Exemplo n.º 1
        // Creates some content (3 images) and associate them with the image layer
        static Obj CreateGroup1(PDFDoc doc, Obj layer)
            using (ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter())
                using (ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder())

                    // Create an Image that can be reused in the document or on the same page.
                    Image img = Image.Create(doc.GetSDFDoc(), (input_path + "peppers.jpg"));

                    Element element = builder.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(img.GetImageWidth() / 2, -145, 20, img.GetImageHeight() / 2, 200, 150));

                    GState gstate = element.GetGState();                // use the same image (just change its matrix)
                    gstate.SetTransform(200, 0, 0, 300, 50, 450);

                    // use the same image again (just change its matrix).
                    writer.WritePlacedElement(builder.CreateImage(img, 300, 600, 200, -150));

                    Obj grp_obj = writer.End();

                    // Indicate that this form (content group) belongs to the given layer (OCG).
                    grp_obj.PutName("Subtype", "Form");
                    grp_obj.Put("OC", layer);
                    grp_obj.PutRect("BBox", 0, 0, 1000, 1000);              // Set the clip box for the content.

                    // As an example of further configuration, set the image layer to
                    // be visible on screen, but not visible when printed...

                    // The AS entry is an auto state array consisting of one or more usage application
                    // dictionaries that specify how conforming readers shall automatically set the
                    // state of optional content groups based on external factors.
                    Obj cfg        = doc.GetOCGConfig().GetSDFObj();
                    Obj auto_state = cfg.FindObj("AS");
                    if (auto_state == null)
                        auto_state = cfg.PutArray("AS");
                    Obj print_state = auto_state.PushBackDict();
                    print_state.PutName("Event", "Print");

                    Obj layer_usage = layer.PutDict("Usage");

                    Obj view_setting = layer_usage.PutDict("View");
                    view_setting.PutName("ViewState", "ON");

                    Obj print_setting = layer_usage.PutDict("Print");
                    print_setting.PutName("PrintState", "OFF");

Exemplo n.º 2
        static PatternColor CreateImageTilingPattern(PDFDoc doc)
            using (ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter())
                using (ElementBuilder eb = new ElementBuilder())
                    // Create a new pattern content stream - a single bitmap object ----------
                    Image   img         = Image.Create(doc, input_path + "butterfly.png");
                    Element img_element = eb.CreateImage(img, 0, 0, img.GetImageWidth(), img.GetImageHeight());
                    Obj pattern_dict = writer.End();

                    // Initialize pattern dictionary. For details on what each parameter represents please
                    // refer to Table 4.22 (Section '4.6.2 Tiling Patterns') in PDF Reference Manual.
                    pattern_dict.PutName("Type", "Pattern");
                    pattern_dict.PutNumber("PatternType", 1);

                    // TilingType - Constant spacing.
                    pattern_dict.PutNumber("TilingType", 1);

                    // This is a Type1 pattern - A colored tiling pattern.
                    pattern_dict.PutNumber("PaintType", 1);

                    // Set bounding box
                    pattern_dict.PutRect("BBox", -253, 0, 253, 545);

                    // Set the pattern matrix
                    pattern_dict.PutMatrix("Matrix", new Matrix2D(0.3, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, 0));

                    // Set the desired horizontal and vertical spacing between pattern cells,
                    // measured in the pattern coordinate system.
                    pattern_dict.PutNumber("XStep", 300);
                    pattern_dict.PutNumber("YStep", 300);

                    return(new PatternColor(pattern_dict));            // finished creating the Pattern resource
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
            string input_path  = "../../TestFiles/";
            string output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/";

                Console.WriteLine("Opening the input pdf...");
                using (PDFDoc in_doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "newsletter.pdf"))

                    // Create a list of pages to import from one PDF document to another.
                    ArrayList import_list = new ArrayList();
                    for (PageIterator itr = in_doc.GetPageIterator(); itr.HasNext(); itr.Next())

                    using (PDFDoc new_doc = new PDFDoc())                     //  Create a new document
                        using (ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder())
                            using (ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter())
                                ArrayList imported_pages = new_doc.ImportPages(import_list);

