Exemplo n.º 1
        public TowerAI(ICanyonShooterGame game, EnemyDescription desc)
            : base(game, "Enemy-TankAI")
            this.game = game;
            id        = createdTanks++;

            // Set the tank model

            LocalScale    = new Vector3(4f, 4f, 4f);
            LocalPosition = desc.RelativeSpawnLocation;
            dir           = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);

            // Physics Config
            ConnectedToXpa = true;
            this.Static    = true;
            ContactGroup   = ContactGroup.Enemies;
            LocalPosition  = desc.RelativeSpawnLocation;

            // Initialize AI-States of TowerAI
            AIStates = new AIStateMachine(game, this);
            AIStates.AddState(new TowerAIObserving(game.World.Players[0]));
            AIStates.AddState(new TowerAIAttackPlayer(game.World.Players[0]));
            AIStates.DebugAI = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <param name="desc">The description data (i.e. healthpoints, strength).</param>
        public KamidroneAI(ICanyonShooterGame game, EnemyDescription desc)
            : base(game, "Enemy-KamidroneAI")
            EnemyNr   = EnemiesCreated++;
            this.game = game;

            // Physics Config
            ConnectedToXpa      = true;
            ContactGroup        = ContactGroup.Enemies;
            InfluencedByGravity = false;

            InfoMessage(string.Format("Created at: {0}", desc.RelativeSpawnLocation));

            currentHitpoints = desc.MaxHitpoints;
            LocalPosition    = desc.RelativeSpawnLocation;
            // System

            typeDesc = game.Content.Load <EnemyTypeDescription>("Content\\Enemies\\" + desc.Type);

            // Initiate AI-System:
            AI         = new AIStateMachine(game, this);
            AI.DebugAI = false;

            // Add States to Machine:

            AI.AddState(new Patrol()); // Init-State
            AI.AddState(new FlyToWaypoint(desc.SegmentId));
            AI.AddState(new FlyToPlayer());

            // SquadronFormations

            if (desc.SquadronCount > 1) //Enemy-Squadron erzeugen.
                // Create EnemyFormation and join it
                EnemyFormation formation = new EnemyFormation(game, LocalPosition, desc.SegmentId, desc.Speed, typeDesc.Formation);
                desc.SquadronCount = 1;
                int count = typeDesc.Formation.Count - 1; // dieser enemy hat sich bereits selbst hinzugefügt.
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    // Versezte den nächsten Enemy in Richtung des Canyons
                    Vector3 canyonDirection = game.World.Level.Cache[desc.SegmentId].ADir;
                    desc.RelativeSpawnLocation = desc.RelativeSpawnLocation + canyonDirection * 100;

                    // Nächsten Enemy im Squadron erzeugen:

                    KamidroneAI enemyForFormation = new KamidroneAI(game, desc);
                    //enemyFollowing.FollowEnemy(this); // follow ME!
Exemplo n.º 3
        public WaveSimulatorDamageStats SimulateDamageToEnemies(
            EnemyDescription enemy,
            WaveSolution solution,
            float HandMissileFreqency,
            float HandMissileDamantPctAverage,
            int enemyCount,
            bool invincible)
            DamageStats       = new WaveSimulatorDamageStats();
            InvincibleEnemies = invincible;

            float waveTime  = 0.0F;
            float timeDelta = 1.0F / 72.0F;
            float previousHandMissileTime = 0.0f;

            EnemyWave waveDesc = new EnemyWave();

            waveDesc.Count = enemyCount;
            waveDesc.Enemy = enemy.Name;
            waveDesc.DifficultyMultiplier = 1.0F;

            TurretManager     turrets     = new TurretManager(LevelDesc);
            ProjectileManager projectiles = new ProjectileManager(LevelDesc, LevelManager.LookupProjectile);
            WaveInstance      wave        = new WaveInstance(LevelDesc, waveDesc, enemy, 0.0F, SimulatorDamageCallback);

            for (int i = 0; i < solution.Turrets.Count; i++)
                turrets.AddTurret(LevelManager.LookupTurret(solution.Turrets[i].Name), solution.Turrets[i].pos, projectiles);

