public AlteredPatchHeader(EndianIO IO) { //Go to offset 0 IO.In.BaseStream.Position = 0; //Verify its an RTH Patch if (IO.In.ReadAsciiString(4) != HeaderString) { throw new Exception( "The following Patch is an invalid patch and therefore will not be read/applied/handled."); } //Verify our version if (IO.In.ReadSingle() != Version) { throw new Exception( "The following RTH Patch is of a different version and it's architecture has most likely been updated, therefore the patch will and most likely cannot be applied."); } //Read our Author Name Author_Name = IO.In.ReadAsciiString(32); //Read our patch description Patch_Description = IO.In.ReadAsciiString(256); //Read our original map checksum Original_Map_Checksum = IO.In.ReadInt32(); //Read our image Preview_Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(IO.In.ReadBytes(0xA000))); }
public void SaveValue(EndianIO IO, int parentOffset) { //Go to the required offset IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = parentOffset + BitmaskData.Offset; //Determine type and write accordingly switch (BitmaskData.Attributes) { case mValue.ObjectAttributes.Bitmask8: { IO.Out.Write((byte)BitHelper.ConvertToWriteableInteger(ReturnCheckedList())); break; } case mValue.ObjectAttributes.Bitmask16: { IO.Out.Write((short)BitHelper.ConvertToWriteableInteger(ReturnCheckedList())); break; } case mValue.ObjectAttributes.Bitmask32: { IO.Out.Write(BitHelper.ConvertToWriteableInteger(ReturnCheckedList())); break; } } }
public void SaveValue(EndianIO IO, int parentOffset) { //Go to the required offset IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = (parentOffset + IdentData.Offset) - 12; //Get new ident-tag index if (cmbxName.Text != "<<null>>") { //Get the index using the tagname and class int index = HMap.GetTagIndexByClassAndName(cmbxClass.Text, cmbxName.Text); //If the index is null... if (index == -1) { goto WriteNullIdent; } //Write the tagref IO.Out.WriteAsciiString(HMap.IndexItems[index].Class, 4); //Skip the 8 byte gap. IO.Out.BaseStream.Position += 8; //Write the ident IO.Out.Write(HMap.IndexItems[index].Ident); //Returned return; } //Otherwise... WriteNullIdent: ; //Jump to the ident offset IO.Out.BaseStream.Position += 12; //Write the ident IO.Out.Write(-1); }
public byte[] GetCompressedRawDataFromPoolIndex(int raw_pool_index) { externalMaps.OpenIOs(); int index = raw_pool_index; int poolOffset = (int)rawPools[index].RawOffset; int size = (int)rawPools[index].CompressedSize; // Load our IO EndianIO io = (RawPools[index].ExternalMapIndex == -1) ? map.IO : externalMaps[RawPools[index].ExternalMapIndex].io; // Open our IO and add our raw table offset io.In.SeekTo(0x470); int offset = poolOffset + io.In.ReadInt32(); //Go to our offset io.In.BaseStream.Position = offset; //Read our raw data. byte[] rawData = io.In.ReadBytes(size); externalMaps.CloseIOs(); // Now lets return our data return(rawData); }
private void GET_GUIDE_INFO(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO, EndianWriter structIO) { entry.client_session = readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10).BytesToHexString(); if (conMySQL.getConsole(ref entry, true)) { if (entry.client_dateExpire >= DateTime.Now) { GlobalFunc.Write(entry.client_name); TimeSpan timeLeft = Misc.DateTimetoExact(entry.client_dateExpire.ToLocalTime(), DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime()); //string s_timeLeft = "fgt\0";//entry.client_days >= 500 ? "Life in prison.