protected override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry geometry)
            //Check we only have one feature to extend to
            if (MapView.Active.Map.SelectionCount != 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select one polyline or polygon feature to extend to", "Extend");
                return Task.FromResult(true);

            //Run on MCT
            return QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //get selected feature geometry
                var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
                var insp = new Inspector();
                insp.Load(selectedFeatures.Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.Values.First());
                var selGeom = insp.Shape;
                if (!(selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon
                    || selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polyline))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please choose as the selected feature either a polyline or polygon feature to extend to");
                    return false;

                //find feature at the click
                var clickFeatures = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry);
                insp.Load(clickFeatures.First().Key, clickFeatures.First().Value);
                var clickGeom = insp.Shape as Polyline;
                if (clickGeom == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a polyline feature to extend");
                    return false;

                //extend the line to the poly?
                ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polyline extPolyline;
                extPolyline = GeometryEngine.Extend(clickGeom, (selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon ? GeometryEngine.Boundary(selGeom) as Polyline : selGeom as Polyline), ExtendFlags.Default);
                if (extPolyline == null)
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to extend the clicked {0} to the selected {1}",
                        clickGeom.GeometryType, selGeom.GeometryType));
                    return false;

                //set the new geometry back on the feature
                insp.Shape = extPolyline;

                //create and execute the edit operation
                var op = new EditOperation();
                op.Name = "Extend";
                op.SelectModifiedFeatures = false;
                op.SelectNewFeatures = false;
                return op.Execute();
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
            var mv = MapView.Active;

            _sketchStarted = false;

            return(QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //filter out non-polygons
                var sel_set = Module1.Current.FilterSelection(mv.Map.GetSelection());
                if (sel_set.Count() == 0)
                    return false;

                //do the difference
                var editOp = new EditOperation()
                    Name = "Difference",
                    ErrorMessage = "Difference failed"

                foreach (var kvp in sel_set)
                    var diffGeom = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(geometry,
                    editOp.Difference(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, diffGeom);
                return editOp.Execute();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the sketch finishes. This is where we will create the sketch operation and then execute it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">The geometry created by the sketch.</param>
        /// <returns>A Task returning a Boolean indicating if the sketch complete event was successfully handled.</returns>
        protected override Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
            if (CurrentTemplate == null || geometry == null)

            return(QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //apply overrides
                if (UseSubtypeChoiceOverride)
                    var choice = Module1.Current.SelectedSubtypeChoice;
                    this.CurrentTemplate.Inspector["SUBTYPEFIELD"] = choice.SubtypefieldValue;
                    this.CurrentTemplate.Inspector["FEATURECODE"] = choice.FeatureCodeValue;

                // Create an edit operation
                var createOperation = new EditOperation();
                createOperation.Name = string.Format("Create {0}", CurrentTemplate.Layer.Name);
                createOperation.SelectNewFeatures = true;

                // Queue feature creation
                createOperation.Create(CurrentTemplate, geometry);
                return createOperation.Execute();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void ReadWriteBlobRow()
            #region Read and Write blob fields with a row cursor in a callback
            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                var editOp    = new EditOperation();
                editOp.Name   = "Blob Cursor";
                var featLayer = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Hydrant").First() as FeatureLayer;

                editOp.Callback((context) => {
                    using (var rc = featLayer.GetTable().Search(null, false))
                        while (rc.MoveNext())
                            //read file into memory stream
                            var msr = new MemoryStream();
                            using (FileStream file = new FileStream(@"d:\images\Hydrant.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                            { file.CopyTo(msr); }

                            rc.Current["BlobField"] = msr;

                            //read the blob field to a file
                            var msw = new MemoryStream();
                            msw     = rc.Current["BlobField"] as MemoryStream;
                            using (FileStream file = new FileStream(@"d:\temp\blob.jpg", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                            { msw.WriteTo(file); }
                }, featLayer.GetTable());
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry geometry)
            //Simple check for selected layer
            if (MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a layer in the toc", "Update attributes with sketch");

            //Run on MCT
            return(QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //Get the selected layer in toc
                var featLayer = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().First() as FeatureLayer;

                //find feature oids under the sketch for the selected layer
                var features = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry);
                var featOids = features[featLayer];

                //update the attributes of those features
                var insp = new Inspector();
                insp.Load(featLayer, featOids);
                insp["PARCEL_ID"] = 42;

                //create and execute the edit operation
                var op = new EditOperation();
                op.Name = "Update parcel";
                op.SelectModifiedFeatures = true;
                op.SelectNewFeatures = false;
                return op.Execute();
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void inspectorclass()
            var   featLayer = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().First() as FeatureLayer;
            Int64 oid       = 42;

            #region inspectorclass
            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                var insp = new Inspector();
                insp.Load(featLayer, oid);

                //get the shape of the feature
                var myGeometry = insp.Shape;

                //get an attribue value by name
                var propValue = insp["Prop_value"];

                //set an attribute value by name
                insp["Parcel_no"] = 42;

