm["namecode"] = medicineinfo["MedicineCode"].ToString().Substring(0, 7);
            string namecodes = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("CommonNameGroup.GetNameCodes", cghtparm);
            if (namecodes != null && namecodes != "")
                commonnamegrouphtml.Append("<tr><td >" + medicineinfo["ChineseProductName"] + "</td><td>" + medicineinfo["Formulation"] + "</td><td>" + medicineinfo["ChineseSpecification"] + "</td><tr>");
                string[] namecodelist = namecodes.Split(',');
                string[] medicinecodelist = new string[namecodelist.Length];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string n in namecodelist)
                    medicinecodelist[i] = namecodelist[i] + medicineinfo["MedicineCode"].ToString().Substring(7, 8);
                Hashtable namegrouphtparm = new Hashtable();
                namegrouphtparm["ownmc"] = medicineinfo["MedicineCode"];
                namegrouphtparm["mclist"] = medicinecodelist;
                namegrouphtparm["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
                IList<IDictionary> commonnamegroup = (IsStandard == 1) ? StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("CompareMedicine.ListMedicineEx", namegrouphtparm) : EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("MedicineDataProject.ListMedicineEx", namegrouphtparm);
                foreach (IDictionary c in commonnamegroup)
                    commonnamegrouphtml.Append("<tr><td >" + c["ChineseProductName"] + "</td><td>" + c["Formulation"] + "</td><td>" + c["ChineseSpecification"] + "</td><tr>");
            ViewData["CommonNameGroup"] = commonnamegrouphtml.ToString();

            StringBuilder formulationgrouphtml = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable fghtparm = new Hashtable();
            fghtparm["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
            fghtparm["namecode"] = medicineinfo["MedicineCode"].ToString().Substring(0, 10);
            string fomulationcodes = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("FormulationGroup.GetNameCodes", fghtparm);
            if (fomulationcodes != null && fomulationcodes != "")
                commonnamegrouphtml.Append("<tr><td >" + medicineinfo["ChineseProductName"] + "</td><td>" + medicineinfo["Formulation"] + "</td><td>" + medicineinfo["ChineseSpecification"] + "</td><tr>");
                string[] formulationcodelist = fomulationcodes.Split(',');
                string[] medicinecodelist = new string[formulationcodelist.Length];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string n in formulationcodelist)
                    medicinecodelist[i] = formulationcodelist[i] + medicineinfo["MedicineCode"].ToString().Substring(10, 5);
                Hashtable namegrouphtparm = new Hashtable();
                namegrouphtparm["ownmc"] = medicineinfo["MedicineCode"];
                namegrouphtparm["mclist"] = medicinecodelist;
                namegrouphtparm["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
                IList<IDictionary> formulationnamegroup = (IsStandard == 1) ? StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("CompareMedicine.ListMedicineEx", namegrouphtparm) : EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("MedicineDataProject.ListMedicineEx", namegrouphtparm);
                foreach (IDictionary c in formulationnamegroup)
                    formulationgrouphtml.Append("<tr><td >" + c["ChineseProductName"] + "</td><td>" + c["Formulation"] + "</td><td>" + c["ChineseSpecification"] + "</td><tr>");
            ViewData["FormulationGroup"] = formulationgrouphtml.ToString();

            IList<PointCategory> pointcategorylist = new PointCategoryDao().FindByProjectOid(Projectid.Value);
            StringBuilder CategoryHtml = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder PointHtml = new StringBuilder();
            int totalpointNum = 0;
            foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                if (p.Name == "价格分")
                    needregion = true;
                int pointnum = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("Point.count", p.ID);
                IList<Point> plist = new PointDao().FindByCategoryID(p.ID);
                int count = 0;
                foreach (Point pp in plist)
                    if (pp.Iseorp == 1)
                        PointHtml.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap'><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='pointdetail'>指标" + count + "</Lable><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + pp.Name + "' /><br /><input pointid='" + pp.ID + "' class='usedatabase' type='button' value='自动打分' Field='" + pp.Field + "' Eorp='" + pp.EORP + "'></td>");
                        PointHtml.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap'><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='pointdetail'>指标" + count + "</Lable><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + pp.Name + "' /></td>");
                CategoryHtml.Append("<td class='bidpoint' nowrap='nowrap' colspan='" + pointnum + "'>" + p.Name + "</td>");
                totalpointNum += pointnum;

            foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                PointHtml.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap'>" + p.Name + "(总计)" + "</td>");
            ViewData["CategoryHtml"] = CategoryHtml.ToString();
            ViewData["CategoryCount"] = totalpointNum;
            if (IsBest == 1)
                ViewData["ScoreCount"] = pointcategorylist.Count + 3;
                ViewData["ScoreCount"] = pointcategorylist.Count + 2;
            ViewData["PointHtml"] = PointHtml.ToString();

            StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable elhtparm = new Hashtable();
            elhtparm["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
            elhtparm["ownitem"] = itemid;
            elhtparm["ownid"] = itemid.Substring(15, 12);
            //IList<int> enterpriselist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<int>("AuthorizationProject.queryenterpriseid", elhtparm);
            List<string> mclist = new List<string>();
            mclist.Add(itemid.Substring(0, 15));

            if (namecodes != null && namecodes != "")
                string[] namecodelist = namecodes.Split(',');
                //string[] medicinecodelist = new string[namecodelist.Length];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string n in namecodelist)
                    mclist.Add(namecodelist[i] + medicineinfo["MedicineCode"].ToString().Substring(7, 8));
                //elhtparm["mcodes"] = medicinecodelist;

            if (fomulationcodes != null && fomulationcodes != "")
                string[] formulationcodelist = fomulationcodes.Split(',');
                string[] medicinecodelist = new string[formulationcodelist.Length];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string n in formulationcodelist)
                    mclist.Add(formulationcodelist[i] + medicineinfo["MedicineCode"].ToString().Substring(7, 8));
                //elhtparm["mcodes"] = medicinecodelist;
            elhtparm["mcodes"] = mclist.ToArray();

            elhtparm["levelid"] = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<object>("ProjectProduct.queryforlevel", elhtparm);

            IList<IDictionary> enterpriselist = new List<IDictionary>();
            if (IsStandard == 1)
                enterpriselist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("ProjectProduct.queryenterpriseid", elhtparm);
                if (needregion)
                    enterpriselist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("ProjectProduct.queryenterpriseidex", elhtparm);
                    enterpriselist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("ProjectProduct.queryenterpriseidexnoprice", elhtparm);


            StringBuilder EnterpriseList = new StringBuilder();
            content.Append("<tr id='OwnProduct' class='sort'>");
            Hashtable ecphtparm = new Hashtable();
            ecphtparm["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
            ecphtparm["ec"] = itemid.Substring(15, 12);
            //string ownenterprise = (IsStandard == 1) ? new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(itemid.Substring(15, 12)).First().Enterprise : EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("EnterpriseCodeProject.Findename",ecphtparm);
            string ownenterprise = new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(itemid.Substring(15, 12)).First().Enterprise;
            EnterpriseList.Append("<tr><td>" + ownenterprise + "</td></tr>");
            if (IsStandard == 1)
                content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' id='Own' style='display:none;'>" + ownenterprise + "<input type='hidden' class='pc' value='" + itemid + "' /><input type='hidden' export='excel' value='" + ownenterprise + "' /></td>");
                if (needregion)
                    content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' id='Own' style='display:none;'>" + ownenterprise + "<input type='hidden' class='pc' value='" + medicineinfo["StandardProductCode"] + "' /><input type='hidden' export='excel' value='" + ownenterprise + "' /></td>");
                    content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' id='Own' style='display:none;'>" + ownenterprise + "<input type='hidden' class='pc' value='" + medicineinfo["ProductCode"] + "' /><input type='hidden' export='excel' value='" + ownenterprise + "' /></td>");

            foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                IList<Point> plist = new PointDao().FindByCategoryID(p.ID);
                foreach (Point pp in plist)

                    IList<SmallPoint> splist = new SmallPointDao().FindByPointID(pp.ID);
                    content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' eid='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + "' class='" + pp.ID + "'>");
                    string defaultvalue = string.Empty;
                    if (pp.Method != 3)
                        char sptitle = 'A';
                        foreach (SmallPoint sp in splist)
                            if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                content.Append("<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' /><Span><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>" + sptitle + ".</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />");
                                defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                content.Append("<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' /><Span><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>" + sptitle + ".</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />");
                            /*if (sp.Name.Length <= 8)
                                if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                    content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name + "<br />";
                                    defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                    content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name + "<br />";
                                if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                    content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name.Substring(0, 8) + "..." + "<Span><Label style='font-style:italic;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>详细</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />";
                                    defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                    content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name.Substring(0, 8) + "..." + "<Span><Label style='font-style:italic;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>详细</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />";
                            sptitle = (char)(((int)sptitle) + 1);
                        if (pp.FormatID == null)
                            content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'><label style='color:'red;'>得分:</label><input Format='0' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' export='excel' class='score' size='6' value='" + defaultvalue + "'/><div></td>");
                            IDictionary format = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("Format.GetFormat", pp.FormatID);
                            content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'><input type='button' class='queryprice' value='测算报价'/><br /><label style='color:'red;'>输入价格:</label><input Format='1' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' export='excel' class='score' size='6'/><input keyword='" + format["keyword"] + "' type='hidden' class='format' value='" + format["code"] + "' /></div></td>");
                        IDictionary format = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("Format.GetFormat", pp.FormatID);
                        content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'>" + pp.ExtraHtml + "<label style='color:'red;'>输入数值:</label><input Format='0' Method='" + pp.Method + "' type='text' paramnum='" + pp.ParamNum + "' class='inputscore' size='6'/><input keyword='" + format["keyword"] + "' type='hidden' class='format' value='" + format["code"] + "' /></div><div style='margin-top:20px;'><label style='color:'red;'>得分:</label><input Format='0' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' Method='" + pp.Method + "' export='excel' class='score' size='6' value='" + defaultvalue + "'/><div></td>");

            foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' percent='" + p.Percentage + "' class='eachcategory' Category='" + p.ID + "'></td>");

            if (IsBest == 1)
                content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='Quote'></td><td export='excel' class='best' nowrap='nowrap'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='result'></td></tr>");
                content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='Quote'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='result'></td></tr>");

            foreach (IDictionary enterprise in enterpriselist)
                string enterid = enterprise["EnterpiseCode"].ToString();
                EnterpriseList.Append("<tr><td>" + enterprise["enterprise"] + "</td></tr>");
                content.Append("<tr class='sort'>");
                content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' style='display:none'>" + enterprise["enterprise"] + "<input type='hidden' class='pc' value='" + enterprise["ProductCode"].ToString() + "' /><input type='hidden' export='excel' value='" + enterprise["enterprise"] + "' /></td>");
                foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                    IList<Point> plist = new PointDao().FindByCategoryID(p.ID);
                    foreach (Point pp in plist)
                        IList<SmallPoint> splist = new SmallPointDao().FindByPointID(pp.ID);

                        content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' eid='" + enterid + "' class='" + pp.ID + "'>");
                        string defaultvalue = string.Empty;
                        if (pp.Method != 3)
                            char sptitle = 'A';
                            foreach (SmallPoint sp in splist)
                                /*if (sp.Name.Length <= 8)
                                    if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                        content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name + "<br />";
                                        defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                        content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name + "<br />";
                                    if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                        content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name.Substring(0, 8) + "..." + "<Span><Label style='font-style:italic;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>详细</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />";
                                        defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                        content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name.Substring(0, 8) + "..." + "<Span><Label style='font-style:italic;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>详细</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />";
                                if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                    content.Append("<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' /><Span><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>" + sptitle + ".</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />");
                                    defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                    content.Append("<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' /><Span><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>" + sptitle + ".</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />");
                                sptitle = (char)(((int)sptitle) + 1);
                            if (pp.FormatID == null)
                                content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'><label style='color:'red;'>得分:</label><input Format='0' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' export='excel' class='score' size='6' value='" + defaultvalue + "' /><div></td>");
                                IDictionary format = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("Format.GetFormat", pp.FormatID);
                                content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'><input type='button' class='queryprice' value='测算报价'/><br /><label style='color:'red;'>输入价格:</label><input Format='1' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' export='excel' class='score' size='6' /><input type='hidden' class='format' value='" + format["code"] + "' /><div></td>");
                            IDictionary format = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("Format.GetFormat", pp.FormatID);
                            content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'>" + pp.ExtraHtml + "<label style='color:'red;'>输入数值:</label><input Format='0' Method='" + pp.Method + "' type='text' paramnum='" + pp.ParamNum + "' class='inputscore' size='6'/><input keyword='" + format["keyword"] + "' type='hidden' class='format' value='" + format["code"] + "' /></div><div style='margin-top:20px;'><label style='color:'red;'>得分:</label><input Format='0' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' Method='" + pp.Method + "' export='excel' class='score' size='6' value='" + defaultvalue + "'/><div></td>");
                foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                    content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' percent='" + p.Percentage + "' class='eachcategory' Category='" + p.ID + "'></td>");
                if (IsBest == 1)
                    content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='Quote'></td><td export='excel' class='best' nowrap='nowrap'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='result'></td></tr>");
                    content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='Quote'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='result'></td></tr>");

            if (needregion)
                ViewData["Regionhtml"] = GetCityRegion();

