Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Value Request for '{0}:{1}' from '{2}'", TypeId, SubtypeName, SenderSteamId);

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.GetCharacter();

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", "You are dead. You get market items values while dead.");
            var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;

            var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");

            // TODO: find market with best Buy price that isn't blacklisted.

            var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

            if (market == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", "That market does not exist.");

            // TypeId and SubtypeName are both Case sensitive. Do not Ignore case when comparing these.
            var item = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == TypeId && e.SubtypeName == SubtypeName);

            if (item == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", "Sorry, the items you are trying to value doesn't have a market entry!");

            string reply;

            if (item.IsBlacklisted)
                reply = "Sorry, the item you tried to get a value for is blacklisted on this server.";
                // TODO: qty may need additional range checking here.

                if (Quantity == 1)
                    // set reply to report back the current buy and sell price only since that is all we asked for
                    reply  = string.Format("Player TRADE - You can buy each '{0}' for {1}, or sell it back for {2} each.", DisplayName, item.SellPrice, item.BuyPrice);
                    reply += "\r\n" + string.Format("NPC TRADE - You can buy each '{0}' for {1}, or sell it back for {2} each.", DisplayName, EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(item.SellPrice, item.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell), EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(item.BuyPrice, item.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy));
                    // value BLAH 12 - we must want to know how much we make/pay for buying/selling 12
                    // set reply to current buy and sell price multiplied by the requested qty.
                    reply  = string.Format("Player TRADE - You can buy {0} '{1}' for {2} or sell it back for {3} each.", Quantity, DisplayName, item.SellPrice * Quantity, item.BuyPrice * Quantity);
                    reply += "\r\n" + string.Format("NPC TRADE - You can buy {0} '{1}' for {2} or sell it back for {3} each.", Quantity, DisplayName, EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(item.SellPrice, item.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell) * Quantity, EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(item.BuyPrice, item.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy) * Quantity);
            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", reply);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void ProcessServer()
            if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones && !EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "All Trade zones are disabled.");

            switch (SellAction)
                #region create

            case SellAction.Create:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                //* Logic:
                //* Get player steam ID
                var sellingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

                MyDefinitionBase    definition = null;
                MyObjectBuilderType result;
                if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                    var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                    MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition);

                if (definition == null)
                    // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell'; '{0}' '{1}'.", ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName);

                // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers.
                if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                    if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity of that item.");
                    //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

                if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Invalid quantity, or you dont have any to trade!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- Invalid quantity.", SenderSteamId);

                // Who are we selling to?
                BankAccountStruct accountToBuy;
                if (SellToMerchant)
                    accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindAccount(EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId);
                    accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindAccount(ToUserName);

                if (accountToBuy == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, player does not exist or have an account!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- account not found.", SenderSteamId);

                if (MarketManager.IsItemBlacklistedOnServer(ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item you tried to sell is blacklisted on this server.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- Item is blacklisted.", SenderSteamId);

                // Verify that the items are in the player inventory.
                // TODO: later check trade block, cockpit inventory, cockpit ship inventory, inventory of targeted cube.

                // Get the player's inventory, regardless of if they are in a ship, or a remote control cube.
                var character = sellingPlayer.GetCharacter();
                // TODO: do players in Cryochambers count as a valid trading partner? They should be alive, but the connected player may be offline.
                // I think we'll have to do lower level checks to see if a physical player is Online.
                if (character == null)
                    // Player has no body. Could mean they are dead.
                    // Either way, there is no inventory.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- player is dead.", SenderSteamId);

                // TODO: is a null check adaqaute?, or do we need to check for IsDead?
                // I don't think the chat console is accessible during respawn, only immediately after death.
                // Is it valid to be able to trade when freshly dead?
                //var identity = payingPlayer.Identity();
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("CHECK", "Is Dead: {0}", identity.IsDead);

                //if (identity.IsDead)
                //    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
                //    return;

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- cataloging cargo cubes.", SenderSteamId);

