public void AdvancedSearchTooManyResultsTest()
            /// 1. Navigate to the login page
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPageMainpro(browser);

            /// 2. Login As AutomationTestUser-DanielNestor
            DashboardPage DP = LP.LoginAsUser("AutomationTestUser-DanielNestor", "test");

            /// 3. Click on the Enter a CPD Activity Button
            EnterACPDActivityPage EP = DP.ClickToAdvance(DP.EnterCPDActBtn);

            /// 4. Select Group Learning, Certified, CFPC Certified Mainpro+ Activities         // MIKE: Added an end line above this line
            EP.FillEnterACPDActivityForm("Group Learning", "Certified", "CFPC Certified Mainpro+ Activities");

            /// 5. Click on the button to advance

            /// 6. Enter "Heart" into the advanced search box

            /// 7. Click on the search

            /// 8. verify that a message appears indicating that too many results appeared
            browser.WaitForElement(Bys.EnterACPDActivityPage.TooManyResultsLbl, ElementCriteria.IsVisible);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CreateAnAssessmentActivityTest()
            /// 1. Navigate to the login page
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPageMainpro(browser);

            //create the dashboard page, but do not initalize it yet
            DashboardPage DP = null;

            /// 2. Login as a different user depending on which browser it is
            if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.InternetExplorer)
                DP = LP.LoginAsUser("Automation Explorer User Assessment", "test");
            else if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.Chrome)
                DP = LP.LoginAsUser("Automation Chrome User Assessment", "test");
            else if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.Firefox)
                DP = LP.LoginAsUser("Automation Firefox User Assessment", "test");
                //if an invalid browser is used
            // MIKE: Removed a bunch of end lines here.
            double initialCreditValue = DP.GetTotalCredits();

            EnterACPDActivityPage EP = DP.ClickToAdvance(DP.EnterCPDActBtn);

            /// 3. create an activity that is a Certified Assessment, Other Activity                  MIKE: Added an end line above here
            EP.FillEnterACPDActivityForm("Assessment", "Certified", "Other Certified Assessment Activities");

            /// 4. Click continue after all of the options have been selected
            //Daniel: Wait Criteria Added

            /// 5. Fill out the details
            EP.FillOutAndSubmitAssessmentForm();   // MIKE: See comments inside method

            Thread.Sleep(1000);  // MIKE: Add wait criteria

            double newCreditValue = DP.GetTotalCredits();

            //loop over until the credits update
                newCreditValue = DP.GetTotalCredits();
            } while (newCreditValue == initialCreditValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(initialCreditValue + 1, newCreditValue);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void CreateAnAMAPRAGroupLearningActivityTest()
            //creating a random new user with api calls
            UserInfo NewUser1 = UserUtils.CreateUser("AMA-SL");

            /// 1. Navigate to the login page
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPageMainpro(browser);

            //create the dashboard page
            //Login to the Automation Test User, However another user should be selected in the case that
            DashboardPage DP = LP.LoginAsUser(NewUser1.Username, "test");;

            //deal with the eula page

            double initialCreditValue = DP.GetTotalCredits(); //get the inital credit value so it can be compared in the end against a new credit value

            EnterACPDActivityPage EP = DP.ClickToAdvance(DP.EnterCPDActBtn);

            /// 3. create an activity that is a Certified Assessment, Other Activity                  MIKE: Added an end line above here
            EP.FillEnterACPDActivityForm("Group Learning", "Certified", "American Medical Association (AMA) PRA Category 1");

            //if the popup appears, click the okay button and then
            //click on the popup button appears
            if (EP.AMAPopupSubmitBtn.Displayed)


            /// 4. Click continue after all of the options have been selected
            Thread.Sleep(2000);            // MIKE: Add wait criteria for this click, then use ClickToAdvance and place the wait criteria in there, instead of sleeping. Can wait for an element to appear on the next instance of this page

            /// 5. Fill out the details

            Browser.WaitForElement(Bys.DashboardPage.TotalCreditsValueLbl, ElementCriteria.IsVisible);

            double newCreditValue = DP.GetTotalCredits();