            ViewData["content"] = content.ToString();
            ViewData["EnterpriseList"] = EnterpriseList.ToString();
            ViewData["formurl"] = "/SimulationE/Export.mvc/" + Projectid.Value + "/" + itemid;

            return View();
Exemplo n.º 7
        /*public ActionResult Detail(int? id,int?PageNo,string parm,FormCollection collection)
            Dictionary<string, string> sitemaster = GetSiteMaster();
            ViewData["SiteMaster"] = sitemaster;
            int IsStandard = new ProjectDao().Find(id.Value).IsStandard;
            PageSizeList = 50;
            int page = PageNo ?? 1;
            int userid = Int32.Parse(CurrentUserInfo.UserID);
            Hashtable ecechtparm = new Hashtable();
            ecechtparm["pid"] = id.Value;
            ecechtparm["name"] = EnterPriseMemberInfo.EnterpriseName;
            EnterpriseCode ec = (IsStandard == 1) ? new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterprise(EnterPriseMemberInfo.EnterpriseName).First() : EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<EnterpriseCode>("EnterpriseCodeProject.Findecode", ecechtparm);
            int eid = ec.ID;
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
            ht["eid"] = eid;
            ht["pid"] = id.Value;
            int scenecount = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("Scene.AllCount", ht);
            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
            //string html = string.Empty;
            if (scenecount > 0)
                IList<IDictionary> scenelist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("Scene.AllScene", ht);
                if (IsStandard == 1)
                    foreach (IDictionary s in scenelist)
                        html.Append("<tr><td><a onclick='return false;' href='" + s["URL"] + "' class='scenelink' />" + s["SceneName"] + "</a></td>");
                        html.Append( "<td>" + new ProjectDao().Find(Int32.Parse(s["ProjectID"].ToString())).Name + "</td>");
                        html.Append("<td>" + StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("CompareData.FindName", s["MedicineCode"].ToString()) + "</td>");
                        html.Append( "<td>" + (s["CreateTime"] != null ? s["CreateTime"].ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                        html.Append( "<td>" + (s["Description"] != null ? s["Description"].ToString() : "") + "</td></tr>");
                    Hashtable hparm = new Hashtable();
                    hparm["pid"] = id.Value;
                    foreach (IDictionary s in scenelist)
                        html.Append( "<tr><td><a onclick='return false;' href='" + s["URL"] + "' class='scenelink' />" + s["SceneName"] + "</a></td>");
                        html.Append( "<td>" + new ProjectDao().Find(Int32.Parse(s["ProjectID"].ToString())).Name + "</td>");
                        hparm["mcode"] = s["MedicineCode"].ToString();
                        html.Append( "<td>" + EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("CompareDataProject.FindName", hparm) + "</td>");
                        html.Append( "<td>" + (s["CreateTime"] != null ? s["CreateTime"].ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                        html.Append( "<td>" + (s["Description"] != null ? s["Description"].ToString() : "") + "</td></tr>");
            ViewData["html"] = html.ToString();
            int memberid = ec.ID;
            Hashtable aphtparm=new Hashtable();
            aphtparm["pid"] = id;
            aphtparm["eid"] = ec.ID;
            IList<string> medicinebaseidlist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<string>("AuthorizationProject.queryid", aphtparm);
            /*IList<string> productbaselist = new List<string>();
            foreach (string m in medicinebaseidlist)
            Hashtable htparm = new Hashtable();
            htparm["pids"] = medicinebaseidlist;
            int count = medicinebaseidlist.Count;
            if (count == 0)
                string[] idlist=EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<string>("ProjectProduct.listproduct",htparm).ToArray();
                count = idlist.Length;
            htparm["start"] = PageSizeList * (page - 1) + 1;   //记录开始数
            htparm["end"] = page * PageSizeList;    //记录结束数
            Dictionary<string, string> dict = ParmHelper.Analysis(collection);
            if (dict.Count == 0 && parm == null)
                if (IsStandard == 1)
                    IList<IDictionary> medicinelist = StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("CompareData.ListMedicine", htparm);
                    //int count = StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("CompareData.ListMedicineCount", htparm);
                    PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(
                            medicinelist, page, PageSizeList, count);
                    ViewData["Count"] = count;
                    ViewData["Projectid"] = id.Value;
                    return View(list);
                    htparm["pid"] = id.Value;
                    IList<IDictionary> medicinelist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("CompareDataProject.ListMedicine", htparm);
                    //int count = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("CompareDataProject.ListMedicineCount", htparm);
                    PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(
                            medicinelist, page, PageSizeList, count);
                    ViewData["Count"] = count;
                    ViewData["Projectid"] = id.Value;
                    return View(list);
            if (dict.Count == 0 && parm != null)
                Dictionary<string, string> use = ParmHelper.AnalysisParm(parm);
                ViewData["Form"] = use;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> k in use)
                    htparm.Add(k.Key, k.Value);
                if (IsStandard == 1)
                    IList<IDictionary> medicinelist = StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("CompareData.ListMedicine", htparm);
                    int parmcount = StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("CompareData.ListMedicineCount", htparm);
                    PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(
                            medicinelist, page, PageSizeList, parmcount);
                    ViewData["Count"] = parmcount;
                    ViewData["Projectid"] = id.Value;
                    return View(list);
                    htparm["pid"] = id.Value;
                    IList<IDictionary> medicinelist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("CompareDataProject.ListMedicine", htparm);
                    int parmcount = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("CompareDataProject.ListMedicineCount", htparm);
                    PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(
                            medicinelist, page, PageSizeList, parmcount);
                    ViewData["Count"] = count;
                    ViewData["Projectid"] = id.Value;
                    return View(list);
                if (dict.Count != 0)
                    string parmeter = ParmHelper.BuildParm(dict);
                    return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = id.Value,PageNo=1, parm = parmeter });
            return View();
        public ActionResult Detail(int? id, int? PageNo, string parm, FormCollection collection)
            Dictionary<string, string> sitemaster = GetSiteMaster();
            ViewData["SiteMaster"] = sitemaster;
            Project pro = new ProjectDao().Find(id.Value);
            int IsStandard = pro.IsStandard;
            ViewData["IsBusseniss"] = pro.IsBussiness * pro.IsBest;//根据是否商务标确定下一步评标用哪个aspx(判断在前台)
            PageSizeList = 20;
            int page = PageNo ?? 1;
            int userid = Int32.Parse(CurrentUserInfo.UserID);
            Hashtable ecechtparm = new Hashtable();
            ecechtparm["pid"] = id.Value;
            ecechtparm["name"] = EnterPriseMemberInfo.EnterpriseName;
            int eid = 0;
            //if(IsStandard == 1)
            EnterpriseCode ec = new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterprise(EnterPriseMemberInfo.EnterpriseName).First();
            eid = ec.ID;
            //  EnterpriseCodeProject ec = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<EnterpriseCodeProject>("EnterpriseCodeProject.Findecode", ecechtparm);
            //eid = ec.ID;

