Exemplo n.º 1
        //, Type dateType)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Table by a given "Sorted Measure List" with one date time column and one column for each inverter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kwhTable">Creates google data table compatible conent</param>
        /// <param name="yMode">Use Euro or kwh as y-axis</param>
        /// <param name="xMode">type of x-axis</param>
        /// <returns>Google DataTable content</returns>
        public string BuildGoogleDataTable(SortedKwhTable kwhTable, E_EurKwh yMode, E_TimeMode xMode)
            //create datatable and add time column
            System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
            dt.Columns.Add("Zeit", typeof(string)).Caption = "Zeit";

            //add one column for each inverter ID
            foreach (var inverterInfo in kwhTable.KnownInverters)
                string caption = GetRowName(inverterInfo.Value);
                dt.Columns.Add(caption, typeof(System.Double)).Caption = caption;

            //Add the data
            foreach (var row in kwhTable.Rows.Values)
                //create a new row and add the time first (key)
                var rowToAdd = dt.NewRow();
                rowToAdd[0] = GetTimeCaption(row.Index, xMode);

                //add the values foreach inverter
                foreach (var measure in row.kwhValues)
                    rowToAdd[GetRowName(measure.PublicInverterId)] = measure.Value * GetPerEuroFactor(yMode, measure.PublicInverterId);

                //add the new row to the datatable

            GoogleDataTable gdt = new Bortosky.Google.Visualization.GoogleDataTable(dt);
            return gdt.GetJson();
Exemplo n.º 2
        //DatatableConverter dtConverter = new DatatableConverter();
        internal string GoogleDataTableContent(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int plantId,
                                E_EurKwh yMode, E_TimeMode xMode)
            //Get kwhdays from database
              var dailyResult = _kwhRepository.GetDayKwhByDateRange(startDate, endDate, plantId);

              //Fill up the month for the chart data
              var kwhTable = KwhCalculator.SummarizeKwh(dailyResult, startDate, endDate,
                                               xMode, true);

              // calculate roi if neccesary and convert to Google Data Table
              return GenerateGoogleDataTableContent(plantId, yMode, kwhTable, xMode);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private string GenerateGoogleDataTableContent(int plantId, E_EurKwh yMode,
                                                SortedKwhTable kwhTable, E_TimeMode xMode)
            DatatableConverter dtConverter = new DatatableConverter();

              //include money per kwh mapping if neccessary
              if (yMode == E_EurKwh.money)
            IncludeEuroPerKwhMapping(plantId, dtConverter);

              //create google data table content string
              return dtConverter.BuildGoogleDataTable(kwhTable, yMode, xMode);
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal KwhEurResult GetkwhAndMoneyPerTimeFrame(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int plantId, E_TimeMode xMode)
            //Get kwhdays from database
              var dailyResult = _kwhRepository.GetDayKwhByDateRange(startDate, endDate, plantId);

              //Fill up the month for the chart data
              var kwhTable = KwhCalculator.SummarizeKwh(dailyResult, startDate, endDate,
                                             xMode, true);

              KwhEurResult result = new KwhEurResult()
            Kwh = GetCumulatedKwh(kwhTable),
            Euro = GetCumulatedEuro(kwhTable, _plantRepository.GetAllInvertersByPlant(plantId))

              return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the resultlist. It can be chosen wether we want to fill gaps or not.
        /// This is important for the "kwh by day" calculation because if we would fill gaps there, kwh_days would be
        /// deleted when there is no more measurement data for the timeframe
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measures"></param>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        /// <param name="timeMode"></param>
        /// <param name="systemID"></param>
        /// <param name="fillGaps"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static SortedKwhTable InitializeResultList(SortedKwhTable measures
                                                                        , DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate
                                                                        , E_TimeMode timeMode
                                                                        , bool fillGaps)
            //init day sum list for the hole time frame
              SortedKwhTable result = new SortedKwhTable();

              // Initialize the result with empty values first
              var countDate = startDate;
              while (countDate < endDate)
            foreach (var inverterInfo in measures.KnownInverters)
              if (fillGaps || ContainsMeasuresForThisTimePoint(measures, countDate, timeMode, inverterInfo.Value))
            MeasureKwH dummy = new MeasureKwH();
            dummy.DateTime = countDate;
            dummy.PrivateInverterId = inverterInfo.Key;
            dummy.PublicInverterId = inverterInfo.Value;
            dummy.Value = 0;

