Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static async Task UserSentMessage(SocketGuildUser user, SocketTextChannel channel)
            var  userAccount = UserAccounts.UserAccounts.GetAccount(user);                                                                                  // get user that just typed
            uint oldLevel    = userAccount.LevelNumber;                                                                                                     // store their previous level

            userAccount.XP += 10;                                                                                                                           // add the xp
            UserAccounts.UserAccounts.SaveAccounts();                                                                                                       //save
            uint newLevel = userAccount.LevelNumber;                                                                                                        // store their current level

            if (oldLevel != newLevel)                                                                                                                       // if old level not equal to new level they must have gained a level
                var embed = new EmbedBuilder                                                                                                                // create new embed
                    Color  = new Color(255, 82, 41),                                                                                                        // embed colour (orange)
                    Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder                                                                                                         // create new author within embed (used as a title when displayed)
                        Name    = user.Username + " just levelled up!",                                                                                     // author text
                        IconUrl =
                            "http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/ea/ea879dd914a94d7f719bb553306786fa5ae6acb0_full.jpg" // duckybot logo, displayed beside author text
                embed.AddField("LEVEL", newLevel, true);            // users current level
                embed.AddField("Current XP", userAccount.XP, true); // users current xp
                await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed.ToString());   // post embed
Exemplo n.º 2
        [Summary("Shows a list of all available commands per module, and a brief description of what they do. :nerd:")]                                       // command summary
        public async Task HelpAsync()                                                                                                                         // command async task (method basically)
            var dmChannel = await Context.User.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();                                                                                   // A direct messages channel is created so that the !help command content will be privately sent to the user & not flood the chat

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder                                                                                                                    // create new embed
                Color  = new Color(255, 82, 41),                                                                                                              // embed colour (orange)
                Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder                                                                                                               // create new author within embed (used as a title when displayed)
                    Name    = "The DuckyBot commands must be typed precisely as shown below:-",                                                               // author text
                    IconUrl = "http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/ea/ea879dd914a94d7f719bb553306786fa5ae6acb0_full.jpg" // duckybot logo, displayed beside author text

            foreach (var module in _service.Modules) // loop through the modules taken from the command service initiated earlier!
                // string description = null; // description defaults to null to ensure no errors occur if the description building fails

                var description = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (var cmd in module.Commands)                                               // loop through all the commands per module as well
                    var result = await cmd.CheckPreconditionsAsync(Context);                       // gotta check if they pass

                    if (result.IsSuccess)                                                          // if they DO pass
                        description.AppendLine($"`!{cmd.Aliases.First()}`" + $" - {cmd.Summary}"); // ADD that command's first alias (aka it's actual name) to the description tag of this embed, along with the set bot command prefix and a summary of the command

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description.ToString())) // if the module wasn't empty add a field where we drop all the command data into!
                    builder.AddField(x =>                               // add field with multiple properties defined
                        x.Name     = module.Name;                       // module name
                        x.Value    = description;                       // above description format for each command
                        x.IsInline = false;                             // not inline (so it appears like a list)
            await dmChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build());                                                                                            // then send embed to the user in the direct messages channel

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Context.User.Mention + " Check your direct messages for a list of my commands! <:duckybot:378960915116064768> "); // reply to user in the channel they used the !help command to notify them of the direct message