                // Build list of all cargo blocks that player is attached to as pilot or passenger.
                var cargoBlocks     = new List <MyCubeBlock>();
                var tankBlocks      = new List <MyCubeBlock>();
                var controllingCube = sellingPlayer.Controller.ControlledEntity as IMyCubeBlock;
                if (controllingCube != null)
                    var terminalsys = MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetTerminalSystemForGrid(controllingCube.CubeGrid);
                    var blocks      = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();
                    terminalsys.GetBlocksOfType <IMyCargoContainer>(blocks);
                    cargoBlocks.AddRange(blocks.Cast <MyCubeBlock>());

                    terminalsys.GetBlocksOfType <IMyGasTank>(blocks);
                    tankBlocks.AddRange(blocks.Cast <MyCubeBlock>());

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- checking inventory.", SenderSteamId);

                var          position        = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;
                var          playerInventory = character.GetPlayerInventory();
                MyFixedPoint amount          = (MyFixedPoint)ItemQuantity;
                var          storedAmount    = playerInventory.GetItemAmount(definition.Id);

                if (definition.Id.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))
                    foreach (MyCubeBlock cubeBlock in tankBlocks)
                        MyGasTankDefinition gasTankDefintion = cubeBlock.BlockDefinition as MyGasTankDefinition;

                        if (gasTankDefintion == null || gasTankDefintion.StoredGasId != definition.Id)

                        var tankLevel = ((IMyGasTank)cubeBlock).FilledRatio;
                        storedAmount += (MyFixedPoint)((decimal)tankLevel * (decimal)gasTankDefintion.Capacity);
                    foreach (MyCubeBlock cubeBlock in cargoBlocks)
                        var cubeInventory = cubeBlock.GetInventory();
                        storedAmount += cubeInventory.GetItemAmount(definition.Id);

                if (amount > storedAmount)
                    // Insufficient items in inventory.
                    // TODO: use of definition.GetDisplayName() isn't localized here.

                    if ((definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties) && cargoBlocks.Count == 0) &&
                        (definition.Id.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties) && tankBlocks.Count == 0))
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You don't have {0} of '{1}' to sell. You have {2} in your inventory.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), storedAmount);
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You don't have {0} of '{1}' to sell. You have {2} in your player and cargo inventory.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), storedAmount);

                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- inventory doesn't exist.", SenderSteamId);

                MarketItemStruct marketItem = null;

                if (SellToMerchant || UseBankBuyPrice)
                    var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);
                    if (markets.Count == 0)         //once again here is were we could put the multi market best price logic..
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market in range.", SenderSteamId);

                    // TODO: find market with best Buy price that isn't blacklisted.

                    var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (market == null)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the market you are accessing does not exist!");
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market found.", SenderSteamId);

                    accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindAccount(market.MarketId);

                    marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                    if (marketItem == null)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the items you are trying to sell doesn't have a market entry!");
                        // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

                    if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item you tried to sell is blacklisted in this market.");
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item is blacklisted.", SenderSteamId);

                    if (UseBankBuyPrice)
                        // The player is selling, but the *Market* will *buy* it from the player at this price.
                        // if we are not using price scaling OR the market we are trading with isn't owned by the NPC ID, dont change price. Otherwise scale.
                        if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling || accountToBuy.SteamId != EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                            ItemPrice = marketItem.BuyPrice;
                            ItemPrice = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(marketItem.BuyPrice, marketItem.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy);
                    // if we are using price scaling adjust the price before our NPC trade (or check player for subsidy pricing)

                var accountToSell = AccountManager.FindOrCreateAccount(SenderSteamId, SenderDisplayName, SenderLanguage);

                // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
                if (!sellingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                    ItemPrice = Math.Abs(ItemPrice);

                var transactionAmount = ItemPrice * ItemQuantity;

                if (!sellingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                    transactionAmount = Math.Abs(transactionAmount);

                if (SellToMerchant)         // && (merchant has enough money  || !EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply)
                                            //this is also a quick fix ideally npc should buy what it can afford and the rest is posted as a sell offer
                    if (accountToBuy.SteamId != accountToSell.SteamId)
                        decimal limit = EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply ? marketItem.StockLimit - marketItem.Quantity : ItemQuantity;

                        if (limit == 0)
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, you cannot sell any more {0} into this market.", definition.GetDisplayName());
                        if (ItemQuantity > limit)
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, you cannot sell any more than {0} of {1} into this market.", limit, definition.GetDisplayName());

                    if (accountToBuy.BankBalance >= transactionAmount
                        // || !EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply // I'm not sure why we check limited supply when selling.
                        || accountToBuy.SteamId == accountToSell.SteamId)
                        // here we look up item price and transfer items and money as appropriate
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- removing inventory.", SenderSteamId);
                        RemoveInventory(playerInventory, cargoBlocks, tankBlocks, amount, definition.Id);
                        marketItem.Quantity += ItemQuantity;         // increment Market content.

