public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value) { if (value != null) { if (editForm == null) { editForm = new EditForm(); } editForm.DataSource = ((DataSet) value).Copy(); if (editForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { value = editForm.DataSource; } } return value; }
private void RunOnce(ListView listView, EditForm editForm) { // ProjectName, ScriptName, string strErrors = Execute(editForm.SourceCode); StringReader sr = new StringReader(strErrors); int intNr = 1; while (true) { string strLine = sr.ReadLine(); if (strLine == null) { break; } strLine = strLine.Trim(); if (strLine.StartsWith("TOTAL")) { continue; } string strLineNr = ""; string strColumnNr = ""; string strErrorNr = ""; int intImageIndex = -1; if (strLine.StartsWith("WARN")) { intImageIndex = 1; } if (strLine.StartsWith("ERR")) { intImageIndex = 0; } int intI = strLine.IndexOf("::"); if (intI > 0) { strLine = strLine.Substring(intI + 2).Trim(); intI = strLine.IndexOf(":"); if (intI > 0) { string strLineColumn = strLine.Substring(0, intI).Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace(" ", ""); string[] LineColumn = strLineColumn.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (LineColumn.Length > 1) { int intLine = 0; int intColumn = 0; int.TryParse(LineColumn[0], out intLine); int.TryParse(LineColumn[1], out intColumn); strLineNr = intLine.ToString(); strColumnNr = intColumn.ToString(); strErrorNr = intNr.ToString(); } strLine = strLine.Substring(intI + 1).Trim(); } } ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "", // 0 strErrorNr, // 1 strLine, // 2 editForm.ScriptName, // 3 strLineNr, // 4 strColumnNr, // 5 editForm.ProjectName, // 6 editForm.FullPathName, // 7 editForm.guid.ToString(), // 8 editForm.IsScript.ToString() // 9 }, intImageIndex); listView.Items.Add(lvi); if (strErrorNr != "") { intNr++; } } }
public static Assembly CompileCSharp(EditForm editForm, string CSharpCode) { // Code compiler and provider CodeDomProvider cc = new CSharpCodeProvider(); // Compiler parameters CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters(); // Sept 15, 2007 -> 3, 30 oct 2007 -> 4 if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SkipWarnings) { cp.WarningLevel = 4; } // Add common assemblies cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.dll"); cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.Windows.Forms.dll"); // LSLEditor.exe contains all base SecondLife class stuff cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); // Compiling to memory cp.GenerateInMemory = true; // Does this work? cp.IncludeDebugInformation = true; // Wrap strCSharpCode into my namespace string strRunTime = "namespace LSLEditor\n{\n"; strRunTime += CSharpCode; strRunTime += "\n}\n"; int intDefaultLineNumber = FindDefaultLineNumber(strRunTime); // Here we go CompilerResults cr = cc.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, strRunTime); // get the listview to store some errors ListView ListViewErrors = editForm.parent.SyntaxErrors.ListView; // Console.WriteLine(cr.Errors.HasWarnings.ToString()); // Check for compilation errors... if (ListViewErrors != null && (cr.Errors.HasErrors || cr.Errors.HasWarnings)) { int intNr = 1; foreach (CompilerError err in cr.Errors) { int intLine = err.Line; if (intLine < intDefaultLineNumber) { intLine -= 4; } else { intLine -= 5; } string strError = OopsFormatter.ApplyFormatting(err.ErrorText); int intImageIndex = 0; if (err.IsWarning) { intImageIndex = 1; } ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "", // 0 intNr.ToString(), // 1 strError, // 2 editForm.ScriptName, // 3 intLine.ToString(), // 4 err.Column.ToString(), // 5 editForm.ProjectName, // 6 editForm.FullPathName, // 7 editForm.guid.ToString(), // 8 editForm.IsScript.ToString() // 9 }, intImageIndex); ListViewErrors.Items.Add(lvi); intNr++; } return(null); } return(cr.CompiledAssembly); }
protected void GetEditForm(OrderEntity orderEntity) { forms.ToList().ForEach( form => { form.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); if (orderEntity == null) { return; } string key = orderEntity.OrderType.Name; EditForm editForm = null; if (!forms.Dictionary.ContainsKey(key)) { editForm = new EditForm(orderEntity); editForm.RefreshEntityWhenLoad = false; editForm.LoadControlComplete += new EventHandler(editForm_LoadControlComplete); forms.Add(key, editForm); editForm.InitForm(); //editForm.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; this.MainGrid.Children.Add(editForm); } else { editForm = forms[key]; editForm.OrderEntity = orderEntity; Title = orderEntity.OrderTypeName; editForm.InitForm(); editForm.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } CurrentEditForm = editForm; }
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { HandleFullScreen(); base.OnPreRender(e); if (AllowTypeSwitching && (EditedObject != null)) { if (sharedLayoutId > 0) { drpLayout.Value = sharedLayoutId; } else if (EditedObjectType == EditedObjectTypeEnum.Layout) { drpLayout.Value = EditedObject.Generalized.ObjectID; } radCustom.Text = GetString("TemplateLayout.Custom"); radCustom.Attributes.Add("onclick", "window.location = '" + URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(RequestContext.CurrentURL, "newshared", "0"), "oldshared", drpLayout.Value.ToString()) + "'"); radShared.Text = GetString("TemplateLayout.Shared"); if (drpLayout.UniSelector.HasData) { radShared.Attributes.Add("onclick", "window.location = '" + URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(RequestContext.CurrentURL, "newshared", drpLayout.Value + "") + "'"); } // Get the current layout type bool radioButtonsEnabled = !SynchronizationHelper.UseCheckinCheckout; if (DeviceProfileID > 0) { // Device profile layout PageTemplateDeviceLayoutInfo dli = PageTemplateDeviceLayoutInfoProvider.GetTemplateDeviceLayoutInfo(TemplateID, DeviceProfileID); if (dli != null) { radioButtonsEnabled |= dli.Generalized.IsCheckedOutByUser(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser); } } else { // Page template layout radioButtonsEnabled |= PageTemplateInfo.Generalized.IsCheckedOutByUser(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser); } // Disable also radio buttons when the object is not checked out radShared.Enabled = radCustom.Enabled = drpLayout.Enabled = radioButtonsEnabled; } if ((EditedObjectType == EditedObjectTypeEnum.Layout) && (AllowTypeSwitching || DialogMode)) { pnlServer.Visible = false; pnlLayout.CategoryTitleResourceString = null; } SetActionVisiblity(); RegisterInitScripts(pnlBody.ClientID, editMenuElem.MenuPanel.ClientID, startWithFullScreen); if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("refreshParent", false)) { ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "refreshParent", "window.refreshPageOnClose = true;", true); } HandleWebpartZonesCountWarning(); if (DialogMode && QueryHelper.GetBoolean("wopenerrefresh", false) && !ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(hdnWOpenerRefreshed.Value, false)) { RegisterWOpenerRefreshScript(); hdnWOpenerRefreshed.Value = "1"; } var deviceActions = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("deviceactions", true); if (!deviceActions) { if (createDeviceLayout != null) { createDeviceLayout.Visible = false; } if (removeDeviceLayout != null) { removeDeviceLayout.Visible = false; } } // Try to get page template EditForm.EnableByLockState(); // Enable DDL and disable UIForm for shared layouts if (radShared.Checked) { if (codeElem != null) { codeElem.Enabled = false; cssEditor.Editor.Enabled = false; codeLayoutElem.Enabled = false; cssLayoutEditor.Editor.Enabled = false; deviceCode.Enabled = false; cssDeviceEditor.Editor.Enabled = false; } } else { drpLayout.Enabled = false; } // Check whether virtual objects are allowed if (!SettingsKeyInfoProvider.VirtualObjectsAllowed) { ShowWarning(GetString("VirtualPathProvider.NotRunning"), null, null); } }
public DataSetEditor() { editForm = null; }
/// <summary> /// Displays and hides plain CSS code preview. /// </summary> private void HandleCssCodePreview() { if (RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && !plainCssOnly) { // Don't process if the CSS preview control is not visible FormEngineUserControl previewControl = EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetCodePreview"]; if ((previewControl != null) && !previewControl.Visible) { return; } // Get the edited stylesheet CssStylesheetInfo cssInfo = EditForm.EditedObject as CssStylesheetInfo; if (cssInfo == null) { return; } string lang = ValidationHelper.GetString(cssInfo.StylesheetDynamicLanguage, CssStylesheetInfo.PLAIN_CSS); string previewMode = ValidationHelper.GetString(EditForm.GetFieldValue("StylesheetCodePreview"), String.Empty); // Display preview if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(previewMode) && previewMode.EqualsCSafe("preview", true) && !lang.EqualsCSafe(CssStylesheetInfo.PLAIN_CSS, true)) { // Get the stylesheet dynamic code string code = ValidationHelper.GetString(EditForm.GetFieldValue("StylesheetDynamicCode"), String.Empty); string output = String.Empty; // Run preprocessor string parserError = CSSStylesheetNewControlExtender.ProcessCss(code, lang, out output, hidCompiledCss); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parserError)) { // Set the editor value and disable editing FormEngineUserControl plainCssEditor = EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetText"]; if (plainCssEditor != null) { plainCssEditor.Value = output; codePreviewDisplayed = true; } // Hide dynamic code editor FormEngineUserControl dynamicCodeEditor = EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetDynamicCode"]; if (dynamicCodeEditor != null) { dynamicCodeEditor.CssClass = "Hidden"; } } else { // Handle the error that occurred during parsing EditForm.ShowError(parserError); FormEngineUserControl previewField = EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetCodePreview"]; if (previewField != null) { previewField.Value = lang; } } return; } // Hide preview if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(previewMode) && !previewMode.EqualsCSafe("preview", true)) { // Ensure the visibility of the field if the preview is not active FormEngineUserControl dynamicCodeEditor = EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetDynamicCode"]; if (dynamicCodeEditor != null) { dynamicCodeEditor.CssClass = ""; } // Enable for editing despite the editor is hidden FormEngineUserControl plainCssEditor = EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetText"]; if (plainCssEditor != null) { plainCssEditor.Enabled = true; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Call this to collapse LSL to LSLI /// </summary> /// <param name="editform"></param> /// <returns>LSLI</returns> public string CollapseToLSLIFromEditform(EditForm editform) { this.editForm = editform; return(CollapseToLSLI(editform.SourceCode)); }
private void EditForm_OnBeforeValidate(object sender, EventArgs e) { String errorMsg = String.Empty; // Test whether all goal values are higher then the min values int visitorsMin = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalVisitorsMin"]).Value, 0); int visitorsGoal = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalVisitors"]).Value, 0); int conversionsMin = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalConversionsMin"]).Value, 0); int conversionsGoal = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalConversions"]).Value, 0); int goalValueMin = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalValueMin"]).Value, 0); int goalValue = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalValue"]).Value, 0); int goalPerVisitorMin = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalPerVisitorMin"]).Value, 0); int goalPerVisitor = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalPerVisitor"]).Value, 0); bool visitorsAsPercent = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalVisitorsPercent"]).Value, false); bool conversionsAsPercent = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(((FormEngineUserControl)EditForm.FieldControls["CampaignGoalConversionsPercent"]).Value, false); if (visitorsMin > visitorsGoal) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.error.goal"); } if (conversionsMin > conversionsGoal) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.error.goal"); } if (goalValueMin > goalValue) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.error.goal"); } if (goalPerVisitorMin > goalPerVisitor) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.error.goal"); } // Percent of impressions may not be higher then 100 if ((conversionsAsPercent) && (conversionsGoal > 100)) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.error.goalspercent"); } if ((visitorsAsPercent) && (visitorsGoal > 100)) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.error.goalspercent"); } // Test zero values if (visitorsMin < 0) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.valuegreaterzero"); } if (visitorsGoal < 0) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.valuegreaterzero"); } if (conversionsMin < 0) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.valuegreaterzero"); } if (conversionsGoal < 0) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.valuegreaterzero"); } if (goalValueMin < 0) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.valuegreaterzero"); } if (goalValue < 0) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.valuegreaterzero"); } if (goalPerVisitorMin < 0) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.valuegreaterzero"); } if (goalPerVisitor < 0) { errorMsg = GetString("campaign.valuegreaterzero"); } if (errorMsg != String.Empty) { EditForm.ShowError(errorMsg); EditForm.StopProcessing = true; } }
protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs ea) { EditForm.SaveData(""); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditForm ef = new EditForm(); ef.Show(); }
private void arrivalEditToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //edit { if (radioButtonBasic.Checked && (bool)mainDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells["Это доход"].Value == false) //расход основы { EditForm arrivalEdit = new EditForm(@"select date as 'Дата', arrival_or_expense as 'это доход', summa as 'Сумма', description as 'Комментарий' from Cash_flow where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, null,//defaults new int[] { 0, 2 }, @"update Cash_flow set date = @date, arrival_or_expense = @arex, summa = @sum, description = TRIM (@desc) where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, new string[] { "@date", "@arex", "sum", "@desc" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.Bit, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.VarChar }, true, currentRowMainDataGridView, CheckSum.Balance, false); arrivalEdit.ShowDialog(); } else if (!radioButtonBasic.Checked && (bool)mainDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells["Это доход"].Value == false)//расход резерва { EditForm arrivalEdit = new EditForm(@"select date as 'Дата', arrival_or_expense as 'это доход', summa as 'Сумма', description as 'Комментарий' from Cash_flow where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, null,//defaults new int[] { 0, 2 }, @"update Cash_flow set date = @date, arrival_or_expense = @arex, summa = @sum, description = TRIM (@desc) where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, new string[] { "@date", "@arex", "sum", "@desc" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.Bit, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.VarChar }, true, currentRowMainDataGridView, CheckSum.Reserve, true); arrivalEdit.ShowDialog(); } else if (!radioButtonBasic.Checked && (bool)mainDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells["Это доход"].Value == true)//доход резерва(расход основы) { EditForm arrivalEdit = new EditForm(@"select date as 'Дата', arrival_or_expense as 'это доход', summa as 'Сумма', description as 'Комментарий' from Cash_flow where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, null,//defaults new int[] { 0, 2 }, @"update Cash_flow set date = @date, arrival_or_expense = @arex, summa = @sum, description = TRIM (@desc) where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, new string[] { "@date", "@arex", "sum", "@desc" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.Bit, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.VarChar }, true, currentRowMainDataGridView, CheckSum.Balance, true); arrivalEdit.ShowDialog(); } else //другое { if (radioButtonBasic.Checked) { EditForm arrivalEdit = new EditForm(@"select date as 'Дата', arrival_or_expense as 'это доход', summa as 'Сумма', description as 'Комментарий' from Cash_flow where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, null,//defaults new int[] { 0, 2 }, @"update Cash_flow set date = @date, arrival_or_expense = @arex, summa = @sum, description = TRIM (@desc) where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, new string[] { "@date", "@arex", "sum", "@desc" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.Bit, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.VarChar }, true, currentRowMainDataGridView, CheckSum.None, false); arrivalEdit.ShowDialog(); } else { EditForm arrivalEdit = new EditForm(@"select date as 'Дата', arrival_or_expense as 'это доход', summa as 'Сумма', description as 'Комментарий' from Cash_flow where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, null,//defaults new int[] { 0, 2 }, @"update Cash_flow set date = @date, arrival_or_expense = @arex, summa = @sum, description = TRIM (@desc) where id =" + currentRowMainDataGridView, new string[] { "@date", "@arex", "sum", "@desc" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.Bit, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.VarChar }, true, currentRowMainDataGridView, CheckSum.None, true); arrivalEdit.ShowDialog(); } } UpdateArrivalAndExpenseTab(); }
private void toolStripMenuItemAddExpense_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// add expense { EditForm arrivalAdd; if (radioButtonBasic.Checked) //расход основы { arrivalAdd = new EditForm(@"select date as 'Дата', summa as 'Сумма', description as 'Комментарий' from Cash_flow where id = 0", new object[] { DateTime.Today, 0, " " }, //defaults new int[] { 0, 1 }, //req @"insert into Cash_flow (date, arrival_or_expense, summa, description, basic_or_reserve) values (@date, 0, @sum, TRIM (@desc), 1)", //insert/edit str new string[] { "@date", "@sum", "@desc" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.VarChar }, true, 0, CheckSum.Balance, false); arrivalAdd.ShowDialog(); } else //расход резерва { arrivalAdd = new EditForm(@"select date as 'Дата', summa as 'Сумма', description as 'Комментарий' from Cash_flow where id = 0", new object[] { DateTime.Today, 0, " " }, //defaults new int[] { 0, 1 }, //req @"insert into Cash_flow (date, arrival_or_expense, summa, description, basic_or_reserve) values (@date, 0, @sum, TRIM (@desc), 0)", //insert/edit str new string[] { "@date", "@sum", "@desc" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.VarChar }, true, 