                                // Paper dimension for A3 format in points. Because one inch has
                                // 72 points, 11.69 inch 72 = 841.69 points
                                Rect   media_box = new Rect(0, 0, 1190.88, 841.69);
                                double mid_point = media_box.Width() / 2;

                                for (int i = 0; i < imported_pages.Count; ++i)
                                    // Create a blank new A3 page and place on it two pages from the input document.
                                    Page new_page = new_doc.PageCreate(media_box);

                                    // Place the first page
                                    Page    src_page = (Page)imported_pages[i];
                                    Element element  = builder.CreateForm(src_page);

                                    double sc_x  = mid_point / src_page.GetPageWidth();
                                    double sc_y  = media_box.Height() / src_page.GetPageHeight();
                                    double scale = Math.Min(sc_x, sc_y);
                                    element.GetGState().SetTransform(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0);

                                    // Place the second page
                                    if (i < imported_pages.Count)
                                        src_page = (Page)imported_pages[i];
                                        element  = builder.CreateForm(src_page);
                                        sc_x     = mid_point / src_page.GetPageWidth();
                                        sc_y     = media_box.Height() / src_page.GetPageHeight();
                                        scale    = Math.Min(sc_x, sc_y);
                                        element.GetGState().SetTransform(scale, 0, 0, scale, mid_point, 0);

                                new_doc.Save(output_path + "newsletter_booklet.pdf", SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
                                Console.WriteLine("Done. Result saved in newsletter_booklet.pdf...");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception caught:\n{0}", e);
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
            string input_path  = "../../TestFiles/";
            string output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/";

                using (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc())
                    using (ElementBuilder eb = new ElementBuilder())                    // ElementBuilder is used to build new Element objects
                        using (ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter())              // ElementWriter is used to write Elements to the page
                            // Start a new page ------------------------------------
                            // Position an image stream on several places on the page
                            Page page = doc.PageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 612, 794));

                            writer.Begin(page);                 // begin writing to this page

                            // Create an Image that can be reused multiple times in the document or
                            // multiple on the same page.
                            MappedFile   img_file = new MappedFile(input_path + "peppers.jpg");
                            FilterReader img_data = new FilterReader(img_file);
                            Image        img      = Image.Create(doc, img_data, 400, 600, 8, ColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB(), Image.InputFilter.e_jpeg);

                            Element element = eb.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(200, -145, 20, 300, 200, 150));

                            GState gstate = element.GetGState();                // use the same image (just change its matrix)
                            gstate.SetTransform(200, 0, 0, 300, 50, 450);

                            // use the same image again (just change its matrix).
                            writer.WritePlacedElement(eb.CreateImage(img, 300, 600, 200, -150));

                            writer.End();              // save changes to the current page

                            // Start a new page ------------------------------------
                            // Construct and draw a path object using different styles
                            page = doc.PageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 612, 794));

                            writer.Begin(page);                 // begin writing to this page
                            eb.Reset();                         // Reset GState to default

                            eb.PathBegin();                     // start constructing the path
                            eb.MoveTo(306, 396);
                            eb.CurveTo(681, 771, 399.75, 864.75, 306, 771);
                            eb.CurveTo(212.25, 864.75, -69, 771, 306, 396);
                            element = eb.PathEnd();                             // the path is now finished
                            element.SetPathFill(true);                          // the path should be filled

                            // Set the path color space and color
                            gstate = element.GetGState();
                            gstate.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0, 0));              // cyan
                            gstate.SetTransform(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, -20, 300);

                            // Draw the same path using a different stroke color
                            element.SetPathStroke(true);                        // this path is should be filled and stroked
                            gstate.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 0, 1, 0));       // yellow
                            gstate.SetStrokeColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0));        // red
                            gstate.SetTransform(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 280, 300);

                            // Draw the same path with with a given dash pattern
                            element.SetPathFill(false);                  // this path is should be only stroked
                            gstate.SetStrokeColor(new ColorPt(0, 0, 1)); // blue
                            gstate.SetTransform(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 280, 0);
                            double[] dash_pattern = { 30 };
                            gstate.SetDashPattern(dash_pattern, 0);

