Exemplo n.º 1
        }                                                                                                                                        //parameter: some basic checking if user input corresponds with type of parameter

        //handling for function and policies, parameter has its own handling (described there)
        internal virtual void HandleValueChanged(TreeListNode node, TreeListColumn column, string value)
            if (value == TreeListManagement.TreeListManager.NA_ALL_COMPONENTS)
                return;                                                                                 //'n/a (all components)' has a special handling (see HandleSwitchToNAallComponents)
            _mainForm.PerformAction(new ChangeParameterValueAction(node, column, value), false, false); //set switch of function/policy
        // used as call-back-function by the ribbon-buttons and called by call-back-functions of the policy/function-context-menus
        internal static void MenuItemClicked(EM_UI_MainForm mainForm, string groupOrExtensionName)
            if (groupOrExtensionName == NO_ITEMS_DEFINED)
            string cc = mainForm.GetCountryShortName();

            switch (selectedMenu) // ... the parent-menu was stored on opening the group-sub-menu in the variable selectedMenu
            case MENU_GROUP_ADD:
                mainForm.PerformAction(new GroupAddContentAction(cc, groupOrExtensionName), false); break;

            case MENU_EXTENSION_ADDON:
                mainForm.PerformAction(new ExtensionAddContentAction(cc, mainForm, groupOrExtensionName, true), false); break;

            case MENU_EXTENSION_ADDOFF:
                mainForm.PerformAction(new ExtensionAddContentAction(cc, mainForm, groupOrExtensionName, false), false); break;

            case MENU_GROUP_REMOVE:
                mainForm.PerformAction(new GroupRemoveContentAction(cc, groupOrExtensionName), false); break;

            case MENU_EXTENSION_REMOVE:
                mainForm.PerformAction(new ExtensionRemoveContentAction(cc, mainForm, groupOrExtensionName), false); break;

            case MENU_GROUP_EXPAND:
                VisualiseMenuOperation(mainForm: mainForm, egName: groupOrExtensionName, extensionOnOnly: null, setVisible: null, expand: true); break;

            case MENU_EXTENSION_EXPAND:
                VisualiseMenuOperation(mainForm: mainForm, egName: groupOrExtensionName, extensionOnOnly: false, setVisible: null, expand: true); break;

            case MENU_GROUP_VISIBLE:
                VisualiseMenuOperation(mainForm: mainForm, egName: groupOrExtensionName, extensionOnOnly: null, setVisible: true, expand: false); break;

            case MENU_EXTENSION_VISIBLE:
                VisualiseMenuOperation(mainForm: mainForm, egName: groupOrExtensionName, extensionOnOnly: true, setVisible: true, expand: false); break;

            case MENU_GROUP_NOT_VISIBLE:
                VisualiseMenuOperation(mainForm: mainForm, egName: groupOrExtensionName, extensionOnOnly: null, setVisible: false, expand: false); break;

                VisualiseMenuOperation(mainForm: mainForm, egName: groupOrExtensionName, extensionOnOnly: true, setVisible: false, expand: false); break;

                SetExtensionPrivateCountry(cc: cc, mainForm: mainForm, extName: groupOrExtensionName, set: true); break;

                SetExtensionPrivateCountry(cc: cc, mainForm: mainForm, extName: groupOrExtensionName, set: false); break;

                SetExtensionPrivateGlobal(extName: groupOrExtensionName, set: true); break;

                SetExtensionPrivateGlobal(extName: groupOrExtensionName, set: false); break;

            default: break;
        void mniAddFunction_Click(object senderMenuItem, EventArgs e)
            TreeListNode senderNode = (senderMenuItem as ToolStripMenuItem).Tag as TreeListNode;

            //add the function
            AddFunctionAction action = new AddFunctionAction(_mainForm, senderNode, senderMenuItem.ToString(), _mainForm.GetTreeListManager().GetIDsOfHiddenSystems());

            _mainForm.PerformAction(action, false);