0, CheckSum.Reserve, true); arrivalAdd.ShowDialog(); //создать идентичные записи как доход int idForTags = (int)Program.FindMaxId("Cash_Flow");//поиск нового ид //создать дт со значениями string s = @"select date, summa, description from Cash_flow where id = " + idForTags; SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(s, SqlC.c); DataTable valuesDataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(valuesDataTable); //заполнить массив из строки дт object[] values = new object[valuesDataTable.Columns.Count];//массив полей записи for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { values[i] = valuesDataTable.Rows[0][i]; } //создать идентичные записи как доход Program.SqlCommandExecute("insert", @"insert into Cash_flow (date, arrival_or_expense, summa, description, basic_or_reserve) values (@date, 1, @sum, @desc, 1)", new string[] { "@date", "@sum", "@desc" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.VarChar }, values);//добавление новой записи дохода //добавить теги //дт из тегов старой записи s = @"select tag_name as name from Tag_of_flow where flow_id = " + idForTags; dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(s, SqlC.c); DataTable tagDataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(tagDataTable); //поиск ид новой записи idForTags = (int)Program.FindMaxId("Cash_Flow"); //добавление тегов новой записи в базу foreach (DataRow dr in tagDataTable.Rows) { Program.SqlCommandExecute("insert", @"insert into Tag_of_flow (tag_name, flow_id) values (@name, @flow)", new string[] { @"name", @"flow" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.VarChar, SqlDbType.Int }, new object[] { dr[0], idForTags }); //для дохода } //делаем строку из тегов string tags = Program.StringList(tagDataTable, '|'); //апдейтим запись новой строкой тегов Program.SqlCommandExecute("update", @"update Cash_flow set tags = @tags where id = " + (idForTags), new string[] { "@tags" }, new SqlDbType[] { SqlDbType.VarChar }, new object[] { tags }); //для дохода } UpdateArrivalAndExpenseTab(); }
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { HandleFullScreen(); base.OnPreRender(e); if (AllowTypeSwitching && (EditedObject != null)) { if (sharedLayoutId > 0) { drpLayout.Value = sharedLayoutId; } else if (EditedObjectType == EditedObjectTypeEnum.Layout) { drpLayout.Value = EditedObject.Generalized.ObjectID; } radCustom.Text = GetString("TemplateLayout.Custom"); var sanitizedCurrentUrl = ScriptHelper.GetString(RequestContext.CurrentURL, encapsulate: false); var customLayoutUrl = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(sanitizedCurrentUrl, "newshared", "0"); customLayoutUrl = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(customLayoutUrl, "oldshared", drpLayout.Value.ToString()); radCustom.Attributes.Add("onclick", "window.location = '" + customLayoutUrl + "'"); radShared.Text = GetString("TemplateLayout.Shared"); if (drpLayout.UniSelector.HasData) { var sharedLayoutUrl = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(sanitizedCurrentUrl, "newshared", drpLayout.Value.ToString()); radShared.Attributes.Add("onclick", "window.location = '" + sharedLayoutUrl + "'"); } // Get the current layout type bool radioButtonsEnabled = !SynchronizationHelper.UseCheckinCheckout; // Page template layout radioButtonsEnabled |= PageTemplateInfo.Generalized.IsCheckedOutByUser(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser); // Disable also radio buttons when the object is not checked out radShared.Enabled = radCustom.Enabled = drpLayout.Enabled = radioButtonsEnabled; } if ((EditedObjectType == EditedObjectTypeEnum.Layout) && (AllowTypeSwitching || DialogMode)) { pnlServer.Visible = false; pnlLayout.CategoryTitleResourceString = null; } RegisterInitScripts(pnlBody.ClientID, editMenuElem.MenuPanel.ClientID, startWithFullScreen); if (QueryHelper.GetBoolean("refreshParent", false)) { ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "refreshParent", "window.refreshPageOnClose = true;", true); } if (DialogMode && QueryHelper.GetBoolean("wopenerrefresh", false) && !ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(hdnWOpenerRefreshed.Value, false)) { RegisterWOpenerRefreshScript(); hdnWOpenerRefreshed.Value = "1"; } // Try to get page template EditForm.EnableByLockState(); // Enable DDL and disable UIForm for shared layouts if (radShared.Checked) { DisableEditableFields(); } else { drpLayout.Enabled = false; } // Check whether virtual objects are allowed if (!SettingsKeyInfoProvider.VirtualObjectsAllowed) { ShowWarning(GetString("VirtualPathProvider.NotRunning")); } }
private void editBookToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditForm editForm = new EditForm(); editForm.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// Actions handler. /// </summary> protected void HeaderActions_ActionPerformed(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { // Check modify permission CheckPermissions("cms.scoring", "modify"); switch (e.CommandName.ToLower()) { case "save": // Save changes in the contact group EditForm.SaveData(null); break; case "recalculate": if (EditForm.EditedObject != null) { ScoreInfo score = (ScoreInfo)EditForm.EditedObject; if (score != null) { // Set 'Recalculating' status score.ScoreStatus = ScoreStatusEnum.Recalculating; // Ensure scheduled task if (score.ScoreScheduledTaskID == 0) { // Create and initialize new scheduled task task = GetScheduledTask(score); task.TaskInterval = schedulerInterval.ScheduleInterval; task.TaskNextRunTime = TaskInfoProvider.NO_TIME; task.TaskEnabled = false; TaskInfoProvider.SetTaskInfo(task); // Update score info score.ScoreScheduledTaskID = task.TaskID; } ScoreInfoProvider.SetScoreInfo(score); // Recalculate the score ScoreEvaluator evaluator = new ScoreEvaluator(); evaluator.ScoreID = score.ScoreID; evaluator.Execute(null); EditForm.InfoLabel.Text = GetString("om.score.recalculationstarted"); EditForm.InfoLabel.Visible = true; // Get scheduled task and update last run time if (task == null) { task = TaskInfoProvider.GetTaskInfo(score.ScoreScheduledTaskID); } if (task != null) { task.TaskLastRunTime = DateTime.Now; TaskInfoProvider.SetTaskInfo(task); } // Display basic info about score InitInfoPanel(score); } } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Actions handler. /// </summary> protected void