Exemplo n.º 1
 public BindingContext(object value, EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext parent, string templatePath)
     TemplatePath = parent != null ? (parent.TemplatePath ?? templatePath) : templatePath;
     TextWriter   = writer;
     _value       = value;
     _parent      = parent;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public BindingContext(object value, EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext parent, string templatePath )
	        TemplatePath = parent != null ? (parent.TemplatePath ?? templatePath) : templatePath;
	        TextWriter = writer;
            _value = value;
            _parent = parent;
        public void Write(object value)
            var stringWriter      = new StringWriter();
            var formatterProvider = Substitute.For <IFormatterProvider>();

            formatterProvider.TryCreateFormatter(Arg.Any <Type>(), out Arg.Any <IFormatter>())
            .Returns(o =>
                new DefaultFormatterProvider().TryCreateFormatter(o[0] as Type, out var formatter);
                o[1] = formatter;

            formatterProvider.TryCreateFormatter(typeof(UndefinedBindingResult), out Arg.Any <IFormatter>())
            .Returns(o =>
                o[1] = new UndefinedFormatter("{0}");

            using var writer = new EncodedTextWriter(stringWriter, null, formatterProvider);


            Assert.Equal(value.ToString(), stringWriter.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 4
        public BindingContext(object value, EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext parent, string templatePath, BindingContext current)
            TemplatePath = parent != null ? (parent.TemplatePath ?? templatePath) : templatePath;
            TextWriter   = writer;
            _value       = value;
            _parent      = parent;

            //Inline partials cannot use the Handlebars.RegisteredTemplate method
            //because it pollutes the static dictionary and creates collisions
            //where the same partial name might exist in multiple templates.
            //To avoid collisions, pass around a dictionary of compiled partials
            //in the context
            if (parent != null)
                InlinePartialTemplates = parent.InlinePartialTemplates;
            else if (current != null)
                InlinePartialTemplates = current.InlinePartialTemplates;
                InlinePartialTemplates = new Dictionary <string, Action <TextWriter, object> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static BindingContext Create(InternalHandlebarsConfiguration configuration, object value,
                                     EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext parent, string templatePath,
                                     Action <TextWriter, object> partialBlockTemplate,
                                     IDictionary <string, Action <TextWriter, object> > inlinePartialTemplates)
     return(Pool.CreateContext(configuration, value, writer, parent, templatePath, partialBlockTemplate, inlinePartialTemplates));
Exemplo n.º 6
        void isType(EncodedTextWriter writer, BlockHelperOptions options, Context context, Arguments arguments)
            Type[] expectedType;

            var strType = (string)arguments[1];

            switch (strType)
            case "IEnumerable<string>":
                expectedType = new[] { typeof(IEnumerable <string>) };

            case "IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>>":
                expectedType = new[] { typeof(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >) };

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type: " + strType);

            var t = arguments[0]?.GetType();

            if (expectedType.Any(x => x.IsAssignableFrom(t)))
                options.Template(writer, context);
                options.Inverse(writer, context);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public BindingContext(object value, EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext parent, string templateName)
     TextWriter    = writer;
     Value         = value;
     ParentContext = parent;
     TemplateName  = templateName;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Iterate(
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables,
            object target,
            TemplateDelegate template,
            TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
            if (!HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(context.Value);
                ifEmpty(writer, frame);

            if (!ObjectDescriptor.TryCreate(target, out var descriptor))
                throw new HandlebarsRuntimeException($"Cannot create ObjectDescriptor for type {descriptor.DescribedType}");

            if (descriptor.Iterator == null)
                throw new HandlebarsRuntimeException($"Type {descriptor.DescribedType} does not support iteration");

            descriptor.Iterator.Iterate(writer, context, blockParamsVariables, target, template, ifEmpty);
        internal static TemplateDelegate CompileView(ViewReaderFactory readerFactoryFactory, string templatePath, CompilationContext compilationContext)
            var configuration = compilationContext.Configuration;
            IEnumerable <object> tokens;

            using (var sr = readerFactoryFactory(configuration, templatePath))
                using (var reader = new ExtendedStringReader(sr))
                    tokens = Tokenizer.Tokenize(reader).ToArray();

