Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult approvejob(Int32 id, Guid fromId)
            tbl_JobEmployees jobstatus = _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Where(s => s.Fk_JobId == id && s.fromUserId == fromId).FirstOrDefault();

            jobstatus.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus = "Approved";
            //For Change Job Status...!!!
            tbl_Jobs job = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Where(s => s.Pk_JobId == id).FirstOrDefault();
            List <tbl_JobEmployees> jobemployeedata = _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Where(s => s.Fk_JobId == id && s.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus == "Approved").ToList();

            if (jobemployeedata.Count >= job.NoOfEmployeeNeeded)
                job.JobStatus = "Approved";
            //Sent Email to employee to introduce about job detail...!!!
            //Get send user details...!!!
            tbl_Users touserdetail = _dataContext.tbl_Users.Where(s => s.Pk_UserId == jobstatus.fromUserId).FirstOrDefault();
            string    userid       = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(clsSession.UserID.ToString(), true);
            string    jobid        = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(job.Pk_JobId.ToString(), true);
            string    paymenturl   = "http://hardyhat.com/user/payment/checkout?userid=" + clsSession.UserID.ToString() + "&jobid=" + job.Pk_JobId.ToString();
            //Get Job Detail...!!!
            MailMessage message = new MailMessage(
                "*****@*****.**",                                                                                                                                               // From field
                touserdetail.EmailId,                                                                                                                                              // Recipient field
                "Job Approved by Client",                                                                                                                                          // Subject of the email message
                PopulateBody(clsSession.UserName, job.JobTitle, job.JobCategory, job.JobLocation, "$" + job.Amount.ToString(), job.JobDescription, true, paymenturl, false, false) // Email message body

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult checkout(string userid, string jobid)
            var gateway     = config.GetGateway();
            var clientToken = gateway.ClientToken.generate();

            ViewBag.ClientToken = clientToken;

            //Check for this jobid,userid,transaction Id status
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobid))
                userid = EncrytDecrypt.passwordDecrypt(userid.ToString(), true);
                jobid  = EncrytDecrypt.passwordDecrypt(jobid.ToString(), true);
                    var           table = new DataTable();
                    SqlConnection conn  = new SqlConnection("Data source=; Database=hardyhat;User Id=vineshnilesh888;Password=VineshNilesh88");

                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from [vineshnilesh888].[tbl_JobPayment] where Fk_JobId=" + jobid + " and UserId='" + userid + "';", conn);
                    // create data adapter
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                    // this will query your database and return the result to your datatable
                    if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
                        //insert into the job payment table...!!!
                        Decimal companyFee = Convert.ToDecimal("2.00");
                        SqlCommand cmdInsert = new SqlCommand("insert into [vineshnilesh888].[tbl_JobPayment] (Fk_JobId,UserId,Amount) values(" + jobid + ",'" + userid + "'," + companyFee + ");", conn);
                        int        id        = cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery();
                        string pk_paymentId = Convert.ToString(id);
                        clsSession.paymentID = pk_paymentId;
                        Console.WriteLine("Inserting Data Successfully");
                    else if (Convert.ToString(table.Rows[0]["PaymentStatus"]) == "submitted_for_settlement")
                        string pk_paymentId = Convert.ToString(table.Rows[0]["Pk_JobPaymentId"]);
                        clsSession.paymentID = pk_paymentId;
                catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult approve(Int32 id)
            tbl_JobEmployees jobstatus = _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Where(s => s.Fk_JobId == id && s.toUserId == clsSession.UserID).FirstOrDefault();

            jobstatus.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus = "Approved";
            //For Change Job Status...!!!
            tbl_Jobs job = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Where(s => s.Pk_JobId == id).FirstOrDefault();
            //Sent Email to employee to introduce about job detail...!!!
            //Get send user details...!!!
            tbl_Users touserdetail = _dataContext.tbl_Users.Where(s => s.Pk_UserId == clsSession.UserID).FirstOrDefault();
            //Get Job Detail...!!!
            string      userid     = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(clsSession.UserID.ToString(), true);
            string      jobid      = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(id.ToString(), true);
            string      paymenturl = "http://hardyhat.com/user/payment/checkout?userid=" + clsSession.UserID.ToString() + "&jobid=" + id.ToString();
            MailMessage message    = new MailMessage(
                "*****@*****.**",                                                                                                                                               // From field
                touserdetail.EmailId,                                                                                                                                              // Recipient field
                "Pending For Payment Approval",                                                                                                                                    // Subject of the email message
                PopulateBody(clsSession.UserName, job.JobTitle, job.JobCategory, job.JobLocation, "$" + job.Amount.ToString(), job.JobDescription, false, paymenturl, true, false) // Email message body

            List <tbl_JobEmployees> jobemployeedata = _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Where(s => s.Fk_JobId == id && s.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus == "Approved").ToList();
            bool updateFlag = false;

            if (jobemployeedata.Count >= job.NoOfEmployeeNeeded)
                updateFlag = true;
                //Sent Email to employee to introduce about job detail...!!!
                //Get send user details...!!!
                tbl_Users touserdetailClient = _dataContext.tbl_Users.Where(s => s.Pk_UserId == jobstatus.fromUserId).FirstOrDefault();
                //Get Job Detail...!!!
                string      touserid         = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(touserdetailClient.Pk_UserId.ToString(), true);
                string      tojobid          = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(job.Pk_JobId.ToString(), true);
                string      paymenturlClient = "http://hardyhat.com/user/payment/checkout?userid=" + touserdetailClient.Pk_UserId.ToString() + "&jobid=" + job.Pk_JobId.ToString();
                MailMessage messageClient    = new MailMessage(
                    "*****@*****.**",                                                                                                                                                     // From field
                    touserdetail.EmailId,                                                                                                                                                    // Recipient field
                    "Pending For Payment Approval",                                                                                                                                          // Subject of the email message
                    PopulateBody(clsSession.UserName, job.JobTitle, job.JobCategory, job.JobLocation, "$" + job.Amount.ToString(), job.JobDescription, false, paymenturlClient, false, true) // Email message body
            if (updateFlag)
                tbl_Jobs jobupdate = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Find(id);
                if (TryValidateModel(jobupdate))
                    jobupdate.JobStatus = "Approved";