Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostAsync([FromRoute] Guid organizationuuid, [FromBody] MapHiveUser user, string applicationContext = null, [FromQuery] EmailAccount ea = null)
            //only owners or admins should be allowed to perform this action
            var callerId = Cartomatic.Utils.Identity.GetUserGuid();

            if (!(UserIsOrgOwner(callerId) || UserIsOrgAdmin(callerId)))

            //this is an org user, so needs to be flagged as such!
            user.IsOrgUser            = true;
            user.ParentOrganizationId = organizationuuid;

                //initial email template customization
                var replacementData = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "UserName", $"{user.GetFullUserName()} ({user.Email})" },
                    { "Email", user.Email },
                    { "RedirectUrl", this.GetRequestSource(HttpContext)?.Split('#')[0] }

                var(emailAccount, emailTemplate) = await GetEmailStuffAsync("user_created", applicationContext);

                //use custom email account if provided
                if (ea != null && ea.SeemsComplete())
                    emailAccount = ea;

                //org users and org roles are created against mh meta db!
                //This is where some env core objects are kept

                var createdUser = await MapHiveUser.CreateUserAccountAsync(GetDefaultDbContext(), user, EmailSender, emailAccount, emailTemplate?.Prepare(replacementData));

                if (createdUser != null)
                    //user has been created, so now need to add it to the org with an appropriate role
                    await this.OrganizationContext.AddOrganizationUserAsync(GetDefaultDbContext(), createdUser.User);

                    //at this stage user should have had a member role assigned
                    //mkae sure to assign the one that has been asked for
                    if (user.OrganizationRole.HasValue && user.OrganizationRole != Organization.OrganizationRole.Member)
                        await this.OrganizationContext.ChangeOrganizationUserRoleAsync(GetDefaultDbContext(), user);


            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> PassResetRequestAsync([FromBody] PassResetRequestInput input, [FromRoute] string app = null, [FromQuery] EmailAccount ea = null)
            //Note: basically this is a pass reset request, so NO need to inform a potential attacker about exceptions - always return ok!

            if (input == null)

                var requestPassResetOutput = await Auth.RequestPassResetAsync(input.Email);

                var(emailAccount, emailTemplate) = await GetEmailStuffAsync("pass_reset_request", app);

                //use custom email account if provided
                if (ea != null && ea.SeemsComplete())
                    emailAccount = ea;

                //basically need to send an email the verification key has expired and send a new one
                var user = await GetDefaultDbContext().Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Email == input.Email);

                //since got here and email off mbr, user should not be null, but just in a case...
                if (user == null)
                    //return BadRequest();

                //prepare the email template tokens
                var tokens = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "UserName", $"{user.GetFullUserName()} ({user.Email})" },
                    { "Email", user.Email },
                    { "RedirectUrl", this.GetRequestSource(HttpContext).Split('#')[0] },
                    { "VerificationKey", requestPassResetOutput.VerificationKey }

                //prepare and send the email
                EmailSender.Send(emailAccount, emailTemplate.Prepare(tokens), user.Email);

            catch //(Exception ex)
                //return HandleException(ex);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> ResendActivationLinkAsync([FromRoute] Guid uuid, [FromRoute] string app = null, [FromQuery] EmailAccount ea = null)
                var dbCtx = GetDefaultDbContext();

                //grab a user first
                var u = await new MapHiveUser().ReadAsync(dbCtx, uuid);

                if (u == null)
                    return(BadRequest("Unknown user."));

                //and make sure there is point in resending a link
                if (u.IsAccountVerified)
                    return(BadRequest("User has already activated his account."));

                //get the request lang without re-setting a cookie. will be used to get a proper email template later
                var(emailAccount, emailTemplate) = await GetEmailStuffAsync("user_created", app);

                //use custom email account if provided
                if (ea != null && ea.SeemsComplete())
                    emailAccount = ea;

                var initialEmailData = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "UserName", $"{u.GetFullUserName()} ({u.Email})" },
                    { "Email", u.Email },
                    { "RedirectUrl", (GetRequestSource(HttpContext) ?? string.Empty).Split('#')[0] }

                await u.ResendActivationLinkAsync(

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> ActivateAccountAsync([FromBody] AccountActivationInput activationInput, [FromRoute] string app = null, [FromQuery] EmailAccount ea = null)
                //work out user id from token
                var activationOutput = await Auth.ActivateAccountAsync(activationInput.VerificationKey);

                //aspnet identity has not found a user, so bad, bad, bad request it was
                if (activationOutput.UnknownUser)

                //basically need to send an email the verification key has expired and send a new one
                var user = await GetDefaultDbContext().Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Uuid == Auth.ExtractIdFromMergedToken(activationInput.VerificationKey));

                //since got an email off mbr, user should not be null, but just in a case...
                if (user == null)

                //need to resend email with new verification key, as the previous one was stale
                if (activationOutput.VerificationKeyStale)
                    var(emailAccount, emailTemplate) = await GetEmailStuffAsync("activate_account_stale", app);

                    //use custom email account if provided
                    if (ea != null && ea.SeemsComplete())
                        emailAccount = ea;

                    //prepare the email template tokens
                    var tokens = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        { "UserName", $"{user.GetFullUserName()} ({user.Email})" },
                        { "Email", user.Email },
                        { "RedirectUrl", this.GetRequestSource(HttpContext).Split('#')[0] },
                        { "VerificationKey", activationOutput.VerificationKey },
                        { "InitialPassword", "" }

                    //prepare and send the email
                    EmailSender.Send(emailAccount, emailTemplate.Prepare(tokens), user.Email);

                //going to save, so need to impersonate

                //mark user rec as activated
                if (activationOutput.Success)
                    user.IsAccountVerified = true;
                    Cartomatic.Utils.Identity.ImpersonateUserViaHttpContext(user.Uuid); //nee to impersonate, as otherwise dbctx will fail to save changes!
                    await user.UpdateAsync(GetDefaultDbContext());

                //wipe out some potentially sensitive data
                activationOutput.Email           = null;
                activationOutput.VerificationKey = null;

            catch (Exception ex)