            var layoutToken = tokens.OfType <LayoutToken>().SingleOrDefault();

            var expressions  = ExpressionBuilder.ConvertTokensToExpressions(tokens, configuration);
            var compiledView = FunctionBuilder.Compile(expressions, compilationContext);

            if (layoutToken == null)

            var fs         = configuration.FileSystem;
            var layoutPath = fs.Closest(templatePath, layoutToken.Value + ".hbs");

            if (layoutPath == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find layout '{layoutToken.Value}' for template '{templatePath}'");

            var compiledLayout = CompileView(readerFactoryFactory, layoutPath, new CompilationContext(compilationContext));

            return((in EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext context) =>
                var config = context.Configuration;
                using var bindingContext = BindingContext.Create(config, null);
                foreach (var pair in context.ContextDataObject)
                    switch (pair.Key.WellKnownVariable)
                    case WellKnownVariable.Parent:
                    case WellKnownVariable.Root:

                    bindingContext.ContextDataObject[pair.Key] = pair.Value;

                using var innerWriter = ReusableStringWriter.Get(config.FormatProvider);
                using var textWriter = new EncodedTextWriter(innerWriter, config.TextEncoder, FormatterProvider.Current, true);
                compiledView(textWriter, context);
                var inner = innerWriter.ToString();

                var viewModel = new LayoutViewModel(inner, context.Value);
                bindingContext.Value = viewModel;

                compiledLayout(writer, bindingContext);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void IterateObjectWithStaticProperties(
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables,
            ObjectDescriptor descriptor,
            object target,
            IList <ChainSegment> properties,
            Type targetType,
            TemplateDelegate template,
            TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
            using var innerContext = context.CreateFrame();
            var iterator    = new ObjectIteratorValues(innerContext);
            var blockParams = new BlockParamsValues(innerContext, blockParamsVariables);

            blockParams.CreateProperty(0, out var _0);
            blockParams.CreateProperty(1, out var _1);

            var count    = properties.Count;
            var accessor = new MemberAccessor(target, descriptor);

            var iterationIndex = 0;
            var lastIndex      = count - 1;

            object       iteratorValue;
            ChainSegment iteratorKey;

            for (; iterationIndex < count; iterationIndex++)
                iteratorKey = properties[iterationIndex];

                iterator.Index = iterationIndex;
                iterator.Key   = iteratorKey;
                if (iterationIndex == 1)
                    iterator.First = BoxedValues.False;
                if (iterationIndex == lastIndex)
                    iterator.Last = BoxedValues.True;

                iteratorValue      = accessor[iteratorKey];
                iterator.Value     = iteratorValue;
                innerContext.Value = iteratorValue;

                blockParams[_0] = iteratorValue;
                blockParams[_1] = iteratorKey;

                template(writer, innerContext);

            if (iterationIndex == 0)
                innerContext.Value = context.Value;
                ifEmpty(writer, innerContext);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static Expression <Action <BindingContext, TextWriter, object> > Bind(CompilationContext context, Expression body, string templatePath)
            var configuration = Arg(context.Configuration);

            var writerParameter = Parameter <TextWriter>("buffer");
            var objectParameter = Parameter <object>("data");

            var bindingContext          = Arg <BindingContext>(context.BindingContext);
            var textEncoder             = configuration.Property(o => o.TextEncoder);
            var writer                  = Var <EncodedTextWriter>("writer");
            var encodedWriterExpression = Call(() => EncodedTextWriter.From(writerParameter, (ITextEncoder)textEncoder));
            var parentContextArg        = Var <BindingContext>("parentContext");

            var newBindingContext = Call(
                () => BindingContext.Create((ICompiledHandlebarsConfiguration)configuration, objectParameter, writer, parentContextArg, templatePath)

            Expression blockBuilder = Block()
                                      .Parameter <bool>(out var shouldDispose)
                                      .Parameter <bool>(out var shouldDisposeWriter)
                                      .Line(bindingContext.Assign(objectParameter.As <BindingContext>()))
                                            .If(Expression.Equal(bindingContext, Null <BindingContext>()))
                                            .Then(block =>
                .Line(writer.Assign(writerParameter.As <EncodedTextWriter>()))
                      .If(Expression.Equal(writer, Null <EncodedTextWriter>()))
                      .Then(b =>

