private void SetNodes(Transform parent)
            //Problem in that the loop is finding itself
            //This avoids recursing a folder that was created by this process
            if (

            //TODO: will need to check for the preexisting nodes, and delete them
            //   "Traffic Nodes Right Lane(0)"

            bool   isRight  = true;
            string sSide    = "Right";
            string roadName =;

            //Hack: use the name to determine if this is the Right or Left hand side
            if ("left"))
                isRight = false;
                sSide   = "Left";

            //Get width of road, to get the number of lanes
            ERRoad           erRoad       = roadNetwork.GetRoadByName(roadName);
            ERRoadType       roadType     = erRoad.GetRoadType();
            float            roadWidth    = roadType.roadWidth;
            byte             laneCount    = System.Convert.ToByte((roadType.roadWidth / 2) / laneWidth);
            List <Transform> trafficNodes = new List <Transform>();
            Transform        nodeChild;

            for (byte b = 0; b < laneCount; b++)
                string folderName = nodeFolderName + " " + sSide + " Lane (" + b.ToString() + ")";

                //todo NOT FINDING IT WHEN IT IS INDEED there
                Transform tempFolder = parent.parent.Find(folderName);

                //Check for the existance of this folder, if it already exists, delete it.
                //The road has been adjusted and it is safer to assume that the old nodes are no longer correct
                //...just in case
                if (tempFolder != null)

                GameObject folder = new GameObject(folderName);

                if (b == 0)
                    //Remove existing Traffic Nodes from the folder that they were created
                    //Moving them insures that they are not moved again, in a forever recursive loop
                    //and to know they are completed, and not readjusted.
                    if (isRight)
                        for (int i = 0; i < parent.childCount; i++)
                            //NOTE: Be aware that when creating the Side Object the "Combine Objects" checkbox MUST be unchecked
                            //      otherwise a few of these children will not be TrafficSystemNodes and that will cause all sorts of issues.
                            nodeChild      = parent.GetChild(i);
                   = roadName + " " + sSide + " node (" + i + ")";
                        int iLoop = 0;
                        for (int i = (parent.childCount - 1); i > -1; i--)
                            nodeChild      = parent.GetChild(i);
                   = roadName + " " + sSide + " node (" + iLoop + ")";


                    //Add to new parent
                    foreach (Transform trafficNode in trafficNodes)

                    //Connect node to it's next neighbor
                    // PROCESS
                    // * Create new nodes
                    // * Place them
                    // * Connect them to each other - still a bit of an issue here

                    // * Connect them to the previous Lane
                    // * Connect previous lane to this lane

                    //Create the nodes and place them
                    for (int i = 0; i < trafficNodes.Count; i++)
                        float nodePosition = this.laneWidth;
                        if (isRight)
                            nodePosition = -(this.laneWidth);

                        Transform trafficNode = Instantiate(trafficNodeInstance, trafficNodes[i].position + trafficNodes[i].right * nodePosition, trafficNodes[i].rotation);
                        trafficNode.gameObject.isStatic = true;
               = roadName + " " + sSide + " node (" + i + ")";

                        //Connect to previous lane

                        //trafficNodes[i] = trafficNode;

                        //TODO: connect to next node, BUT this hasn't been created yet so....
                        //Do I need another LIST?  Do I update the current list with the new Node, then in a separate loop connect them?
                        //if (i < (folder.transform.childCount - 1))
                        //    TrafficSystemNode nextNode = folder.transform.GetChild(i + 1).GetComponent<TrafficSystemNode>();

                        //    folder.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent<TrafficSystemNode>().m_connectedChangeLaneNodes.Clear(); //To insure that previous values are removed
                        //    folder.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent<TrafficSystemNode>().m_connectedChangeLaneNodes.Add(nextNode);


                    //Connect node to it's next neighbor

                    //Connect to Previous nodes to Current nodes
                    folderName = nodeFolderName + " " + sSide + " Lane (" + (b - 1).ToString() + ")";
                    GameObject previousFolder = parent.parent.Find(folderName).gameObject;
                    ConnectLanes(folder, previousFolder);


            //DestroyImmediate(parent.gameObject);  //Remove the original folder, causes an issue with the loop

            //TODO: intersections (someday)
        catch (System.Exception ex)