\0" : String.Format("D:{0} H:{1} M:{2}\0", entry.client_days, timeLeft.Hours, timeLeft.Minutes);//String.Format("Days {0} | Hours {1} | Minutes {2} | Seconds {3}\0", entry.client_days, timeLeft.Hours, timeLeft.Minutes, timeLeft.Seconds); int maxStatusLen = 20, maxTimeLen = 50; byte[] StatusBuff = new byte[maxStatusLen]; byte[] timeBuff = new byte[maxTimeLen]; //byte[] serialBuff = new byte[maxSerialLen]; string Status = "Authenticated\0"; string s_timeLeft = entry.client_days >= 99999 ? "Life in prison.\0" : String.Format("D:{0} H:{1} M:{2}\0", entry.client_days, timeLeft.Hours, timeLeft.Minutes); Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Status), 0, StatusBuff, 0, Status.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s_timeLeft), 0, timeBuff, 0, s_timeLeft.Length); structBuff = new byte[(sizeof(uint) * 4) + StatusBuff.Length + timeBuff.Length]; structIO = new EndianIO(structBuff, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; structIO.Write(StatusBuff); structIO.Write(timeBuff); writerIO.Writer.Write(structBuff); GlobalFunc.Write("GET_GUIDE_INFO: Sent"); } } }
private RSACryptoServiceProvider LoadConsolePrivateKey(byte[] Exponent, byte[] KeyParams) { EndianIO nio = new EndianIO(KeyParams, EndianStyle.BigEndian); byte[] buffer = Reverse8(nio.Reader.ReadBytes(0x80)); byte[] buffer2 = Reverse8(nio.Reader.ReadBytes(0x40)); byte[] buffer3 = Reverse8(nio.Reader.ReadBytes(0x40)); byte[] buffer4 = Reverse8(nio.Reader.ReadBytes(0x40)); byte[] buffer5 = Reverse8(nio.Reader.ReadBytes(0x40)); byte[] buffer6 = Reverse8(nio.Reader.ReadBytes(0x40)); RSAParameters parameters = new RSAParameters { Exponent = Exponent, Modulus = buffer, P = buffer2, Q = buffer3, DP = buffer4, DQ = buffer5, InverseQ = buffer6, D = new byte[0x80] }; new Random(Environment.TickCount).NextBytes(parameters.D); RSACryptoServiceProvider provider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); provider.ImportParameters(parameters); return(provider); }
private static void ReadFile(string filename) { Console.WriteLine("FILENAME: " + new FileInfo(filename).Name); Console.WriteLine("SIZE: " + Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(new FileInfo(filename).Length / 1024 / 1024), 2) + "MB"); IO = new EndianIO(filename, EndianType.LittleEndian, true); header.magic = IO.In.ReadString(4); header.version = IO.In.ReadUInt64(); Console.WriteLine("MAGIC NUMBER: " + header.magic); Console.WriteLine("VERSION: " + header.version); Console.WriteLine("VERSION (HEX): " + "0x" + header.version.ToString("X")); header.fileCount = IO.In.ReadUInt32(); header.blockCount = IO.In.ReadUInt32(); header.reserved = IO.In.ReadBytes(12); header.fileEntry = new file_entry_t[header.fileCount]; Console.WriteLine("FILE NUMBER: " + header.fileCount); Console.WriteLine("BLOCK NUMBER: " + header.blockCount); for (int i = 0; i < header.fileCount; i++) { header.fileEntry[i].offset = IO.In.ReadUInt32(); header.fileEntry[i].contentSize = IO.In.ReadUInt32(); header.fileEntry[i].reserved = IO.In.ReadUInt64(); header.fileEntry[i].fileName = IO.In.ReadString(0x20); } for (int i = 0; i < header.fileCount; i++) { uint entryOffset = header.fileEntry[i].offset * blockSize; IO.Position = header.fileEntry[i].offset * blockSize; header.fileEntry[i].Data = IO.In.ReadBytes(header.fileEntry[i].contentSize); Console.WriteLine("FILE " + i + ": " + header.fileEntry[i].fileName + ": " + header.fileEntry[i].contentSize / 1024 / 1024 + " MB"); } Extract(); }
