Exemplo n.º 1
    public void SetPaymentInfo(ElectronicPaymentManifest pm)
        switch (pm.OrderPaymentMethod)
        case OrderPaymentMethod.CreditCard:
            rbNewCard.Checked = true;
            CreditCard cc = pm as CreditCard;
            if (cc == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Payment method is credit card, but no card provided");

            tbCardNumber.Text        = cc.CardNumber;
            tbCCV.Text               = cc.CCVCode;
            tbNameOnCard.Text        = cc.NameOnCard;
            myExpiration.Date        = cc.CardExpirationDate;
            cbSaveCreditCard.Checked = cc.SavePaymentMethod;

        case OrderPaymentMethod.ElectronicCheck:
            rbNewChecking.Checked = true;
            ElectronicCheck ec = pm as ElectronicCheck;
            if (ec == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Payment method is electronic check, but no check provided");

            tbBankAccountNumber.Text      = tbBankAccountNumberConfirm.Text = ec.BankAccountNumber;
            tbRoutingNumber.Text          = ec.RoutingNumber;
            cbSaveCheckingAccount.Checked = ec.SavePaymentMethod;

        case OrderPaymentMethod.PayrollDeduction:
            rbPayrollDeduction.Checked = true;

        case OrderPaymentMethod.PurchaseOrder:
            rbBillMeLater.Checked = true;
            NonElectronicPayment nep = pm as NonElectronicPayment;
            if (nep == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Non electronic payment packet expected.");
            tbReferenceNumber.Text = nep.ReferenceNumber;

        case OrderPaymentMethod.SavedPaymentMethod:
            SavedPaymentInfo spi = pm as SavedPaymentInfo;
            if (spi == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Payment method is saved info, but no info provided");

            currentSavedPaymentMethodID = spi.SavedPaymentMethodID;
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void processPayment(ElectronicPaymentManifest payment)
        decimal sumOfItems  = targetPayment.LineItems.Sum(x => x.Total);
        decimal overpayment = targetPayment.Total - sumOfItems;

        // add the overpayment
        if (overpayment > 0)
            // not allow
            throw new ConciergeClientException(MemberSuite.SDK.Concierge.ConciergeErrorCode.IllegalOperation, "The sum of the invoice payments is less than the total payment amount. Please make sure all of the money in your payment is applied to invoices. ");
            //targetPayment.LineItems.Add(new msPaymentLineItem
            //                              {Amount = overpayment, Type = PaymentLineItemType.OverPayment});

        string antiDupeKey = (string)Request["AntiDupeKey"];

        using (var api = GetServiceAPIProxy())
            var merchantAccount = DetermineMerchantAccount();
            targetPayment.CashAccount = merchantAccount;
            var r = api.ProcessPayment(targetPayment, payment, null);
            if (!r.Success)
                throw new ConciergeClientException(MemberSuite.SDK.Concierge.ConciergeErrorCode.GeneralException, r.FirstErrorMessage);
            PaymentProcessorResponse resp = r.ResultValue;

            if (!resp.Success)
                // ok, we're throwing an exception
                throw new ConciergeClientException(
                          "Unable to process payment: [{0}] - {1}", resp.GatewayResponseReasonCode, resp.GatewayResponseReasonText);

            targetPayment = LoadObjectFromAPI <msPayment>(resp.PaymentID);

            // now, send a confirmation email
            api.SendTransactionalEmail(EmailTemplates.Financial.Payment, targetPayment.ID, ConciergeAPI.CurrentUser.EmailAddress);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void bindExistingPaymentInfo(ElectronicPaymentManifest existingPaymentInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();