                                            .Body(block => block.Lines(((BlockExpression)body).Expressions))
                                            .Finally(block =>
                    .Then(bindingContext.Call(o => o.Dispose())),
                    .Then(writer.Call(o => o.Dispose()))

            return(Expression.Lambda <Action <BindingContext, TextWriter, object> >(blockBuilder, (ParameterExpression)parentContextArg.Expression, (ParameterExpression)writerParameter.Expression, (ParameterExpression)objectParameter.Expression));
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void IterateObject(
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ObjectDescriptor descriptor,
            ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables,
            object target,
            IEnumerable properties,
            Type targetType,
            TemplateDelegate template,
            TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
            using var innerContext = context.CreateFrame();
            var iterator    = new ObjectIteratorValues(innerContext);
            var blockParams = new BlockParamsValues(innerContext, blockParamsVariables);

            blockParams.CreateProperty(0, out var _0);
            blockParams.CreateProperty(1, out var _1);

            var accessor   = new MemberAccessor(target, descriptor);
            var enumerable = new ExtendedEnumerator <object>(properties.GetEnumerator());
            var enumerated = false;

            object       iteratorValue;
            ChainSegment iteratorKey;

            while (enumerable.MoveNext())
                enumerated = true;
                var enumerableValue = enumerable.Current;
                iteratorKey = ChainSegment.Create(enumerableValue.Value);

                iterator.Key   = iteratorKey;
                iterator.Index = enumerableValue.Index;
                if (enumerableValue.Index == 1)
                    iterator.First = BoxedValues.False;
                if (enumerableValue.IsLast)
                    iterator.Last = BoxedValues.True;

                iteratorValue      = accessor[iteratorKey];
                iterator.Value     = iteratorValue;
                innerContext.Value = iteratorValue;

                blockParams[_0] = iteratorValue;
                blockParams[_1] = iteratorKey;

                template(writer, innerContext);

            if (!enumerated)
                innerContext.Value = context.Value;
                ifEmpty(writer, innerContext);
Exemplo n.º 13
        void ToBase64(EncodedTextWriter output, Context context, Arguments arguments)
            var bytes = (byte[])arguments[0];

            if (bytes != null)
Exemplo n.º 14
        void footer(EncodedTextWriter writer, BlockHelperOptions options, Context context, Arguments arguments)
            IDictionary <string, object> viewBag = context["ViewBag"] as IDictionary <string, object>;

            if (viewBag.TryGetValue("ShowFooter", out var show) && (bool)show == true)
                options.Template(writer, (object)context);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private BindingContext(InternalHandlebarsConfiguration configuration, object value, EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext parent)
            Configuration = configuration;
            TextWriter    = writer;
            Value         = value;
            ParentContext = parent;

            RegisterValueProvider(new BindingContextValueProvider(this));
Exemplo n.º 16
        void ViewBag(EncodedTextWriter output, Context context, Arguments arguments)
            var dict    = (IDictionary <string, object>)arguments[0];
            var viewBag = (IDictionary <string, object>)context["ViewBag"];

            foreach (var pair in dict)
                viewBag[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
 public static void PlainHelper(
     BindingContext context,
     EncodedTextWriter writer,
     object value,
     TemplateDelegate body,
     TemplateDelegate inverse
     RenderSection(value, context, writer, body, inverse);
        public void Write(object value)
            var stringWriter = new StringWriter();

            using var writer = new EncodedTextWriter(stringWriter, null, new Formatter <UndefinedBindingResult>(undefined => undefined.ToString()));