            //after redrawing treeview expand whatever is necessary to make the new function visible
        void mnuPolicyTypes_Click(object senderMenuItem, EventArgs e)
            string policyType = senderMenuItem.ToString();   //benefit, tax, sic, etc.

            if (_clickedMainMenu == mniAddPolicyBefore.Name) //ActMainMenu is set in PolMenI_xxx_DropDownOpened
                _mainForm.PerformAction(new AddPolicyAction(_mainForm, _mainForm.treeList.FocusedNode, policyType, true, _mainForm.GetTreeListManager().GetIDsOfHiddenSystems()), false);
            else if (_clickedMainMenu == mniAddPolicyAfter.Name)
                _mainForm.PerformAction(new AddPolicyAction(_mainForm, _mainForm.treeList.FocusedNode, policyType, false, _mainForm.GetTreeListManager().GetIDsOfHiddenSystems()), false);
            else if (_clickedMainMenu == mniChangePolicyType.Name)
                _mainForm.PerformAction(new ChangePolicyTypeAction(_mainForm.treeList.FocusedNode, policyType));
            _clickedMainMenu = string.Empty;
 void mniPasteValues_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (_senderColumn == null || _senderNode == null)
     _mainForm.treeList.FocusedNode   = _senderNode;
     _mainForm.treeList.FocusedColumn = _senderColumn;
     _mainForm.PerformAction(new PasteMultiValuesAction(_mainForm), false);
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal void RedrawTreeForPolicyView()
            BaseAction action = new BaseAction();

            _mainForm.PerformAction(action); //update tree without performing commit

            if (_mainForm.treeList.Nodes.Count == 1)
                _mainForm.treeList.Nodes[0].ExpandAll();    //expand the single policy in single-policy-view
                _mainForm.treeList.TopVisibleNodeIndex = 0; //to avoid that, due to a previous scrolling position, some middle- or end-part of the policy is shown
 void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!verifyNumericValues())
         UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Cell(s) with invalid value found!");
     else if (!haveEmptyCells() || UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Empty cell(s) found; they will be treated as n/a when running the model." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                           "Do you want to correct?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
         mainForm.PerformAction(new IndirectTaxesAction(this), false);
         DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        internal static void SetSelectionPrivate(EM_UI_MainForm mainForm)
            List <TreeListNode> selectedNodes = new List <TreeListNode>();
            TreeListNode        focusedNode   = mainForm.treeList.FocusedNode;

            if (mainForm.GetMultiCellSelector().HasSelection() && (focusedNode == null || mainForm.GetMultiCellSelector().GetSelectedNodes().Contains(focusedNode)))
            mainForm.PerformAction(new SetSelectionPrivateStateAction(selectedNodes), false);
        private static void SetExtensionPrivateCountry(string cc, EM_UI_MainForm mainForm, string extName, bool set)
            bool isLocal = (from e in GetDataConfig(cc).Extension where e.Name.ToLower() == extName.ToLower() || e.ID == extName select e).Any();

            if (!isLocal)
                switch (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Do you want to perform this private-setting-action for all countries? Click" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                "'Yes' to perform the action for all countries" + "," + Environment.NewLine +
                                                "'No' to perform the action only for " + cc + ".", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel))
                case DialogResult.Cancel: return;

                case DialogResult.Yes: SetExtensionPrivateGlobal(extName, set); return;

                case DialogResult.No: break;
            mainForm.PerformAction(new ExtensionSetPrivateAction(extName, cc, set));
Exemplo n.º 10
        void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (verifyNumericValues())
                _mainForm.PerformAction(new UpratingIndicesAction(this), false);
                if (haveEmptyCells())
                    MessageBox.Show("Warning: one or more factor series have empty cells; a value of " + _factorValueInvalid + " will be used for these empty cells when running the model.");


                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                MessageBox.Show("There are cells with invalid values!");
        void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <DataGridViewRow> selectedRows = GetSelectedRows();

            if (selectedRows.Count == 0)