                            // Use the path as a clipping path
                            writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateGroupBegin());                 // Save the graphics state
                            // Start constructing a new path (the old path was lost when we created
                            // a new Element using CreateGroupBegin()).
                            eb.MoveTo(306, 396);
                            eb.CurveTo(681, 771, 399.75, 864.75, 306, 771);
                            eb.CurveTo(212.25, 864.75, -69, 771, 306, 396);
                            element = eb.PathEnd();             // path is now built
                            element.SetPathClip(true);          // this path is a clipping path
                            element.SetPathStroke(true);        // this path is should be filled and stroked
                            gstate = element.GetGState();
                            gstate.SetTransform(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, -20, 0);
                            writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateImage(img, 100, 300, 400, 600));
                            writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateGroupEnd()); // Restore the graphics state

                            writer.End();                             // save changes to the current page

                            // Start a new page ------------------------------------
                            page = doc.PageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 612, 794));

                            writer.Begin(page);                 // begin writing to this page
                            eb.Reset();                         // Reset GState to default

                            // Begin writing a block of text
                            element = eb.CreateTextBegin(Font.Create(doc, Font.StandardType1Font.e_times_roman), 12);

                            string data = "Hello World!";
                            element = eb.CreateTextRun(data);
                            element.SetTextMatrix(10, 0, 0, 10, 0, 600);
                            element.GetGState().SetLeading(15);                          // Set the spacing between lines

                            writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateTextNewLine());              // New line

                            element = eb.CreateTextRun(data);
                            gstate  = element.GetGState();

                            writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateTextNewLine());              // New line

                            element = eb.CreateTextRun(data);
                            gstate  = element.GetGState();
                            gstate.SetStrokeColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0));                // red
                            gstate.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0, 0));               // cyan

                            writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateTextNewLine());              // New line

                            // Set text as a clipping path to the image.
                            element = eb.CreateTextRun(data);
                            gstate  = element.GetGState();

                            // Finish the block of text

                            // Draw an image that will be clipped by the above text
                            writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateImage(img, 10, 100, 1300, 720));

                            writer.End();              // save changes to the current page

                            // Start a new page ------------------------------------
                            // The example illustrates how to embed the external font in a PDF document.
                            // The example also shows how ElementReader can be used to copy and modify
                            // Elements between pages.

                            using (ElementReader reader = new ElementReader())
                                // Start reading Elements from the last page. We will copy all Elements to
                                // a new page but will modify the font associated with text.

                                page = doc.PageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 1300, 794));

                                writer.Begin(page);                     // begin writing to this page
                                eb.Reset();                             // Reset GState to default

                                // Embed an external font in the document.
                                Font font = Font.CreateTrueTypeFont(doc, input_path + "font.ttf");

                                while ((element = reader.Next()) != null)                       // Read page contents
                                    if (element.GetType() == Element.Type.e_text)
                                        element.GetGState().SetFont(font, 12);


                                writer.End();                  // save changes to the current page


                                // Start a new page ------------------------------------
                                // The example illustrates how to embed the external font in a PDF document.
                                // The example also shows how ElementReader can be used to copy and modify
                                // Elements between pages.

                                // Start reading Elements from the last page. We will copy all Elements to
                                // a new page but will modify the font associated with text.

                                page = doc.PageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 1300, 794));

                                writer.Begin(page);                     // begin writing to this page
                                eb.Reset();                             // Reset GState to default

                                // Embed an external font in the document.
                                Font font2 = Font.CreateType1Font(doc, input_path + "Misc-Fixed.pfa");

                                while ((element = reader.Next()) != null)                       // Read page contents
                                    if (element.GetType() == Element.Type.e_text)
                                        element.GetGState().SetFont(font2, 12);


                                writer.End();                  // save changes to the current page

                                // Start a new page ------------------------------------
                                page = doc.PageCreate();
                                writer.Begin(page);                     // begin writing to this page
                                eb.Reset();                             // Reset GState to default

                                // Begin writing a block of text
                                element = eb.CreateTextBegin(Font.Create(doc, Font.StandardType1Font.e_times_roman), 12);
                                element.SetTextMatrix(1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 50, 600);
                                element.GetGState().SetLeading(15);                     // Set the spacing between lines

