Exemplo n.º 1
        public static EPStatement Create(EPAdministrator admin)
            var stmt = "insert into TicksPerSecond " +
                       "select Feed as feed, count(*) as cnt from MarketDataEvent.win:time_batch(1 sec) group by Feed";

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void Start()
            EPAdministrator epAdmin = _epService.EPAdministrator;

                String consultaEsper = "insert into EventoLOFAgrupado( instrumento, plataforma, cabecalho, LivroOfertasCompra, LivroOfertasVenda) ";
                consultaEsper += " select * from EventoAtualizacaoLivroOfertas  ";
                consultaEsper += " select * from EventoAtualizacaoLivroOfertas  ";

                EPStatement    comandoEsper  = epAdmin.CreateEPL(consultaEsper);
                UpdateListener listenerLivro = new GroupedLOFListenerClass1();

                //    new BovespaLivroOfertasListener(
                //            this._dadosGlobais, this._config.NumeroItensLivroOfertas);

                logger.Info("Consulta [" + consultaEsper + "] cadastrada no ESPER!");

            catch (EPException epex)
                logger.Error("Exception in createEPL - " + epex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SetUp()
            propertyTypes = new Dictionary <String, Object>();
            propertyTypes.Put("myInt", typeof(int?));
            propertyTypes.Put("myDouble", typeof(double?));
            propertyTypes.Put("myString", typeof(String));

            eventTypeName = "mapEvent";
            var configuration = new Configuration();

            configuration.AddEventType(eventTypeName, propertyTypes);
            configuration.AddEventType("myNonMapEvent", typeof(Type).FullName);

            epService = EPServiceProviderManager.GetProvider("CSVProvider", configuration);
            EPAdministrator administrator = epService.EPAdministrator;

            String      statementText = "select * from mapEvent#length(5)";
            EPStatement statement     = administrator.CreateEPL(statementText);

            listener          = new SupportUpdateListener();
            statement.Events += listener.Update;

            // Turn off external clocking
            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new TimerControlEvent(TimerControlEvent.ClockTypeEnum.CLOCK_EXTERNAL));

            // Set the clock to 0
            currentTime = 0;

            propertyOrderNoTimestamps = new[] { "myInt", "myDouble", "myString" };
            propertyOrderTimestamps   = new[] { "timestamp", "myInt", "myDouble", "myString" };
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes Esper and prepares event listeners.
        /// </summary>
        static void InitializeEsper()
            var serviceProvider = EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider();

            _runtime       = serviceProvider.EPRuntime;
            _administrator = serviceProvider.EPAdministrator;
            // You must tell esper about your events, failure to do so means you will be using
            // the fully qualified names of your events.  There are many ways to do that, but
            // this one is short-hand which makes the name of your event aliased to the fully
            // qualified name of your type.
            var typeDefinition = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Symbol", typeof(string) },
                { "Price", "double" },
                { "Quantity", "int" }

            _administrator.Configuration.AddEventType("TradeEvent", typeDefinition);
            // Create a statement or pattern; these are the bread and butter of esper.  This
            // method creates a statement.  You want to hang on to the statement if you intend
            // to listen directly to the results.
            var statement = _administrator.CreateEPL("select * from TradeEvent where Price > 700.0");

            // Hook up an event handler to the statement
            statement.Events += new UpdateEventHandler(HandleEvent);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ZoneHumidityStmt(EPAdministrator admin)
            string stmt = "select max(dtime), objuri, humidity " +
                          "from ZoneHumidity.win:time(10 sec) group by objuri";

            statement = admin.CreateEPL(stmt);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Start()
            EPAdministrator epAdmin = _epService.EPAdministrator;

                String consultaEsper = "select * from EventoBMF where Tipo='" +
                                       ConstantesMDS.TIPO_REQUISICAO_BMF_INSTRUMENTO + "' or Tipo='" +
                                       ConstantesMDS.TIPO_REQUISICAO_BMF_LIVRO_OFERTAS_COMPRA + "' or Tipo='" +
                                       ConstantesMDS.TIPO_REQUISICAO_BMF_LIVRO_OFERTAS_VENDA + "'";

                EPStatement    comandoEsper  = epAdmin.CreateEPL(consultaEsper);
                UpdateListener listenerLivro =
                    new BMFLivroOfertasListener(this._dadosGlobais,


                logger.Info("Consulta [" + consultaEsper + "] cadastrada no ESPER!");

            catch (EPException epex)
                logger.Error("Exception in createEPL - " + epex.Message, epex);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void RunAssertionCorrel(EPServiceProvider epService)
            // further math tests can be found in the view unit test
            EPAdministrator admin = epService.EPAdministrator;

            admin.Configuration.AddEventType("Market", typeof(SupportMarketDataBean));
            EPStatement statement = admin.CreateEPL
                                        ("select * from Market#groupwin(symbol)#length(1000000)#correl(Price, Volume, Feed)");
            var listener = new SupportUpdateListener();

            statement.Events += listener.Update;