            //increase countdate
            countDate = IncreaseCountDate(timeMode, countDate);
              return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Increases the countdate depending on the requested stepping.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timeMode"></param>
 /// <param name="countDate"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static DateTime IncreaseCountDate(E_TimeMode timeMode, DateTime countDate)
     if (timeMode == E_TimeMode.day)
     countDate = countDate.AddDays(1);
       else if (timeMode == E_TimeMode.month)
     countDate = countDate.AddMonths(1);
       else if (timeMode == E_TimeMode.year)
     countDate = countDate.AddYears(1);
       return countDate;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private static DateTime GetTimePointByMode(E_TimeMode timeMode, DateTime currentDateTime)
     DateTime currentTimePoint;
       switch (timeMode)
     case E_TimeMode.day:
       currentTimePoint = new DateTime(currentDateTime.Year, currentDateTime.Month, currentDateTime.Day);
     case E_TimeMode.month:
       currentTimePoint = new DateTime(currentDateTime.Year, currentDateTime.Month, 1);
     case E_TimeMode.year:
       currentTimePoint = new DateTime(currentDateTime.Year, 1, 1);
       throw new ApplicationException();
       return currentTimePoint;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Crops the datetime that we can compare it. If the timemode is "Day" than all information of the hour will be
 /// set to 0. If the timemode is "Month" all information below day will be set to 1 or 0.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dateTime"></param>
 /// <param name="timeMode"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static DateTime GetCompareableDate(DateTime dateTime, E_TimeMode timeMode)
     switch (timeMode)
     case E_TimeMode.hour:
       return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, dateTime.Hour, 0, 0);
     case E_TimeMode.day:
       return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, 0, 0, 0);
     case E_TimeMode.month:
       return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0);
     case E_TimeMode.year:
       return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
       throw new ApplicationException();
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if we have a measure which falls into the countdate timeframe
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measures"></param>
        /// <param name="countDate"></param>
        /// <param name="timeMode"></param>
        /// <param name="publicInverterID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool ContainsMeasuresForThisTimePoint(SortedKwhTable measures, DateTime countDate, E_TimeMode timeMode, int publicInverterID)
            foreach (var row in measures.Rows)
            //datetime contains measure for this inverter ID
            if (measures.ContainsMeasureForPublicInverterId(row.Key, publicInverterID))
              DateTime comparabledate = GetCompareableDate(row.Key, timeMode);
              if (countDate == comparabledate)
            return true;

              return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Summarizes kwh values from hourly up to yearly. At first it initializes a result list, which is then filled with cumulated data from the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measures">Kwh table for an undefined time range</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">The startDate Parameter can be used to crop
        /// unwanted kwh values at the beginning</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The endDate Parameter crops all unwanted tailing kwh
        /// values</param>
        /// <param name="timeMode">The timeMode defines the target kwh stepping.
        /// Stepping includes from hourly up to yearly.</param>
        /// <param name="fillGaps"></param>
        /// <returns>The summarized kwh table</returns>
        public static SortedKwhTable SummarizeKwh(SortedKwhTable measures, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate,
                                                                E_TimeMode timeMode, bool fillGaps)
            //setup start and enddate
              startDate = GetTimePointByMode(timeMode, startDate);
              endDate = GetTimePointByMode(timeMode, endDate);

              //Initialize result list
              SortedKwhTable result;
              result = InitializeResultList(measures, startDate, endDate, timeMode, fillGaps);

              //Build the sum for the measures by each timepoint, depending on the timeMode
              foreach (var item in measures.ToList())

            // get target time point where the current kwh should be added to
            DateTime currentTimePoint = GetTimePointByMode(timeMode, item.DateTime);

            //add the kwh of this hour for the inverter
            if (currentTimePoint >= startDate && currentTimePoint < endDate)
              result.GetKwh(currentTimePoint, item.PublicInverterId).Value += item.Value;
              Logger.Log(new ApplicationException(), SeverityLevel.Warning, "kwh value is out of the specified startDate and endate");

              return result;
Exemplo n.º 11
        // Type dateType)
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the caption for the x-axis. Datetime is used for googledatatable, where the 
        /// real datetime value is needed.
        /// Otherwise use month name, or year number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dateTime"></param>
        /// <param name="xMode"></param>
        /// <param name="dateType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object GetTimeCaption(DateTime dateTime, E_TimeMode xMode)
            object time;

            //if (dateType == typeof(DateTime))
            //    time = dateTime;
            //{//evaluate x-axis text

            switch (xMode)
                 case E_TimeMode.hour:
                    time = dateTime.ToShortTimeString();
                case E_TimeMode.day:
                    time = dateTime.Day.ToString();
                case E_TimeMode.month:
                    time = dateTime.ToString("MMM");
                case E_TimeMode.year:
                    time = dateTime.Year.ToString();
                    throw new ApplicationException("Could not get Time Caption");

            return time;