public void SaveData(Stream stream) { //Initialize our IO EndianIO IO = new EndianIO(stream, EndianType.BigEndian); //Open our IO IO.Open(); //Write our header string IO.Out.WriteAsciiString(RTHDataHeader.HeaderString, 4); //Write our header version IO.Out.Write(RTHDataHeader.Version); //Write our block count IO.Out.Write(RTH_Data_Blocks.Count); //Write our patch type IO.Out.Write((int)RTH_Data_Header.Patch_Type); //Write our author name IO.Out.WriteAsciiString(RTH_Data_Header.Author_Name, 32); //Write our patch description IO.Out.WriteAsciiString(RTH_Data_Header.Patch_Description, 256); //Write our author IP IO.Out.WriteAsciiString(RTH_Data_Header.Watermark, 16); //Loop through our blocks for (int index = 0; index < RTH_Data_Blocks.Count; index++) { //Write our memory offset IO.Out.Write(RTH_Data_Blocks[index].Memory_Offset); //Write our block size IO.Out.Write(RTH_Data_Blocks[index].Block_Size); //Write our data block IO.Out.Write(RTH_Data_Blocks[index].Data_Block); } //Close our IO IO.Close(); }
public void SaveValue(EndianIO IO, int parentOffset) { //If no item is selected if (cmbxSelections.SelectedIndex == -1) { //Exit return; } //Go to the required offset IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = parentOffset + EnumData.Offset; //Determine type and write accordingly switch (EnumData.Attributes) { case mValue.ObjectAttributes.Enum8: { IO.Out.Write((byte)EnumOptions[cmbxSelections.SelectedIndex].Value); break; } case mValue.ObjectAttributes.Enum16: { IO.Out.Write((short)EnumOptions[cmbxSelections.SelectedIndex].Value); break; } case mValue.ObjectAttributes.Enum32: { IO.Out.Write(EnumOptions[cmbxSelections.SelectedIndex].Value); break; } } }
public static void Update(ref Tmp.Entry Entry, EndianIO WriterIO, EndianIO ReaderIO) { Entry.Session = ReaderIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10).ToHex(); Entry.Title = ReaderIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x4).ToHex(); Entry.GamerTag = ReaderIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x15).ToString(); if (ClientSQL.Get(ref Entry, true)) { if (Entry.Enabled) { WriterIO.Writer.Write((uint)respCode.RESP_SUCCESS); } else { if (ClientSQL.Increment(ref Entry, true)) { if (Entry.AutoIncrement) { ClientSQL.Increment(ref Entry); } WriterIO.Writer.Write(Entry.AutoIncrement ? (Entry.noto_DayStarted ? (uint)respCode.RESP_DAY_STARTED : (uint)respCode.RESP_SUCCESS) : (uint)respCode.RESP_REBOOT); } else { WriterIO.Writer.Write((uint)respCode.RESP_ERROR); } } ClientSQL.Set(ref Entry); } }
public static void ProcessCPI(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); byte[] DiscordToken = new byte[0xC]; byte[] CPIBuffer = new byte[DiscordToken.Length + 0x4]; // Discord token + size of int unsigned preferble EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(CPIBuffer, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound) { int DiscordPopup = 0; if (ClientObj.discord != null) { Discord discord = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Discord>(ClientObj.discord); if ( != "0" && discord.primary && !discord.verified && discord.token != null) { Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(discord.token), 0, DiscordToken, 0, discord.token.Length); DiscordPopup = Convert.ToInt32(discord.popup); discord.popup = false; ClientObj.discord = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(discord); } } Data.Write(DiscordToken); Data.Write(DiscordPopup); io.writer.Write(CPIBuffer); } else { Console.WriteLine("CPI Failed for:" + ClientObj.cpukey); } }
private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string saveLocation = sfDialog(); saveINI(saveLocation); if (MessageBox.Show("Would you like to send this to the server?", "Oi m8", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Thread iniThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { try { TcpClient client = new TcpClient(Globals.IPAddr, Globals.SvrPort); NetworkStream nStream = client.GetStream(); EndianIO readerIO = new EndianIO(nStream, EndianStyle.BigEndian) { Writer = new EndianWriter(nStream, EndianStyle.BigEndian) }; EndianIO writerIO = new EndianIO(nStream, EndianStyle.BigEndian); writerIO.Writer.Write("2F9A59018B92AA2C3B375D0D66CF8255"); LMAOnlineLBS.sendINI(readerIO, writerIO, saveLocation); readerIO.Close(); writerIO.Close(); nStream.Close(); } catch { } })); iniThread.Start(); MessageBox.Show("INI sent to server and loaded.", "INI Sent!"); } }