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(double?), statement.EventType.GetPropertyType("correlation"));

            var fields = new string[] { "symbol", "correlation", "Feed" };

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportMarketDataBean("ABC", 10.0, 1000L, "f1"));
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "ABC", Double.NaN, "f1" });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportMarketDataBean("DEF", 1.0, 2L, "f2"));
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "DEF", Double.NaN, "f2" });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportMarketDataBean("DEF", 2.0, 4L, "f3"));
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "DEF", 1.0, "f3" });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportMarketDataBean("ABC", 20.0, 2000L, "f4"));
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "ABC", 1.0, "f4" });

Exemplo n.º 8
        public void SetUp()
            IDictionary <String, Object> propertyTypes = new LinkedHashMap <String, Object>();

            propertyTypes.Put("myInt", typeof(int));
            propertyTypes.Put("myDouble", typeof(double?));
            propertyTypes.Put("myString", typeof(String));

            eventTypeName = "mapEvent";
            Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

            configuration.AddEventType(eventTypeName, propertyTypes);

            epService = EPServiceProviderManager.GetProvider("Adapter", configuration);
            EPAdministrator administrator = epService.EPAdministrator;
            String          statementText = "select * from mapEvent.win:length(5)";
            EPStatement     statement     = administrator.CreateEPL(statementText);

            listener          = new SupportUpdateListener();
            statement.Events += listener.Update;

            // Turn off external clocking
            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new TimerControlEvent(TimerControlEvent.ClockTypeEnum.CLOCK_EXTERNAL));

            // Set the clock to 0
            currentTime = 0;

            coordinator = new AdapterCoordinatorImpl(epService, true);

            propertyOrderNoTimestamp = new String[] { "myInt", "myDouble", "myString" };
            String[] propertyOrderTimestamp = new String[] { "timestamp", "myInt", "myDouble", "myString" };

            // A CSVPlayer for a file with timestamps, not looping
            timestampsNotLooping = new CSVInputAdapterSpec(new AdapterInputSource("/regression/timestampOne.csv"), eventTypeName);
            timestampsNotLooping.IsUsingEngineThread = true;
            timestampsNotLooping.PropertyOrder       = propertyOrderTimestamp;
            timestampsNotLooping.TimestampColumn     = "timestamp";

            // A CSVAdapter for a file with timestamps, looping
            timestampsLooping                     = new CSVInputAdapterSpec(new AdapterInputSource("/regression/timestampTwo.csv"), eventTypeName);
            timestampsLooping.IsLooping           = true;
            timestampsLooping.IsUsingEngineThread = true;
            timestampsLooping.PropertyOrder       = propertyOrderTimestamp;
            timestampsLooping.TimestampColumn     = "timestamp";

            // A CSVAdapter that sends 10 events per sec, not looping
            noTimestampsNotLooping = new CSVInputAdapterSpec(new AdapterInputSource("/regression/noTimestampOne.csv"), eventTypeName);
            noTimestampsNotLooping.EventsPerSec        = 10;
            noTimestampsNotLooping.PropertyOrder       = propertyOrderNoTimestamp;
            noTimestampsNotLooping.IsUsingEngineThread = true;

            // A CSVAdapter that sends 5 events per sec, looping
            noTimestampsLooping = new CSVInputAdapterSpec(new AdapterInputSource("/regression/noTimestampTwo.csv"), eventTypeName);
            noTimestampsLooping.EventsPerSec        = 5;
            noTimestampsLooping.IsLooping           = true;
            noTimestampsLooping.PropertyOrder       = propertyOrderNoTimestamp;
            noTimestampsLooping.IsUsingEngineThread = true;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void TearDown()
     if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED)
     _epAdmin = null;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static EPStatement Create(EPAdministrator admin)
            String stmt = "select feed, avg(cnt) as avgCnt, cnt as feedCnt from TicksPerSecond.win:time(10 sec) " +
                          "group by feed, cnt " +
                          "having cnt < avg(cnt) * 0.75 ";

Exemplo n.º 11
        public static EPStatement MaxDeviationFromIndexStatement(this EPAdministrator admin)
            var statement =
                "select symbol, max(deviation) as maxDeviation " +
                "from DeviationFromIndex.std:groupwin(symbol).win:length(1)";

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static EPStatement Create(EPAdministrator admin)
            string stmt = "select ID as sensorId, coalesce(sum(countTags), 0) as numTagsPerSensor " +
                          "from AutoIdRFIDExample.win:time(60 sec) " +
                          "where Observation[0].Command = 'READ_PALLET_TAGS_ONLY' " +
                          "group by ID";

