Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CrateCreation()
            Random GetRand = new Random();
            int    typeID  = GetTypeId(Type);

            for (int i = 0; i < itens.FreeSlots; i++)
                uint itemProcurado;
                    itemProcurado = (uint)GetRand.Next(Encyclopedia.encyclopedia.Count - 1);
                } while (Encyclopedia.SearchFor(itemProcurado) == null);

                if (typeID >= GetTypeId(Encyclopedia.SearchFor(itemProcurado).ItemCategory))
                    if (Encyclopedia.SearchFor(itemProcurado).IsStackable)
                        itens.AddToBag(new Slot(itemProcurado, (uint)GetRand.Next(9) + 1));
                        itens.AddToBag(new Slot(itemProcurado, 1));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public CraftBox(uint ItemToCraft)
     this.ItemToCraft = ItemToCraft;
     this.Content     = Encyclopedia.SearchFor(ItemToCraft).Name;
     Width            = 500;
     Height           = 50;
     Click           += CraftBoxClick;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SavePlayerData(Player CustomPlayer)
            string path = Path.GetTempPath() + @"Noelf";

            if (!File.Exists(path))

            string fileName   = "slot_" + selectedSlot;
            int    slotcount  = 0;
            int    skillcount = 0;
            int    Questcount = 0;

            path = Path.Combine(path, fileName);

            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                sw.WriteLine("ID" + CustomPlayer.Id + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("LEVEL " + CustomPlayer.level.actuallevel + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("CON " + CustomPlayer.Con + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("DEX " + CustomPlayer.Dex + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("SPD " + CustomPlayer.Spd + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("STR " + CustomPlayer.Str + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("MND " + CustomPlayer.Mnd + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("GOLD " + CustomPlayer._Inventory.Gold + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("XP " + CustomPlayer.level.actualEXP + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("WEAPON " + Encyclopedia.SearchFor(CustomPlayer.Equipamento.weapon) + "\n");
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    sw.WriteLine("ARMADURA" + j + " " + Encyclopedia.SearchFor(CustomPlayer.Equipamento.armor[j]) + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("SKILLPOINTS " + CustomPlayer._SkillManager.SkillPoints + "\n");
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    sw.WriteLine("SkillBAR" + j + " " + CustomPlayer._SkillManager.SkillBar[j].ID + "\n");
                    sw.WriteLine("SkillBARLVL" + j + " " + CustomPlayer._SkillManager.SkillBar[j].Lvl + "\n");
                foreach (SkillGenerics skill in CustomPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList)
                    sw.WriteLine("SKILL" + skillcount + " " + CustomPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[skillcount].Lvl + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("ATRIBUTOPOINTS " + CustomPlayer._Class.StatsPoints + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("XI " + CustomPlayer.box.Xi + "\n");
                sw.WriteLine("YI " + CustomPlayer.box.Yi + "\n");
                foreach (Slot a in CustomPlayer._Inventory.Slots)
                    sw.WriteLine("SLOT" + slotcount + " " + a.ItemID + " " + a.ItemAmount + "\n");
                foreach (Quest q in CustomPlayer._Questmanager.finishedQuests)
                    sw.WriteLine("QUESTS" + Questcount + " " + CustomPlayer._Questmanager.finishedQuests[Questcount].QUEST_ID);
Exemplo n.º 4
 //função para comprar itens do jogador
 public void BuyItem(Bag playerBag)
     foreach (Slot sack in BuyingItems.Slots)
         long valor = Encyclopedia.SearchFor(sack.ItemID).GoldValue;
         valor = valor * sack.ItemAmount;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // função para vender itens ao jogador
        public void SellItem(Slot offer, Bag playerBag)
            long valor = Encyclopedia.SearchFor(offer.ItemID).GoldValue *(long)offer.ItemAmount;

            if (playerBag.Gold >= valor)
                playerBag.Gold -= (int)valor;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void UpdateImage()
     if (MyEquip == null)
         Source = null;
     Source = Encyclopedia.encycloImages[Encyclopedia.SearchFor(MyEquip)];
     //Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx://" + MyEquip.PathImage));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void LoadGameData(ref Player loadPlayer)
            int    lvl, xp;
            string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath() + @"/Noelf/slot_");