                        if (accountToBuy.SteamId != accountToSell.SteamId)
                            accountToBuy.BankBalance -= transactionAmount;
                            accountToBuy.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                            accountToSell.BankBalance += transactionAmount;
                            accountToSell.Date         = DateTime.Now;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just sold {0} {3} worth of {2} ({1} units)", transactionAmount, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                            accountToSell.Date = DateTime.Now;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You just arranged transfer of {0} '{1}' into your market.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName());
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "NPC can't afford {0} {4} worth of {2} ({1} units) NPC only has {3} funds!", transactionAmount, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), accountToBuy.BankBalance, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create completed by Steam Id '{0}' -- to NPC market.", SenderSteamId);

                if (OfferToMarket)
                    // TODO: Here we post offer to appropriate zone market
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Offset to market at price is not yet available!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- Offer to market at price is not yet available.", SenderSteamId);

                // is it a player then?
                if (accountToBuy.SteamId == sellingPlayer.SteamUserId)
                    // commented out for testing with myself.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, you cannot sell to yourself!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- can't sell to self.", SenderSteamId);

                // check if buying player is online and in range?
                var buyingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(accountToBuy.SteamId);

                if (EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedRange && !Support.RangeCheck(buyingPlayer, sellingPlayer))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you are not in range of that player!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- target player not in range.", SenderSteamId);

                // if other player online, send message.
                if (buyingPlayer == null)
                    // TODO: other player offline.

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You cannot sell to offline players at this time.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- cannot sell to offline player.", SenderSteamId);

                    // TODO: we need a way to queue up messages.
                    // While you were gone....
                    // You missed an offer for 4000Kg of Gold for 20,000.
                    // The other player is online.

                    // write to Trade offer table.
                    MarketManager.CreateTradeOffer(SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity, ItemPrice, accountToBuy.SteamId);

                    // remove items from inventory.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- removing inventory.", SenderSteamId);
                    RemoveInventory(playerInventory, cargoBlocks, tankBlocks, amount, definition.Id);

                    // Only send message to targeted player if this is the only offer pending for them.
                    // Otherwise it will be sent when the have with previous orders in their order Queue.
                    if (EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Count(e => (e.OptionalId == accountToBuy.SteamId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)) == 1)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(accountToBuy.SteamId, "SELL",
                                                             "You have received an offer from {0} to buy {1} {2} at price {3} {4} each - type '/sell accept' to accept offer (or '/sell deny' to reject and return item to seller)",
                                                             SenderDisplayName, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), ItemPrice, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                    // TODO: Improve the message here, to say who were are trading to, and that the item is gone from inventory.
                    // send message to seller to confirm action, "Your Trade offer has been submitted, and the goods removed from you inventory."
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Your offer of {0} {1} for {2} {4} each has been sent to {3}.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), ItemPrice, accountToBuy.NickName, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create completed by Steam Id '{0}' -- to another player.", SenderSteamId);


                #region accept

            case SellAction.Accept:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Accept started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                var order = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.FirstOrDefault(e => e.OptionalId == SenderSteamId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer);
                if (order == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "There are no outstanding orders to be accepted.");

                var payingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

                // get the accounts and check finance.
                var accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindAccount(ulong.Parse(order.OptionalId));

                var transactionAmount = order.Price * order.Quantity;

                // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
                if (!payingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                    transactionAmount = Math.Abs(transactionAmount);

                if (accountToBuy.BankBalance < transactionAmount)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You cannot afford {0} {1} at this time.", transactionAmount, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                var accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(order.TraderId);

                // rebalance accounts.
                accountToBuy.BankBalance -= transactionAmount;
                accountToBuy.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                accountToSell.BankBalance += transactionAmount;
                accountToSell.Date         = DateTime.Now;


                order.TradeState = TradeState.SellAccepted;

                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                if (definition == null)
                    // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");

