Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Format(IBraceCompletionSession session)
            var buffer = session.SubjectBuffer;

                    EditFilter.CreateFormattingOptions(session.TextView.Options, session.TextView.TextSnapshot)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Format the content inserted by a code snippet
        /// </summary>
        public int FormatSpan(IVsTextLines pBuffer, TextSpan[] ts)
            // Example of a snippet template (taken from forprops.snippet and use ... to represent
            // indent spaces):
            // for (var $property$ in $object$) {
            // ....if ($object$.hasOwnProperty($property$)) {
            // ........$selected$$end$
            // ....}
            // };
            // Example of code in pBuffer (the for loop is inserted by a forprops snippet):
            // var object = { one: 1, two: 2 };
            // for (var property in object) {
            // ....if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            // ........
            // ....}
            // };
            // Result examples:
            // (1) If indent size = 2:
            // var object = { one: 1, two: 2 };
            // for (var property in object) {
            // ..if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            // ....
            // ..}
            // };
            // (2) If indent size = 2 and OpenBracesOnNewLineForControl = true:
            // var object = { one: 1, two: 2 };
            // for (var property in object)
            // {
            // ..if (object.hasOwnProperty(property))
            // ..{
            // ....
            // ..}
            // };

            // Algorithm: The idea is to use Formatting.Formatter to format the inserted content.
            // However, Formatting.Formatter does not format lines that only contain spaces. For
            // example, here is how Formatting.Formatter formats the code above:
            // var object = { one: 1, two: 2 };
            // for (var property in object) {
            // ..if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            // ........
            // ..}
            // };
            // An additional step will be included to ensure such lines are formatted correctly.

            int baseIndentationLevel = GetViewIndentationLevelAtLine(ts[0].iStartLine);

            for (int lineNumber = ts[0].iStartLine; lineNumber <= ts[0].iEndLine; ++lineNumber)
                string lineContent = _textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber).GetText();

                string indentationString = GetTemplateIndentationString(lineContent);
                if (indentationString != lineContent)   // This means line contains some characters other than spaces

                int newIndentationLevel = baseIndentationLevel + GetTemplateIndentationLevel(indentationString);

                string newIndentation = _textView.Options.IsConvertTabsToSpacesEnabled()
                    ? new string(' ', newIndentationLevel *_textView.Options.GetIndentSize())
                    : new string('\t', newIndentationLevel);

                using (var edit = _textView.TextBuffer.CreateEdit()) {
                    int indendationPos;
                    pBuffer.GetPositionOfLineIndex(lineNumber, 0, out indendationPos);
                    Span bufferIndentationSpan = new Span(indendationPos, indentationString.Length);
                    edit.Replace(bufferIndentationSpan, newIndentation);

            // Now that we have handled empty lines, use Formatter to format the inserted content.
            int startPos = 0, endPos = 0;

            pBuffer.GetPositionOfLineIndex(ts[0].iStartLine, ts[0].iStartIndex, out startPos);
            pBuffer.GetPositionOfLineIndex(ts[0].iEndLine, ts[0].iEndIndex, out endPos);
            Formatting.FormattingOptions options = EditFilter.CreateFormattingOptions(_textView.Options, _textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);
            string text = _textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText();

            EditFilter.ApplyEdits(_textView.TextBuffer, Formatting.Formatter.GetEditsForRange(text, startPos, endPos, options));