                                string para = "A PDF text object consists of operators that can show " +
                                              "text strings, move the text position, and set text state and certain " +
                                              "other parameters. In addition, there are three parameters that are " +
                                              "defined only within a text object and do not persist from one text " +
                                              "object to the next: Tm, the text matrix, Tlm, the text line matrix, " +
                                              "Trm, the text rendering matrix, actually just an intermediate result " +
                                              "that combines the effects of text state parameters, the text matrix " +
                                              "(Tm), and the current transformation matrix";

                                int para_end = para.Length;
                                int text_run = 0;
                                int text_run_end;

                                double para_width = 300;                 // paragraph width is 300 units
                                double cur_width  = 0;

                                while (text_run < para_end)
                                    text_run_end = para.IndexOf(' ', text_run);
                                    if (text_run_end < 0)
                                        text_run_end = para_end - 1;

                                    string text = para.Substring(text_run, text_run_end - text_run + 1);
                                    element = eb.CreateTextRun(text);
                                    if (cur_width + element.GetTextLength() < para_width)
                                        cur_width += element.GetTextLength();
                                        writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateTextNewLine());                          // New line
                                        text      = para.Substring(text_run, text_run_end - text_run + 1);
                                        element   = eb.CreateTextRun(text);
                                        cur_width = element.GetTextLength();

                                    text_run = text_run_end + 1;

                                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                // The following code snippet illustrates how to adjust spacing between
                                // characters (text runs).
                                element = eb.CreateTextNewLine();
                                writer.WriteElement(element); // Skip 2 lines

                                writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateTextRun("An example of space adjustments between inter-characters:"));

                                // Write string "AWAY" without space adjustments between characters.
                                element = eb.CreateTextRun("AWAY");


                                // Write string "AWAY" with space adjustments between characters.
                                element = eb.CreateTextRun("A");

                                element = eb.CreateTextRun("W");

                                element = eb.CreateTextRun("A");

                                element = eb.CreateTextRun("Y again");

                                // Draw the same strings using direct content output...
                                writer.Flush(); // flush pending Element writing operations.

                                // You can also write page content directly to the content stream using
                                // ElementWriter.WriteString(...) and ElementWriter.WriteBuffer(...) methods.
                                // Note that if you are planning to use these functions you need to be familiar
                                // with PDF page content operators (see Appendix A in PDF Reference Manual).
                                // Because it is easy to make mistakes during direct output we recommend that
                                // you use ElementBuilder and Element interface instead.
                                writer.WriteString("T* T* ");                 // New Lines
                                // writer.WriteElement(eb.CreateTextNewLine());
                                writer.WriteString("(Direct output to PDF page content stream:) Tj  T* ");
                                writer.WriteString("(AWAY) Tj T* ");
                                writer.WriteString("[(A)140(W)140(A)115(Y again)] TJ ");

                                // Finish the block of text

                                writer.End();                  // save changes to the current page

                                // Start a new page ------------------------------------

                                // Image Masks
                                // In the opaque imaging model, images mark all areas they occupy on the page as
                                // if with opaque paint. All portions of the image, whether black, white, gray,
                                // or color, completely obscure any marks that may previously have existed in the
                                // same place on the page.
                                // In the graphic arts industry and page layout applications, however, it is common
                                // to crop or 'mask out' the background of an image and then place the masked image
                                // on a different background, allowing the existing background to show through the
                                // masked areas. This sample illustrates how to use image masks.

                                page = doc.PageCreate();
                                writer.Begin(page); // begin writing to the page

                                // Create the Image Mask
                                MappedFile   imgf      = new MappedFile(input_path + "imagemask.dat");
                                FilterReader mask_read = new FilterReader(imgf);

                                ColorSpace device_gray = ColorSpace.CreateDeviceGray();
                                Image      mask        = Image.Create(doc, mask_read, 64, 64, 1, device_gray, Image.InputFilter.e_ascii_hex);

                                mask.GetSDFObj().PutBool("ImageMask", true);

                                element = eb.CreateRect(0, 0, 612, 794);
                                element.GetGState().SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0.8));

                                element = eb.CreateImage(mask, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, -200, 40, 680));
                                element.GetGState().SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0.1));