                //perform the edit
                var op  = new EditOperation();
                op.Name = "Update parcel";
        /// <summary>
        /// Applys the domain code to the currenly selected feature
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        internal async void ApplyDomain(DomainCode code)
            if (await CheckRequirements())
                await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                        Selection selection = _selectedLayer.GetSelection();
                        var oidset          = selection.GetObjectIDs();

                        var insp = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Inspector();
                        insp.Load(_selectedLayer, oidset);
                        insp[_selectedField] = (int)code;

                        var op  = new EditOperation();
                        op.Name = "Set Domain to " + ((int)code).ToString();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async void Examples3()
            var oid = 1;

            #region Edit the attributes of a FeatureSceneLayer
            //must support editing!
            var featSceneLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
                                 .OfType <FeatureSceneLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (!featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService ||

            var ok = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                var editOp = new EditOperation()
                    Name = "Edit FeatureSceneLayer Attributes",
                    SelectModifiedFeatures = true
                //make an inspector
                var inspector = new Inspector();
                //get the attributes for the specified oid
                inspector.Load(featSceneLayer, oid);
                inspector["PermitNotes"] = "test"; //modify
                return(editOp.Execute());          //synchronous flavor

Exemplo n.º 9
        protected override void OnClick()
            var polyLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>().First();

            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                var fc             = polyLayer.GetTable() as FeatureClass;
                var fcDefinition   = fc.GetDefinition();
                Polygon outerRings = null;

                var editOperation  = new EditOperation();
                editOperation.Name = "Create outer ring";

                using (var cursor = fc.Search())
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        Feature feature = cursor.Current as Feature;

                        outerRings = Module1.Current.GetOutermostRings(feature.GetShape() as Polygon);

                        editOperation.Create(polyLayer, outerRings);

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void EditOperation2(FeatureLayer transformerBankLayer, Dictionary <string, object> transformerBankAttributes, FeatureLayer poleLayer, Dictionary <string, object> poleAttributes)
            #region Create utility network features and associations in a single edit operation

            // Create an EditOperation
            EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
            editOperation.Name = "Create pole; create transformer bank; attach transformer bank to pole";

            // Create the transformer bank
            RowToken transformerBankToken = editOperation.CreateEx(transformerBankLayer, transformerBankAttributes);

            // Create a pole
            RowToken poleToken = editOperation.CreateEx(poleLayer, poleAttributes);

            // Create a structural attachment association between the pole and the transformer bank
            RowHandle poleHandle            = new RowHandle(poleToken);
            RowHandle transformerBankHandle = new RowHandle(transformerBankToken);

            StructuralAttachmentAssociationDescription poleAttachment = new StructuralAttachmentAssociationDescription(poleHandle, transformerBankHandle);


            // Execute the EditOperation

    protected override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry geometry)
      //Simple check for selected layer
      if (MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().Count == 0)
        MessageBox.Show("Please select a layer in the toc","Update attributes with sketch");
        return Task.FromResult(true);

      //Run on MCT
      return QueuedTask.Run(() =>
        //Get the selected layer in toc
        var featLayer = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().First() as FeatureLayer;

        //find feature oids under the sketch for the selected layer
        var features = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry);
        var featOids = features[featLayer];

        //update the attributes of those features
        var insp = new Inspector();
        insp.Load(featLayer, featOids);
        insp["PARCEL_ID"] = 42;

        //create and execute the edit operation
        var op = new EditOperation();
        op.Name = "Update parcel";
        op.SelectModifiedFeatures = true;
        op.SelectNewFeatures = false;
        return op.Execute();
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the field with a given value (int)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status"></param>
        /// <param name="editName"></param>
        public void Update(int status, string editName)
            QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                    var basicfeaturelayer = _selectedLayer as BasicFeatureLayer;
                    var selection         = basicfeaturelayer.GetSelection();
                    var oidset            = selection.GetObjectIDs();

                    var insp = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Inspector();
                    insp.Load(basicfeaturelayer, oidset);
                    insp[InpsectorFieldName] = 1;

                    var op  = new EditOperation();
                    op.Name = editName;

                } catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
        protected override void OnClick()
            if (Module1.Current.SelectedItems == null)

            int    aantalVerdiepingen;
            double verdiepingsHoogte;

            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                var editOperation = new EditOperation();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> > item in Module1.Current.SelectedItems)
                    var layer = item.Key as BasicFeatureLayer;

                    foreach (long oid in item.Value)
                        var feature        = layer.Inspect(oid);
                        aantalVerdiepingen = new Random().Next(3, 10);
                        verdiepingsHoogte  = double.Parse(feature["PandHoogte"].ToString()) / aantalVerdiepingen;