            Debug.Log("   Wave of " + enemyCount + " " + enemy.Name + "s");


                float timeSinceLastHandMissile = waveTime - previousHandMissileTime;

                if (timeSinceLastHandMissile >= HandMissileFreqency)
                    // Real projectiles have to incur flight time but we'll simulate
                    // the damage as instanntaneous to keep it simple.  Also real projectiles
                    // have blast radius that should hit multiple enemies. We'll just hit one.

                waveTime += timeDelta;
            } while (!wave.IsCompleted);

            DamageStats.DamagePerEnemy = DamageStats.DamageDealt / enemyCount;

Exemplo n.º 4
    public void Spawn(EnemyDescription enemyDescription)
        GameObject enemy = EnemyFactory.Instance.GetEnemy();

        // TODO
        // enemyDescription.PrefabPath not used, cause in EnemyFactory have only one type of enemy
        enemy.GetComponent <Transform>().position = enemyDescription.EnemySpawnPosition;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets whenever the elite enemy benefits from generic elite bonuses.
        /// <para> If true, elites will gain HP scaling based on player count, more money drops, will grant more EXP, etc. </para>
        /// <remarks> An example of enemies with no elite "bonus" are empowered Season Knights and Season Mages. </remarks>
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetEliteBonuses(this EnemyDescription xDesc, bool bGrantBonuses)
            if (!xDesc.enType.IsModEnemy())
                throw new ArgumentException("Provided enType is not a mod enemy.");

            ModLibrary.EnemyDetails[xDesc.enType].bGrantEliteBonuses = bGrantBonuses;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the delegate used to scale stats for enemy instances when they're turned into Elites.
        /// This delegate is usually called when a new enemy is created as Elite. It's also called whenever an existing enemy is promoted to Elite status (Skeleton Mages, Bishop in Arcade, etc.)
        /// <para>
        /// The delegate is where you should modify the enemy's stats so that Elite enemies are more dangerous.
        /// You can also modify the Elite enemy's Animations to be faster or whatever, like what SoG does for some enemies.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> Unlike the other two delegates, you can choose to skip this one if you wish. Doing so will cause the enemy to have no elite variant. </para>
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetEliteBuilder(this EnemyDescription xDesc, EnemyBuilderPrototype xProto)
            if (!xDesc.enType.IsModEnemy())
                throw new ArgumentException("Provided enType is not a mod enemy.");

            ModLibrary.EnemyDetails[xDesc.enType].EliteBuilder = xProto;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static float CalculateDPSforWave(EnemyDescription enemy)
            float DPS = 0.0F;

            float hitPointsPerEnemy = enemy.HitPoints;
            float spawnRate         = enemy.SpawnRate;

            DPS = hitPointsPerEnemy * (1.0F / spawnRate);

Exemplo n.º 8
 public WaveInstance(LevelDescription levelDesc, EnemyWave waveDescription, EnemyDescription enemyDesc, float gameTime, SimulatorDamageCallback damageCallback = null)
     EnemyType          = enemyDesc;
     LevelDesc          = levelDesc;
     Desc               = waveDescription;
     Enemies            = new List <EnemyInstance>();
     RoadSegments       = levelDesc.Road.Count;
     WaveStartTime      = gameTime;
     LastSpawnTime      = WaveStartTime;
     CoinEarnedToReport = 0;
     LivesLostToReport  = 0;
     DamageCallback     = damageCallback;
Exemplo n.º 9
    public IEnumerator LoadCurrentLevel(LevelDescription myLevel)
        for (int i = 0; i < myLevel.Enemies.Length; i++)
            EnemyDescription enemy = myLevel.Enemies[i];
            while (enemy.SpawnDate > Time.time - timeStart)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));
            mySpawn.FonctionSpawn(enemy.SpawnPosition, enemy.PrefabPath);
            nbWave = enemy.Wave;

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void AddEnemy()
            EnemyDescription enemy = new EnemyDescription();

            enemy.Name          = "New Enemy";
            enemy.Asset         = "";
            enemy.HitPoints     = 1;
            enemy.MovementSpeed = 1.0F;
            enemy.SpawnRate     = 1.0F;