HeaderActions_ActionPerformed(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (ContactGroupHelper.AuthorizedModifyContactGroup(SiteID, true)) { switch (e.CommandName.ToLowerCSafe()) { case "save": if (chkDynamic.Checked) { // Get scheduled interval string scheduleInterval = schedulerInterval.ScheduleInterval; } // Save changes in the contact group if (EditForm.SaveData(null)) { mBtnEvaluate.Visible = chkDynamic.Checked; } break; case "evaluate": if (EditForm.EditedObject != null) { ContactGroupInfo cgi = (ContactGroupInfo)EditForm.EditedObject; if (cgi != null) { // Set 'Rebuilding' status cgi.ContactGroupStatus = ContactGroupStatusEnum.Rebuilding; ContactGroupInfoProvider.SetContactGroupInfo(cgi); // Evaluate the membership of the contact group ContactGroupEvaluator evaluator = new ContactGroupEvaluator(); evaluator.ContactGroupID = cgi.ContactGroupID; evaluator.Execute(null); EditForm.InfoLabel.Text = GetString("om.contactgroup.evaluationstarted"); EditForm.InfoLabel.Visible = true; // Get scheduled task and update last run time if (cgi.ContactGroupScheduledTaskID > 0) { task = TaskInfoProvider.GetTaskInfo(cgi.ContactGroupScheduledTaskID); if (task != null) { task.TaskLastRunTime = DateTime.Now; TaskInfoProvider.SetTaskInfo(task); // Initialize interval control schedulerInterval.ScheduleInterval = task.TaskInterval; schedulerInterval.ReloadData(); } } // Display basic info about dynamic contact group InitInfoPanel(cgi, false); } } break; } } }
public Messages(EditForm editForm) { InitializeComponent(); this.editForm = editForm; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnAfterAction event of the ObjectManager control. /// </summary> protected void ObjectManager_OnAfterAction(object sender, SimpleObjectManagerEventArgs e) { if ((e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.SAVE) || (e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.CHECKIN)) { if (EditForm.ValidateData()) { // Register refresh script string refreshScript = ScriptHelper.GetScript("if ((wopener != null) && (wopener.RefreshPage != null)) {wopener.RefreshPage();}"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(String), "pageTemplateRefreshScript", refreshScript); // Register preview refresh RegisterRefreshScript(); // Close if required if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(hdnClose.Value, false)) { ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(string), "CloseDialogPreviewScript", ScriptHelper.GetScript("CloseDialog();")); } } // Hide warning after save MessagesPlaceHolder.WarningText = ""; } else if (e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.UNDO_CHECKOUT) { if (AllowTypeSwitching) { var url = RequestContext.CurrentURL; url = URLHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(url, "newshared"); url = URLHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(url, "oldshared"); url = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "wopenerrefresh", "1"); Response.Redirect(url); } } else if (e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT) { DisplayMessage(true); } switch (e.ActionName) { case ComponentEvents.SAVE: case ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT: case ComponentEvents.CHECKIN: case ComponentEvents.UNDO_CHECKOUT: if (DialogMode) { RegisterWOpenerRefreshScript(); } else if (dialog) { ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "parentWOpenerRefresh", ScriptHelper.GetScript("if (parent && parent.wopener && parent.wopener.refresh) { parent.wopener.refresh(); }")); } break; } if (!AllowTypeSwitching && (EditedObjectType == EditedObjectTypeEnum.Layout) && (e.ActionName != ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT) && !DialogMode) { ScriptHelper.RefreshTabHeader(Page, EditForm.EditedObject.Generalized.ObjectDisplayName); } // No save for checkout if (e.ActionName != ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT) { ShowChangesSaved(); } }
/// <summary> /// Detects stylesheet language change and converts CSS code according to the former and the latter language. /// </summary> /// <param name="originalLanguage">The previous language</param> /// <param name="newLanguage">The new language</param> private void ChangeStylesheetLanguage(string originalLanguage, string newLanguage) { // Check whether the stylesheet language has actually changed. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newLanguage) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalLanguage) && !originalLanguage.EqualsCSafe(newLanguage, true)) { string code = String.Empty; string output = String.Empty; string errorMessage = String.Empty; if (newLanguage.EqualsCSafe(CssStylesheetInfo.PLAIN_CSS, true)) { // Changed from any CSS preprocessor language to plain CSS. code = ValidationHelper.GetString(EditForm.GetFieldValue("StylesheetDynamicCode"), String.Empty); // Try to parse the code against the original preprocessor language. errorMessage = CSSStylesheetNewControlExtender.ProcessCss(code, originalLanguage, out output, hidCompiledCss); } else if (originalLanguage.EqualsCSafe(CssStylesheetInfo.PLAIN_CSS, true)) { // Changed from Plain CSS to some CSS preprocessor language. code = ValidationHelper.GetString(EditForm.GetFieldValue("StylesheetText"), String.Empty); // Try to parse the code against the new preprocessor language. errorMessage = CSSStylesheetNewControlExtender.ProcessCss(code, newLanguage, out output, hidCompiledCss); } else { // Changed from CSS preprocessor language to another one. code = ValidationHelper.GetString(EditForm.GetFieldValue("StylesheetDynamicCode"), String.Empty); // Try to parse the code against the original preprocessor language. errorMessage = CSSStylesheetNewControlExtender.ProcessCss(code, originalLanguage, out output, hidCompiledCss); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { // Success -> Set correct values to form controls. if (newLanguage.EqualsCSafe(CssStylesheetInfo.PLAIN_CSS, true)) { // output -> StylesheetText EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetText"].Value = output; } else if (originalLanguage.EqualsCSafe(CssStylesheetInfo.PLAIN_CSS, true)) { // Copy the original code to StylesheetDynamicCode field. EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetDynamicCode"].Value = code; } else { // Copy the original code to StylesheetDynamicCode field. EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetDynamicCode"].Value = output; } // Prevent to additional change