                        feature["PandHoogte"] = verdiepingsHoogte;
                        for (int i = 1; i < aantalVerdiepingen; i++)
                            editOperation.Create(layer, GeometryEngine.Move(feature.Shape, 0, 0, (i * (verdiepingsHoogte * 2))), new Action <long>(x => newFloorCreated(x, layer, verdiepingsHoogte, feature.Shape.Extent.ZMin)));
                bool succeded = editOperation.Execute();
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected async void BuildParcels()
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                var myParcelFabricLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <ParcelLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
                var theActiveRecord     = myParcelFabricLayer.GetActiveRecord();
                var guid = theActiveRecord.Guid;

                if (myParcelFabricLayer == null)
                #region Build parcels
                var editOper = new EditOperation()
                    Name            = "Build Parcels",
                    ProgressMessage = "Build Parcels...",
                    ShowModalMessageAfterFailure = true,
                    SelectNewFeatures            = true,
                    SelectModifiedFeatures       = true
                editOper.BuildParcelsByRecord(myParcelFabricLayer, guid);
        private void CutBuilding(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e)
            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                Dictionary <MapMember, List <long> > selectedItems = GetSelectedItems(e);
                EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> > item in selectedItems)
                    BasicFeatureLayer layer = item.Key as BasicFeatureLayer;
                    if (layer.ShapeType != ArcGIS.Core.CIM.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)

                    foreach (long oid in item.Value)
                        var feature = layer.Inspect(oid);

                        Geometry geometry = feature.Shape.Clone();
                        Polyline polyLine = GetCutPolyLine(geometry);

                        var splitItems = GeometryEngine.Cut(geometry, polyLine);
                        feature.Shape  = splitItems.First();

                        Layer pointLayer = MapView.Active.Map.Layers[0];
                        editOperation.Create(pointLayer, geometry.Extent.Center);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private Task <bool> PerformShiftAndScaleEdit(double dx, double dy, double dz)
            return(QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                #region Note
                //EditOperation scaleOperation = new EditOperation();
                //scaleOperation.Name = "Shift and Scale features";

                //scaleOperation.Scale(_attributeViewModel.SelectedFeatures, CurrentControlPoint, scale, scale, scale);
                //var shiftOperation = scaleOperation.CreateChainedOperation();
                var featuresToShift = _attributeViewModel.SelectedFeatures;
                var pivot = CurrentControlPoint; // must assign this to another variable since we will nullify it after this operation, where this operation is async and might not execute before nullifying.
                EditOperation shiftOperation = new EditOperation {
                    Name = "Shift Features",
                    ErrorMessage = "Error during shift",
                    ProgressMessage = "Shifting in progress",
                    // when we change this to true, it only selects features that moved (select == highlighted in blue), meaning those features will STAY highlighted. So change colour to red => not moved, even though they are selected
                    SelectModifiedFeatures = true,
                    ShowModalMessageAfterFailure = true
                //shiftOperation.Scale(featuresToShift, pivot, 2, 2); // get Incompatible Spatial Reference exception => screen vs. map coordinate?
                shiftOperation.Move(featuresToShift, dx, dy, dz);
                //shiftOperation.Delete(featuresToShift); // this works => selection must be correct?
                int countFeatures = 0;
                foreach (List <long> value in featuresToShift.Values)
                    countFeatures += value.Count;

                ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("dx = {0:0.000}\ndy = {1:0.000}\ndz  = {2:0.000} \nNumber of features affected = {3}", dx, dy, dz, countFeatures), "Shifting and Scaling");
                return shiftOperation.IsSucceeded;
            })); // end Run
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void ReadWriteBlobInspector()
            #region Read and Write blob fields with the attribute inspector
            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //get selected feature into inspector
                var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
                var insp             = new Inspector();
                insp.Load(selectedFeatures.Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.Values.First());

                //read file into memory stream
                var msr = new MemoryStream();
                using (FileStream file = new FileStream(@"d:\images\Hydrant.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))

                //put the memory stream in the blob field
                var op            = new EditOperation();
                op.Name           = "Blob Inspector";
                insp["Blobfield"] = msr;

                //read a blob field and save to a file
                //assume inspector has been loaded with a feature
                var msw = new MemoryStream();
                msw     = insp["Blobfield"] as MemoryStream;
                using (FileStream file = new FileStream(@"d:\temp\blob.jpg", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
        protected override void OnClick()
            var polyLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().First();

            QueuedTask.Run(() =>

                var fc = polyLayer.GetTable() as FeatureClass;
                var fcDefinition = fc.GetDefinition();
                Polygon outerRings = null;

                var editOperation = new EditOperation();
                editOperation.Name = "Create outer ring";

                using (var cursor = fc.Search())
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        Feature feature = cursor.Current as Feature;

                        outerRings = Module1.Current.GetOutermostRings(feature.GetShape() as Polygon);

                        editOperation.Create(polyLayer, outerRings);

Exemplo n.º 19
        public void EditOperation(UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork, AssetType poleAssetType, Guid poleGlobalID, AssetType transformerBankAssetType, Guid transformerBankGlobalID)
            #region Create a utility network association

            // Create edit operation

            EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
            editOperation.Name = "Create structural attachment association";

            // Create a RowHandle for the pole

            Element   poleElement   = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(poleAssetType, poleGlobalID);
            RowHandle poleRowHandle = new RowHandle(poleElement, utilityNetwork);

