Exemplo n.º 1
 public bool Contains(EOFC.Vector2D point)
     return (point - m_center).Length <= m_radius;
 public float PointDistanceUnsigned(EOFC.Vector2D pt)
     return Math.Abs(A * pt.X + B * pt.Y + C) / NormalLength;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the shortest unsigned distance from the specified point to this arc.
        /// </summary>
        public float DistanceU(EOFC.Vector2D point)
            // Start by getting the angle of the point with respect to the circle center
            double angle = (point - m_circle.Center).GetCCWAngle();

            // If the angle is in the angle range for this arc then the shortest distance will
            // be from the point to the edge of the circle.
            if (IsAngleInRange(angle, m_startAngle, m_sweepAngle))
                return Math.Abs(m_circle.Radius - (point - m_circle.Center).Length);

            // Otherwise the distance is the smaller of the two distances between the point and the
            // arc endpoints.
            return Math.Min(
                (point - m_circle.GetPointOnPerimeter(m_startAngle)).Length,
                (point - m_circle.GetPointOnPerimeter(m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle)).Length);
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests if a point, WHICH IS ALREADY KNOWN TO BE ON THE INFINITE LINE, is on this segment.
 /// </summary>
 private bool IsPointOnSegment(EOFC.Vector2D pt)
     // If distance (squared) from p1 to pt and distance (squared) from p2 to pt are
     // both less than the distance (squared) from p1 to p2, then it's on the segment.
     float lsqrd = m_l * m_l;
     float l1 = (pt.X - m_p1.X) * (pt.X - m_p1.X) + (pt.Y - m_p1.Y) * (pt.Y - m_p1.Y);
     float l2 = (pt.X - m_p2.X) * (pt.X - m_p2.X) + (pt.Y - m_p2.Y) * (pt.Y - m_p2.Y);
     return (l1 <= lsqrd && l2 <= lsqrd);
        public bool Intersects(GeneralLine2D line2, ref EOFC.Vector2D intersectionPt)
            // If the two lines are parallel then they won't intersect
            if (IsParallel(line2))
                return false;

            float x, y;

            // Handle special case
            if (0.0f == A)
                y = -C / B;
                x = (-line2.B * y - line2.C) / line2.A;
                intersectionPt = new EOFC.Vector2D(x, y);
                return true;

            float val1 = (-line2.A * B) / A + line2.B;
            y = ((line2.A * C / A) - line2.C) / val1;
            x = (-B * y - C) / A;
            intersectionPt = new EOFC.Vector2D(x, y);

            return true;
        public bool Intersects(LineSegment2D segment2, ref EOFC.Vector2D outISectPt)
            float t = 0.0f;

            if (!Intersects(segment2, ref t))
                return false;

            // Fill the intersection point
            float dx1 = m_p2.X - m_p1.X;
            float dy1 = m_p2.Y - m_p1.Y;
            outISectPt.Set(m_p1.X + t * dx1, m_p1.Y + t * dy1);

            return true;
        public bool Intersects(NormalizedGeneralLine2D line, ref EOFC.Vector2D outISectPt)
            NormalizedGeneralLine2D thisInfLine = GetInfiniteLine();
            EOFC.Vector2D temp = new Vector2D();
            if (!thisInfLine.Intersects(line, ref temp))
                return false;

            // The two infinite lines intersect, now see if the intersection point
            // is on this segment
            if (this.IsPointOnSegment(temp))
                outISectPt = temp;
                return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the point on this line segment with the specified y-value. If no such point 
        /// exists on the segment then false is returned. Note that if the segment is horizontal, 
        /// even if it has a y-value of "y", then false is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetPointWithYValue(float y, ref EOFC.Vector2D outPt)
            // If this segment is horizontal, return false.
            if (m_p1.Y == m_p2.Y)
                return false;

            NormalizedGeneralLine2D infLine = GetInfiniteLine();
            float x = infLine.GetXCoord(y);
            EOFC.Vector2D pt = new EOFC.Vector2D(x, y);
            if (IsPointOnSegment(pt))
                return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the point on this line segment with the specified x-value. If no such point 
        /// exists on the segment then false is returned. Note that if the segment is vertical, 
        /// even if it has a x-value of "x", then false is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetPointWithXValue(float x, ref EOFC.Vector2D outPt)
            // If this segment is vertical, return false.
            if (m_p1.X == m_p2.X)
                return false;

            NormalizedGeneralLine2D infLine = GetInfiniteLine();
            float y = infLine.GetYCoord(x);
            EOFC.Vector2D pt = new EOFC.Vector2D(x, y);
            if (IsPointOnSegment(pt))
                return true;
            return false;
 public LineSegment2D(EOFC.Vector2D point1, EOFC.Vector2D point2)
     m_p1 = point1;
     m_p2 = point2;
     m_l = (m_p2 - m_p1).Length;
 public bool DoesPointProjectOnto(EOFC.Vector2D pt)
     float p = (pt - m_p1).ScalarProjectOnto(m_p2 - m_p1);
     return (p >= 0.0f && p <= m_l);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the signed distance from the specified point to this line segment. 
        /// This will be the distance from the point to the closet point on the segment. 
        /// The sign is with respect to an arbitrary, but consistent, normal vector which 
        /// can be retrieved from the "GetUnitNormal" function.
        /// </summary>
        public float Distance(EOFC.Vector2D point)
            if (DoesPointProjectOnto(point))
                EOFC.Vector2D unorm = GetUnitNormal();
                return (point - m_p1).DotProduct(unorm);

            // If the point doesn't project onto the segment, then the smallest distance
            // will be from one of the endpoints.
            return Math.Min((point - m_p1).Length, (point - m_p2).Length);