            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
            ht["eid"] = eid;
            ht["pid"] = id.Value;
            int scenecount = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("Scene.AllCount", ht);
            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
            //string html = string.Empty;
            if (scenecount > 0)
                IList<IDictionary> scenelist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("Scene.AllScene", ht);
                if (IsStandard == 1)
                    foreach (IDictionary s in scenelist)
                        html.Append("<tr><td><a onclick='return false;' href='" + s["URL"] + "' class='scenelink' />" + s["SceneName"] + "</a></td>");
                        html.Append("<td>" + new ProjectDao().Find(Int32.Parse(s["ProjectID"].ToString())).Name + "</td>");
                        html.Append("<td>" + StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("CompareData.FindName", s["MedicineCode"].ToString()) + "</td>");
                        html.Append("<td>" + (s["CreateTime"] != null ? s["CreateTime"].ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                        html.Append("<td>" + (s["Description"] != null ? s["Description"].ToString() : "") + "</td></tr>");
                    Hashtable hparm = new Hashtable();
                    hparm["pid"] = id.Value;
                    foreach (IDictionary s in scenelist)
                        html.Append("<tr><td><a onclick='return false;' href='" + s["URL"] + "' class='scenelink' />" + s["SceneName"] + "</a></td>");
                        html.Append("<td>" + new ProjectDao().Find(Int32.Parse(s["ProjectID"].ToString())).Name + "</td>");
                        hparm["mcode"] = s["MedicineCode"].ToString();
                        html.Append("<td>" + EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("CompareDataProject.FindName", hparm) + "</td>");
                        html.Append("<td>" + (s["CreateTime"] != null ? s["CreateTime"].ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                        html.Append("<td>" + (s["Description"] != null ? s["Description"].ToString() : "") + "</td></tr>");

            ViewData["html"] = html.ToString();

            //int memberid = ec.ID;

            Hashtable aphtparm = new Hashtable();
            aphtparm["pid"] = id;
            aphtparm["eid"] = eid;
            aphtparm["start"] = PageSizeList * (page - 1) + 1;   //记录开始数
            aphtparm["end"] = page * PageSizeList;    //记录结束数