processing. languageChangeProceeded = true; } else { // Failure -> Show error message EditForm.AddError(errorMessage); // Prevent further processing EditForm.StopProcessing = true; // Set drop-down list to its former value FormEngineUserControl langControl = EditForm.FieldControls["StylesheetDynamicLanguage"]; if (langControl != null) { langControl.Value = originalLanguage; CssStylesheetInfo cssInfo = EditForm.EditedObject as CssStylesheetInfo; if (cssInfo != null) { cssInfo.StylesheetDynamicLanguage = originalLanguage; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnAfterAction event of the ObjectManager control. /// </summary> protected void ObjectManager_OnAfterAction(object sender, SimpleObjectManagerEventArgs e) { wpli = EditForm.EditedObject as WebPartLayoutInfo; if (wpli != null) { LayoutCodeName = wpli.WebPartLayoutCodeName; } if (e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.SAVE) { if (EditForm.ValidateData()) { if (!isSiteManager) { SetCurrentLayout(true); } if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(hdnClose.Value, false)) { // If window to close, register close script CloseDialog(); } else { // Redirect parent for new if (isNew) { if (isSiteManager) { URLHelper.Redirect("WebPart_Edit_Layout_Frameset.aspx?layoutID=" + wpli.WebPartLayoutID + "&webpartID=" + webPartInfo.WebPartID); } else { var codeName = (wpli != null) ? wpli.WebPartLayoutCodeName : string.Empty; var redirectUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/WebParts/WebPartProperties_layout_frameset.aspx") + URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(URLHelper.Url.Query, "layoutcodename", codeName); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "RefreshHeader", ScriptHelper.GetScript("parent.location ='" + redirectUrl + "'")); } } else { if (!isSiteManager) { // Reload the parent page after save EnsureParentPageRefresh(); } // If all ok show changes saved ShowChangesSaved(); RegisterRefreshScript(); } } } // Clear warning text editMenuElem.MessagesPlaceHolder.WarningText = ""; } if (DialogMode) { switch (e.ActionName) { case ComponentEvents.SAVE: case ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT: case ComponentEvents.UNDO_CHECKOUT: case ComponentEvents.CHECKIN: ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(string), "wopenerRefresh", ScriptHelper.GetScript("if (wopener && wopener.refresh) { wopener.refresh(); }")); break; } } if (isSiteManager && (e.ActionName != ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT)) { ScriptHelper.RefreshTabHeader(Page, null); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int id) { var username = HttpContext.Session.GetString("_username"); var usertype = HttpContext.Session.GetString("_usertype"); var access = new Access(username, "Student"); if (access.IsLogin()) { if (access.IsAuthorize(usertype)) { WeeklyLog = await _context.WeeklyLog .Where(w => w.DateDeleted == null) .Include(w => w.Project) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(w => w.WeeklyLogId == id); if (WeeklyLog == null) { return(RedirectToPage($"/{usertype}/Progress/Index")); } Student = await _context.Student .Where(s => s.DateDeleted == null) .Include(s => s.Batch) .Include(s => s.Project) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.AssignedId == username); if (WeeklyLog.StudentId != Student.AssignedId) { ErrorMessage = "Access Denied! This is not your weekly log!"; return(RedirectToPage($"/{usertype}/Progress/Index")); } if (WeeklyLog.WeeklyLogStatus != "Require Modification") { ErrorMessage = "Modification not required. Action denied"; return(RedirectToPage("/Student/Progress/Index")); } Project = await _context.Project .Where(p => p.DateDeleted == null) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.ProjectId == Student.ProjectId); Supervisor = await _context.Supervisor .Where(s => s.DateDeleted == null) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.AssignedId == Project.SupervisorId); if (Project.CoSupervisorId != null) { CoSupervisor = await _context.Supervisor .Where(s => s.DateDeleted == null) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.AssignedId == Project.CoSupervisorId); } Ef = new EditForm { Date = WeeklyLog.WeeklyLogDate, WorkDone = WeeklyLog.WorkDone, WorkToBeDone = WeeklyLog.WorkToBeDone, Problem = WeeklyLog.Problem, Comment = WeeklyLog.Comment }; return(Page()); } else { ErrorMessage = "Access Denied"; return(RedirectToPage($"/{usertype}/Index")); } } else { ErrorMessage = "Login Required"; return(RedirectToPage("/Account/Login")); } }
protected void EditForm_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e) { SearchPanel.Visible = false; object obj = null; if (this.DatabaseList != null) { using (RadComboBoxItem item = new RadComboBoxItem(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.OrganizationsControl_DatabaseList_MasterDatabaseItem_Text, Resources.OrganizationProvider_MasterDatabaseText), string.Empty)) { this.DatabaseList.Items.Insert(0, item); } using (RadComboBoxItem item = new RadComboBoxItem(string.Empty, "x")) { this.DatabaseList.Items.Insert(0, item); } obj = DataBinder.Eval(EditForm.DataItem, "DatabaseId"); if (!Support.IsNullOrDBNull(obj)) { RadComboBoxItem item1 = this.DatabaseList.FindItemByValue(obj.ToString()); if (item1 != null) { this.DatabaseList.SelectedValue = obj.ToString(); } } } if (this.ParentOrgsList != null) { using (RadComboBoxItem item = new RadComboBoxItem(string.Empty, string.Empty)) { this.ParentOrgsList.Items.Add(item); } Guid databaseId = Guid.Empty; Guid?organizationId = null; if (EditForm.CurrentMode == DetailsViewMode.Insert) { databaseId = ((DatabaseList.Items.Count > 2) ? (Guid)Support.ConvertStringToType(DatabaseList.Items[2].Value, typeof(Guid)) : Guid.Empty); } else { databaseId = (Support.IsNullOrDBNull(obj) ? Guid.Empty : (Guid)obj); organizationId = new Guid?