            // Create a RowHandle for the transformer bank

            Element   transformerBankElement   = utilityNetwork.CreateElement(transformerBankAssetType, transformerBankGlobalID);
            RowHandle transformerBankRowHandle = new RowHandle(transformerBankElement, utilityNetwork);

            // Attach the transformer bank to the pole

            StructuralAttachmentAssociationDescription structuralAttachmentAssociationDescription = new StructuralAttachmentAssociationDescription(poleRowHandle, transformerBankRowHandle);

Exemplo n.º 20
        public void OpMgr()
            var editOp = new EditOperation();

            editOp.Name = "My Name";


            #region ProSnippet Group: Undo / Redo

            #region Undo/Redo the Most Recent Operation

            if (MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager.CanUndo)
                MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager.UndoAsync();//await as needed
            if (MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager.CanRedo)
                MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager.RedoAsync();//await as needed
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected void UpdateAttrib()
            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //get the geometry of the selected feature.
                var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
                var insp             = new Inspector();
                insp.Load(selectedFeatures.Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.Values.First());
                var selGeom = insp.Shape;

                //var extPolyline = some geometry operation.
                var extPolyline = new MapPointBuilder(1.0, 1.0).ToGeometry();

                //set the new geometry back on the feature
                insp.Shape = extPolyline;

                //update an attribute value
                insp["RouteNumber"] = 42;

                //create and execute the edit operation
                var op = new EditOperation()
                    Name = "Extend"
        private void MoveWalls(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e)
            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                Dictionary <MapMember, List <long> > selectedItems = GetSelectedItems(e);

                EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> > item in selectedItems)
                    BasicFeatureLayer layer = item.Key as BasicFeatureLayer;
                    if (layer.ShapeType != ArcGIS.Core.CIM.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)

                    foreach (long oid in item.Value)
                        var feature = layer.Inspect(oid);

                        double hoogte  = double.Parse(feature["PandHoogte"].ToString());
                        int verdieping = int.Parse(feature["Verdieping"].ToString());

                        Geometry geom           = feature.Shape.Clone();
                        Geometry removeGeometry = GeometryEngine.Scale(geom, geom.Extent.Center, 1.2, 1.2);
                        Geometry wallGeometry   = GeometryEngine.Scale(geom, geom.Extent.Center, 1.3, 1.3);
                        editOperation.Scale(selectedItems, feature.Shape.Extent.Center, 0.9, 0.9);
                        editOperation.Create(layer, wallGeometry, new Action <long>(x => OnExtractWalls(x, layer, removeGeometry, hoogte, verdieping)));

Exemplo n.º 23
        protected override Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry geometry)
            //Check we only have one feature to extend to
            if (MapView.Active.Map.SelectionCount != 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select one polyline or polygon feature to extend to", "Extend");

            //Run on MCT
            return(QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //get selected feature geometry
                var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
                var insp = new Inspector();
                insp.Load(selectedFeatures.ToDictionary().Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.ToDictionary().Values.First());
                var selGeom = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(insp.Shape, MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference);
                if (!(selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon ||
                      selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polyline))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please choose as the selected feature either a polyline or polygon feature to extend to");
                    return false;

                //find feature at the click
                var clickFeatures = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(geometry);
                var featuresOids = clickFeatures[clickFeatures.ToDictionary().Keys.First()];
                insp.Load(clickFeatures.ToDictionary().First().Key, featuresOids.First());
                var clickGeom = insp.Shape as Polyline;
                if (clickGeom == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a polyline feature to extend");
                    return false;

                //extend the line to the poly?
                ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polyline extPolyline;
                extPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.Extend(clickGeom, (selGeom.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon ? GeometryEngine.Instance.Boundary(selGeom) as Polyline : selGeom as Polyline), ExtendFlags.Default);
                if (extPolyline == null)
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to extend the clicked {0} to the selected {1}",
                                                  clickGeom.GeometryType, selGeom.GeometryType));
                    return false;

                //set the new geometry back on the feature
                insp.Shape = extPolyline;

                //create and execute the edit operation
                var op = new EditOperation()
                    Name = "Extend",
                    SelectModifiedFeatures = false,
                    SelectNewFeatures = false
                return op.Execute();
        private void ExecuteRotateAnnotation()
            var mapView = MapView.Active;

            if (mapView == null)

                QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                    var selection = mapView.Map.GetSelection();

                    // 選択しているフィーチャクラスがある場合
                    if (selection.Count > 0)
                        var editOperation = new EditOperation();

                        // フィーチャクラスごとにループ
                        foreach (var mapMember in selection)
                            var layer = mapMember.Key as BasicFeatureLayer;

                            // アノテーションの場合
                            if (layer.GetType().Name == "AnnotationLayer")
                                using (var rowCursor = layer.GetSelection().Search(null))
                                    var inspector = new Inspector();