            Assert.Equal(value.ToString(), stringWriter.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static void IterateList(
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables,
            IList target,
            TemplateDelegate template,
            TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
            using var innerContext = context.CreateFrame();
            var iterator    = new IteratorValues(innerContext);
            var blockParams = new BlockParamsValues(innerContext, blockParamsVariables);

            blockParams.CreateProperty(0, out var _0);
            blockParams.CreateProperty(1, out var _1);

            var count = target.Count;

            object boxedIndex;
            object iteratorValue;

            var iterationIndex = 0;
            var lastIndex      = count - 1;

            for (; iterationIndex < count; iterationIndex++)
                iteratorValue = target[iterationIndex];

                iterator.Value = iteratorValue;
                if (iterationIndex == 1)
                    iterator.First = BoxedValues.False;
                if (iterationIndex == lastIndex)
                    iterator.Last = BoxedValues.True;

                boxedIndex     = iterationIndex;
                iterator.Index = boxedIndex;

                blockParams[_0] = iteratorValue;
                blockParams[_1] = boxedIndex;

                innerContext.Value = iteratorValue;

                template(writer, innerContext);

            if (iterationIndex == 0)
                innerContext.Value = context.Value;
                ifEmpty(writer, innerContext);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public BindingContext(object value, EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext parent, string templatePath, Action <TextWriter, object> partialBlockTemplate, BindingContext current, IDictionary <string, Action <TextWriter, object> > inlinePartialTemplates)
            TemplatePath = parent != null ? (parent.TemplatePath ?? templatePath) : templatePath;
            TextWriter   = writer;
            _value       = value;
            _parent      = parent;

            _Root = new Lazy <object>(() =>
                var currentContext = this;
                while (currentContext.ParentContext != null)
                    currentContext = currentContext.ParentContext;

            //Inline partials cannot use the Handlebars.RegisteredTemplate method
            //because it pollutes the static dictionary and creates collisions
            //where the same partial name might exist in multiple templates.
            //To avoid collisions, pass around a dictionary of compiled partials
            //in the context
            if (parent != null)
                InlinePartialTemplates = parent.InlinePartialTemplates;

                if (value is HashParameterDictionary dictionary)
                    // Populate value with parent context
                    foreach (var item in GetContextDictionary(parent.Value))
                        if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                            dictionary[item.Key] = item.Value;
            else if (current != null)
                InlinePartialTemplates = current.InlinePartialTemplates;
            else if (inlinePartialTemplates != null)
                InlinePartialTemplates = inlinePartialTemplates;
                InlinePartialTemplates = new Dictionary <string, Action <TextWriter, object> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            PartialBlockTemplate = partialBlockTemplate;
Exemplo n.º 21
        private static void IterateEnumerable(
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables,
            IEnumerable target,
            TemplateDelegate template,
            TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
            using var innerContext = context.CreateFrame();
            var iterator    = new IteratorValues(innerContext);
            var blockParams = new BlockParamsValues(innerContext, blockParamsVariables);

            blockParams.CreateProperty(0, out var _0);
            blockParams.CreateProperty(1, out var _1);

            var enumerator = new ExtendedEnumerator <object>(target.GetEnumerator());
            var enumerated = false;

            object boxedIndex;
            object iteratorValue;

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                enumerated = true;
                var enumerableValue = enumerator.Current;

                if (enumerableValue.Index == 1)
                    iterator.First = BoxedValues.False;
                if (enumerableValue.IsLast)
                    iterator.Last = BoxedValues.True;

                boxedIndex     = enumerableValue.Index;
                iteratorValue  = enumerableValue.Value;
                iterator.Value = iteratorValue;
                iterator.Index = boxedIndex;

                blockParams[_0] = iteratorValue;
                blockParams[_1] = boxedIndex;

                innerContext.Value = iteratorValue;

                template(writer, innerContext);

            if (!enumerated)
                innerContext.Value = context.Value;
                ifEmpty(writer, innerContext);
Exemplo n.º 22
        void ActionUrl(EncodedTextWriter output, Context context, Arguments arguments)
            if (arguments.Length < 1 || arguments.Length > 3)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(arguments));

            IDictionary <string, object> routeValues = null;
            string controller = null;
            string action     = (arguments[0] as Page)?.ActionName ?? (string)arguments[0];

            if (arguments.Length >= 2) // [actionName, controllerName/routeValues ]
                if (arguments[1] is IDictionary <string, object> r)
                    routeValues = r;
                else if (arguments[1] is string s)
                    controller = s;
                else if (arguments[1] is Page v)
                    controller = v.ControllerName;
                    throw new Exception("ActionUrl: Invalid parameter 1");
            if (arguments.Length == 3) // [actionName, controllerName, routeValues]
                routeValues = (IDictionary <string, object>)arguments[2];

            if (controller == null)
                controller = context["ControllerName"] as string;

            string url = BaseUrl + controller;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action))
                url += "/" + action;

            output.WriteSafeString(AddQueryString(url, routeValues));
Exemplo n.º 23
        void eachPair(EncodedTextWriter writer, BlockHelperOptions options, Context context, Arguments arguments)
            void OutputElements <T>()
                if (arguments[0] is IEnumerable <T> pairs)
                    foreach (var item in pairs)
                        options.Template(writer, item);