                    // trade has been finalized, so we can exit safely.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell accept'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                // TODO: Improve the messages.
                // message back "Your Trade offer of xxx to yyy has been accepted. You have recieved zzzz"
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(accountToSell.SteamId, "SELL", "You just sold {0} {3} worth of {2} ({1} units)", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                var  collectingPlayer    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
                var  playerInventory     = collectingPlayer.GetPlayerInventory();
                bool hasAddedToInventory = true;

                if (playerInventory != null)
                    MyFixedPoint amount = (MyFixedPoint)order.Quantity;
                    hasAddedToInventory = Support.InventoryAdd(playerInventory, amount, definition.Id);

                if (hasAddedToInventory)
                    EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Remove(order);         // item has been collected, so the order is finalized.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just purchased {0} {3} worth of {2} ({1} units) which are now in your player inventory.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just purchased {0} {3} worth of {2} ({1} units). Enter '/collect' when you are ready to receive them.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                // Send message to player if additional offers are pending their attention.

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Accept completed by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);


                #region collect

            case SellAction.Collect:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Collect or /collect started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                var collectableOrders = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                    (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellTimedout) ||
                                                                                    (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.Holding) ||
                                                                                    (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellRejected) ||
                                                                                    (e.OptionalId == SenderSteamId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellAccepted)).ToArray();

                if (collectableOrders.Length == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "There is nothing to collect currently.");

                var collectingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

                // TODO: this is just for debugging until the message below are completed....
                //MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You are collecting items from {0} order/s.", collectableOrders.Length);

                foreach (var order in collectableOrders)
                    MyDefinitionBase    definition = null;
                    MyObjectBuilderType result;
                    if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(order.TypeId, out result))
                        var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, order.SubtypeName);
                        MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition);

                    if (definition == null)
                        // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");
                        // TODO: more detail on the item.
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell collect or /collect'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- adding to inventories.", SenderSteamId);
                    var remainingToCollect = MessageSell.AddToInventories(collectingPlayer, order.Quantity, definition.Id);
                    var collected          = order.Quantity - remainingToCollect;

                    if (remainingToCollect == 0)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just collected {0} worth of {2} ({1} units)", order.Price * collected, collected, definition.GetDisplayName());
                        order.Quantity = remainingToCollect;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just collected {0} worth of {2} ({1} units). There are {3} remaining.", order.Price * collected, collected, definition.GetDisplayName(), remainingToCollect);

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Collect completed by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);


                #region cancel

            case SellAction.Cancel:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Cancel started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                var cancellableOrders = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                    (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)).OrderByDescending(e => e.Created).ToArray();

                if (cancellableOrders.Length == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "There is nothing to cancel currently.");

                // Sellers should be presented with the newest order first, as they will be the most recently created.
                // use of OrderByDescending above assures us that [0] is the most recent order added.
                var order = cancellableOrders[0];
                order.TradeState = TradeState.SellRejected;

                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                if (definition == null)
                    // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");

                    // trade has been finalized, so we can exit safely.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell cancel'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                var  transactionAmount   = order.Price * order.Quantity;
                var  collectingPlayer    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
                var  inventory           = collectingPlayer.GetPlayerInventory();
                bool hasAddedToInventory = true;

                if (inventory != null)
                    MyFixedPoint amount = (MyFixedPoint)order.Quantity;
                    hasAddedToInventory = Support.InventoryAdd(inventory, amount, definition.Id);

                if (hasAddedToInventory)
                    EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Remove(order);         // item has been collected, so the order is finalized.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just cancelled the sale of {2} ({1} units) for a total of {0} {3} which are now in your inventory.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just cancelled the sale of {2} ({1} units) for a total of {0} {3}. Enter '/sell collect' when you are ready to receive them.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                cancellableOrders = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)).OrderByDescending(e => e.Created).ToArray();

                if (cancellableOrders.Length > 0)
                    // TODO: Inform the player of the next order in the queue that can be cancelled.