public ResourceEntry(EndianIO io) { Unknown1 = io.ReadUInt32(); Unknown2 = io.ReadUInt32(); ResourceInformation = io.ReadUInt64(); }
private void HVC(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO) { entry.CPUKey = Misc.BytesToHexString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); if (ConsoleMySQL.getConsole(ref entry)) { if (entry.ClientEnabled) { //if (Globals.HVCBytes != null && Globals.HVBytes != null) writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_OTHER_ERROR); //else { writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_SUCCESS); writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.HVBytes.Length); writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.HVCBytes.Length); writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.HVBytes); writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.HVCBytes); Globals.write("Client [{0}] HVC Successfully Sent! Name: {1}", IPAddr, entry.ClientName); return; //} return; } else { writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_EXPIRED); Globals.write("Expired"); } } else { writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_ERROR); Globals.write("Error"); } Globals.write("the f**k."); }
public EOF_Footer(EndianIO IO, int position) { IO.In.BaseStream.Position = position; this.EOF_String = IO.In.ReadAsciiString(4); this.FooterSize = IO.In.ReadInt32(); this.Unknown8 = IO.In.ReadBytes(this.FooterSize - 8); }
private void con_redeem(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO, EndianWriter structIO) { // Grabbing the token from the request. string recCpuKey = Misc.BytesToHexString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); // Cross check the CPUKey here with the one in the DB. string recSession = Misc.BytesToHexString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); // Receiving their sent session to cross check. entry.inToken = Misc.BytesToHexString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x19)); // We'll need to change the length later. if (ConsoleMySQL.getConsole(ref entry)) { if (entry.ClientEnabled) { if (ConsoleMySQL.getToken(ref entry)) { entry.daysLeft = !entry.TokenUsed ? entry.daysLeft + entry.TokenDays : entry.daysLeft; string retMsgSuccess = String.Format("Token has been successfully redeemed!\nCPUKey: {0}\nRedeemed {1} Days\n{2}\0", entry.CPUKey, entry.TokenDays, (entry.daysLeft >= 500 ? "You still have lifetime." : "You have " + entry.daysLeft + " days on reserve.")), retMsgUsed = String.Format("Token seems to already be used.\n\nIf you feel this is a mistake, please message staff ASAP!\n\nYour CPUKey: {0}\0", entry.CPUKey); uint size = (sizeof(uint) * 4) + Convert.ToUInt32((!entry.TokenUsed ? retMsgSuccess.Length : retMsgUsed.Length) + 2); byte[] tmpBuff = new byte[size]; mainBuff = new byte[size]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(retMsgSuccess), 0, tmpBuff, 0, (!entry.TokenUsed ? retMsgSuccess.Length : retMsgUsed.Length) + 2); structIO.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_SUCCESS); structIO.Write(!entry.TokenUsed ? retMsgSuccess : retMsgUsed); writerIO.Writer.Write(mainBuff); Globals.write("Client [{0}] CPUKey: {1}\n{2} Token: {3}", IPAddr, entry.CPUKey, (!entry.TokenUsed ? "Redeemed" : "Tried Redeeming"), entry.outToken); if (!entry.TokenUsed) { ConsoleMySQL.saveToken(ref entry); ConsoleMySQL.saveConsole(ref entry); } return; } structIO.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_ERROR); } } }