                                element.GetGState().SetFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0));
                                element = eb.CreateImage(mask, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, -200, 320, 680));

                                element.GetGState().SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 1, 0));
                                element = eb.CreateImage(mask, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, -200, 40, 380));

                                    // This sample illustrates Explicit Masking.
                                    img = Image.Create(doc, input_path + "peppers.jpg");

                                    // mask is the explicit mask for the primary (base) image

                                    element = eb.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, -200, 320, 380));

                                writer.End(); // save changes to the current page

                                // Transparency sample ----------------------------------

                                // Start a new page -------------------------------------
                                page = doc.PageCreate();
                                writer.Begin(page);                     // begin writing to this page
                                eb.Reset();                             // Reset the GState to default

                                // Write some transparent text at the bottom of the page.
                                element = eb.CreateTextBegin(Font.Create(doc, Font.StandardType1Font.e_times_roman), 100);

                                // Set the text knockout attribute. Text knockout must be set outside of
                                // the text group.
                                gstate = element.GetGState();

                                element = eb.CreateTextRun("Transparency");
                                element.SetTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 30, 30);
                                gstate = element.GetGState();
                                gstate.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0, 0));


                                // Write the same text on top the old; shifted by 3 points
                                element.SetTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 33, 33);
                                gstate.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 1, 0, 0));


                                // Draw three overlapping transparent circles.
                                eb.PathBegin();                         // start constructing the path
                                eb.MoveTo(459.223, 505.646);
                                eb.CurveTo(459.223, 415.841, 389.85, 343.04, 304.273, 343.04);
                                eb.CurveTo(218.697, 343.04, 149.324, 415.841, 149.324, 505.646);
                                eb.CurveTo(149.324, 595.45, 218.697, 668.25, 304.273, 668.25);
                                eb.CurveTo(389.85, 668.25, 459.223, 595.45, 459.223, 505.646);
                                element = eb.PathEnd();

                                gstate = element.GetGState();
                                gstate.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 0, 1));                                     // Blue Circle


                                // Translate relative to the Blue Circle
                                gstate.SetTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 113, -185);
                                gstate.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 1, 0));                                     // Green Circle

                                // Translate relative to the Green Circle
                                gstate.SetTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -220, 0);
                                gstate.SetFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0));                                     // Red Circle

                                writer.End();                  // save changes to the current page

                                // End page ------------------------------------

                            doc.Save(output_path + "element_builder.pdf", SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_remove_unused);
                            Console.WriteLine("Done. Result saved in element_builder.pdf...");
            catch (PDFNetException e)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        // This sample illustrates how to embed various raster image formats
        // (e.g. TIFF, JPEG, JPEG2000, JBIG2, GIF, PNG, BMP, etc.) in a PDF document.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
            string input_path  = "../../TestFiles/";
            string output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/";

                using (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc())
                    using (ElementBuilder bld = new ElementBuilder())      // Used to build new Element objects
                        using (ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter()) // Used to write Elements to the page
                            Page page = doc.PageCreate();                  // Start a new page
                            writer.Begin(page);                            // Begin writing to this page

                            // ----------------------------------------------------------
                            // Embed a JPEG image to the output document.
                            Image img = Image.Create(doc, input_path + "peppers.jpg");

                            // You can also directly add any .NET Bitmap. The following commented-out code
                            // is equivalent to the above line:
                            //    System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp;
                            //    System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(input_path + "peppers.jpg");
                            //    Image img = Image.Create(doc, bmp);

                            Element element = bld.CreateImage(img, 50, 500, img.GetImageWidth() / 2, img.GetImageHeight() / 2);

                            // ----------------------------------------------------------
                            // Add a PNG image to the output file
                            img     = Image.Create(doc, input_path + "butterfly.png");
                            element = bld.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(100, 0, 0, 100, 300, 500));

                            // ----------------------------------------------------------
                            // Add a GIF image to the output file
                            img     = Image.Create(doc, input_path + "pdfnet.gif");
                            element = bld.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(img.GetImageWidth(), 0, 0, img.GetImageHeight(), 50, 350));

