Exemplo n.º 1
    /*public void Activate()
     * {
     *  SelectionList.LoadEntries(PlayerManager.GetSavedGames());
     * }*/

    private void StartNewGame(string name, Races race, EmpireController.govType gov)//Attempt to start a new game
        //string newLevel = SelectionList.GetCurrentEntry();

        /*if (newLevel != "")
         * {
         *  ResourceManager.LevelName = newLevel;
         *  if (Application.loadedLevelName != "BlankMap1") Application.LoadLevel("BlankMap1");
         *  else if (Application.loadedLevelName != "BlankMap2") Application.LoadLevel("BlankMap2");
         *  //makes sure that the loaded level runs at normal speed
         *  Time.timeScale = 1.0f;
         * }*/
        playerInstance.GetComponent <EmpireController>().name       = "Player";
        playerInstance.GetComponent <EmpireController>().EmpireName = name;
        playerInstance.GetComponent <EmpireController>().Race       = race;
        playerInstance.GetComponent <EmpireController>().Gov        = gov;

        DontDestroyOnLoad(playerInstance);//prevent this player object from disappearing when scene changes

Exemplo n.º 2
    void OnGUI()
        /*if (SelectionList.MouseDoubleClick())
         * {
         *  PlayClick();
         *  StartLoad();
         * }*/

        GUI.skin = mainSkin;
        float menuHeight = GetMenuHeight();
        float groupLeft  = Screen.width / 2 - ResourceManager.MenuWidth / 2;
        float groupTop   = Screen.height / 2 - menuHeight / 2;
        Rect  groupRect  = new Rect(groupLeft, groupTop, ResourceManager.MenuWidth, menuHeight);

        //background box
        GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, ResourceManager.MenuWidth, menuHeight), "");
        //menu buttons
        float leftPos = ResourceManager.Padding;
        float topPos  = menuHeight - ResourceManager.Padding - ResourceManager.ButtonHeight;

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(leftPos, topPos, ResourceManager.ButtonWidth, ResourceManager.ButtonHeight), "Create New Game"))
            if (text != "" && selectedRace != null && gov == EmpireController.govType.EMPIRE || gov == EmpireController.govType.REPUBLIC || gov == EmpireController.govType.FEDERATION)
                StartNewGame(text, selectedRace, gov);
        leftPos += ResourceManager.ButtonWidth + ResourceManager.Padding;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(leftPos, topPos, ResourceManager.ButtonWidth, ResourceManager.ButtonHeight), "Cancel"))

        GUI.Label(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding, 5, 120, 40), "Set Name of game government: ");
        text = GUI.TextField(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding + 125, 5, 135, 40), text);//Empire name

        GUI.Label(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding, 55, 120, 40), "Set Main Race: ");
        //comboBoxControl = new ComboBox(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding + 125, 65, 100, 20), comboBoxList[0], comboBoxList, "button", "box", listStyle);
        //int selectedItemIndex = comboBoxControl.Show();
        //selectedRace = ObjectList.racesList[selectedItemIndex];//empire race
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding + 125, 65, 100, 20), "Human"))
            selectedRace = ObjectList.human;

        GUI.Label(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding, 110, 120, 40), "Set Govement Type: ");//set kind of government
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding + 125, 100, 100, 20), "Empire"))
            gov = EmpireController.govType.EMPIRE;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding + 125, 125, 100, 20), "Republic"))
            gov = EmpireController.govType.REPUBLIC;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding + 125, 150, 100, 20), "Federation"))
            gov = EmpireController.govType.FEDERATION;

        GUI.Label(new Rect(ResourceManager.Padding, 85, 250, 250), description);//update description


        //selection list, needs to be called outside of the group for the menu
        float selectionLeft   = groupRect.x + ResourceManager.Padding;
        float selectionTop    = groupRect.y + ResourceManager.Padding;
        float selectionWidth  = groupRect.width - 2 * ResourceManager.Padding;
        float selectionHeight = groupRect.height - GetMenuItemsHeight() - ResourceManager.Padding;
        //SelectionList.Draw(selectionLeft, selectionTop, selectionWidth, selectionHeight, selectionSkin);