Exemplo n.º 13
        public static EPStatement DeviationFromIndexStatement(this EPAdministrator admin)
            var statement =
                "insert into DeviationFromIndex " +
                "select p.symbol as symbol, Math.Abs(i.averageNormPrice - p.normPrice) as deviation " +
                "from EqualWeightIndex as i, NormalizedPrice as p unidirectional";

Exemplo n.º 14
        public static EPStatement EqualWeightIndexStatement(this EPAdministrator admin)
            var statement =
                "insert into EqualWeightIndex " +
                "select avg(normPrice) as averageNormPrice " +
                "from NormalizedPrice.std:groupwin(symbol).win:length(1)";

Exemplo n.º 15
        public static EPStatement NormalizedPriceStatement(this EPAdministrator admin)
            var statement =
                "insert into NormalizedPrice " +
                "select t.symbol as symbol, (t.trade - a.aveClose)/sd.stdClose as normPrice " +
                "from Tick as t unidirectional, Average as a, StandardDeviation as sd " +
                "where t.symbol = a.symbol and t.symbol = sd.symbol";

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an EPStatement for each configuration entry
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sectionName">the name of the configuration section to look for</param>
 /// <param name="admin">the EPAdministrator which will create the statements</param>
 /// <param name="epService">the EPServiceProvider used to build the JSONEventRenderers</param>
 void CreateStatements(string sectionName, EPAdministrator admin, EPServiceProvider epService)
     var queries = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(sectionName) as NameValueCollection;
     foreach (var c in queries.AllKeys)
         var s = admin.CreateEPL(queries[c], c);
         _eventRenderers.Add(c, epService.EPRuntime.EventRenderer.GetJSONRenderer(s.EventType));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void Start()
            _admin = EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider().EPAdministrator;

            var eventName    = typeof(LatencyLimit).FullName;
            var latencyAlert = _admin.CreatePattern("every newlimit=" + eventName);

            latencyAlert.Events +=
                (sender, e) => { new DynaLatencySpikeMonitor((LatencyLimit)e.NewEvents[0]["newlimit"]); };
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static EPStatement AverageStatement(this EPAdministrator admin, int length)
            var statement =
                "insert into Average " +
                "select Symbol as symbol, avg(Close) as aveClose " +
                "from Bar.win:length(" + length + ") " +
                "group by symbol";

Exemplo n.º 19
        public static EPStatement StandardDeviationStatement(this EPAdministrator admin, int length)
            var statement =
                "insert into StandardDeviation " +
                "select Symbol as symbol, stddev(Close) as stdClose " +
                "from Bar.win:length(" + length + ") " +
                "group by symbol";

Exemplo n.º 20
        public void ConfigureEngine(EPAdministrator administrator)
            var averageStatement               = administrator.AverageStatement(WindowLength);
            var standardDeviationStatement     = administrator.StandardDeviationStatement(WindowLength);
            var normalizedPriceStatement       = administrator.NormalizedPriceStatement();
            var equalWeightIndexStatement      = administrator.EqualWeightIndexStatement();
            var deviationFromIndexStatement    = administrator.DeviationFromIndexStatement();
            var maxDeviationFromIndexStatement = administrator.MaxDeviationFromIndexStatement();

            maxDeviationFromIndexStatement.Events += new UpdateEventHandler(maxDeviationFromIndexStatement_Events);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public AverageLatencyMonitor()
            EPAdministrator admin = EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider().EPAdministrator;

            EPStatement statView = admin.CreateEPL(
                "select * from " + typeof(OperationMeasurement).FullName +
                ".std:groupby('CustomerId').std:groupby('OperationName')" +

            statView.Events += (sender, e) => MonitorLatency(e, 10000);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public MotionStatusStmt(EPAdministrator admin)
            /*string stmt = "select zoneuri, count(distinct objuri) as numObjsPerZone " +
             *            "from ObjLocation.win:time(60 sec) "+
             *            "group by zoneuri"; */

            string stmt = "select count(distinct objuri) as cnt, zoneuri " +
                          "from ObjLocation.win:time(60 sec) group by zoneuri";

            statement = admin.CreateEPL(stmt);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public ObjTempStmt(EPAdministrator admin)
            /*string stmt = "select zoneuri, count(distinct objuri) as numObjsPerZone " +
             *            "from ObjLocation.win:time(60 sec) "+
             *            "group by zoneuri"; */

            string stmt = "select max(dtime), objuri, temperature, elemType " +
                          "from ObjTemperature.win:time(10 sec) group by objuri";

            statement = admin.CreateEPL(stmt);
Exemplo n.º 24
            public void Init(int sleepListenerMillis)
                Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

                configuration.EngineDefaults.EventMetaConfig.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle =
                configuration.AddEventType("Market", typeof(MarketData));
                EPServiceProvider epService = EPServiceProviderManager.GetProvider("benchmark", configuration);

                epAdministrator = epService.EPAdministrator;
                epRuntime       = epService.EPRuntime;
                sleepMillis     = sleepListenerMillis;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public AverageLatencyMonitor()
            EPAdministrator admin = EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider().EPAdministrator;