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Cancel completed by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);


                #region deny

            case SellAction.Deny:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Deny started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                var buyOrdersForMe = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                 (e.OptionalId == SenderSteamId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)).OrderBy(e => e.Created).ToArray();

                if (buyOrdersForMe.Length == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "There is nothing to deny currently.");

                // Buyers should be presented with the oldest order first, as they will timout first.
                // use of OrderBy above assures us that [0] is the most oldest order added.
                var order = buyOrdersForMe[0];
                order.TradeState = TradeState.SellRejected;

                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                if (definition == null)
                    // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");

                    // trade has been finalized, so we can exit safely.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell deny'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                var transactionAmount = order.Price * order.Quantity;
                var buyerId           = ulong.Parse(order.OptionalId);
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(buyerId, "SELL", "You just rejected the purchase of {2} ({1} units) for a total of {0} {3}.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                // TODO: return items to inventory automatically to Trader inventory if there is space.
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(order.TraderId, "SELL", "{3} has just rejected your offer of {2} ({1} units) for a total of {0} {4}. Enter '/sell collect' when you are ready to receive them.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), SenderDisplayName, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                // Send message to player if additional offers are pending their attention.

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Deny completed by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);


            // this is a fall through from the above conditions not yet complete.
            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Not yet complete.");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void ProcessLcdBlock(IMyTextPanel textPanel)

            var writer = TextPanelWriter.Create(textPanel);

            // Use the update interval on the LCD Panel to determine how often the display is updated.
            // It can only go as fast as the timer calling this code is.
            float interval;

                interval = Math.Max((float)EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MinimumLcdDisplayInterval, textPanel.GetValueFloat("ChangeIntervalSlider"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // The game may generate an exception from the GetValueFloat(GetValue) call.
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteException(ex, UpdateCrashMessage);
                EconomyScript.Instance.ClientLogger.WriteException(ex, UpdateCrashMessage);
                // We can't safely ignore this one if it doesn't work, because this can affect the display timing.
            if (writer.LastUpdate > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-interval))

            var       checkArray    = textPanel.GetPublicTitle().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var       showAll       = false;
            bool      showOre       = false;
            bool      showIngot     = false;
            bool      showComponent = false;
            bool      showAmmo      = false;
            bool      showTools     = false;
            bool      showGasses    = false;
            bool      showStock     = false;
            bool      showPrices    = true;
            bool      showTest1     = false;
            bool      showTest2     = false;
            StartFrom startFrom     = StartFrom.None; //if # is specified eg #20  then run the start line logic
            int       startLine     = 0;              //this is where our start line placeholder sits
            int       pageNo        = 1;

            // removed Linq, to reduce the looping through the array. This should only have to do one loop through all items in the array.
            foreach (var str in checkArray)
                if (str.Equals("stock", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    showStock = true;
                if (str.Contains("#"))
                    string[] lineNo = str.Split(new char[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (lineNo.Length != 0 && int.TryParse(lineNo[0], out startLine))
                        //this only runs if they put a number in
                        startFrom = StartFrom.Line;
                if (str.StartsWith("P", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    if (int.TryParse(str.Substring(1), out pageNo))
                        startFrom = StartFrom.Page;
                if (str.Equals("*", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    showAll = true;
                if (!showAll)
                    if (str.Equals("test1", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTest1 = true;
                    else if (str.Equals("test2", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTest2 = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showOre = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ingot", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showIngot = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("component", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showComponent = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ammo", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showAmmo = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("tool", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTools = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("gas", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showGasses = true;

            bool showHelp = !showAll && !showOre && !showIngot && !showComponent && !showAmmo && !showTools && !showGasses;

            showPrices = !showStock || writer.IsWide;

            if (showTest1)
            if (showTest2)

            if (showHelp)
                writer.AddPublicLine("Please add a tag to the private or public title.");
                writer.AddPublicLine("ie., * ingot ore component ammo tools.");

            var buyColumn   = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 180;
            var sellColumn  = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;
            var stockColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;

            if (showPrices && showStock)
                buyColumn   = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 280;
                sellColumn  = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 180;
                stockColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;

            // This might be a costly operation to run.
            var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(textPanel.WorldMatrix.Translation);

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, "« {0} »", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeNetworkName);
                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, "« No market in range »");
                // TODO: not sure if we should display all markets, the cheapest market item, or the closet market.
                // LOGIC summary: it needs to show the cheapest in stock(in range) sell(to player) price, and the highest (in range) has funds buy(from player) price
                // but this logic depends on the buy/sell commands defaulting to the same buy/sell rules as above.
                // where buy /sell commands run out of funds or supply in a given market and need to pull from the next market
                //it will either have to stop at each price change and notify the player, and/or prompt to keep transacting at each new price, or blindly keep buying until the
                //order is filled, the market runs out of stock, or the money runs out. Blindly is probably not optimal unless we are using stockmarket logic (buy orders/offers)
                //so the prompt option is the safer
                var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