((Guid)EditForm.DataKey[0]); } this.ParentOrgsList.DataSource = OrganizationProvider.GetOrganizationsByParentOrganizationIdAndDatabaseId(databaseId, organizationId); this.ParentOrgsList.DataBind(); obj = DataBinder.Eval(EditForm.DataItem, "ParentOrganizationId"); if (Support.IsNullOrDBNull(obj)) { obj = string.Empty; } RadComboBoxItem item1 = this.ParentOrgsList.FindItemByValue(obj.ToString()); if (item1 != null) { this.ParentOrgsList.SelectedValue = obj.ToString(); } } obj = DataBinder.Eval(EditForm.DataItem, "CreatedTime"); if (!Support.IsNullOrDBNull(obj)) { Literal lit = (Literal)EditForm.FindControl("CreatedTimeLiteral"); lit.Text = Support.ToShortDateString((DateTime)obj, m_UserContext.TimeZone); } obj = DataBinder.Eval(EditForm.DataItem, "ExpirationTime"); if (!Support.IsNullOrDBNull(obj)) { this.ExpirationTime.SelectedDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc((DateTime)obj, m_UserContext.TimeZone); } obj = DataBinder.Eval(EditForm.DataItem, "CanceledTime"); if (!Support.IsNullOrDBNull(obj)) { this.CanceledTime.SelectedDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc((DateTime)obj, m_UserContext.TimeZone); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnAfterAction event of the ObjectManager control. /// </summary> protected void ObjectManager_OnAfterAction(object sender, SimpleObjectManagerEventArgs e) { if ((e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.SAVE) || (e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.CHECKIN)) { if (EditForm.ValidateData()) { LayoutInfo li = EditedObject as LayoutInfo; if (radShared.Checked) { // Get the current layout type PageTemplateLayoutTypeEnum layoutType = PageTemplateLayoutTypeEnum.PageTemplateLayout; PageTemplateDeviceLayoutInfoProvider.GetLayoutObject(PageTemplateInfo, DeviceProfileInfo, out layoutType); switch (layoutType) { case PageTemplateLayoutTypeEnum.PageTemplateLayout: case PageTemplateLayoutTypeEnum.SharedLayout: { int newLayoutId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drpLayout.Value, 0); // We need to save also page template if shared template is used if ((PageTemplateInfo != null) && (PageTemplateInfo.LayoutID != li.LayoutId)) { PageTemplateInfo.LayoutID = newLayoutId; PageTemplateInfo.Update(); } } break; case PageTemplateLayoutTypeEnum.DeviceSharedLayout: case PageTemplateLayoutTypeEnum.DeviceLayout: { // We need to save also template device layout if shared template is used PageTemplateDeviceLayoutInfo deviceLayout = PageTemplateDeviceLayoutInfoProvider.GetTemplateDeviceLayoutInfo(TemplateID, DeviceProfileID); if (deviceLayout != null) { deviceLayout.LayoutID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drpLayout.Value, 0); deviceLayout.LayoutCode = null; deviceLayout.LayoutCSS = null; deviceLayout.Update(); } } break; default: break; } } // Register refresh script string refreshScript = ScriptHelper.GetScript("if ((wopener != null) && (wopener.RefreshPage != null)) {wopener.RefreshPage();}"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(String), "pageTemplateRefreshScript", refreshScript); // Register preview refresh RegisterRefreshScript(); // Close if required if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(hdnClose.Value, false)) { ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(string), "CloseDialogPreviewScript", ScriptHelper.GetScript("CloseDialog();")); } // Load actual layout info (it was edited during saving by LayoutInfoProvider) if (li != null) { actualLayoutInfo = LayoutInfoProvider.GetLayoutInfo(li.LayoutId); } } // Hide warning after save MessagesPlaceHolder.WarningText = ""; } else if (e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.UNDO_CHECKOUT) { if (AllowTypeSwitching) { var url = RequestContext.CurrentURL; url = URLHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(url, "newshared"); url = URLHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(url, "oldshared"); url = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "wopenerrefresh", "1"); Response.Redirect(url); } } else if (e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT) { DisplayMessage(true); } switch (e.ActionName) { case ComponentEvents.SAVE: case ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT: case ComponentEvents.CHECKIN: case ComponentEvents.UNDO_CHECKOUT: if (DialogMode) { RegisterWOpenerRefreshScript(); } else if (dialog) { ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "parentWOpenerRefresh", ScriptHelper.GetScript("if (parent && parent.wopener && parent.wopener.refresh) { parent.wopener.refresh(); }")); } break; } if (!AllowTypeSwitching && (EditedObjectType == EditedObjectTypeEnum.Layout) && (e.ActionName != ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT) && !DialogMode) { ScriptHelper.RefreshTabHeader(Page, EditForm.EditedObject.Generalized.ObjectDisplayName); } // No save for checkout if (e.ActionName != ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT) { ShowChangesSaved(); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnAfterAction event of the ObjectManager control. /// </summary> protected void ObjectManager_OnAfterAction(object sender, SimpleObjectManagerEventArgs e) { wpli = EditForm.EditedObject as WebPartLayoutInfo; if ((wpli == null) || (wpli.WebPartLayoutID <= 0) || (!e.IsValid)) { // Do not continue if the object has not been created return; } LayoutCodeName = wpli.WebPartLayoutCodeName; if (e.ActionName == ComponentEvents.SAVE) { if (EditForm.ValidateData()) { if (!isSiteManager) { SetCurrentLayout(true); } if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(hdnClose.Value, false)) { // If window to close, register close script CloseDialog(); } else { // Redirect parent for new if (isNew) { if (isSiteManager) { URLHelper.Redirect(String.Format("{0}&parentobjectid={1}&objectid={2}&displaytitle={3}", UIContextHelper.GetElementUrl("CMS.Design", "Edit.WebPartLayout"), webPartInfo.WebPartID, wpli.WebPartLayoutID, false)); } else { var codeName = (wpli != null) ? wpli.WebPartLayoutCodeName : string.Empty; var redirectUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/WebParts/WebPartProperties_layout_frameset.aspx") + URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(RequestContext.CurrentQueryString, "layoutcodename", codeName); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "RefreshHeader", ScriptHelper.GetScript("parent.location ='" + redirectUrl + "'")); // Reload the parent page after save EnsureParentPageRefresh(); } } else { if (!isSiteManager) { // Reload the parent page after save EnsureParentPageRefresh(); } // If all ok show changes saved RegisterRefreshScript(); } } } // Clear warning text editMenuElem.MessagesPlaceHolder.WarningText = ""; } if (DialogMode) { switch (e.ActionName) { case ComponentEvents.SAVE: case ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT: case ComponentEvents.UNDO_CHECKOUT: case ComponentEvents.CHECKIN: ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(string), "wopenerRefresh", ScriptHelper.GetScript("if (wopener && wopener.refresh) { wopener.refresh(); }")); break; } } if (isSiteManager && (e.ActionName != ComponentEvents.CHECKOUT) && EditForm.DisplayNameChanged) { ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(String), "RefreshBreadcrumbs", ScriptHelper.GetScript("if (parent.refreshBreadcrumbs != null && parent.document.pageLoaded) {parent.refreshBreadcrumbs('" + ResHelper.LocalizeString(EditForm.EditedObject.Generalized.ObjectDisplayName) + "')}")); } }