Exemplo n.º 11
    IEnumerator SpawnEnemy(EnemyDescription description)
        GameObject enemyType      = description.enemyType;
        float      delay          = description.unitDelay;
        int        enemiesToSpawn = description.waveSpawnCount;

        for (int i = 0; i < enemiesToSpawn; ++i)
            GameObject newEnemy = Instantiate(enemyType, (Vector2)transform.position + new Vector2(Random.Range(-halfWidth, halfWidth), Random.Range(-halfHeight, halfHeight)), Quaternion.identity);
            newEnemy.GetComponent <AgentScript>().goal  = endGoal;
            newEnemy.GetComponent <AgentScript>().aStar = AStar;
            aliveEnemies++; // Add one to our alive enemies counter
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));
Exemplo n.º 12
 IEnumerator SpawnWave()
     while (wave < waveDescriptions.Length)
         WaveDescription currentWave = waveDescriptions[wave];
         for (int i = 0; i < currentWave.enemyDescriptions.Length; i++) // For every enemy Type
             EnemyDescription currentEnemy = currentWave.enemyDescriptions[i];
             StartCoroutine(SpawnEnemy(currentEnemy)); // spawn that enemy type
             yield return(new WaitForSeconds(currentEnemy.waveDelay));
         yield return(new WaitForSeconds(currentWave.delay));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static EnemyDescription LookupEnemy(string name)
            EnemyDescription        enemy   = null;
            List <EnemyDescription> Enemies = GetEnemies();

            for (int i = 0; i < Enemies.Count; i++)
                if (Enemies[i].Name == name)
                    enemy = Enemies[i];

Exemplo n.º 14
    public static EnemyDescription LinqToXml(string enemyName, string fileName)
        string   path     = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Files\\enemies\\" + fileName;
        XElement rootNode = XElement.Load(path);
        IEnumerable <XElement> enemies = rootNode.Elements();

        XElement node = null;

        foreach (XElement theNode in enemies)
            if (theNode.Element("name").Value.Equals(enemyName))
                node = theNode;
        if (node == null)
            Debug.Log("Enemy with name " + enemyName + " does not exist in the file " + fileName + ".");

        EnemyDescription ans = new EnemyDescription();

        ans.info           = new EnemyInfo();
        ans.info.name      = node.Element("name").Value;
        ans.info.hp        = Int32.Parse(node.Element("health").Value);
        ans.info.damage    = Int32.Parse(node.Element("dmg").Value);
        ans.info.money     = Int32.Parse(node.Element("money").Value);
        ans.info.speed     = Int32.Parse(node.Element("speed").Value);
        ans.info.weight    = Int32.Parse(node.Element("weight").Value);
        ans.info.enemyType = EnemyDescription.GetEnemyType(node.Element("type").Value);
        ans.info.sizeType  = EnemyDescription.GetSizeType(node.Element("size").Value);

        ans.info.resistance = new Dictionary <ResisType, double>();
        ans.info.resistance.Add(ResisType.bullet, Double.Parse(node.Element("resis_bullet").Value));
        ans.info.resistance.Add(ResisType.explosive, Double.Parse(node.Element("resis_explo").Value));
        ans.info.resistance.Add(ResisType.tesla, Double.Parse(node.Element("resis_tesla").Value));
        ans.info.resistance.Add(ResisType.flame, Double.Parse(node.Element("resis_flame").Value));
        ans.info.resistance.Add(ResisType.toxic, Double.Parse(node.Element("resis_toxic").Value));
        ans.info.resistance.Add(ResisType.nuclear, Double.Parse(node.Element("resis_nuclear").Value));

Exemplo n.º 15
        // Static setup methods

        /// <summary> Creates a new EnemyDescription that can be used by the game. </summary>
        public static EnemyDescription CreateEnemyDescription(string sName, int iLevel, int iBaseHealth)
            string sBaseEntryName = sName.Replace(" ", "");

            EnemyDescription xDesc = new EnemyDescription(ModLibrary.EnemyTypesNext, sBaseEntryName + "_Name", iLevel, iBaseHealth)
                sOnDeathSound = "",
                sOnHitSound   = "",
                sFullName     = sName