                // Build a list of the items, so we can get the name so we can the sort the items by name.
                var list = new Dictionary <MarketItemStruct, string>();

                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, market.DisplayName);

                if (startFrom == StartFrom.Page)
                    // convert the page to lines required.
                    if (pageNo < 1)
                        pageNo = 1;
                    startLine = ((writer.DisplayLines - 2) * (pageNo - 1));
                    startFrom = StartFrom.Line;

                string fromLine = " (From item #" + startLine + ".)";
                writer.AddPublicText("« Market List");
                if (startLine >= 1)
                    startLine = 1; // needed for truncating end line.
                if (showPrices && showStock)
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, "Buy");
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, "Sell");
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(stockColumn, "Stock »");
                else if (showStock)
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(stockColumn, "Stock »");
                else if (showPrices)
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, "Buy");
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(sellColumn, "Sell »");

                foreach (var marketItem in market.MarketItems)
                    if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)

                    MyObjectBuilderType result;
                    if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(marketItem.TypeId, out result))
                        var id      = new MyDefinitionId(result, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                        var content = Support.ProducedType(id);

                        //if (((Type)id.TypeId).IsSubclassOf(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject))) // TODO: Not valid call yet.

                        // Cannot check the Type of the item, without having to use MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject().

                        if (showAll ||
                            (showOre && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ore) ||
                            (showIngot && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ingot) ||
                            (showComponent && content is MyObjectBuilder_Component) ||
                            (showAmmo && content is MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine) ||
                            (showTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject) ||   // guns, welders, hand drills, grinders.
                            (showGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject) || // aka gas bottle.
                            (showGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))        // Type check here allows mods that inherit from the same type to also appear in the lists.
                            MyDefinitionBase definition;
                            if (MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition))
                                list.Add(marketItem, definition == null ? marketItem.TypeId + "/" + marketItem.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName());
                int line = 0;
                foreach (var kvp in list.OrderBy(k => k.Value))
                    if (startFrom == StartFrom.Line && line < startLine) //if we have a start line specified skip all lines up to that
                    if (startFrom == StartFrom.Line && line - startLine >= writer.WholeDisplayLines - 2) // counts 2 lines of headers.
                        break;                                                                           // truncate the display and don't display the text on the bottom edge of the display.
                    writer.AddPublicLeftTrim(buyColumn - 120, kvp.Value);

                    decimal showBuy  = kvp.Key.BuyPrice;
                    decimal showSell = kvp.Key.SellPrice;
                    if ((EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling) && (market.MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId))
                        showBuy  = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.BuyPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy);
                        showSell = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.SellPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell);

                    if (showPrices && showStock)
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, showBuy.ToString("\t0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, showSell.ToString("\t0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));

                        // TODO: components and tools should be displayed as whole numbers. Will be hard to align with other values.
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(stockColumn, kvp.Key.Quantity.ToString("\t0.0000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture)); // TODO: recheck number of decimal places.
                    else if (showStock)                                                                                             //does this ever actually run? seems to already be in the above?
                        // TODO: components and tools should be displayed as whole numbers. Will be hard to align with other values.

                        writer.AddPublicRightText(stockColumn, kvp.Key.Quantity.ToString("\t0.0000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture)); // TODO: recheck number of decimal places.
                    else if (showPrices)
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, showBuy.ToString("\t0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, showSell.ToString("\t0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));

        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Price List Request for from '{0}'", SenderSteamId);

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.GetCharacter();

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "You are dead. You get market items values while dead.");

            List <MarketStruct> markets;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FindMarket))
                var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;
                markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);
                markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromName(FindMarket);

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");

            // TODO: combine multiple markets to list best Buy and Sell prices that isn't blacklisted.

            var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

            if (market == null) //hmmm looks like market name parameter checking was started but never done
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "That market does not exist.");
                return;  //as I understand it this would only trigger if no markets are defined?
                //in which case should it read no markets exist?  but in that case
                // wont the count check above halt execution before this if statement???
                // remove these comments once read :)

            string reply = null;

                                                  // Background processing occurs within this block.
                    bool showAll = !ShowOre && !ShowIngot && !ShowComponent && !ShowAmmo && !ShowTools && !ShowGasses;

                    var orderedList = new Dictionary <MarketItemStruct, string>();
                    foreach (var marketItem in market.MarketItems)
                        if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)

                        MyObjectBuilderType result;
                        if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(marketItem.TypeId, out result))
                            var id      = new MyDefinitionId(result, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                            var content = Support.ProducedType(id);

                            // Cannot check the Type of the item, without having to use MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject().

