Exemplo n.º 1
    private void CreateEnemy(EnemySpawnType enemySpawnType)
        Vector3 enemySpawnPosition = LeftWaveGenerator.transform.position;

        Enemy.EnemySpawnPoint spawnPoint = Enemy.EnemySpawnPoint.Left;

        if (enemySpawnType == EnemySpawnType.Right)
            spawnPoint         = Enemy.EnemySpawnPoint.Right;
            enemySpawnPosition = RightWaveGenerator.transform.position;

        GameObject newEnemy = GameObject.Instantiate(( GameObject )(Resources.Load("Prefabs/GameEnemy", typeof(GameObject))));

        if (newEnemy)
            newEnemy.name = "Enemy" + currentEnemyIndex;

            newEnemy.transform.position = enemySpawnPosition;

            Enemy enemyScript = newEnemy.GetComponent <Enemy>();

            if (enemyScript)
                enemyScript.SpawnPoint = spawnPoint;

                enemyScript.SingleEnemyDied += OnEnemyDied;
Exemplo n.º 2
    void FixedUpdate()
        currentSpawnTimer += Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        if (currentSpawnTimer >= BaseSpawnTime)
            currentSpawnTimer = 0;

            float          randomNumber = Random.value;
            EnemySpawnType spawnType    = EnemySpawnType.Left;

            if (randomNumber >= 0.5f)
                spawnType = EnemySpawnType.Right;



            if (currentEnemyIndex % ScalePeriod == 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void Spawn(string pawn, EnemySpawnType type)
        switch (type)
        case EnemySpawnType.AROUND_RANDOM_PLAYER:

            // Find a player to spawn at, must not be dead.
            Player player;
                player = Player.AllPlayers[Random.Range(0, Player.AllPlayers.Count)];
            }while (player == null || player.Health.IsDead);

            // Set min and max spawn distances
            float minDst = 20f;
            float maxDst = 30f;

            // Get the player's location.
            Vector2 playerPos = ((Vector2)player.transform.position.ToInt()).ClampToWorldIndex(World.Instance);

            // Make an offset until it is a valid position...
            Vector2 offset;
            Vector2 position;
            int     loop = 0;
                offset  = Random.insideUnitCircle.normalized;
                offset *= Random.Range(minDst, maxDst);
                offset  = offset.ToInt();

                position = (playerPos + offset).ClampToWorldIndex(World.Instance);

                // Avoid infinite loop when the enemy simply can't be spawned...
                if (loop == 100)
                    Debug.LogError("Enemy {0} can't be spawned after trying to find a spot {1} times! Centered around player {2}. Spawning right on top of player :D".Form(pawn, loop, player.Name));
                    position = playerPos + new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            }while (!World.Instance.TileMap.GetLayer("Foreground").IsSpotWalkable((int)position.x, (int)position.y));

            Pawn.SpawnPawn(pawn, position + new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

Exemplo n.º 4
	// This is only called for enemies.
	public IEnumerator SpawnIn(EnemySpawnType spawnType)
		// Make sure the enemies are spawned with the rotation of the spawn point
		// so make it face the direction facing the trigger area for the current
		// battle zone.
		aiState = AIStates.Spawn;
		Vector3 moveDir = myTransform.forward;
		// Entered area becomes true after exiting our spawn spot trigger bounds
		// for the current area.
			if(spawnType == EnemySpawnType.Normal)
				_charMotor.Move(moveDir, false, false);
			else if (spawnType == EnemySpawnType.Find_Way && !targetForNavMesh)
				targetForNavMesh = FindNearestTarget();
			yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.0001f);
		// We can now target a character.
		// I just change the character's name to the name given in the
		// corresponding enum. Just a personal preference.
		gameObject.name = _charStatus.myCharacterEnemy.ToString ();
		aiState = AIStates.Wander;
		_charStatus.Vulnerable = true; // We can now be hit.
		// We are now added to the enemyTargets list so players can target us.
		Manager_Targeting.instance.enemyTargets.Add (myTransform);
		StopCoroutine ("SpawnIn");
		yield break;