            EnemyCodex.denxDescriptionDict[xDesc.enType] = xDesc;
            ModLibrary.EnemyDetails.Add(xDesc.enType, new ModEnemyData(xDesc.enType));

            Ui.AddMiscText("Enemies", sBaseEntryName + "_Name", sName);

Exemplo n.º 16
        public EnemyInstance(EnemyDescription desc, float spawnTime)
            Desc              = desc;
            LastMoveTime      = spawnTime;
            HealthRemaining   = desc.HitPoints;
            LinearProgress    = 0.0F;
            Position          = new Vector3();
            ReachedFinishLine = false;
            ActiveEffects     = new List <EffectInstance>();
            MapPosition       = null;
            go = GameObjectFactory.InstantiateObject(Desc.Asset);
            GameObject healthIndicatorGo = GameObjectFactory.InstantiateObject("EnemyHealthIndicator");

#if LEVEL_EDITOR == false
            go.tag = "Enemy";
            healthIndicatorGo.transform.parent  = go.transform;
            healthIndicatorGo.transform.forward = Vector3.back;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public TankAI(ICanyonShooterGame game, EnemyDescription desc)
            : base(game, "Enemy-TankAI")
            this.game = game;
            id        = createdTanks++;

            // Set the tank model

            LocalScale    = new Vector3(8f, 8f, 8f);
            LocalPosition = desc.RelativeSpawnLocation;
            dir           = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);

            // Physics Config
            ConnectedToXpa      = true;
            ContactGroup        = ContactGroup.Enemies;
            InfluencedByGravity = false;
            LocalPosition       = desc.RelativeSpawnLocation;
Exemplo n.º 18

    public static void ReadFromXml(EnemyDescription[] ei, string filename)
        XmlDocument       enemyDocument = new XmlDocument();
        XmlReaderSettings settings      = new XmlReaderSettings();

        settings.IgnoreComments = true;
        XmlReader enemyReader = XmlReader.Create(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Files\\towers\\" + filename);


        XmlNode     enemyRootNode = enemyDocument.SelectSingleNode("enemies");
        XmlNodeList enemyList     = enemyRootNode.ChildNodes;

        ei = new EnemyDescription[enemyList.Count];
        int enemyCount = 0;

        foreach (XmlNode enemy in enemyList)
            XmlElement  enemyElement    = (XmlElement)enemy;
            XmlNodeList enemyProperties = enemyElement.ChildNodes;
            ei[enemyCount].info.name        = enemyProperties.Item(0).InnerText;
            ei[enemyCount].info.description = enemyProperties.Item(1).InnerText;
            ei[enemyCount].info.hp          = Int32.Parse(enemyProperties.Item(2).InnerText);
            ei[enemyCount].info.damage      = Int32.Parse(enemyProperties.Item(3).InnerText);
            ei[enemyCount].info.speed       = Int32.Parse(enemyProperties.Item(4).InnerText);
            ei[enemyCount].info.money       = Int32.Parse(enemyProperties.Item(5).InnerText);
            XmlElement  enemyResistance = (XmlElement)enemyProperties.Item(6);
            XmlNodeList enemyResisList  = enemyResistance.ChildNodes;
            foreach (XmlNode r in enemyList)
                ei[enemyCount].info.resistance.Add(ResisType.bullet, Double.Parse(enemyResisList.Item(0).InnerText));
                ei[enemyCount].info.resistance.Add(ResisType.explosive, Double.Parse(enemyResisList.Item(1).InnerText));
                ei[enemyCount].info.resistance.Add(ResisType.tesla, Double.Parse(enemyResisList.Item(2).InnerText));
                ei[enemyCount].info.resistance.Add(ResisType.flame, Double.Parse(enemyResisList.Item(3).InnerText));
                ei[enemyCount].info.resistance.Add(ResisType.toxic, Double.Parse(enemyResisList.Item(4).InnerText));
                ei[enemyCount].info.resistance.Add(ResisType.nuclear, Double.Parse(enemyResisList.Item(5).InnerText));
Exemplo n.º 19
    public void Execute()
        levelTimer = Time.time - this.startTime;

        for (int index = 0; index < this.enemiesToSpawn.Count; index++)
            EnemyDescription enemyDescription = this.description.Enemies[index];
            if (this.enemyStateArray[index] == EnemyState.Spawned)

            if (levelTimer < enemyDescription.SpawnDate)

