public string GetProductRank(string filterJSON, int pageSize, string TokenJSON, int? userCode)
        int UserCode = userCode == null ? new Base().UserKey : (int)userCode;
        User user = new DataModelEntities().Users.FirstOrDefault(f => f.User_Code == UserCode);
        pageSize = user.Search_Only_Top_Items == null || user.Search_Only_Top_Items == 0 ? 25 : (int)user.Search_Only_Top_Items;

        SellerItem sellerItem = null;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterJSON))
            sellerItem = (SellerItem)Common.Deserialize(filterJSON, typeof(SellerItem));
        if (sellerItem != null)
            //EbayServiceBL serviceBL = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode);
            EbayServiceBL serviceBL = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode, (int)sellerItem.Country_Code);

            FindItemsByKeywordsResponse response = null;
            SearchResult result = null;

            //There is no filter for ignored words
            //I am requesting api to give 60 items so that i can ignore items based on ingored words

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sellerItem.Ignore_Words))
                response = serviceBL.SearchItems(sellerItem, 60, 1);
                result = response.searchResult;

                if (result == null || result.count == 0)
                    return null;

                string[] ignoredWords = sellerItem.Ignore_Words.Split(',');
                SearchItem[] shortResult = result.item.AsEnumerable().Where(w => !ignoredWords.Any(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a) && w.title.ToLower().Contains(a.ToLower()))).Take(pageSize).ToArray();
                if (shortResult.Length > 0)
                    result.item = shortResult;
                    result.count = shortResult.Length;
                    return null;
                response = serviceBL.SearchItems(sellerItem, pageSize, 1);
                result = response.searchResult;

                if (result == null || result.count == 0)
                    return null;


            //FindItemsByKeywordsResponse response = serviceBL.SearchItems(sellerItem, pageSize, 1);
            //SearchResult result = response.searchResult;

            //if (result == null || result.count == 0)
            //    return null;

            // get all Items Details
            SimpleItemType[] simpleItems = serviceBL.GetMultipleItemsDetails(result);
            List<EbaySearchItem> searchItems = new List<EbaySearchItem>();

            Dictionary<string, int> tokens = (Dictionary<string, int>)Common.Deserialize(TokenJSON, typeof(Dictionary<string, int>));

            string[] mySellerIDs = tokens.Select(t => t.Key).ToArray();

            // Looping through response object for result
            foreach (SearchItem item in result.item)
                SimpleItemType simpleItem = simpleItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemID == item.itemId);
                if (simpleItem.ReserveMetSpecified == false || simpleItem.ReserveMet == true)
                    EbaySearchItem searchItem = new EbaySearchItem();
                    string timeLeft = item.sellingStatus.timeLeft, days = string.Empty, temp = string.Empty;

                    if (timeLeft.IndexOf('D') != -1)
                        days = timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('P') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('D') - 1) + "d ";
                    if (days == "0d ")
                        days = "";

                    temp = days + timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('T') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('H') - timeLeft.IndexOf('T') - 1) + "h ";

                    if (days == "")
                        timeLeft = temp + timeLeft.Substring(timeLeft.IndexOf('H') + 1, timeLeft.IndexOf('M') - timeLeft.IndexOf('H') - 1) + "m";
                        timeLeft = temp;

                    searchItem.ItemID = item.itemId;
                    searchItem.Title = item.title;
                    searchItem.Price = item.sellingStatus.currentPrice.Value;
                    searchItem.TimeRemaining = timeLeft;
                    searchItem.ViewURL = item.viewItemURL;
                    searchItem.ImageURL = item.galleryURL;
                    searchItem.SellerID = simpleItem.Seller.UserID;
                    searchItem.TopRatedSeller = simpleItem.Seller.TopRatedSeller;
                    searchItem.SellerScore = simpleItem.Seller.PositiveFeedbackPercent;
                    searchItem.ConvertedPrice = item.sellingStatus.convertedCurrentPrice.Value;
                    searchItem.TotalCost = searchItem.ConvertedPrice;//will be shown on search result

                    //We are ignoring Shipping cost for the time being because we dont have solution to get converted shipping cost
                    //if (item.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost != null && user.Country1.Country_Abbr.ToUpper() == sellerItem.LocatedIn.ToUpper())
                    if (1 == 1)

                   // searchItem.ShippingCost = item.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost.;
                        //double test = item.shippingInfo.shippingServiceCost.Value;

                        var shipping = serviceBL.GetShippingCost(serviceBL.UserTokens[(int)sellerItem.User_Account_Code], searchItem.ItemID);
                        if (shipping.ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption != null)
                            foreach (var items in shipping.ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption)
                                string cost = items.ShippingServiceCost == null ? "0.0" : items.ShippingServiceCost.ToString();
                                searchItem.ShippingCost = Double.Parse(cost);

                            searchItem.ShippingCost = 0;
                        //var shipping = serviceBL.GetShippingCost(serviceBL.UserTokens[(int)sellerItem.User_Account_Code], searchItem.ItemID);
                        //if (shipping.ShippingDetails.DefaultShippingCost != null)
                        //    searchItem.ShippingCost = shipping.ShippingDetails.DefaultShippingCost.Value;
                        //    searchItem.ShippingCost = 0;
                        searchItem.ShippingCost = 0;

                    /*If user have selected include shipping in settings shippingcost + price*/
                    if (user.Automation_Include_Shipping != null && user.Automation_Include_Shipping == true)
                        searchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping = searchItem.ShippingCost + searchItem.ConvertedPrice;
                        searchItem.TotalCostIncludingShipping = searchItem.ConvertedPrice;

                    if (mySellerIDs.Contains(searchItem.SellerID))
                        searchItem.IsMyProduct = true;
                        searchItem.IsMyProduct = false;


            var data = searchItems.Where(w => w.ItemID == sellerItem.Item_ID || w.IsMyProduct == false).ToList().OrderBy(o => o.TotalCost);
            return Common.Serialize(data);
            return null;