            ActionGroup actionGroup = new ActionGroup();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > conflictParameters = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); //helper list for dedecting conflicts à la comp_perElig[grp1]/comp_perTU[grp1]

            foreach (DataGridViewRow selectedRow in selectedRows)
                string countAsString = selectedRow.Cells[colCount.Index].Value == null ? "0" : selectedRow.Cells[colCount.Index].Value.ToString();
                uint   count = (countAsString != string.Empty && EM_Helpers.IsNonNegInteger(countAsString)) ? Convert.ToUInt32(countAsString) : 1;
                var    gon = selectedRow.Cells[colGroupNo.Index].Value; string groupOrNo = gon == null? string.Empty : gon.ToString();
                string initialGroupOrNo = groupOrNo;
                string substitute       = selectedRow.Cells[colReplaces.Index].Value.ToString();

                if (substitute != string.Empty)
                    actionGroup.AddAction(new ChangeParameterNameAction((selectedRow.Tag as AddParameterTag)._parameterNode,

                for (uint index = 0; index < count; ++index)
                    DefinitionAdmin.Par      parDef   = (selectedRow.Tag as AddParameterTag)._parDef;
                    DefinitionAdmin.ParGroup parGroup = (selectedRow.Tag as AddParameterTag)._parGroup;
                    string parName = (selectedRow.Tag as AddParameterTag)._parName;

                    if (parDef.maxCount == 1 && (parGroup == null || parGroup.maxCount == 1) && count > 1)
                        count = 1;                 //if parameter is "single" make sure it is only added once!
                    if (groupOrNo != string.Empty) //group- or footnote-parameter
                        if (EM_Helpers.IsNonNegInteger(groupOrNo))
                            groupOrNo = (EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToInt(initialGroupOrNo) + index).ToString();

                        if (CountryConfigFacade.DoesParameterExist(_displayedFunctionRow, parName, groupOrNo))
                        {//may happen if user changes group or footnote number manually
                            UserInfoHandler.ShowError($"Parameter {parName} with Grp/No {groupOrNo} already exists. " +
                                                      "Please consider Grp/No and/or whether there is a conflict parameter.");
                    if (parDef.substitutes.Count > 0)
                        foreach (string conflictPar in parDef.substitutes)
                            if (conflictParameters.Contains(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(conflictPar.ToLower(), groupOrNo)))
                            {//trying to add e.g. comp_perElig and comp_perTU with same group or output_var and output_add_var
                                string groupMessage = groupOrNo != string.Empty ? " with identical group " + groupOrNo : string.Empty;
                                UserInfoHandler.ShowError($"Cannot add parameter {parName} and parameter {conflictPar} {groupMessage}, as they are subsitudes.");
                        conflictParameters.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(parName.ToLower(), groupOrNo));

                    if ((_focusedNode.Tag as BaseTreeListTag).GetDefaultParameterRow() == null)
                        //if the dialog was opened via the function context menu, parameters are added at the end of the function
                        //thus they can be added simply one after the other, without changing the order ...
                        actionGroup.AddAction(new AddParameterAction(_focusedNode, parName, parDef, groupOrNo));
                        //if the dialog was opened via the parameter context menu, parameters are added after the selected parameter
                        //thus they have to be added in reverted order to keep the given order
                        actionGroup.InsertAction(0, new AddParameterAction(_focusedNode, parName, parDef, groupOrNo));

            _inApplyAction = true;

            TreeListNode   functionNode = (_focusedNode.Tag as BaseTreeListTag).GetDefaultParameterRow() == null ? _focusedNode : _focusedNode.ParentNode;
            EM_UI_MainForm mainForm     = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetCountryMainForm(_displayedFunctionRow.PolicyRow.SystemRow.CountryRow.ShortName);

                                   true, false,
                                   functionNode); //performance optimisation Aug 13: update only the concerned function instead of the whole tree

            _inApplyAction = false;

 void InsertFirstSystem_MenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     _mainForm.PerformAction(new CopySystemAction(
                                 CountryAdministrator.GetCountryConfigFacade(_mainForm.GetCountryShortName()), _mainForm._isAddOn), true, true);