Exemplo n.º 1
        static void SendAsyncEmail()
            // set network settings of your SMTP server
            string host      = "SMTP_SERVER_HOST_ADDRESS";
            int    port      = 0; // "SMTP_SERVER_IP";
            string userName  = "******";
            string password  = "******";
            bool   enableSsl = false; // true

            EmailSettings.NetworkSettings networkSettings = new EmailSettings.NetworkSettings(
                host, port, userName, password, enableSsl);

            // create and e-mail
            Email email = new Email();

            // set properties
            email.NetworkSettings = networkSettings;
            email.From            = "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS";
            email.To      = new string[] { "EMAIL_ADDRESS_1", "EMAIL_ADDRESS_2", "EMAIL_ADDRESS_2", "..." };
            email.Subject = "EMAIL_SUBJECT";
            email.Body    = "EMAIL_BODY";
            // set async properties and events
            email.IsAsync        = true;
            email.Token          = _asyncToken;
            email.SendCompleted += new Email.SendCompletedEventHandler(email_SendCompleted);
            // send e-mail

            // show message
            // we can see this message immediately
            ShowMessage("Sending email...");
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void SendEmail()
            // set network settings of your SMTP server
            string host      = "SMTP_SERVER_HOST_ADDRESS";
            int    port      = 0; // "SMTP_SERVER_IP";
            string userName  = "******";
            string password  = "******";
            bool   enableSsl = false; // true

            EmailSettings.NetworkSettings networkSettings = new EmailSettings.NetworkSettings(
                host, port, userName, password, enableSsl);

            // create and e-mail
            Email email = new Email();

            // set properties
            email.NetworkSettings = networkSettings;
            email.From            = "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS";
            email.To      = new string[] { "EMAIL_ADDRESS_1", "EMAIL_ADDRESS_2", "EMAIL_ADDRESS_2", "..." };
            email.Subject = "EMAIL_SUBJECT";
            email.Body    = "EMAIL_BODY";
            // send e-mail

            // show message
            // we can see this message when e-mail is transmitted
            ShowMessage("Email has been sent!");