            // Spawn
            EnemyFactory.Instance.GetEnemy(enemyDescription.Type, enemyDescription.SpawnPosition);
            this.enemyStateArray[index] = EnemyState.Spawned;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void CalculateStatsForWaves(List <TurretStats> Turrets)
            WaveStatList = new List <WaveStats>();

            float maxDPSOverall = 0.0F;
            int   coinNeeded    = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < Turrets.Count; j++)
                maxDPSOverall += Turrets[j].MaxDPSOverall;
                coinNeeded    += Turrets[j].t.Cost;

            int maxCoinEarned = LevelDesc.StartingCoins;

            for (int i = 0; i < LevelDesc.Waves.Count; i++)
                EnemyWave        wave      = LevelDesc.Waves[i];
                EnemyDescription enemyDesc = LevelManager.LookupEnemy(wave.Enemy);
                WaveSolution     solution  = GenerateWaveSolution();
                WaveStats        stats     = new WaveStats();

                WaveSimulatorDamageStats singleEnemyStats = SimulateWave(enemyDesc, solution, 1, true);
                WaveSimulatorDamageStats fullWaveStats    = SimulateWave(enemyDesc, solution, wave.Count, false);

                EnemyDescription enemy = LevelManager.LookupEnemy(wave.Enemy);
                stats.MaxDmgDealtSingleEnemy = singleEnemyStats.DamageDealt;
                stats.MaxDPSOverall          = maxDPSOverall;
                stats.MaxHPPSProducted       = EnemyEditLayout.CalculateDPSforWave(enemy);
                stats.FullSimulation         = fullWaveStats;
                stats.CoinNeeded             = coinNeeded;
                stats.CoinAvail = maxCoinEarned;

                maxCoinEarned += (enemy.Coins * wave.Count);

Exemplo n.º 21
    public void Execute()
        if (!this.IsLevelStarted)

        float timePassedSinceBeginning = Time.time - this.currentLevelStartDate;

        if (this.description == null)

        if (this.description.Enemies == null)

        for (int index = 0; index < this.description.Enemies.Length; index++)
            EnemyDescription enemyDescription = this.description.Enemies[index];
            if (this.isEnemySpawned[index] == EnemyState.Spawned)

            if (timePassedSinceBeginning < enemyDescription.SpawnDate)

            // Spawn !
            EnemyFactory.GetEnemy(enemyDescription.SpawnPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f), enemyDescription.PrefabPath);
            this.isEnemySpawned[index] = EnemyState.Spawned;
Exemplo n.º 22
        // Harmony Library Patches

        /// <summary> Patches GetEnemyInstance so that SoG can create modded enemy instances. </summary>
        private static bool GetEnemyInstance_PrefixPatch(ref Enemy __result, EnemyCodex.EnemyTypes enType, Level.WorldRegion enOverrideContent)
            if (!enType.IsModEnemy())
                return(true); // Executes original method

            EnemyDescription xDesc = EnemyCodex.denxDescriptionDict[enType];

            __result = new Enemy()
                xEnemyDescription = xDesc,
                enType            = enType

            __result.xRenderComponent.xOwnerObject = __result;

            ModEnemyData xModData = ModLibrary.EnemyDetails[enType];


            __result.xBaseStats.iLevel = __result.xEnemyDescription.iLevel;
            __result.xBaseStats.iHP    = (__result.xBaseStats.iBaseMaxHP = __result.xEnemyDescription.iMaxHealth);
            if (__result.xEnemyDescription.enCategory == EnemyDescription.Category.Regular)
                __result.rcRegularHPRenderComponent = new RegularEnemyHPRenderComponent(__result);
            __result.xRenderComponent.bReSortHeight = true;
            foreach (DropChance xDrop in __result.xEnemyDescription.lxLootTable)
                __result.lxLootTable.Add(new DropChance(xDrop.iChance, xDrop.enItemToDrop, xDrop.iRolls));

            return(false); // Skips original method
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <param name="desc">The description data (i.e. healthpoints, strength).</param>
        public EnemyAI2(ICanyonShooterGame game, EnemyDescription desc)
            : base(game, "Enemy-AI2")
            this.game = game;