                                    while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                                        using (var row = rowCursor.Current)
                                            // 角度更新
                                            inspector.Load(layer, row.GetObjectID());
                                            var annoProperties   = inspector.GetAnnotationProperties();
                                            annoProperties.Angle = _angle;


Exemplo n.º 25
        protected async void AssignFeaturesToRecord()
            #region Assign features to active record
            string errorMessage = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //check for selected layer
                if (MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().Count == 0)
                    return("Please select a source feature layer in the table of contents.");
                //first get the feature layer that's selected in the table of contents
                var srcFeatLyr          = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().OfType <FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
                var myParcelFabricLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <ParcelLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (myParcelFabricLayer == null)
                    return("No parcel layer found in the map.");
                    var theActiveRecord = myParcelFabricLayer.GetActiveRecord();
                    if (theActiveRecord == null)
                        return("There is no Active Record. Please set the active record and try again.");
                    var editOper = new EditOperation()
                        Name            = "Assign Features to Record",
                        ProgressMessage = "Assign Features to Record...",
                        ShowModalMessageAfterFailure = true,
                        SelectNewFeatures            = true,
                        SelectModifiedFeatures       = false
                    //add parcel type layers and their feature ids to a new KeyValuePair
                    var ids            = new List <long>(srcFeatLyr.GetSelection().GetObjectIDs());
                    var kvp            = new KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> >(srcFeatLyr, ids);
                    var sourceFeatures = new List <KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> > > {

                    editOper.AssignFeaturesToRecord(myParcelFabricLayer, sourceFeatures, theActiveRecord);
                    if (!editOper.Execute())
                catch (Exception ex)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                MessageBox.Show(errorMessage, "Assign Features To Record.");
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Illustrates how to use the HasValueChanged() method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task FileGeodatabaseWorkFlow()
            using (Geodatabase fileGeodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"C:\Data\LocalGovernment.gdb"))))
                using (FeatureClass featureClass = fileGeodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("PollingPlace"))
                    EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                    editOperation.Callback(context =>
                        QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter {
                            WhereClause = "FULLADD LIKE '///%Lily Cache Ln///%'"

                        using (RowCursor rowCursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, false))
                            FeatureClassDefinition featureClassDefinition = featureClass.GetDefinition();

                            int shapeFieldIndex = featureClassDefinition.FindField(featureClassDefinition.GetShapeField());

                            while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                                using (Feature feature = (Feature)rowCursor.Current)
                                    MapPoint mapPoint = feature.GetShape() as MapPoint;

                                    // Will be false.
                                    bool beforeChange = feature.HasValueChanged(shapeFieldIndex);

                                    // In order to update the Map and/or the attribute table.
                                    // Has to be called before any changes are made to the row

                                    MapPoint newShape = new MapPointBuilder(mapPoint.X + 10, mapPoint.Y, mapPoint.SpatialReference).ToGeometry();

                                    // Will be true.
                                    bool afterChange = feature.HasValueChanged(shapeFieldIndex);

                                    //Will be false.
                                    bool afterStore = feature.HasValueChanged(shapeFieldIndex);

                                    // Has to be called after the store too
                    }, featureClass);

                    bool editResult = editOperation.Execute();

                    //This is required to persist the changes to the disk.

                    bool saveResult = await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();
        protected override Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
            //Run on MCT
            return(QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //get the templates
                var map = MapView.Active.Map;
                IEnumerable <Layer> layers = map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().AsEnumerable();
                Layer mainLayer = layers.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "main");
                Layer mhLayer = layers.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "manhole");
                Layer conLayer = layers.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "connector");

                if ((mainLayer == null) || (mhLayer == null) || (conLayer == null))
                    return false;

                var mainTemplate = mainLayer.GetTemplate("main");
                var mhTemplate = mhLayer.GetTemplate("manhole");
                var conTemplate = conLayer.GetTemplate("connector");

                if ((mainTemplate == null) || (mhTemplate == null) || (conTemplate == null))
                    return false;

                var op = new EditOperation()
                    Name = "Create main-connector-manhole",
                    SelectModifiedFeatures = false,
                    SelectNewFeatures = false

                //create the main geom
                var mainGeom = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(geometry, 0, 0, -20);
                op.Create(mainTemplate, mainGeom);

                //create manhole points and connector
                foreach (var pnt in ((Polyline)geometry).Points)
                    //manhole point at sketch vertex
                    op.Create(mhTemplate, pnt);

                    //vertical connector between mahole and main
                    var conPoints = new List <MapPoint>
                        pnt,                                                     //top of vertical connector
                        GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(pnt, 0, 0, -20) as MapPoint //bottom of vertical connector
                    var conPolyLine = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(conPoints);
                    op.Create(conTemplate, conPolyLine);
                return op.Execute();
        public Task <bool> ChangeAnnotationTextGraphicAsync(string xmlGraphic)
            _lasterror = "";//reset
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlGraphic))
            if (this.AnnotationLayer == null)

            return(QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                if (!((AnnotationFeatureClass)AnnotationLayer.GetFeatureClass()).GetDefinition().AreSymbolOverridesAllowed())
                    _lasterror = $"Overrides are not allowed on '{AnnotationLayer.GetFeatureClass().GetName()}'";
                    return false;//overrides are not allowed

