Exemplo n.º 1
        [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] //Cannot be requested via DM.
        public async Task GiveHamachiAsync()
            //Log the caller.
            string LogEntry      = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString()} requested by {Context.User.Id} - {Context.User.Username}";
            var    ReportChannel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(BotTools.GetReportingChannelUlong());
            var    Requestor     = Context.User as SocketGuildUser;
            var    caller        = Context.User as IGuildUser;

            //Check the Netbattler Role.
            if (caller.RoleIds.Contains(RoleModule.GetRole("Netbattler", Context.Guild).Id))
                //Check to see if the user can accept DMs.
                    string HamachiServer = BotTools.GetSettingString(BotTools.ConfigurationEntries.HamachiServer);
                    string HamachiPass   = BotTools.GetSettingString(BotTools.ConfigurationEntries.HamachiPassword);

                    await Context.User.SendMessageAsync($"**N1 Grand Prix Hamachi Server**\n```\nServer: {HamachiServer}\nPassword: {HamachiPass}\n```\n\nPlease ensure that your PC name on Hamachi matches your Nickname on the N1GP Discord to help make matchmaking easier.\n\n**DO NOT provide the N1 Grand Prix Hamachi server credentials to anyone outside the N1GP.**");

                    await ReportChannel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.UserHamachiRequest(Requestor));

                    await ReplyAsync("You have e-mail.");
                catch (Exception)
                    await ReplyAsync("You currently have DMs disabled. Please enable DMs from users on the server to obtain the Hamachi credentials.");

                await ReplyAsync("You are not authorized to obtain Hamachi credentials. Use `!license` before attempting to use this command.");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public async Task CallEventInfo()
     if (IsEventActive())
         await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.EventInfoEmbed(GetActiveEvent()));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task CreateEventAsync([Remainder] string EventName)
        {//TODO: Add an Alias for additional commands, add this to HelpModule.
            // 1. Check to see if an event is already active.
            if (IsEventActive())
                await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("An event is already active and a new one cannot be created."));
                // 2. Check to see if the caller is an Event Organizer.
                var caller = Context.User as IGuildUser;
                if (IsEventOrganizer(caller, Context.Guild))
                    // 3. Create the Event.
                    Event newEvent = new Event(Context.User.Id, EventName);
                    newEvent.Description      = "Not yet configured.";
                    newEvent.RulesURL         = "Not yet configured.";
                    newEvent.StartDate        = "Not yet configured.";
                    newEvent.RegistrationOpen = false;
                    newEvent.AcceptingSetups  = false;

                    // 4. Serialize the event into a JSON.
                    File.WriteAllText($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Data{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Event.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newEvent));
                    File.WriteAllText($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Data{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Registration.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ParticipantList));
                    // 5. Confirm.
                    await ReplyAsync($"The event, {EventName}, has been created.");
                    await ReplyAsync("You are not authorized to create events.");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(SocketMessage rawMessage)
            // Ignore system messages, or messages from other bots
            if (!(rawMessage is SocketUserMessage message))
            if (message.Source != MessageSource.User)
            var context = new SocketCommandContext(_discord, message);

            //Save Game Importing
            if (message.Attachments.Count == 1) //The message contains an attachment.
                if (IsEventActive())
                {         //An event is active.
                    if (EventModule.IsParticipantRegistered(message.Author.Id))
                    {     //Check to see if the user is registered.
                        if (rawMessage.Attachments.FirstOrDefault <Attachment>().Filename.ToUpper().Contains("SA1"))
                        { //The message contains a save file. Download and process it.
                            string url            = rawMessage.Attachments.FirstOrDefault <Attachment>().Url;
                            string CacheDirectory = $"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Cache{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}";
                            var    Client         = new WebClient();
                            Client.DownloadFile(new Uri(url), $"{CacheDirectory}{rawMessage.Author.Id}{rawMessage.Attachments.FirstOrDefault<Attachment>().Filename}");
                            Tools.BN6.SaveTool.ProcessSave($"{CacheDirectory}{rawMessage.Author.Id}{rawMessage.Attachments.FirstOrDefault<Attachment>().Filename}", rawMessage.Author.Id, EventModule.GetParticipant(rawMessage.Author).NetbattlerName);
                            await rawMessage.DeleteAsync();