            OutputElements <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            OutputElements <KeyValuePair <string, object> >();
Exemplo n.º 24
        private static bool InvokePartial(
            string partialName,
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ICompiledHandlebarsConfiguration configuration)
            if (partialName.Equals(SpecialPartialBlockName))
                if (context.PartialBlockTemplate == null)
                    return false;

                context.PartialBlockTemplate(writer, context.ParentContext);
                return true;

            //if we have an inline partial, skip the file system and RegisteredTemplates collection
            if (context.InlinePartialTemplates.TryGetValue(partialName, out var partial))
                partial(writer, context);
                return true;
            // Partial is not found, so call the resolver and attempt to load it.
            if (!configuration.RegisteredTemplates.ContainsKey(partialName))
                var handlebars = Handlebars.Create(configuration);
                if (configuration.PartialTemplateResolver == null 
                    || !configuration.PartialTemplateResolver.TryRegisterPartial(handlebars, partialName, (string) context.Extensions.Optional("templatePath")))
                    // Template not found.
                    return false;

                using var textWriter = writer.CreateWrapper();
                configuration.RegisteredTemplates[partialName](textWriter, context);
                return true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new HandlebarsRuntimeException($"Runtime error while rendering partial '{partialName}', see inner exception for more information", exception);
Exemplo n.º 25
        internal static TemplateDelegate CompileView(ViewReaderFactory readerFactoryFactory, string templatePath, CompilationContext compilationContext)
            var configuration = compilationContext.Configuration;
            IEnumerable <object> tokens;

            using (var sr = readerFactoryFactory(configuration, templatePath))
                using (var reader = new ExtendedStringReader(sr))
                    tokens = Tokenizer.Tokenize(reader).ToArray();

            var layoutToken = tokens.OfType <LayoutToken>().SingleOrDefault();

            var expressions  = ExpressionBuilder.ConvertTokensToExpressions(tokens, configuration);
            var compiledView = FunctionBuilder.Compile(expressions, compilationContext);

            if (layoutToken == null)

            var fs         = configuration.FileSystem;
            var layoutPath = fs.Closest(templatePath, layoutToken.Value + ".hbs");

            if (layoutPath == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find layout '{layoutToken.Value}' for template '{templatePath}'");

            var compiledLayout = CompileView(readerFactoryFactory, layoutPath, new CompilationContext(compilationContext));

            return((in EncodedTextWriter writer, BindingContext context) =>
                var config = context.Configuration;
                using var innerWriter = ReusableStringWriter.Get(config.FormatProvider);
                using var textWriter = new EncodedTextWriter(innerWriter, config.TextEncoder, config.UnresolvedBindingFormatter, true);
                compiledView(textWriter, context);
                var inner = innerWriter.ToString();

                var vmContext = new [] { new { body = inner }, context.Value };
                var viewModel = new DynamicViewModel(vmContext);
                using var bindingContext = BindingContext.Create(config, viewModel);

                compiledLayout(writer, bindingContext);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static void Iterate(
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables,
            object target,
            TemplateDelegate template,
            TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
            if (!HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(context.Value);
                ifEmpty(writer, frame);

            var targetType = target.GetType();

            if (!context.Configuration.ObjectDescriptorProvider.TryGetDescriptor(targetType, out var descriptor))
                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(context.Value);
                ifEmpty(writer, frame);

            if (!descriptor.ShouldEnumerate)
                var properties = descriptor.GetProperties(descriptor, target);
                if (properties is IList <ChainSegment> propertiesList)
                    IterateObjectWithStaticProperties(context, writer, blockParamsVariables, descriptor, target, propertiesList, targetType, template, ifEmpty);