                EditOperation op = new EditOperation();
                op.Name = $"Change annotation graphic [{count++}]";
                op.SelectModifiedFeatures = true;

                var oid = this.AnnotationLayer.GetSelection().GetObjectIDs().First();

                //At 2.1 we must use an edit operation Callback...
                op.Callback(context => {
                    QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter()
                        WhereClause = $"OBJECTID = {oid}"
                    //Cursor must be non-recycling. Use the table ~not~ the layer..i.e. "GetTable().Search()"
                    //annoLayer is ~your~ Annotation layer
                    var rowCursor = this.AnnotationLayer.GetTable().Search(qf, false);
                    var annoFeature = rowCursor.Current as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeature;

                    // update the graphic
                    CIMTextGraphic textGraphic = GraphicFromXml(xmlGraphic);
                    // store is required
                    //refresh layer cache
                }, this.AnnotationLayer.GetTable());
                var ok = op.Execute();
                if (!ok)
                    _lasterror = op.ErrorMessage;
                return ok;
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Illustrates deleting rows from a table in an enterprise geodatabase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task EnterpriseGeodabaseWorkFlow()
            // Opening a Non-Versioned SQL Server instance.

            DatabaseConnectionProperties connectionProperties = new DatabaseConnectionProperties(EnterpriseDatabaseType.SQLServer)
                AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.DBMS,

                // Where testMachine is the machine where the instance is running and testInstance is the name of the SqlServer instance.
                Instance = @"testMachine\testInstance",

                // Provided that a database called LocalGovernment has been created on the testInstance and geodatabase has been enabled on the database.
                Database = "LocalGovernment",

                // Provided that a login called gdb has been created and corresponding schema has been created with the required permissions.
                User     = "******",
                Password = "******",
                Version  = "dbo.DEFAULT"

            using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase((connectionProperties)))
                using (Table enterpriseTable = geodatabase.OpenDataset <Table>("LocalGovernment.GDB.piCIPCost"))
                    EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                    editOperation.Callback(context =>
                        QueryFilter openCutFilter = new QueryFilter {
                            WhereClause = "ACTION = 'Open Cut'"

                        using (RowCursor rowCursor = enterpriseTable.Search(openCutFilter, false))
                            while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                                using (Row row = rowCursor.Current)
                                    // In order to update the Map and/or the attribute table. Has to be called before the delete

                    }, enterpriseTable);

                    bool editResult = editOperation.Execute();

                    // If the table is non-versioned this is a no-op. If it is versioned, we need the Save to be done for the edits to be persisted.

                    bool saveResult = await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();
        protected override async void OnClick()
            // make sure there's an OID from a created feature
            if (Module1.CubeMultipatchObjectID == -1)

            //get the multipatch layer from the map
            var localSceneLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>()
                                  .FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "Cube" && l.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultiPatch);

            if (localSceneLayer == null)

            // get the multipatch shape using the Inspector
            var insp = new Inspector();
            await insp.LoadAsync(localSceneLayer, Module1.CubeMultipatchObjectID);

            var multipatchFromScene = insp.Shape as Multipatch;

            // apply textures to the multipatch
            var multipatchWithTextures = ApplyTexturesToMultipatch(multipatchFromScene);

            // modify the multipatch geometry
            string msg = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                var op  = new EditOperation();
                op.Name = "Apply textures to multipatch";

                // queue feature modification
                op.Modify(localSceneLayer, Module1.CubeMultipatchObjectID, multipatchWithTextures);
                // execute
                bool result = op.Execute();
                // if successful
                if (result)

                // not successful, return any error message from the EditOperation

            // if there's an error, show it
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                MessageBox.Show($@"Multipatch update failed: " + msg);
Exemplo n.º 31
        private bool Execute(string description)
            _editOperation.Name = description;

            bool result = _editOperation.Execute();

            if (!result && _exception != null)
                throw _exception;

Exemplo n.º 32
        internal void OnDeleteRouteButtonClick()
            QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                using (var cursor = RoutesStandaloneTable.GetSelection().Search(null))
                    var operation = new EditOperation();

                    var routeRow     = cursor.Current;
                    string routeID   = (string)routeRow[RouteID];
                    string routeName = (string)routeRow[RouteName];

                    operation.Name = $"Delete route: {routeName}";
                    operation.Delete(RoutesStandaloneTable, routeRow.GetObjectID());

                    var query = new QueryFilter()
                        WhereClause = $"{RouteID} = '{routeID}'"
                    using (var segsCursor = RouteToTrailSegmentsTable.Search(query))
                        using (var headsCursor = RouteToTrailheadsTable.Search(query))
                            while (segsCursor.MoveNext())
                                operation.Delete(RouteToTrailSegmentsTable, segsCursor.Current.GetObjectID());
                            while (headsCursor.MoveNext())
                                operation.Delete(RouteToTrailheadsTable, headsCursor.Current.GetObjectID());


                    if (operation.IsSucceeded)
                        Notification notification = new Notification();
                        notification.Title        = FrameworkApplication.Title;
                        notification.Message      = $"Route: \"{routeName}\" deleted successfully!";