private void updatePresence(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO) { entry.ClientSession = Misc.BytesToHexString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); entry.ClientTitle = Misc.BytesToHexString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x4)); entry.ClientGT = GlobalMisc.ConvertBytesToString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x15)); //Globals.write("updateShit Session: {0}", entry.ClientSession); if (ConsoleMySQL.getConsole(ref entry, true)) { if (entry.ClientEnabled) { writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { if (ConsoleMySQL.autoUpdateTime(ref entry)) { writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_EXPIRED); } } ConsoleMySQL.saveConsole(ref entry); } else { writerIO.Writer.Write(Globals.XSTL_STATUS_ERROR); } }
public void WriteTypes(EndianIO IO) { uint num = uint.Parse(textBox2.Text); IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = num; if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { IO.Out.Write(byte.Parse(textBox1.Text)); } if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { IO.Out.Write(short.Parse(textBox1.Text)); } if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2) { IO.Out.Write(ushort.Parse(textBox1.Text)); } if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3) { IO.Out.Write(uint.Parse(textBox1.Text)); } if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4) { IO.Out.Write(int.Parse(textBox1.Text)); } if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 5) { IO.Out.Write(float.Parse(textBox1.Text)); } }
public static void PokeRTHData(RTHData RTH_Data) { //If our XDKName is set if (AppSettings.Settings.XDKName == "") { throw new Exception( "The Xbox Development Kit could not be connected to because it's means of connection were not set."); } //Initialize our XDC360 XboxDebugCommunicator xdc = new XboxDebugCommunicator(AppSettings.Settings.XDKName); //Connect xdc.Connect(); //Get our Xbox Memory Stream XboxMemoryStream xbms = xdc.ReturnXboxMemoryStream(); //Initialize our Endian IO EndianIO IO = new EndianIO(xbms, EndianType.BigEndian); //Open our IO IO.Open(); //Loop through every RTH Data Block for (int index = 0; index < RTH_Data.RTH_Data_Blocks.Count; index++) { //Go to that RTH Data Block's memory offset IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = RTH_Data.RTH_Data_Blocks[index].Memory_Offset; //Write our data IO.Out.Write(RTH_Data.RTH_Data_Blocks[index].Data_Block); } //Close our IO IO.Close(); //Close our Xbox Memory Stream xbms.Close(); //Disconnect from our Xbox Development Kit xdc.Disconnect(); }
/// <summary> /// This form of initialization for the RTH Data Header will read an existing RTH Data file. /// </summary> /// <param name="IO">The stream from which to read the RTH Data Header</param> public RTHDataHeader(EndianIO IO) { //Go to offset 0 IO.In.BaseStream.Position = 0; //Verify its an RTH Patch if (IO.In.ReadAsciiString(4) != HeaderString) { throw new Exception( "The following RTH Patch is an invalid patch and therefore will not be read/applied/handled."); } //Verify our version if (IO.In.ReadSingle() != Version) { throw new Exception( "The following RTH Patch is of a different version and it's architecture has most likely been updated, therefore the patch will and most likely cannot be applied."); } //Read our datablock count _datablockcount = IO.In.ReadInt32(); //Read our patch type Patch_Type = (PatchType)IO.In.ReadInt32(); //Read our Author Name Author_Name = IO.In.ReadAsciiString(32); //Read our patch description Patch_Description = IO.In.ReadAsciiString(256); //Read our author IP _watermark = IO.In.ReadAsciiString(16); }