                            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Save file accepted.");
                        else if (rawMessage.Attachments.FirstOrDefault <Attachment>().Filename.ToUpper().Contains("SAV") || rawMessage.Attachments.FirstOrDefault <Attachment>().Filename.ToUpper().Contains(".SG"))
                            await rawMessage.DeleteAsync();

                            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, EmbedTool.CommandError("I can only accept Save Files that are *.SA1 format. Please upload the correct save file."));

            // This value holds the offset where the prefix ends
            var argPos = 0;

            if (!(message.HasMentionPrefix(_discord.CurrentUser, ref argPos) || message.HasStringPrefix("!", ref argPos)))

            var result = await _commands.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, _services);

            if (result.IsSuccess == false)
                //The command failed?
Exemplo n.º 5
            [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.ViewAuditLog)] //Admin-Only.
            public async Task UpdateOnedriveAsync([Remainder] string newOnedriveLink)
                dynamic BotConfiguration = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(System.IO.File.ReadAllText($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}config.json"));

                BotConfiguration.OneDriveLink = newOnedriveLink;
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}config.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(BotConfiguration, Formatting.Indented));
                await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.ChannelMessage("The drive Link has been updated."));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public async Task CloseEventAsync()
 {//Closes the event and delets the Participant JSON and the Event JSON.
     if (IsEventActive())
         await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChannelMessage("The Event has concluded."));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task ReplyGuides()
            dynamic BotConfiguration = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(System.IO.File.ReadAllText($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}config.json"));
            String  drivelink        = BotConfiguration.DriveLink;
            await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("", false, EmbedTool.GuidesEmbed(drivelink));

            if (!Context.IsPrivate)
                await ReplyAsync($"You have e-mail, {Context.User.Username}");
Exemplo n.º 8
 public async Task UpdateEventDateAsync([Remainder] string Date)
     if (IsEventActive() && IsEventOrganizer(Context.User as IGuildUser, Context.Guild))
         UpdateEventData(EventFields.StartDate, Date);
         await ReplyAsync("The Event date has been upated.");
         await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("There is not an active event or you are not authorized to make changes to the event."));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public async Task UpdateEventTitleAsync([Remainder] string EventTitle)
     if (IsEventActive() && IsEventOrganizer(Context.User as IGuildUser, Context.Guild))
     {//The event is active and the caller is an authorized user.
         UpdateEventData(EventFields.Title, EventTitle);
         await ReplyAsync($"The event title has been updated to {EventTitle}.");
         await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("There is not an active event or you are not authorized to make changes to the event."));
Exemplo n.º 10
 [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.ViewAuditLog)] //Admin-only.
 public async Task AdminQuoteRemove([Remainder] int QuoteID)
     for (int i = 0; i < MasterQuoteList.Count; i++)
         if (MasterQuoteList[i].QuoteID == QuoteID)
         {                                //The Quote ID is located.
             MasterQuoteList.RemoveAt(i); //Remove the quote from the library.
             WriteQuoteList();            //Write the list to the JSON.
             await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChannelMessage($"Quote {QuoteID.ToString()} removed from the library by a moderator."));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task EventListAsync()
            //Builds a list of participants to send to the organizer.
            if (IsEventOrganizer(Context.User as IGuildUser, Context.Guild))
                SyncParticipantList(); //Ensure the List is up to date.
                string Result = $"**{GetActiveEvent().EventName} Participant List**\n\n";

                for (int i = 0; i < ParticipantList.Count; i++)
                    Result += $"{ParticipantList[i].NetbattlerName} ({ParticipantList[i].UserID}) - Setup Submitted: {ParticipantList[i].SetupSubmitted.ToString()}\n";
                await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(Result);
                await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("You are not authorized to obtain the participant list."));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public async Task CloseRegistrationAsync()
     if (IsEventActive() && IsEventOrganizer(Context.User as IGuildUser, Context.Guild))
     {//Is the event active?
         Event activeEvent = GetActiveEvent();
         if (activeEvent.RegistrationOpen == true)
         {//Is registration closed?
             UpdateEventData(EventFields.RegistrationOpen, "false");
             await ReplyAsync("Registration is now closed.");
         else //No changes necessary.
             await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("The event's registration is already closed."));
         await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("There is not an active event or you are not authorized to make changes to the event."));
Exemplo n.º 13
            public async Task LookupDefaultAsync([Remainder] string rndr)
            {//!lookup <chipname> -
                Chip locatedChip;