Exemplo n.º 33
        protected async void ChangeParcelType()
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //check for selected layer
                if (MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().Count == 0)
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Please select a source layer in the table of contents", "Change Parcel Type");

                //first get the feature layer that's selected in the table of contents
                var sourcePolygonL      = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().OfType <FeatureLayer>().First();
                var myParcelFabricLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <ParcelLayer>().FirstOrDefault();

                string sTargetParcelType = "Tax"; //Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Target Parcel Type:", "Copy Parcel Lines To", "Tax");

                if (sTargetParcelType.Trim().Length == 0)

                #region Change parcel type
                var targetFeatLyr = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "Tax"); //the target parcel polygon feature layer

                if (myParcelFabricLayer == null || sourcePolygonL == null)

                //add polygon layers and the feature ids to change the type on to a new KeyValuePair
                var ids            = new List <long>(sourcePolygonL.GetSelection().GetObjectIDs());
                var kvp            = new KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> >(sourcePolygonL, ids);
                var sourceFeatures = new List <KeyValuePair <MapMember, List <long> > > {

                var editOper = new EditOperation()
                    Name            = "Change Parcel Type",
                    ProgressMessage = "Change Parcel Type...",
                    ShowModalMessageAfterFailure = true,
                    SelectNewFeatures            = true,
                    SelectModifiedFeatures       = false

                editOper.ChangeParcelType(myParcelFabricLayer, sourceFeatures, targetFeatLyr, -1);
Exemplo n.º 34
    protected override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
      //Run on MCT
      return QueuedTask.Run(() =>
        var op = new EditOperation();
        op.Name = "Create main-connector-manhole";
        op.SelectModifiedFeatures = false;
        op.SelectNewFeatures = false;

        //get the templates
        var map = MapView.Active.Map;
        var mainTemplate = map.FindLayers("main").First().GetTemplate("main");
        var mhTemplate = map.FindLayers("Manhole").First().GetTemplate("Manhole");
        var conTemplate = map.FindLayers("Connector").First().GetTemplate("Connector");

        //create the main geom
        var mainGeom = GeometryEngine.Move(geometry, 0, 0, -20);
        op.Create(mainTemplate, mainGeom);

        //create manhole points and connector
        foreach (var pnt in ((Polyline)geometry).Points)
          //manhole point at sketch vertex
          op.Create(mhTemplate, pnt);

          //vertical connector between mahole and main
          var conPoints = new List<MapPoint>();
          conPoints.Add(pnt); //top of vertical connector
          conPoints.Add(GeometryEngine.Move(pnt, 0, 0, -20)); //bottom of vertical connector
          var conPolyLine = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(conPoints);
          op.Create(conTemplate, conPolyLine);
        return op.Execute();
    /// <summary>
    /// Divide the first selected feature into equal parts or by map unit distance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="numberOfParts">Number of parts to create.</param>
    /// <param name="value">Value for number or parts or distance.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static Task DivideLinesAsync(bool numberOfParts, double value)
      //Run on MCT
      return QueuedTask.Run(() =>
        //get selected feature
        var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();

        //get the layer of the selected feature
        var featLayer = selectedFeatures.Keys.First() as FeatureLayer;
        var oid = selectedFeatures.Values.First().First();

        var feature = featLayer.Inspect(oid);

        //get geometry and length
        var origPolyLine = feature.Shape as Polyline;
        var origLength = GeometryEngine.Length(origPolyLine);

        //List of mappoint geometries for the split
        var splitPoints = new List<MapPoint>();

        var enteredValue = (numberOfParts) ? origLength / value : value;
        var splitAtDistance = 0 + enteredValue;

        while (splitAtDistance < origLength)
          //create a mapPoint at splitDistance and add to splitpoint list
          splitPoints.Add(GeometryEngine.MovePointAlongLine(origPolyLine, splitAtDistance, false, 0));
          splitAtDistance += enteredValue;
        //create and execute the edit operation
        var op = new EditOperation();
        op.Name = "Divide Lines";
        op.SelectModifiedFeatures = false;
        op.SelectNewFeatures = false;
        op.SplitAtPoints(featLayer, oid, splitPoints);

        //clear selection
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to perform the cut operation on the geometry and change attributes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">Line geometry used to perform the cut against in the polygon features
        /// in the active map view.</param>
        /// <returns>If the cut operation was successful.</returns>
        protected Task<bool> ExecuteCut(Geometry geometry)
            if (geometry == null)
                return Task.FromResult(false);

            // create an edit operation
            EditOperation cutOperation = new EditOperation();
            cutOperation.Name = "Cut Elements";
            cutOperation.ProgressMessage = "Working...";
            cutOperation.CancelMessage = "Operation canceled.";
            cutOperation.ErrorMessage = "Error cutting polygons";
            cutOperation.SelectModifiedFeatures = false;
            cutOperation.SelectNewFeatures = false;