private void HandleClient(object cObj) { TcpClient Client = (TcpClient)cObj; Tmp.Entry Entry = new Tmp.Entry(); GlobalVar.nStream = Client.GetStream(); byte[] Header = new byte[8]; Entry.IP = Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString().Split(':')[0]; GlobalFunc.Write("Client [{0}] - Connected", Entry.IP); using (PoorManStream pmStream = new PoorManStream(GlobalVar.nStream)) { using (EndianIO MainIO = new EndianIO(Header, EndianStyle.BigEndian)) { if (GlobalVar.nStream.Read(Header, 0, 8) != 8) { GlobalFunc.WriteError(ConsoleColor.Red, "[SERVER]", "Header recieved unexpected size!"); Client.Close(); } uint Command = MainIO.Reader.ReadUInt32(); int PacketSize = MainIO.Reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] Buffer = new byte[PacketSize]; using (EndianIO WriterIO = new EndianIO(pmStream, EndianStyle.BigEndian)) { using (EndianIO ReaderIO = new EndianIO(Buffer, EndianStyle.BigEndian) { Writer = new EndianWriter(pmStream, EndianStyle.BigEndian) }) { if (pmStream.Read(Buffer, 0, PacketSize) != PacketSize) { GlobalFunc.WriteError(ConsoleColor.Red, "[SERVER]", "Packet recieved unexpected size!"); Client.Close(); } switch (Command) { case (uint)cmdCode.GET_SESSION: SESSION.Get(ref Entry, WriterIO, ReaderIO); break; case (uint)cmdCode.GET_STATUS: STATUS.Get(ref Entry, WriterIO, ReaderIO); break; case (uint)cmdCode.GET_CHAL_RESPONSE: break; case (uint)cmdCode.UPDATE_PRESENCE: PRESENCE.Update(ref Entry, WriterIO, ReaderIO); break; case (uint)cmdCode.GET_XOSC: break; case (uint)cmdCode.GET_INFO: break; case (uint)cmdCode.SND_SPOOFY: break; case (uint)cmdCode.GET_MESSAGE: break; case (uint)cmdCode.GET_PATCHES: break; case (uint)cmdCode.GET_GUIDE_INFO: break; default: break; } } } } } }
private void ChangeHaloODSTFillMode() { //If the user didnt set the XDK name. if (AppSettings.Settings.XDKName == "") { //Show our error. MessageBox.Show( "The Xbox Development Kit could not be connected to because it's means of connection were not set."); //Stop processing code in this stub. return; } //Initialize our Xbox Debug Communicator, with our XDK name/IP. XboxDebugCommunicator xdc = new XboxDebugCommunicator(AppSettings.Settings.XDKName); //Connect to our Xbox Debug Communicator. xdc.Connect(); //Create an Xbox Memory Stream. XboxMemoryStream xbms = xdc.ReturnXboxMemoryStream(); //Create an endian IO for our Memory Stream. EndianIO IO = new EndianIO(xbms, EndianType.BigEndian); //Open our IO. IO.Open(); //Go to the address of the fillmode. IO.SeekTo(0x821A8C60); //If our solid item is checked. if (menuButtonItem32.Checked) { //Write our solid value. IO.Out.Write(0x38800000); } //Otherwise if our Point item is checked. else if (menuButtonItem33.Checked) { //Write our point value. IO.Out.Write(0x38800001); } //Otherwise if our Wireframe item is checked. else if (menuButtonItem34.Checked) { //Write our wireframe value. IO.Out.Write(0x38800025); } //Close our IO. IO.Close(); //Disconnect from our Xbox. xdc.Disconnect(); }
public void OpenIO() { //Close our IO first incase. CloseIO(); //Initialize our IO IO = new EndianIO(FileName, EndianType.BigEndian); //Open our IO IO.Open(); }
public static void ProcessPresence(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); string TitleID = io.reader.ReadUInt32().ToString("X"); byte[] GamerTag = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10); string ConsoleKvStatus = io.reader.ReadUInt32().ToString("X"); byte[] PresBuffer = new byte[0x8]; //0x8 EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(PresBuffer, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound) { ClientObj.titleid = Utilities.TitleID(TitleID); ClientObj.ip = io.ipaddr.Address.