Exemplo n.º 1
        public IHttpActionResult Put(EmViewModel em)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(BadRequest("Not a valid model"));

            using (var ctx = new EMSEntities())
                    var existingEm = ctx.EMs.Where(s => s.TRNNO == em.TRNNO)
                                     .FirstOrDefault <EM>();

                    if (existingEm != null)
                        existingEm.EMP_NAME   = em.EMP_NAME;
                        existingEm.EMP_F_NAME = em.EMP_F_NAME;

                catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
                    foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
                        Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:",
                                          eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State);
                        foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                            Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"",
                                              ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public IHttpActionResult GetEmById(int id)
            EmViewModel ems = null;

            using (var ctx = new EMSEntities())
                ems = ctx.EMs
                      .Where(s => s.TRNNO == id)
                      .Select(s => new EmViewModel()
                    TRNNO      = s.TRNNO,
                    EMP_NAME   = s.EMP_NAME,
                    EMP_F_NAME = s.EMP_F_NAME
                }).FirstOrDefault <EmViewModel>();

            if (ems == null)

Exemplo n.º 3
        public IHttpActionResult PostNewEm(EmViewModel em)
            //foreach (var detail in newBudget.BudgetDetails)
            //    var detailBudget = new BudgetDetail
            //    {
            //        //BudgetId = Here i need to get id of the Budget table that i inserted before
            //        ProductId = detail.ProductId,
            //        Price = detail.Price,
            //        Quantity = detail.Quantity,
            //        Iva = detail.Iva,
            //        Total = detail.Total
            //    };
            //    _context.BudgetDetails.Add(detailBudget);
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(BadRequest("Invalid data."));

            using (var ctx = new EMSEntities())
                int _trnno;
                int _sr = 1;
                //db.Users.OrderByDescending(u => u.UserId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (em.TRNNO == 0)
                    _trnno = Convert.ToInt32(ctx.EMs.OrderByDescending(t => t.TRNNO).FirstOrDefault().TRNNO);
                    _trnno = _trnno + 1;
                    //_trnno = Convert.ToInt32(ctx.EMs.OrderByDescending(t => t.TRNNO).First().ToString());
                    _trnno = Convert.ToInt32(em.TRNNO) + 1;

                // em.TRNNO = totalConunt + 1;
                ctx.EMs.Add(new EM()
                    TRNNO        = _trnno,
                    EMP_ID       = em.EMP_ID,
                    EMP_NAME     = em.EMP_NAME,
                    DOB          = em.DOB,
                    DOJ          = em.DOJ,
                    CST_TRNNO    = em.CST_TRNNO,
                    EMP_F_NAME   = em.EMP_F_NAME,
                    COMP_TRNNO   = em.COMP_TRNNO,
                    BP_TRNNO     = em.BP_TRNNO,
                    ETYPE        = em.ETYPE,
                    CL_TRNNO     = em.CL_TRNNO,
                    CL_TRNNO1    = em.CL_TRNNO1,
                    CERTIFICATE  = em.CERTIFICATE,
                    PSCHDT       = em.PSCHDT,
                    EMAIL        = em.EMAIL,
                    ADT          = em.ADT,
                    FTYPE        = em.FTYPE,
                    FEE          = em.FEE,
                    EMAILST      = em.EMAILST,
                    GRPMST_TRNNO = em.GRPMST_TRNNO,
                    CNIC         = em.CNIC,
                    SECMST_TRNNO = em.SECMST_TRNNO,
                    SECDTL_SR    = em.SECDTL_SR,
                    SEX          = em.SEX,
                    FCNIC        = em.FCNIC,
                    ADIMNO       = em.ADIMNO,
                    STYPE        = em.STYPE,
                    BSAL         = em.BSAL,
                foreach (var address in em.EMDTLs)
                    var detailAddress = new EMDTL
                        //BudgetId = Here i need to get id of the Budget table that i inserted before
                        TRNNO   = _trnno,
                        SR      = _sr,
                        ADDDESC = address.ADDDESC,
                        ADDTYPE = address.ADDTYPE,
                _sr = 1;
                foreach (var ph in em.EMDTL1)
                    var detailPhones = new EMDTL1
                        //BudgetId = Here i need to get id of the Budget table that i inserted before
                        TRNNO   = _trnno,
                        SR      = _sr,
                        PHNO    = ph.PHNO,
                        PHTYPE  = ph.PHTYPE,
                        RELTION = ph.RELTION
                _sr = 1;
                foreach (var edu in em.EMDTL2)
                    var detailEducation = new EMDTL2
                        //BudgetId = Here i need to get id of the Budget table that i inserted before
                        TRNNO     = _trnno,
                        SR        = _sr,
                        EDU_TRNNO = edu.EDU_TRNNO,
                        PTYPE     = edu.PTYPE
                _sr = 1;

                catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                    // Retrieve the error messages as a list of strings.
                    var errorMessages = ex.EntityValidationErrors
                                        .SelectMany(x => x.ValidationErrors)
                                        .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage);

                    // Join the list to a single string.
                    var fullErrorMessage = string.Join("; ", errorMessages);

                    // Combine the original exception message with the new one.
                    var exceptionMessage = string.Concat(ex.Message, " The validation errors are: ", fullErrorMessage);

                    // Throw a new DbEntityValidationException with the improved exception message.
                    throw new DbEntityValidationException(exceptionMessage, ex.EntityValidationErrors);