            // create a collection of feature layers that can be edited
            var editableLayers = ActiveMapView.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
                .Where(lyr => lyr.CanEditData() == true).Where(lyr =>
                lyr.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon);

            // ensure that there are target layers
            if (editableLayers.Count() == 0)
                return Task.FromResult(false);

            // initialize a list of ObjectIDs that need to be cut
            var cutOIDs = new List<long>();

            // for each of the layers 
            foreach (FeatureLayer editableFeatureLayer in editableLayers)
                // find the features crossed by the sketch geometry
                var rowCursor = editableFeatureLayer.Search(geometry, SpatialRelationship.Crosses);

                // get the feature class associated with the layer
                Table fc = editableFeatureLayer.GetTable();

                // find the field index for the 'Description' attribute
                int descriptionIndex = -1;
                descriptionIndex = fc.GetDefinition().FindField("Description");

                // add the feature IDs into our prepared list
                while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                    var feature = rowCursor.Current as Feature;
                    if (feature.GetShape() != null)
                        // we are looking for polygons are completely intersected by the cut line
                        if (GeometryEngine.Relate(geometry, feature.GetShape(), "TT*F*****"))
                            // add the current feature to the overall list of features to cut

                            // adjust the attribute before the cut
                            if (descriptionIndex != -1)
                                cutOperation.Modify(rowCursor.Current, descriptionIndex, "Pro Sample");
                // add the elements to cut into the edit operation
                cutOperation.Cut(editableFeatureLayer, cutOIDs, geometry);

            //execute the operation
            var operationResult = cutOperation.Execute();

            return Task.FromResult(operationResult);
    /// <summary>
    /// Separate a selected multipart feature into individual features.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnClick()
      //check for one selected feature
      if (MapView.Active.Map.SelectionCount != 1)
        MessageBox.Show("Please select one multipart feature to explode", "Explode Multipart Feature");

      //run on MCT
      QueuedTask.Run(() =>
        //get selected feature geometry
        var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
        var insp = new Inspector();
        insp.Load(selectedFeatures.Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.Values.First());
        var selGeom = insp.Shape;
        var selGeomType = selGeom.GeometryType;

        //early checks for geometry type and single point in a multipoint
        if ( !(selGeomType == GeometryType.Multipoint || selGeomType == GeometryType.Polygon || selGeomType == GeometryType.Polyline) || selGeom.PointCount == 1)
          MessageBox.Show("Please select a multipart feature to explode", "Explode Multipart Feature");

        //check if selected feature has multiple parts
        var mpGeom = selGeom as Multipart;
        if (mpGeom != null)
          if (mpGeom.PartCount < 2)
            MessageBox.Show("Please select a multipart feature to explode","Explode Multipart Feature");

        //setup the edit operation
        var op = new EditOperation();
        op.Name = "Explode Multipart Feature";

        //handle geometry types
          case GeometryType.Multipoint:
            //create a new feature for each pointcount
            var mpoint = selGeom as Multipoint;
            for (var i = 0; i < mpoint.PointCount; i++)
              //copy the original feature into a dictionary and update the shape.
              var newFeature = insp.ToDictionary(a => a.FieldName, a => a.CurrentValue);
              newFeature[insp.GeometryAttribute.FieldName] = new MultipointBuilder(mpoint.Points[i]).ToGeometry();
              op.Create(insp.MapMember, newFeature);

          case GeometryType.Polyline:
            //create a new feature for each polyline part
            for (var i = 0; i < mpGeom.PartCount; i++)
              //copy the original feature into a dictionary and update the shape.
              var newFeature = insp.ToDictionary(a => a.FieldName, a => a.CurrentValue);
              newFeature[insp.GeometryAttribute.FieldName] = new PolylineBuilder(mpGeom.Parts[i]).ToGeometry();
              op.Create(insp.MapMember, newFeature);

          case GeometryType.Polygon:
            //ignore donut features for now
            //check if any part area is negative
            for (var i = 0; i < mpGeom.PartCount; i++)
              if ((new PolygonBuilder(mpGeom.Parts[i]).ToGeometry()).Area < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a non-donut polygon to explode", "Explode Mutltpart Feature");

            //create a new feature for each polygon part
            for (var i = 0; i < mpGeom.PartCount; i++)
              //copy the original feature into a dictionary and update the shape.
              var newFeature = insp.ToDictionary(a => a.FieldName, a => a.CurrentValue);
              newFeature[insp.GeometryAttribute.FieldName] = new PolygonBuilder(mpGeom.Parts[i]).ToGeometry();
              op.Create(insp.MapMember, newFeature);
        } //switch

        //delete the original feature and execute the creates
        //op.Delete(insp.MapMember, insp.ObjectID);
        //double cast to workaround 1.1 bug
        op.Delete(insp.MapMember, (long)(int)insp.ObjectIDAttribute.CurrentValue);