                            // ----------------------------------------------------------
                            // Add a TIFF image to the output file
                            img     = Image.Create(doc, input_path + "grayscale.tif");
                            element = bld.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(img.GetImageWidth(), 0, 0, img.GetImageHeight(), 10, 50));

                            writer.End();           // Save the page
                            doc.PagePushBack(page); // Add the page to the document page sequence

                            // ----------------------------------------------------------
                            // Add a BMP image to the output file

                             * bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(input_path + "pdftron.bmp");
                             *                  img = Image.Create(doc, bmp);
                             *                  element = bld.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(bmp.Width, 0, 0, bmp.Height, 255, 700));
                             *                  writer.WritePlacedElement(element);
                             *                  writer.End();	// Finish writing to the page
                             *                  doc.PagePushBack(page);

                            // ----------------------------------------------------------
                            // Embed a monochrome TIFF. Compress the image using lossy JBIG2 filter.

                            page = doc.PageCreate(new pdftron.PDF.Rect(0, 0, 612, 794));
                            writer.Begin(page); // begin writing to this page

                            // Note: encoder hints can be used to select between different compression methods.
                            // For example to instruct PDFNet to compress a monochrome image using JBIG2 compression.
                            ObjSet hint_set = new ObjSet();
                            Obj    enc      = hint_set.CreateArray(); // Initialize encoder 'hint' parameter

                            img     = pdftron.PDF.Image.Create(doc, input_path + "multipage.tif", enc);
                            element = bld.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(612, 0, 0, 794, 0, 0));

                            writer.End();           // Save the page
                            doc.PagePushBack(page); // Add the page to the document page sequence

                            // ----------------------------------------------------------
                            // Add a JPEG2000 (JP2) image to the output file

                            // Create a new page
                            page = doc.PageCreate();
                            writer.Begin(page); // Begin writing to the page

                            // Embed the image.
                            img = pdftron.PDF.Image.Create(doc, input_path + "palm.jp2");

                            // Position the image on the page.
                            element = bld.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(img.GetImageWidth(), 0, 0, img.GetImageHeight(), 96, 80));

                            // Write 'JPEG2000 Sample' text string under the image.
                            writer.WriteElement(bld.CreateTextBegin(pdftron.PDF.Font.Create(doc, pdftron.PDF.Font.StandardType1Font.e_times_roman), 32));
                            element = bld.CreateTextRun("JPEG2000 Sample");
                            element.SetTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 190, 30);

                            writer.End(); // Finish writing to the page

                            doc.Save(output_path + "addimage.pdf", SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
                            Console.WriteLine("Done. Result saved in addimage.pdf...");
            catch (PDFNetException e)
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The first step in every application using PDFNet is to initialize the
            // library and set the path to common PDF resources. The library is usually
            // initialized only once, but calling Initialize() multiple times is also fine.

            // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
            string input_path  = "../../TestFiles/";
            string output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/";

                // Open the PDF document.
                using (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "newsletter.pdf"))
                    using (ElementBuilder bld = new ElementBuilder())      // Used to build new Element objects
                        using (ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter()) // Used to write Elements to the page
                            UndoManager undo_manager = doc.GetUndoManager();

                            // Take a snapshot to which we can undo after making changes.
                            ResultSnapshot snap0 = undo_manager.TakeSnapshot();

                            DocSnapshot snap0_state = snap0.CurrentState();

                            Page page = doc.PageCreate(); // Start a new page

                            writer.Begin(page);           // Begin writing to this page

                            // ----------------------------------------------------------
                            // Add JPEG image to the file
                            Image   img     = Image.Create(doc, input_path + "peppers.jpg");
                            Element element = bld.CreateImage(img, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, 250, 50, 500));

                            writer.End(); // Finish writing to the page

                            // Take a snapshot after making changes, so that we can redo later (after undoing first).
                            ResultSnapshot snap1 = undo_manager.TakeSnapshot();

                            if (snap1.PreviousState().Equals(snap0_state))
                                Console.WriteLine("snap1 previous state equals snap0_state; previous state is correct");

                            DocSnapshot snap1_state = snap1.CurrentState();

                            doc.Save(output_path + "addimage.pdf", SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_incremental);