                            if (showAll ||
                                (ShowOre && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ore) ||
                                (ShowIngot && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ingot) ||
                                (ShowComponent && content is MyObjectBuilder_Component) ||
                                (ShowAmmo && content is MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine) ||
                                (ShowTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject) ||   // guns, welders, hand drills, grinders.
                                (ShowGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject) || // aka gas bottle.
                                (ShowGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))
                            // Type check here allows mods that inherit from the same type to also appear in the lists.
                                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(marketItem.TypeId, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                                var name       = definition == null ? marketItem.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName();
                                orderedList.Add(marketItem, name);

                    orderedList = orderedList.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

                    var str = new SeTextBuilder();
                    str.AppendLine("Market: {0}\r\n", market.DisplayName);
                    str.AddLeftTrim(550, "Item");
                    str.AddRightText(650, "Buy at");
                    str.AddRightText(850, "Sell at");

                    foreach (var kvp in orderedList)
                        decimal showBuy  = kvp.Key.BuyPrice;
                        decimal showSell = kvp.Key.SellPrice;
                        if ((EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling) && (market.MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId))
                            showBuy  = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.BuyPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy);
                            showSell = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.SellPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell);
                        // TODO: formatting of numbers, and currency name.
                        str.AddLeftTrim(550, kvp.Value);
                        str.AddRightText(650, showBuy.ToString("0.00", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        str.AddRightText(850, showSell.ToString("0.00", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                    reply = str.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
            }, delegate()
                                                  // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.
                if (reply != null)
                        MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", " ", reply);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void ProcessServer()
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);

            if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones && !EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "All Trade zones are disabled.");

            // Get player steam ID
            var buyingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            MyDefinitionBase definition = null;
            MyObjectBuilderType result;
            if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition);

            if (definition == null)
                // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item doesn't exist.", SenderSteamId);

            if (definition.Id.TypeId == typeof (MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))
                // TODO: buy gasses!
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Cannot buy gasses currently.");

            // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers. 
            // note to self MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject medkit battery space credit
            if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity to buy that item.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- invalid quantity.", SenderSteamId);
                //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

            if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You must provide a valid quantity to buy.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- invalid quantity.", SenderSteamId);

            // Who are we buying from?
            ClientAccountStruct accountToSell;
            if (BuyFromMerchant)
                accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId);
                accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(FromUserName);

            if (accountToSell == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, player does not exist or have an account!");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no account.", SenderSteamId);

            if (MarketManager.IsItemBlacklistedOnServer(ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName))
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you tried to buy is blacklisted on this server.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item blacklisted.", SenderSteamId);

            // Get the player's inventory, regardless of if they are in a ship, or a remote control cube.
            var character = buyingPlayer.Character;
            // TODO: do players in Cryochambers count as a valid trading partner? They should be alive, but the connected player may be offline.
            // I think we'll have to do lower level checks to see if a physical player is Online.
            if (character == null)
                // Player has no body. Could mean they are dead.
                // Either way, there is no inventory.
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- player is dead.", SenderSteamId);

            // TODO: is a null check adaqaute?, or do we need to check for IsDead?
            // I don't think the chat console is accessible during respawn, only immediately after death.
            // Is it valid to be able to trade when freshly dead?
            //var identity = buyingPlayer.Identity();
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("CHECK", "Is Dead: {0}", identity.IsDead);

            //if (identity.IsDead)
            //    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
            //    return;

            var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;

            MarketItemStruct marketItem = null;
            ulong marketId = 0;

            // Placeholder are we trading Space Credits
            bool SpaceCredit = false;

            if (BuyFromMerchant || UseBankSellPrice)
                var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);
                if (markets.Count == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market in range.", SenderSteamId);