            //loop over until the credits update
                newCreditValue = DP.GetTotalCredits();
            } while (newCreditValue == initialCreditValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(initialCreditValue + 1, newCreditValue); // is what is expected if 1 credit is added
        public void AdvancedSearchNoValuesReturnTest()
            // Mike: You have 2 method inside Navigation that do the same thing. Remove one of these methods, and
            // then utilize the config files instead if you need to use seperate URLs. We can talk about this.
            /// 1. Navigate to the login page
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPageMainpro(browser);

            // Mike: Can remove this comment. I had this added in the early stages, its just clutter now. You can remove it in every test
            // Wrapper to login
            DashboardPage DP = LP.LoginAsUser("AutomationTestUser-DanielNestor", "test");

            /// 2. Click on the Enter a CPD activity button
            EnterACPDActivityPage EP = DP.ClickToAdvance(DP.EnterCPDActBtn);

            /// 3.  Select Assessment, Certified, CFPC Certified Mainpro+ Activites
            EP.FillEnterACPDActivityForm("Assessment", "Certified", "CFPC Certified Mainpro+ Activities"); // MIKE: See my comment inside this method

            EP.ClickToAdvance(EP.LiveInPersonRdoBtn);                                                      // MIKE: See my comment inside this method

            // Mike: I added an end line above the below line. We want all step comments to have end lines above them to make the steps easier to read.
            // You had the above line EP.ClickToAdvance(EP.LiveInPersonRdoBtn) and the below line EP.ProgramActivityTitleTxt.SendKeys without an end line between them
            /// 4.  Fill out the search box with "This is a test sending keys"
            EP.ProgramActivityTitleTxt.SendKeys("This is a test sending keys");
            //add wait critera

            /// 5. Click on the search button


            /// 6. A message should appear indicating that there is no returned elements
            browser.WaitForElement(Bys.EnterACPDActivityPage.NoResultsLbl, ElementCriteria.IsVisible);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void AMAPRASelfMaxCreditTest()
            //creating a random user with api calls
            UserInfo NewUser1 = UserUtils.CreateUser("AMA-SL");

            /// 1. Navigate to the login page
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPageMainpro(browser);

            //create the dashboard page
            //Login to the Automation Test User, However another user should be selected in the case that
            DashboardPage DP = LP.LoginAsUser(NewUser1.Username, "test");;

            //deal with the eula

            EnterACPDActivityPage EP = DP.ClickToAdvance(DP.EnterCPDActBtn);

            /// 3. create an activity that is a Certified Assessment, Other Activity                  MIKE: Added an end line above here
            EP.FillEnterACPDActivityForm("Self-Learning", "Certified", "American Medical Association (AMA) PRA Category 1");

            //if the popup appears, click the okay button and then
            //click on the popup button appears
            if (EP.AMAPopupSubmitBtn.Displayed)


            /// 4. Click continue after all of the options have been selected
            Thread.Sleep(2000);            // MIKE: Add wait criteria for this click, then use ClickToAdvance and place the wait criteria in there, instead of sleeping. Can wait for an element to appear on the next instance of this page

            /// 5. Fill out the details
            EP.FillOutAMAActivityForm1(90);   // MIKE: See comments inside method

            //next go on and check to see that only 50 credits are applied to the Certification
            Browser.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", EP.PopupSubmitBtn);
            Thread.Sleep(8000);      // MIKE: Add wait criteria. Can wait for an element to be NOT visible

            Thread.Sleep(1000);  // MIKE: Add wait criteria

            double newCreditValue = DP.GetTotalCredits();

            //loop over until the credits update
                newCreditValue = DP.GetTotalCredits();
            } while (newCreditValue == 0);

            //once the new credits appear, click on the link to open up the popup
            int x = 0;

            //now check to see if the applied credits

            String creditValue = DP.TotalCreditsValueLbl.Text;

            //just putting the wait criteria here incase a breakpoint is needed
            Assert.AreEqual(creditValue, "50");