Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static string Create(GetRsaKeyResource getRsaKeyResponse, string password)
            var encrypterModel = new EncrypterModel
                PublicKeyExp = getRsaKeyResponse.PublicKeyExp,
                PublicKeyMod = getRsaKeyResponse.PublicKeyMod,
                Password     = password
            var encrypted = string.Empty;

            while (encrypted.Length < 2 || encrypted.Substring(encrypted.Length - 2) != "==")
                encrypted = EncryptPassword(encrypterModel);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static string EncryptPassword(EncrypterModel encrypterModel)
            // Convert the public keys to BigIntegers
            var modulus  = CreateBigInteger(encrypterModel.PublicKeyMod);
            var exponent = CreateBigInteger(encrypterModel.PublicKeyExp);

            // Original: $data = this.pkcs1pad2($data,($pubkey.modulus.bitLength()+7)>>3);
            // I'm going to hardcode the bitlength, I can't figure that out right now.
            var encryptedNumber = Pkcs1Pad2(encrypterModel.Password, (2048 + 7) >> 3);

            // And now, the RSA encryption
            encryptedNumber = BigInteger.ModPow(encryptedNumber, exponent, modulus);

            // Finally we convert the encrypted string back to Base16
            var encryptedString = encryptedNumber.ToString("x");

            // And then we decode it back
            // And we put it back into Base64
            encryptedString = EncodeBase64(DecodeHex(encryptedString));