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' })[0]; ClientObj.lastloginTime = DateTime.Now; ClientObj.gamertag = Utilities.Validategamertag(GamerTag); Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); if (ClientObj.consoleaction != CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT && ClientObj.actioncompleted == CLIENT_ACTION_COMPLETED.AWAITING) { if (ClientObj.consoleaction == CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT) { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT); } else if (ClientObj.consoleaction == CLIENT_ACTION.REBOOT) { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.REBOOT); } else if (ClientObj.consoleaction == CLIENT_ACTION.RROD) { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.RROD); } else if (ClientObj.consoleaction == CLIENT_ACTION.SENDTODASH) { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.SENDTODASH); } } else { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT); } } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT); } io.writer.Write(PresBuffer); Utilities.Update_LiveStatus(ConsoleKvStatus, ref ClientObj); MySql.SaveClient(ClientObj, SessionToken); MySql.UpdateKvThread(ClientObj); }
public static void LoadPluginValues(HaloMap Map, Panel parentPanel, int parentOffset) { if (!((parentOffset <= 0) | (parentOffset > Map.Map_Header.fileSize))) { EndianIO iO = Map.IO; for (int i = 0; i < parentPanel.Controls.Count; i++) { if (!((Map.IO != null) && Map.IO.Opened)) { Map.OpenIO(); } switch (parentPanel.Controls[i].Name) { case "uiTagBlock": ((uiTagBlock)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadStructure(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiBitmask": ((uiBitmask)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiValue": ((uiValue)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiSlider": ((uiSlider)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiEnum": ((uiEnum)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiIdent": ((uiIdent)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiByteArray": ((uiByteArray)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiTagData": ((uiTagData)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiColor": ((uiColor)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; case "uiStringID": ((uiStringID)parentPanel.Controls[i]).LoadValue(Map, parentOffset); break; } } Map.CloseIO(); } }
private void buttonX9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //If the Xbox_Debug_Communicator isn't null if (Xbox_Debug_Communicator != null) { //If it is connected.. if (Xbox_Debug_Communicator.Connected) { //Get our memory stream. XboxMemoryStream xms = Xbox_Debug_Communicator.ReturnXboxMemoryStream(); //Create our IO EndianIO IO = new EndianIO(xms, EndianType.BigEndian); //Open our IO IO.Open(); //Go to our offset IO.In.BaseStream.Position = 0x3A00C000 + 0x1A874; //Read our macbin byte[] macbin = IO.In.ReadBytes(0x1D0); //Close our IO IO.Close(); //Create our savefiledialog SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); //Set our filter sfd.Filter = "Mac Bin(.bin)|*.bin"; //Show our dialog, if the result is OK if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //Create our IO IO = new EndianIO(new FileStream(sfd.FileName, FileMode.Create), EndianType.BigEndian); //Open our IO IO.Open(); //Write our macbin data. IO.Out.Write(macbin); //Close our IO IO.Close(); //Show our messagebox MessageBox.Show("Done."); } return; } } //We aren't connected MessageBox.Show("You are not connected."); }
