Exemplo n.º 1
        string _GetContentText()
            var s = ContentText ?? EdResources.GetEmbeddedResourceString("Au.Editor.Tools.Regex.txt");

            if (!s.Contains('\n'))
                s = File.ReadAllText(s);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            var c = this.Control1;

            //c.Call(Sci.SCI_SETWRAPSTARTINDENT, 4);
            //c.ZTags.AddStyleTag(".h", new SciTags.UserDefinedStyle { backColor = 0xC0E0C0, bold = true, eolFilled = true }); //topic header
            c.ZTags.AddLinkTag("+a", o => _Insert(o));             //link that inserts a key etc
            c.ZTags.SetLinkStyle(new SciTags.UserDefinedStyle {
                textColor = 0x0080FF, underline = false
            });                                                                                                         //remove underline from links

            var s = EdResources.GetEmbeddedResourceString("Au.Editor.Tools.Keys.txt").RegexReplace(@"\{(.+?)\}(?!\})", "<+a>$1<>");
            var z = this.Window.ClientSize; z.Height = c.Z.LineHeight() * s.LineCount() + 6; this.Window.ClientSize = z;

            this.Text = s;
Exemplo n.º 3
	/// <summary>
	/// Adds templates to File -> New.
	/// </summary>
	public void ZFillMenuNew(ToolStripDropDownMenu ddm)
		if(_newMenuDone) return; _newMenuDone = true;

		var templDir = FileNode.Templates.DefaultDirBS;
		var xroot = AExtXml.LoadElem(FileNode.Templates.DefaultFilesXml);

		_CreateMenu(ddm, xroot, null, 0);

		void _CreateMenu(ToolStripDropDownMenu ddParent, XElement xParent, string dir, int level)
			int i = level == 0 ? 4 : 0;
			foreach(var x in xParent.Elements()) {
				string tag = x.Name.LocalName, name = x.Attr("n");
				int isFolder = tag == "d" ? 1 : 0;
				if(isFolder == 1) {
					isFolder = name[0] switch { '@' => 2, '!' => 3, _ => 1 }; //@ project, ! simple folder
				} else {
					if(level == 0 && FileNode.Templates.IsStandardTemplateName(name, out _)) continue;
				string relPath = dir + name;
				if(isFolder == 3) name = name[1..];
				var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(name, null, (unu, sed) => ZModel.NewItem(relPath, beginRenaming: true));
				if(isFolder == 1) {
					var ddSub = new ToolStripDropDownMenu();
					item.DropDown = ddSub;
					_CreateMenu(ddSub, x, dir + name + "\\", level + 1);
				} else {
					string si = null;
					if(isFolder != 0) si = nameof(Au.Editor.Resources.Resources.folder);
					else if(tag == "s") si = nameof(Au.Editor.Resources.Resources.fileScript);
					else if(tag == "c") si = nameof(Au.Editor.Resources.Resources.fileClass);
					Bitmap im = si != null
						? EdResources.GetImageUseCache(si)
						: FileNode.IconCache.GetImage(templDir + relPath, useExt: true);
					if(im != null) item.Image = im;
				ddParent.Items.Insert(i++, item);
Exemplo n.º 4
    ///// <summary>
    ///// The child list control.
    ///// </summary>
    //public AuListControl ListControl => _list;

    public CiPopupList(CiCompletion compl)
        _compl = compl;

        _w = new _Window(this);
        _w.Size = Au.Util.ADpi.ScaleSize((300, 360));

        _list = new _FastListBox();
        _list.AccessibleName         = _list.Name = "Codein_list";
        _list.Dock                   = DockStyle.Fill;
        _list.BackColor              = Color.White;
        _list.ZItemClick            += _list_ItemClick;
        _list.ZSelectedIndexChanged += _list_SelectedIndexChanged;

        _tb = new Au.Util.AToolStrip();
        _tb.AccessibleName = _tb.Name = "Codein_listFilter";
        _tb.Renderer       = new AuDockPanel.ZDockedToolStripRenderer();
        _tb.GripStyle      = ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden;
        _tb.LayoutStyle    = ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow;
        int tbWidth = 0;

        var kindNames = CiUtil.ItemKindNames;

        _nKindButtons = kindNames.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < kindNames.Length; i++)
            _AddButton(kindNames[i], CiUtil.GetKindImage((CiItemKind)i));
        _tb.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
        _groupButton = _AddButton("Group by namespace or inheritance", EdResources.GetImageNoCacheDpi(nameof(Au.Editor.Resources.Resources.ciGroupBy)));
        if (Program.Settings.ci_complGroup)
            _groupButton.Checked = true;

        ToolStripButton _AddButton(string text, Image image)
            var b = _tb.Items.Add(image) as ToolStripButton;

            b.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image;
            b.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.None;
            b.Name         = b.AccessibleName = b.ToolTipText = text;
            b.Margin       = new Padding(1, 1, 0, 0);
            if (tbWidth == 0)
                tbWidth = 4 + b.ContentRectangle.Left * 2 + image.Width;

        _tb.Width        = tbWidth; _tb.AutoSize = false;  //does not work well with autosize, eg width too small when high DPI
        _tb.Dock         = DockStyle.Left;
        _tb.ItemClicked += _tb_ItemClicked;


        _imgStatic   = EdResources.GetImageNoCacheDpi(nameof(Au.Editor.Resources.Resources.ciOverlayStatic));
        _imgAbstract = EdResources.GetImageNoCacheDpi(nameof(Au.Editor.Resources.Resources.ciOverlayAbstract));

        _popupHtml  = new CiPopupHtml(CiPopupHtml.UsedBy.PopupList);
        _popupTimer = new ATimer(_ShowPopupHtml);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Image GetImage(string imageName)