            if (File.Exists(path))
                using (StreamReader rw = File.OpenText(path))
                    string r = "";
                    while ((r = rw.ReadLine()) != null)
                        var b = r.Split(" ");
                        if (b[0] == "ID")
                            loadPlayer.Id = b[1];
                        if (b[0] == "LEVEL")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out lvl);
                            loadPlayer.level.actuallevel = lvl;
                        if (b[0] == "CON")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out loadPlayer.Con);
                        if (b[0] == "DEX")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out loadPlayer.Dex);
                        if (b[0] == "SPD")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out loadPlayer.Spd);
                        if (b[0] == "STR")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out loadPlayer.Str);
                        if (b[0] == "MND")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out loadPlayer.Mnd);
                        if (b[0] == "XP")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out xp);
                            loadPlayer.level.actualEXP = xp;
                        if (b[0] == "WEAPON")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer.Equipamento.weapon = (Weapon)Encyclopedia.SearchFor((uint)result);
                        if (b[0] == "ARMADURA0")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer.Equipamento.armor[0] = (Armor)Encyclopedia.SearchFor((uint)result);
                        if (b[0] == "ARMADURA1")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer.Equipamento.armor[1] = (Armor)Encyclopedia.SearchFor((uint)result);
                        if (b[0] == "ARMADURA2")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer.Equipamento.armor[2] = (Armor)Encyclopedia.SearchFor((uint)result);
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLPOINTS")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillPoints = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLBAR0")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.AddSkillToBar(loadPlayer._SkillManager.FindSkill(result), 0);
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLBAR1")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.AddSkillToBar(loadPlayer._SkillManager.FindSkill(result), 1);
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLBAR2")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.AddSkillToBar(loadPlayer._SkillManager.FindSkill(result), 2);
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLBAR3")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.AddSkillToBar(loadPlayer._SkillManager.FindSkill(result), 3);
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLBARLVL0")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillBar[0].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLBARLVL1")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillBar[1].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLBARLVL2")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillBar[2].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILLBARLVL3")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillBar[3].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL0")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[0].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL1")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[1].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL2")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[2].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL3")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[3].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL4")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[4].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL5")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[5].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL6")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[6].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL7")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[7].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL8")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[8].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL9")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[9].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL10")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[10].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL11")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[11].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL12")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[12].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL13")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[13].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "SKILL14")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._SkillManager.SkillList[14].Lvl = result;
                        if (b[0] == "ATRIBUTOPOINTS")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer._Class.StatsPoints = result;
                        if (b[0] == "XI")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer.box.Xi = result;
                        if (b[0] == "YI")
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            loadPlayer.box.Yi = result;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 30 && b[0] == "SLOT" + i; i++)
                            int.TryParse(b[1], out int result);
                            int.TryParse(b[2], out int result2);
                            Slot slot = new Slot((uint)result, (uint)result2);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void UseEquip(uint ID)// function that makes the equipment be equipped by the player.
            Item item = Encyclopedia.encyclopedia[ID];

            if (item is Armor)
                Slot arm = player._Inventory.GetSlot(ID);
                if (arm != null)
                    switch ((item as Armor).PositArmor) //swtich to know where the armor is
                    case PositionArmor.Elm:
                        if (armor[0] != null)
                        armor[0] = Encyclopedia.SearchFor(ID) as Armor;
                        player._Inventory.RemoveFromBag(ID, 1);    //equip elm

                    case PositionArmor.Armor:
                        if (armor[1] != null)
                        armor[1] = Encyclopedia.SearchFor(ID) as Armor;
                        player._Inventory.RemoveFromBag(ID, 1);    //equip armor

                    case PositionArmor.Legs:
                        if (armor[2] != null)
                        armor[2] = Encyclopedia.SearchFor(ID) as Armor;
                        player._Inventory.RemoveFromBag(ID, 1);    //equip legs

                    case PositionArmor.Boots:
                        if (armor[3] != null)
                        armor[3] = Encyclopedia.SearchFor(ID) as Armor;
                        player._Inventory.RemoveFromBag(ID, 1);    //equip boots
            else if (item is Weapon)
                Slot weap = player._Inventory.GetSlot(ID);
                if (weap != null)
                    if (weapon != null)
                    weapon = Encyclopedia.SearchFor(weap.ItemID) as Weapon;
                    player._Inventory.RemoveFromBag(ID, 1);// equip weapon