public void SaveValue(EndianIO IO, int parentOffset) { IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = parentOffset + ValueData.Offset; int r = pictureBox1.BackColor.R; int g = pictureBox1.BackColor.G; int b = pictureBox1.BackColor.B; int a = pictureBox1.BackColor.A; foreach (ColorBlockPart part in ValueData.Color_Order) { int num5 = 0; switch (part) { case ColorBlockPart.Red: num5 = r; break; case ColorBlockPart.Green: num5 = g; break; case ColorBlockPart.Blue: num5 = b; break; case ColorBlockPart.Alpha: num5 = a; break; } switch (ValueData.Attributes) { case mValue.ObjectAttributes.ColorBlock8: IO.Out.Write((byte)num5); break; case mValue.ObjectAttributes.ColorBlock16: IO.Out.Write((short)num5); break; case mValue.ObjectAttributes.ColorBlock32: IO.Out.Write(num5); break; case mValue.ObjectAttributes.ColorBlockF: { float num6 = num5; if (ValueData.Real_Color) { num6 /= 255f; } IO.Out.Write(num6); break; } } } }
private void GET_SESSION(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO) { bool conType = Convert.ToBoolean(readerIO.Reader.ReadInt32()); entry.client_cpukey = readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10).BytesToHexString(); if (conMySQL.getConsole(ref entry)) { entry.client_ip = IPAddr; entry.client_session = Security.RandomBytes(0x10).BytesToHexString(); conMySQL.setConsole(ref entry); GlobalFunc.Write(entry.client_session); //if (entry.client_daysUsed >= 1 && entry.client_ip != entry.client_db_curIP) { // entry.client_db_lastIP = entry.client_db_curIP; // conMySQL.addNewIP(ref entry); //} else if (entry.client_db_curIP == "") // conMySQL.addNewIP(ref entry); if (entry.client_banned) { GlobalFunc.Write("Client [{0}] Banned Client Connected\r\n - Name: {1}\r\n - CPUkey: {2}", IPAddr, entry.client_name, entry.client_cpukey); writerIO.Writer.Write((uint)respCode.RESP_STATUS_BANNED); conMySQL.setConsole(ref entry); return; } if (entry.client_enabled) { GlobalFunc.Write("Client [{0}] Authorized Client's {1}\r\n - Name: {2}\r\n - CPUkey: {3}", IPAddr, conType ? "Devkit" : "Jtag/RGH", entry.client_name, entry.client_cpukey); writerIO.Writer.Write((uint)respCode.RESP_STATUS_STEALTHED); writerIO.Writer.Write(Misc.HexStringToBytes(entry.client_session)); } else { if (conMySQL.autoUpdateTime(ref entry)) { //if (entry.client_days <= 100) { GlobalFunc.Write("Client [{0}] Day Incrimented On Time[24 Hr Timer]\r\n - Name: {1}\r\n - CPUKey: {2}", IPAddr, entry.client_name, entry.client_cpukey); writerIO.Writer.Write((uint)respCode.RESP_STATUS_DAY_STARTED); //} else writerIO.Writer.Write((uint)respCode.RESP_STATUS_STEALTHED); writerIO.Writer.Write(Misc.HexStringToBytes(entry.client_session)); } else { GlobalFunc.Write("Client [{0}] Time Expired!\r\n - Name: {1}\r\n - CPUKey: {2}", IPAddr, entry.client_name, entry.client_cpukey); writerIO.Writer.Write((uint)respCode.RESP_STATUS_EXPIRED); } } conMySQL.setConsole(ref entry); } else { GlobalFunc.Write("Client [{0}] Failed! CPUKey - {1}", IPAddr, entry.client_cpukey); writerIO.Writer.Write((uint)respCode.RESP_STATUS_EXPIRED); } }
public BLFImageFile(Stream stream) { EndianIO iO = new EndianIO(stream, EndianType.BigEndian); iO.Open(); this.BLFHeader = new BLF_Header(iO, 0); this.BLFImage = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(iO.In.ReadBytes(this.BLFHeader.FileContentSize))); this.EOFFooter = new EOF_Footer(iO, (int)iO.In.BaseStream.Position); iO.Close(); }
public Package(EndianIO io) { short BaseVersion = io.ReadInt16(); PackagePlatform Platform = (PackagePlatform)io.ReadInt16(); ushort EntryCount = io.ReadUInt16(); // max = 0xFFFF #if DEBUG Verify(io); #endif }
public KeyVault(EndianIO IO) { this.IO = IO; this.IO.Open(); }
public static byte[] ValueToBytes(float data, EndianType et) { var ms = new MemoryStream(); var io = new EndianIO(ms, et); io.Open(); io.Writer.Write(data); io.Reader.BaseStream.Position = 0; var array = io.Reader.ReadBytes((int)io.Reader.BaseStream.Length); io.Close(); ms.Close(); return array; }