                if (rndr.Length == 1)
                    await ReplyAsync(ObtainCodeResults(rndr));
                else if (TryFindChipByName(rndr, out locatedChip))
                    await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChipEmbed(locatedChip));
                else if (TryFindChipByAlias(rndr, out locatedChip))
                    await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChipEmbed(locatedChip));
                    await ReplyAsync(ObtainSuggestions(rndr));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public async Task JoinEventAsync([Remainder] string NetbattlerName)
     if (IsEventActive())
     {         //Is the event active?
         if (GetActiveEvent().RegistrationOpen == true)
         {     //Is registration open?
             if (IsParticipantRegistered(Context.User.Id) == true)
             { //The user is already registered.
                 await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError($"You are already registered for the {GetActiveEvent().EventName} event."));
                 if (VerifyNetbattlerName(NetbattlerName) == true)
                 { //Completing Task 56
                     //The Netbattler Name the user is attempting to use is already registered.
                     await ReplyAsync("The Netbattler Name you've selected is already in use. Please register with a different name.");
                 {  //The Netbattler Name is not registered.
                     EventParticipant newParticipant = new EventParticipant(NetbattlerName.Replace('@', ' '), Context.User.Id);
                     await ToggleRole(Context.User as IGuildUser, RoleModule.GetRole("Official Netbattler", Context.Guild));//Add the Official Netbattler role to the user.
                     await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChannelMessage($"You have registered for the event {GetActiveEvent().EventName} sucessfully!"));
         else //registration is closed.
             await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError($"{GetActiveEvent().EventName} is currently not accepting registrations."));
         await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("There currently isn't an active event."));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task UpdateNetbattlerNameAsync([Remainder] string NewName)
            var caller = Context.User as IGuildUser;

            if (IsEventActive())
                if (IsParticipantRegistered(caller.Id))
                    GetParticipant(caller).NetbattlerName = NewName.Replace('@', ' ');
                    await ReplyAsync("Updated your Netbattler Name successfully.");
                    await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError($"You are not registered for {GetActiveEvent().EventName}."));
                await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("There currently isn't an active event."));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task QuoteSpecificAsync([Remainder] uint quoteID)
            //1. Update the local list for Quotes.

            //2. Locate the quote.
            Quote selectedQuote = null;

                selectedQuote = MasterQuoteList.Find(x => x.QuoteID == quoteID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await ReplyAsync(ex.Message);


            //3. Respond with said quote.
            if (selectedQuote != null)
                if (selectedQuote.QuoteAuthorNickname == null)
                    await ReplyAsync($"Quote { selectedQuote.QuoteID.ToString()} by Library Export: {selectedQuote.QuoteContents}");
                    await ReplyAsync($"Quote { selectedQuote.QuoteID.ToString()} by {selectedQuote.QuoteAuthorNickname}: {selectedQuote.QuoteContents}");
                await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChannelMessage("The quote you specified is not in the library."));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task RemoveQuoteAsync([Remainder] int quoteid)
            //1. Pull down the deserialized list.

            //2. Locate the quote in question for verification by enumeration.
            bool QuoteExists = false; //False by default

            for (int i = 0; i < MasterQuoteList.Count; i++)
                if (MasterQuoteList[i].QuoteID == quoteid)
                {//The Quote ID is located.
                    QuoteExists = true;
                    if (MasterQuoteList[i].QuoteAuthor == Context.User.Id)
                    {                                //The requestor is the author of the quote.
                        MasterQuoteList.RemoveAt(i); //Remove the quote from the library.
                        WriteQuoteList();            //Write the list to the JSON.
                        QuoteExists = true;          //Quote was found and deleted.
                    else                             //The requestor is not the author of the quote.
                        await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChannelMessage("You are not the author of the quote."));