                IterateObject(context, writer, descriptor, blockParamsVariables, target, properties, targetType, template, ifEmpty);

            if (target is IList list)
                IterateList(context, writer, blockParamsVariables, list, template, ifEmpty);

            IterateEnumerable(context, writer, blockParamsVariables, (IEnumerable)target, template, ifEmpty);
Exemplo n.º 27
        private static void InvokePartialWithFallback(
            string partialName,
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ICompiledHandlebarsConfiguration configuration)
            if (InvokePartial(partialName, context, writer, configuration)) return;
            if (context.PartialBlockTemplate == null)
                if (configuration.MissingPartialTemplateHandler == null)
                    throw new HandlebarsRuntimeException($"Referenced partial name {partialName} could not be resolved");
                configuration.MissingPartialTemplateHandler.Handle(configuration, partialName, writer);

            context.PartialBlockTemplate(writer, context);
Exemplo n.º 28
        void Selected(EncodedTextWriter output, Context context, Arguments arguments)
            string selected;

            if (arguments.Length >= 2)
                selected = arguments[1]?.ToString();
                selected = context["selected"].ToString();

            if (((string)arguments[0]).Equals(selected, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static Expression <Action <BindingContext, TextWriter, object> > Bind(CompilationContext context, Expression body, string templatePath)
            var configuration = ExpressionShortcuts.Arg(context.Configuration);

            var writerParameter = ExpressionShortcuts.Parameter <TextWriter>("buffer");
            var objectParameter = ExpressionShortcuts.Parameter <object>("data");

            var bindingContext          = ExpressionShortcuts.Arg <BindingContext>(context.BindingContext);
            var inlinePartialsParameter = ExpressionShortcuts.Null <IDictionary <string, Action <TextWriter, object> > >();
            var textEncoder             = configuration.Property(o => o.TextEncoder);
            var encodedWriterExpression = ExpressionShortcuts.Call(() => EncodedTextWriter.From(writerParameter, (ITextEncoder)textEncoder));
            var parentContextArg        = ExpressionShortcuts.Var <BindingContext>("parentContext");

            var newBindingContext = ExpressionShortcuts.Call(
                () => BindingContext.Create(configuration, objectParameter, encodedWriterExpression, parentContextArg, templatePath, (IDictionary <string, Action <TextWriter, object> >)inlinePartialsParameter)

            var shouldDispose = ExpressionShortcuts.Var <bool>("shouldDispose");

            Expression blockBuilder = ExpressionShortcuts.Block()
                                            .If(objectParameter.Is <BindingContext>(),
                                                bindingContext.Assign(objectParameter.As <BindingContext>())
                                            .Else(block =>
                                            .Body(block => block.Lines(((BlockExpression)body).Expressions))
                                                     .If(shouldDispose, bindingContext.Call(o => o.Dispose()))

            return(Expression.Lambda <Action <BindingContext, TextWriter, object> >(blockBuilder, (ParameterExpression)parentContextArg.Expression, (ParameterExpression)writerParameter.Expression, (ParameterExpression)objectParameter.Expression));
Exemplo n.º 30
        void MenuItemActionLink(EncodedTextWriter output, Context context, Arguments arguments)
            var dict = arguments[0] as IDictionary <string, object> ?? new Dictionary <string, object>()
                ["controller"] = arguments[0]

            string classes = "item";

            if (dict["controller"].Equals(context["ControllerName"]))
                classes += " active";

            string url   = BaseUrl + dict["controller"];
            string title = dict.GetValue("title", dict["controller"]) as string;

            //string title = HtmlEncode(value);

            output.WriteSafeString($@"<a href=""{url}"" class=""{classes}"">{title}</a>");
        private static void RenderSection(object value,
                                          BindingContext context,
                                          EncodedTextWriter writer,
                                          TemplateDelegate body,
                                          TemplateDelegate inversion)
            switch (value)
            case bool boolValue when boolValue:
                body(writer, context);

            case null:
            case object _ when HandlebarsUtils.IsFalsyOrEmpty(value):
                inversion(writer, context);


            case string _:
                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(value);
                body(writer, frame);

            case IEnumerable enumerable:
                Iterator.Iterate(context, writer, BlockParamsVariables, enumerable, body, inversion);

                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(value);
                body(writer, frame);