            EPStatement statView = admin.CreateEPL(
                "select * from " + typeof(OperationMeasurement).FullName +
                "#groupwin(CustomerId)" +
                "#groupwin(OperationName)" +
                "#length(100)" +

            statView.Events += (sender, e) => MonitorLatency(e, 10000);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public ServiceHealthMonitor()
            EPAdministrator admin = EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider().EPAdministrator;

            String eventBean = typeof(OperationMeasurement).FullName;

            EPStatement statView = admin.CreatePattern("every (" +
                                                       eventBean + "(success=false)->" +
                                                       eventBean + "(success=false)->" +
                                                       eventBean + "(success=false))");

            statView.Events += (newEvents, oldEvents) =>
                               Log.Debug(".update Alert, detected 3 erros in a row");
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ErrorRateMonitor()
            EPAdministrator admin = EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider().EPAdministrator;

            EPStatement pattern = admin.CreatePattern("every timer:at(*, *, *, *, *, */10)");
            EPStatement view    = admin.CreateEPL("select count(*) as size from " + typeof(OperationMeasurement).FullName +
                                                  "(success=false).win:time(10 min).std:size()");

            pattern.Events +=
                delegate {
                var count = (long)view.First()["size"];
                Log.Info(".update Info, error rate in the last 10 minutes is " + count);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void SetUp()
            Configuration config = SupportConfigFactory.GetConfiguration();
            String        pkg    = typeof(SupportBean).Namespace;

            _epService = EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider(config);
            if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED)
                InstrumentationHelper.StartTest(_epService, GetType(), GetType().FullName);
            _epAdmin = _epService.EPAdministrator;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public AlarmStmt(EPAdministrator admin)
            /*string stmt = "select zoneuri, count(distinct objuri) as numObjsPerZone " +
             *            "from ObjLocation.win:time(60 sec) "+
             *            "group by zoneuri"; */

            /*string stmt = "select max(dtime), zoneuri, objuri, isStill, elemType " +
             *            "from ObjLocation.win:time(60 sec) group by zoneuri, objuri";*/

            string stmt = "SELECT ObjTemperature.objuri as objuri, ObjTemperature.temperature as temperature, ObjLocation.isStill as isStill " +
                          "FROM ObjTemperature.win:length(1),ObjLocation.win:length(1) " +
                          "WHERE (ObjTemperature.temperature > 26) AND (ObjLocation.isStill = 'M' AND ObjTemperature.objuri = ObjLocation.objuri) ";

            statement = admin.CreateEPL(stmt);
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the esper.
        /// </summary>
        static void SetupEsper()
            Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

            configuration.AddEventType <BidData>();
            configuration.EngineDefaults.ExpressionConfig.IsUdfCache                     = true;
            configuration.EngineDefaults.LoggingConfig.IsEnableExecutionDebug            = false;
            configuration.EngineDefaults.LoggingConfig.IsEnableTimerDebug                = false;
            configuration.EngineDefaults.MetricsReportingConfig.IsEnableMetricsReporting = false;
            configuration.EngineDefaults.MetricsReportingConfig.IsThreading              = false;

            _espServiceProvider = (EPServiceProviderSPI)EPServiceProviderManager.GetDefaultProvider(configuration);
            _espAdministrator   = _espServiceProvider.EPAdministrator;
            _espRuntime         = _espServiceProvider.EPRuntime;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public static EPStatement Create(EPAdministrator admin)
            // We need to take in events A, B and C and produce a single, combined event
            String stmt = "insert into CombinedEvent(transactionId, customerId, supplierId, latencyAC, latencyBC, latencyAB)" +
                          "select C.TransactionId," +
                          "CustomerId," +
                          "SupplierId," +
                          "C.Timestamp - A.Timestamp," +
                          "C.Timestamp - B.Timestamp," +
                          "B.Timestamp - A.Timestamp " +
                          "from TxnEventA.win:time(30 min) A," +
                          "TxnEventB.win:time(30 min) B," +
                          "TxnEventC.win:time(30 min) C " +
                          "where A.TransactionId = B.TransactionId and B.TransactionId = C.TransactionId";

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the EP
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sectionName"></param>
 /// <param name="admin"></param>
 public QueryConfiguration(string sectionName, EPAdministrator admin, EPServiceProvider epService)
     _statements = new List<EPStatement>();
     _eventRenderers = new Dictionary<string, JSONEventRenderer>();
     CreateStatements(sectionName, admin, epService);