private void AllButtons_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var button = (Button)sender; switch (button.Name) { case "startButton": started = true; SetStartVisiblity(true); startTimeTextBox.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString().Split(' ')[1]; startDateTextBox.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString().Split(' ')[0]; break; case "endButton": ended = true; SetEndVisiblity(true); endTimeTextBox.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString().Split(' ')[1]; endDateTextBox.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString().Split(' ')[0]; break; case "cancelButton": ended = false; started = false; startPanel.Visible = false; endButton.Visible = false; endPanel.Visible = false; confirmButton.Visible = false; cancelButton.Visible = false; break; case "confirmButton": int daysInSeconds; try { DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(startDateTextBox.Text.Split('.')[2]), Convert.ToInt32(startDateTextBox.Text.Split('.')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(startDateTextBox.Text.Split('.')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(startTimeTextBox.Text.Split(':')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(startTimeTextBox.Text.Split(':')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(startTimeTextBox.Text.Split(':')[2])); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(endDateTextBox.Text.Split('.')[2]), Convert.ToInt32(endDateTextBox.Text.Split('.')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(endDateTextBox.Text.Split('.')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(endTimeTextBox.Text.Split(':')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(endTimeTextBox.Text.Split(':')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(endTimeTextBox.Text.Split(':')[2])); TimeSpan differenseDate = endDateTime - startDateTime; if (differenseDate.Days > 0) { daysInSeconds = differenseDate.Days * 24 * 60 * 60; } else { daysInSeconds = 0; } string[] thisSecondsFileNames = new string[5] { "TotalSeconds", "ThisYearSeconds", "ThisMonthSeconds", "ThisWeekSeconds", "TodaySeconds" }; foreach (var fileName in thisSecondsFileNames) { Storage.Save(listBox.SelectedItem.ToString(), fileName, Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Storage.Load(listBox.SelectedItem.ToString(), fileName)) + (differenseDate.Hours * 60 * 60) + (differenseDate.Minutes * 60) + (differenseDate.Seconds) + daysInSeconds)); } //totalSeconds += (differenseDate.Hours * 60 * 60) + (differenseDate.Minutes * 60) + (differenseDate.Seconds) + daysInSeconds; //thisYearSeconds += (differenseDate.Hours * 60 * 60) + (differenseDate.Minutes * 60) + (differenseDate.Seconds) + daysInSeconds; //thisMonthSeconds += (differenseDate.Hours * 60 * 60) + (differenseDate.Minutes * 60) + (differenseDate.Seconds) + daysInSeconds; //thisWeekSeconds += (differenseDate.Hours * 60 * 60) + (differenseDate.Minutes * 60) + (differenseDate.Seconds) + daysInSeconds; //todaySeconds += (differenseDate.Hours * 60 * 60) + (differenseDate.Minutes * 60) + (differenseDate.Seconds) + daysInSeconds; int nowSeconds = (differenseDate.Hours * 60 * 60) + (differenseDate.Minutes * 60) + (differenseDate.Seconds) + daysInSeconds; var seconds = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(nowSeconds); string spent = ""; if (seconds.Hours != 0) { spent += $"{seconds.Hours} ч. "; } if (seconds.Minutes != 0) { spent += $"{seconds.Minutes} мин. "; } if (seconds.Seconds != 0) { spent += $"{seconds.Seconds} сек."; } if (spent == "") { spent = "0 сек."; } string saveHistory = historyRichTextBox.Text; historyRichTextBox.Text = ""; historyRichTextBox.Text += $"ОТ {startDateTextBox.Text} {startTimeTextBox.Text}\n" + $"ДО {endDateTextBox.Text} {endTimeTextBox.Text}\n" + $"ПОТРАЧЕНО {spent}\n\n"; historyRichTextBox.Text += saveHistory; TimeSpentForm timeSpentForm1 = new TimeSpentForm(listBox.SelectedItem.ToString()); timeSpentForm1.Close(); } catch { ended = true; started = true; startPanel.Visible = true; endButton.Visible = true; endPanel.Visible = true; confirmButton.Visible = true; cancelButton.Visible = true; break; } ended = false; started = false; startPanel.Visible = false; endButton.Visible = false; endPanel.Visible = false; confirmButton.Visible = false; cancelButton.Visible = false; break; case "addButton": AddForm addForm = new AddForm(); addForm.ShowDialog(); if (addForm.AddedDirectory != null) { ShowItemsInListBox(); listBox.SelectedItem = addForm.AddedDirectory; } break; case "deleteButton": if (listBox.SelectedItem != null) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show($"Delete {listBox.SelectedItem} item?", "Deleting", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Storage.DeleteDirectory(listBox.SelectedItem.ToString()); ShowItemsInListBox(); savedDirectorySelection = null; if (listBox.Items.Count > 0) { listBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { mainTableLayoutPanel.Visible = false; historyTableLayoutPanel.Visible = false; } } } break; case "editButton": if (listBox.SelectedItem != null) { EditForm editForm = new EditForm(listBox.SelectedItem.ToString()); editForm.ShowDialog(); ShowItemsInListBox(); savedDirectorySelection = editForm.NewDirectoryName; listBox.SelectedItem = editForm.NewDirectoryName; } break; case "showSpentButton": TimeSpentForm timeSpentForm = new TimeSpentForm(listBox.SelectedItem.ToString()); timeSpentForm.ShowDialog(); timeSpentForm.Close(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the data /// </summary> /// <param name="redirect">If true, use server redirect after successful save</param> public bool Save(bool redirect) { string url = "tab_general.aspx?campaignid={%EditedObject.ID%}&saved=1&modaldialog=true&selectorID={?selectorID?}"; return(EditForm.SaveData(redirect ? url : String.Empty)); }