            Dictionary<string, string> dict = ParmHelper.Analysis(collection);
            if (dict.Count == 0 && parm == null)
                IList<IDictionary> medicinebaseidlist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("AuthorizationProject.queryid", aphtparm);
                int count = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("AuthorizationProject.queryidcount", aphtparm);
                PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(
                        medicinebaseidlist, page, PageSizeList, count);
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    Hashtable htc = new Hashtable();
                    htc["pid"] = aphtparm["pid"];
                    htc["itemid"] = list[i]["ProductCode"].ToString().Substring(0, 15);
                    list[i]["CompeteCount"] = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("CompareDataProject.GetCompeteCount", htc);
                ViewData["Count"] = count;
                ViewData["Projectid"] = id.Value;
                return View(list);
            if (dict.Count == 0 && parm != null)
                Dictionary<string, string> use = ParmHelper.AnalysisParm(parm);
                ViewData["Form"] = use;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> k in use)
                    aphtparm.Add(k.Key, k.Value);
                IList<IDictionary> medicinebaseidlist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("AuthorizationProject.queryid", aphtparm);
                int count = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("AuthorizationProject.queryidcount", aphtparm);
                PagedList<IDictionary> list = new PagedList<IDictionary>(
                        medicinebaseidlist, page, PageSizeList, count);
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    Hashtable htc = new Hashtable();
                    htc["pid"] = aphtparm["pid"];
                    htc["itemid"] = list[i]["ProductCode"].ToString().Substring(0, 15);
                    list[i]["CompeteCount"] = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("CompareDataProject.GetCompeteCount", htc);
                ViewData["Count"] = count;
                ViewData["Projectid"] = id.Value;
                return View(list);
                if (dict.Count != 0)
                    string parmeter = ParmHelper.BuildParm(dict);
                    return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = id.Value, PageNo = 1, parm = parmeter });
            return View();
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult Step4(int? Projectid, string itemid, int? scene, FormCollection collection)
            Dictionary<string, string> sitemaster = GetSiteMaster();
            ViewData["uid"] = sitemaster["userid"];

            bool needregion = false;
            Project pro = new ProjectDao().Find(Projectid.Value);
            int IsStandard = pro.IsStandard;
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
            ht["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
            ht["itemid"] = itemid;
            IDictionary medicineinfo = (IsStandard == 1) ? StandardDataMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("CompareData.ListSingleName", itemid) : EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("CompareDataProject.ListSingleName", ht);
            ViewData["ProjectRule"] = pro.ProjectRule;
            ViewData["medicineinfo"] = medicineinfo;
            ViewData["Projectid"] = Projectid.Value;
            ViewData["IsBusseniss"] = pro.IsBussiness * pro.IsBest;
            int IsBest = pro.IsBest;
            ViewData["IsBest"] = pro.IsBest;
            ViewData["ProductID"] = itemid;
            ViewData["Detail"] = "";
            if (scene != null)
                ViewData["Detail"] = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("Scene.FindByScenceNo", scene.Value);

            IList<PointCategory> pointcategorylist = new PointCategoryDao().FindByProjectOid(Projectid.Value);
            StringBuilder CategoryHtml = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder PointHtml = new StringBuilder();
            int totalpointNum = 0;
            foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                if (p.Name == "价格分")
                    needregion = true;
                int pointnum = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<int>("Point.count", p.ID);
                IList<Point> plist = new PointDao().FindByCategoryID(p.ID);
                int count = 0;
                foreach (Point pp in plist)
                    if (pp.Iseorp == 1)
                        PointHtml.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap'><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='pointdetail'>指标" + count + "</Lable><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + pp.Name + "' /><br /><input pointid='" + pp.ID + "' class='usedatabase' type='button' value='自动打分' Field='" + pp.Field + "' Eorp='" + pp.EORP + "'></td>");
                        PointHtml.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap'><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='pointdetail'>指标" + count + "</Lable><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + pp.Name + "' /></td>");
                CategoryHtml.Append("<td class='bidpoint' nowrap='nowrap' colspan='" + pointnum + "'>" + p.Name + "</td>");
                totalpointNum += pointnum;

            string temp = string.Empty;
            foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                if (p.Name != "价格分")
                    temp += p.Name + "+";
                PointHtml.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap'>" + p.Name + "(总计)" + "</td>");
            PointHtml.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap'>" + temp.Substring(0, temp.Length - 1) + "</td>");
            ViewData["CategoryHtml"] = CategoryHtml.ToString();
            ViewData["CategoryCount"] = totalpointNum;
            if (IsBest == 1)
                ViewData["ScoreCount"] = pointcategorylist.Count + 5;
                ViewData["ScoreCount"] = pointcategorylist.Count + 4;
            ViewData["PointHtml"] = PointHtml.ToString();

            StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable elhtparm = new Hashtable();
            elhtparm["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
            elhtparm["ownitem"] = itemid;
            elhtparm["ownid"] = itemid.Substring(15, 12);
            elhtparm["uid"] = sitemaster["userid"];
            //IList<int> enterpriselist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<int>("AuthorizationProject.queryenterpriseid", elhtparm);
            List<string> mclist = new List<string>();
            mclist.Add(itemid.Substring(0, 15));

            elhtparm["mcodes"] = mclist.ToArray();
            IList<IDictionary> enterpriselist = new List<IDictionary>();
            if (IsStandard == 1)
                enterpriselist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("SelfDefineCompete.queryenterpriseid", elhtparm);
                enterpriselist = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForList<IDictionary>("SelfDefineCompete.queryenterpriseidex", elhtparm);
            StringBuilder EnterpriseList = new StringBuilder();
            content.Append("<tr id='OwnProduct' class='sort'>");

            Hashtable ecphtparm = new Hashtable();
            ecphtparm["pid"] = Projectid.Value;
            ecphtparm["ec"] = itemid.Substring(15, 12);
            //string ownenterprise = (IsStandard == 1) ? new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(itemid.Substring(15, 12)).First().Enterprise : EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<string>("EnterpriseCodeProject.Findename",ecphtparm);
            string ownenterprise = new EnterpriseCodeDao().FindByEnterpiseCode(itemid.Substring(15, 12)).First().Enterprise;
            EnterpriseList.Append("<tr><td>" + ownenterprise + "</td></tr>");
            if (IsStandard == 1)
                content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' id='Own' style='display:none;'>" + ownenterprise + "<input type='hidden' class='pc' value='" + itemid + "' /><input type='hidden' export='excel' value='" + ownenterprise + "' /></td>");
                content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' id='Own' style='display:none;'>" + ownenterprise + "<input type='hidden' class='pc' value='" + medicineinfo["StandardProductCode"] + "' /><input type='hidden' export='excel' value='" + ownenterprise + "' /></td>");
            foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                IList<Point> plist = new PointDao().FindByCategoryID(p.ID);
                foreach (Point pp in plist)

                    IList<SmallPoint> splist = new SmallPointDao().FindByPointID(pp.ID);
                    content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' eid='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + "' class='" + pp.ID + "'>");
                    string defaultvalue = string.Empty;
                    if (pp.Method != 3)
                        char sptitle = 'A';
                        foreach (SmallPoint sp in splist)
                            if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                content.Append("<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' /><Span><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>" + sptitle + ".</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />");
                                defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                content.Append("<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' /><Span><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>" + sptitle + ".</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />");
                            /*if (sp.Name.Length <= 8)
                                if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                    content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name + "<br />";
                                    defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                    content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name + "<br />";
                                if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                    content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name.Substring(0, 8) + "..." + "<Span><Label style='font-style:italic;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>详细</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />";
                                    defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                    content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + itemid.Substring(15, 12) + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name.Substring(0, 8) + "..." + "<Span><Label style='font-style:italic;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>详细</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />";
                            sptitle = (char)(((int)sptitle) + 1);
                        if (pp.FormatID == null)
                            content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'><label style='color:'red;'>得分:</label><input Format='0' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' export='excel' class='score' size='6' value='" + defaultvalue + "'/><div></td>");
                            IDictionary format = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("Format.GetFormat", pp.FormatID);
                            content.Append("<div class='formatinfo'>等待报价前评分</div><div class='formatrealcontent' style='display:none;margin-top:20px;'><input type='button' class='queryprice' value='测算报价'/><br /><label style='color:'red;'>输入价格:</label><input Format='1' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' export='excel' class='score' size='6'/><input keyword='" + format["keyword"] + "' type='hidden' class='format' value='" + format["code"] + "' /></div></td>");
                        IDictionary format = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("Format.GetFormat", pp.FormatID);
                        content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'>" + pp.ExtraHtml + "<label style='color:'red;'>输入数值:</label><input Format='0' Method='" + pp.Method + "' type='text' paramnum='" + pp.ParamNum + "' class='inputscore' size='6'/><input keyword='" + format["keyword"] + "' type='hidden' class='format' value='" + format["code"] + "' /></div><div style='margin-top:20px;'><label style='color:'red;'>得分:</label><input Format='0' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' Method='" + pp.Method + "' export='excel' class='score' size='6' value='" + defaultvalue + "'/><div></td>");

            foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' percent='" + p.Percentage + "' class='eachcategory' Category='" + p.ID + "'></td>");
            content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='littlesum'></td>");
            if (IsBest == 1)
                content.Append("<td export='excel' class='best' nowrap='nowrap'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='result'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='Quote'></td>");
                content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='result'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='Quote'></td>");
            content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='bidresult'></td></tr>");
            foreach (IDictionary enterprise in enterpriselist)
                string enterid = enterprise["EnterpiseCode"].ToString();
                EnterpriseList.Append("<tr><td>" + enterprise["enterprise"] + "</td></tr>");
                content.Append("<tr class='sort'>");
                content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' style='display:none'>" + enterprise["enterprise"] + "<input type='hidden' class='pc' value='" + enterprise["OtherProductcode"].ToString() + "' /><input type='hidden' export='excel' value='" + enterprise["enterprise"] + "' /></td>");
                foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                    IList<Point> plist = new PointDao().FindByCategoryID(p.ID);
                    foreach (Point pp in plist)
                        IList<SmallPoint> splist = new SmallPointDao().FindByPointID(pp.ID);

                        content.Append("<td nowrap='nowrap' eid='" + enterid + "' class='" + pp.ID + "'>");
                        string defaultvalue = string.Empty;
                        if (pp.Method != 3)
                            char sptitle = 'A';
                            foreach (SmallPoint sp in splist)
                                /*if (sp.Name.Length <= 8)
                                    if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                        content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name + "<br />";
                                        defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                        content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name + "<br />";
                                    if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                        content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name.Substring(0, 8) + "..." + "<Span><Label style='font-style:italic;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>详细</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />";
                                        defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                        content += "<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' />" + sp.Name.Substring(0, 8) + "..." + "<Span><Label style='font-style:italic;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>详细</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />";
                                if (sp.IsDefault.HasValue && sp.IsDefault.Value == 1)
                                    content.Append("<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='checked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' /><Span><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>" + sptitle + ".</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />");
                                    defaultvalue = sp.Score.Value.ToString();
                                    content.Append("<input BigCategory='" + p.ID + "' Score='" + sp.Score + "' type='radio' checked='unchecked' class='smallpoint' name='" + enterid + sp.PointID + "' value='" + sp.Score + "' /><Span><Label style='cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;' class='smallpointdetail'>" + sptitle + ".</Label><input type='hidden' class='pointname' value='" + sp.Name + "' /></Span><br />");
                                sptitle = (char)(((int)sptitle) + 1);
                            if (pp.FormatID == null)
                                content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'><label style='color:'red;'>得分:</label><input Format='0' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' export='excel' class='score' size='6' value='" + defaultvalue + "' /><div></td>");
                                IDictionary format = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("Format.GetFormat", pp.FormatID);
                                content.Append("<div class='formatinfo'>等待报价前评分</div><div class='formatrealcontent' style='display:none;margin-top:20px;'><input type='button' class='queryprice' value='测算报价'/><br /><label style='color:'red;'>输入价格:</label><input Format='1' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' export='excel' class='score' size='6' /><input type='hidden' class='format' value='" + format["code"] + "' /><div></td>");
                            IDictionary format = EmedEvaluationProjectMapper.Get().QueryForObject<IDictionary>("Format.GetFormat", pp.FormatID);
                            content.Append("<div style='margin-top:20px;'>" + pp.ExtraHtml + "<label style='color:'red;'>输入数值:</label><input Format='0' Method='" + pp.Method + "' type='text' paramnum='" + pp.ParamNum + "' class='inputscore' size='6'/><input keyword='" + format["keyword"] + "' type='hidden' class='format' value='" + format["code"] + "' /></div><div style='margin-top:20px;'><label style='color:'red;'>得分:</label><input Format='0' CategoryScore='" + p.ID + "' type='text' Method='" + pp.Method + "' export='excel' class='score' size='6' value='" + defaultvalue + "'/><div></td>");
                foreach (PointCategory p in pointcategorylist)
                    content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' percent='" + p.Percentage + "' class='eachcategory' Category='" + p.ID + "'></td>");
                content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='littlesum'></td>");
                if (IsBest == 1)
                    content.Append("<td export='excel' class='best' nowrap='nowrap'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='result'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='Quote'></td>");
                    content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='result'></td><td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='Quote'></td>");
                content.Append("<td export='excel' nowrap='nowrap' class='bidresult'></td></tr>");
            if (needregion)
                ViewData["Regionhtml"] = GetCityRegion();
            ViewData["content"] = content.ToString();
            ViewData["EnterpriseList"] = EnterpriseList.ToString();
            ViewData["formurl"] = "/SimulationE/Export.mvc/" + Projectid.Value + "/" + itemid;

            return View();