            //3. Respond based on what was or wasn't found.
            if (QuoteExists == false)
                await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChannelMessage("The quote does not exist in the library."));
                await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChannelMessage($"Quote {quoteid.ToString()} removed from the library."));
Exemplo n.º 18
        [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] //Cannot be requested via DM.
        public async Task GiveRadminAsync()
            //Log the caller.
            string LogEntry      = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString()} requested by {Context.User.Id} - {Context.User.Username}";
            var    ReportChannel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(BotTools.GetReportingChannelUlong());
            var    Requestor     = Context.User as SocketGuildUser;
            var    caller        = Context.User as IGuildUser;

            //Check the Netbattler Role.
            if (caller.RoleIds.Contains(RoleModule.GetRole("Netbattler", Context.Guild).Id))
                //Check to see if the user can accept DMs.
                    //Pivoting this to a complete message rather than

                    string RadminServer = BotTools.GetSettingString(BotTools.ConfigurationEntries.RadminCredentialString);

                    await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(RadminServer);              //Updated this to, instead of using a template, use a moderator-specified string in its entirety. -MMX 6/18/2021

                    await ReportChannel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.UserRadminRequest(Requestor));
                    await ReplyAsync("You have e-mail.");
                catch (Exception)
                    await ReplyAsync("You currently have DMs disabled. Please enable DMs from users on the server to obtain the Radmin credentials.");

                await ReplyAsync("You are not authorized to obtain Radmin credentials. Use `!license` before attempting to use this command.");
Exemplo n.º 19
 public async Task DropEventAsync()
     if (IsEventActive())
         //We don't need to check for open registration to drop.
         var caller = Context.User as IGuildUser;
         if (IsParticipantRegistered(Context.User.Id) == true)
         {//The user is already registered.
             await ToggleRole(Context.User as IGuildUser, RoleModule.GetRole("Official Netbattler", Context.Guild)); //Remove the Official Netbattler role.
             await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.ChannelMessage($"You have dropped from {GetActiveEvent().EventName}"));
             await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError($"You are not registered for the {GetActiveEvent().EventName} event."));
         await ReplyAsync("", embed : EmbedTool.CommandError("There currently isn't an active event."));
Exemplo n.º 20
 [Command("join")] //!help event join
 public async Task EventJoinHelp()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!event join <Netbattler Name>", "Joins the event with the netbattler name specified if the event is accepting registrations. Example: !event join MidniteW"));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public async Task EventDropHelp()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!event drop", "Removes you from the current active event. This can be done even if the event is not accepting registration."));
Exemplo n.º 22
 public async Task EventHelp()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!event <join/drop/update/admin/create>", "Event commands.  Only usable when there is an active event."));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public async Task EventCreateHelp()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!event create <Event Name>", "Creates an event with the specified name."));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public async Task QuoteAdminHelpAsync()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!quote admin <Edit/Remove> <Quote ID>", "Moderator-only command. Removes or edits a quote regardless of the quote author."));
Exemplo n.º 25
 public async Task QuoteLibraryHelpAsync()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!quote library", "Replys with a HTML file containing the quotes library."));
Exemplo n.º 26
 public async Task QuoteRemoveHelpAsync()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!quote remove <Quote ID>", "If you are the author of a quote, remove it from the library."));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public async Task QuoteAddHelpAsync()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!quote add <quote contents>", "Adds a quote to the library. For disclosure, this records your Discord ID as well as the date/time the quote was added"));
Exemplo n.º 28
 public async Task QuoteHelpAsync()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!quote", "Calls a random quote from the library.\n**Additional Commands:** *!quote add <text>, !quote remove <quote number>, !quote library*"));
Exemplo n.º 29
 public async Task UnavHelpAsync()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!unav, !unavailable", "Removes the Available to Battle role from you."));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public async Task DeckmasterHelp()
     await ReplyAsync("", false, EmbedTool.HelpMessage("!deckmaster", "Adds a pingable role so active players of the MegaMan TCG can matchmake. Call the command again to remove the role."));