                // TODO: find market with best Sell price that isn't blacklisted.

                var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();
                if (market == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the market you are accessing does not exist!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market found.", SenderSteamId);

                marketId = market.MarketId;
                accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(market.MarketId);

                marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                if (marketItem == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the items you are trying to buy doesn't have a market entry!");
                    // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

                if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you tried to buy is blacklisted in this market.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item is blacklisted in market.", SenderSteamId);

                // Verify that the items are in the player inventory.
                // TODO: later check trade block, cockpit inventory, cockpit ship inventory, inventory of targeted cube.
                // Check the display name to see if we are trading space credits

                if (definition.GetDisplayName() == "SpaceCredit" || definition.GetDisplayName() == "Space Credit") { SpaceCredit = true; }

                if (UseBankSellPrice)
                    // The player is buying, but the *Market* will *sell* it to the player at this price.
                    // if we are not using price scaling OR the market we are trading with isn't owned by the NPC ID, dont change price. Otherwise scale.
                    if (SpaceCredit || !EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling || accountToSell.SteamId != EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId) ItemPrice = marketItem.SellPrice; else ItemPrice = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(marketItem.SellPrice, marketItem.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell);
                    // If price scaling is on, adjust item price (or check player for subsidy pricing)

            var accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindOrCreateAccount(SenderSteamId, SenderDisplayName, SenderLanguage);
            var transactionAmount = ItemPrice * ItemQuantity;

            // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
            if (!buyingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                transactionAmount = Math.Abs(transactionAmount);

            // TODO: admin check on ability to afford it? 
            //[maybe later, our pay and reset commands let us steal money from npc anyway best to keep admin abuse features to minimum]
            //[we could put an admin check on blacklist however, allow admins to spawn even blacklisted gear]
            if (accountToBuy.BankBalance < transactionAmount && accountToBuy.SteamId != accountToSell.SteamId)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you cannot afford {0} {1}!", transactionAmount, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- not enough money.", SenderSteamId);

            if (BuyFromMerchant) // and supply is not exhausted, or unlimited mode is not on.   
                                 //This is a quick fix, ideally it should do a partial buy of what is left and post a buy offer for remainder
                // here we look up item price and transfer items and money as appropriate
                if (marketItem.Quantity >= ItemQuantity
                    || (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply && accountToBuy.SteamId != accountToSell.SteamId))
                    if (!SpaceCredit) { marketItem.Quantity -= ItemQuantity; } // reduce Market content unless its space credits
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- adding to inventory.", SenderSteamId);
                    var remainingToCollect = MessageSell.AddToInventories(buyingPlayer, ItemQuantity, definition.Id);


                    if (accountToBuy.SteamId != accountToSell.SteamId)
                        accountToSell.BankBalance += transactionAmount;
                        accountToSell.Date = DateTime.Now;

                        accountToBuy.BankBalance -= transactionAmount;
                        accountToBuy.Date = DateTime.Now;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You just purchased {1} '{2}' for {0} {3}", transactionAmount, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                        accountToBuy.Date = DateTime.Now;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You just arranged transfer of {0} '{1}' into your inventory.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName());

                    if (remainingToCollect > 0)
                        MarketManager.CreateStockHeld(marketId, buyingPlayer.SteamUserId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, remainingToCollect, ItemPrice);
                        // TODO: there should be a common command to collect items. Not use /sell.
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "There are {0} remaining to collect. Use '/collect'", remainingToCollect);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy complete by Steam Id '{0}' -- items bought.", SenderSteamId);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "There isn't '{0}' of {1} available to purchase! Only {2} available to buy!", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), marketItem.Quantity);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- not enough stock.", SenderSteamId);

            else if (FindOnMarket)
                // TODO: Here we find the best offer on the zone market

                // is it a player then?             
                if (accountToSell.SteamId == buyingPlayer.SteamUserId)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you cannot buy from yourself!");

                // check if selling player is online and in range?
                var payingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(accountToSell.SteamId);

                if (EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedRange && !Support.RangeCheck(buyingPlayer, payingPlayer))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you are not in range of that player!");

                if (payingPlayer == null)
                    // TODO: other player offline.

                    // TODO: other player is online.


            // this is a fall through from the above conditions not yet complete.
            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Not yet complete.");