                            if (undo_manager.CanUndo())
                                ResultSnapshot undo_snap = undo_manager.Undo();

                                doc.Save(output_path + "addimage_undone.pdf", SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_incremental);

                                DocSnapshot undo_snap_state = undo_snap.CurrentState();

                                if (undo_snap_state.Equals(snap0_state))
                                    Console.WriteLine("undo_snap_state equals snap0_state; undo was successful");

                                if (undo_manager.CanRedo())
                                    ResultSnapshot redo_snap = undo_manager.Redo();

                                    doc.Save(output_path + "addimage_redone.pdf", SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_incremental);

                                    if (redo_snap.PreviousState().Equals(undo_snap_state))
                                        Console.WriteLine("redo_snap previous state equals undo_snap_state; previous state is correct");

                                    DocSnapshot redo_snap_state = redo_snap.CurrentState();

                                    if (redo_snap_state.Equals(snap1_state))
                                        Console.WriteLine("Snap1 and redo_snap are equal; redo was successful");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Problem encountered - cannot redo.");
                                Console.WriteLine("Problem encountered - cannot undo.");
            catch (PDFNetException e)
Exemplo n.º 7
        static void Create3DAnnotation(PDFDoc doc, Obj annots)
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Create a 3D annotation based on U3D content. PDF 1.6 introduces the capability
            // for collections of three-dimensional objects, such as those used by CAD software,
            // to be embedded in PDF files.
            Obj link_3D = doc.CreateIndirectDict();

            link_3D.PutName("Subtype", "3D");

            // Annotation location on the page
            Rect bbox = new Rect(25, 180, 585, 643);

            link_3D.PutRect("Rect", bbox.x1, bbox.y1, bbox.x2, bbox.y2);

            // The 3DA entry is an activation dictionary (see Table 9.34 in the PDF Reference Manual)
            // that determines how the state of the annotation and its associated artwork can change.
            Obj activation_dict_3D = link_3D.PutDict("3DA");

            // Set the annotation so that it is activated as soon as the page containing the
            // annotation is opened. Other options are: PV (page view) and XA (explicit) activation.
            activation_dict_3D.PutName("A", "PO");

            // Embed U3D Streams (3D Model/Artwork).
            MappedFile   u3d_file   = new MappedFile(input_path + "dice.u3d");
            FilterReader u3d_reader = new FilterReader(u3d_file);

            Obj u3d_data_dict = doc.CreateIndirectStream(u3d_reader);

            u3d_data_dict.PutName("Subtype", "U3D");
            link_3D.Put("3DD", u3d_data_dict);

            // Set the initial view of the 3D artwork that should be used when the annotation is activated.
            Obj view3D_dict = link_3D.PutDict("3DV");

            view3D_dict.PutString("IN", "Unnamed");
            view3D_dict.PutString("XN", "Default");
            view3D_dict.PutName("MS", "M");
            view3D_dict.PutNumber("CO", 27.5);

            // A 12-element 3D transformation matrix that specifies a position and orientation
            // of the camera in world coordinates.
            Obj tr3d = view3D_dict.PutArray("C2W");

            tr3d.PushBackNumber(1); tr3d.PushBackNumber(0); tr3d.PushBackNumber(0);
            tr3d.PushBackNumber(0); tr3d.PushBackNumber(0); tr3d.PushBackNumber(-1);
            tr3d.PushBackNumber(0); tr3d.PushBackNumber(1); tr3d.PushBackNumber(0);
            tr3d.PushBackNumber(0); tr3d.PushBackNumber(-27.5); tr3d.PushBackNumber(0);

            // Create annotation appearance stream, a thumbnail which is used during printing or
            // in PDF processors that do not understand 3D data.
            Obj            ap_dict = link_3D.PutDict("AP");
            ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder();
            ElementWriter  writer  = new ElementWriter();


                                          Image.Create(doc, input_path + "dice.jpg"),
                                          0, 0, bbox.Width(), bbox.Height()));

            Obj normal_ap_stream = writer.End();

            normal_ap_stream.PutName("Subtype", "Form");
            normal_ap_stream.PutRect("BBox", 0, 0, bbox.Width(), bbox.Height());
            ap_dict.Put("N", normal_ap_stream);