            // Physics Config
            ConnectedToXpa      = true;
            ContactGroup        = ContactGroup.Enemies;
            InfluencedByGravity = false;
            LocalPosition       = desc.RelativeSpawnLocation;
            typeDesc            = game.Content.Load <EnemyTypeDescription>("Content\\Enemies\\" + desc.Type);
            currentHitpoints    = typeDesc.MaxHitpoints;
            LocalScale = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);
            itemChance = desc.ItemChance;
            itemList   = desc.ItemList;

            if (game.Graphics.ShadowMappingSupported)

            #region Init WeaponManager and add Weapons
            if (weapons == null)
                weapons = new WeaponManager(game, Model, WeaponHolderType.Enemy);

                foreach (string weapon in typeDesc.Weapons)
                    weapons.AddWeapon((WeaponType)Enum.Parse(typeof(WeaponType), weapon, true));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public EnemyAI1(ICanyonShooterGame game, EnemyDescription desc)
     : base(game, "Enemy-AI1")
     // hier Konstruktor
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary> Sets the sound cues for hitting and killing an enemy. </summary>
 public static void SetCommonSounds(this EnemyDescription xDesc, string sOnHitSound, string sOnDeathSound)
     xDesc.sOnHitSound   = sOnHitSound;
     xDesc.sOnDeathSound = sOnDeathSound;
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary> Spawns an enemy at the target location. </summary>
 public static Enemy SpawnEnemy(this EnemyDescription xDesc, Vector2 v2Pos, float fVirtualHeight, int iColliderLayer)
     return(Utils.GetTheGame()._EntityMaster_AddEnemy(xDesc.enType, v2Pos, iColliderLayer, fVirtualHeight));
Exemplo n.º 27
        // EnemyDescription extensions

        /// <summary> Spawns an enemy at the target player's position. </summary>
        /// <remarks> Use this for testing purposes; spawning enemies next to players isn't a great idea.</remarks>
        public static Enemy SpawnEnemy(this EnemyDescription xDesc, PlayerView xTarget)
            PlayerEntity xEntity = xTarget.xEntity;

            return(Utils.GetTheGame()._EntityMaster_AddEnemy(xDesc.enType, xEntity.xTransform.v2Pos, xEntity.xCollisionComponent.ibitCurrentColliderLayer, xEntity.xRenderComponent.fVirtualHeight));
Exemplo n.º 28
        private WaveSimulatorDamageStats SimulateWave(EnemyDescription enemy, WaveSolution solution, int enemyCount, bool invincible)
            WaveSimulator sim = new WaveSimulator(LevelDesc);

            return(sim.SimulateDamageToEnemies(enemy, solution, HandMissileFreqency, HandMissileDamantPctAverage, enemyCount, invincible));
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary> Adds an item that can be dropped when the enemy is killed. </summary>
 /// <remarks> This method can be called multiple times to have multiple item drops of the same type, but with different drop chance or roll count. </remarks>
 /// <param name="fDropChance"> Chance for an item to drop. 100.0f translates to 100% chance, and 0f to 0% respectively. </param>
 /// <param name="iRolls"> Number of items to roll for. Setting this to 4 would mean up to 4 enType items can drop, each with fDropChance chance. </param>
 public static void AddLoot(this EnemyDescription xDesc, ItemCodex.ItemTypes enType, float fDropChance = 100.0f, int iRolls = 1)
     xDesc.lxLootTable.Add(new DropChance((int)(fDropChance * 1000.0f), enType, iRolls));
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the size of an enemy, and approximately where the enemy's "center" is.
 /// These are used by some game objects (such as Guardian Shields).
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetSizeAndOffset(this EnemyDescription xDesc, Vector2 v2Size, Vector2 v2OffsetToMid)
     xDesc.v2ApproximateOffsetToMid = v2OffsetToMid;
     xDesc.v2ApproximateSize        = v2Size;