internal static unsafe (Transform, bool) Invoke(EControllerHand Hand, EHandTrackingKeypoint Keypoint, EGestureTransformSpace TransformSpace)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *(b + 0) = (byte)Hand;
                *(b + 1) = (byte)Keypoint;
                *(b + 2) = (byte)TransformSpace;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(MagicLeapHandTrackingFunctionLibrary.DefaultObject, GetGestureKeypointTransform_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
                return(*((Transform *)(b + 16)), *((bool *)(b + 64)));
 ///<summary>Get Transform for a point on the hand.</summary>
 ///@param Hand
 ///@param Keypoint the specific joint or wrist point to fetch.
 ///@param Transform Output parameter to write the data to.
 ///@param TransformSpace Get the transform relative to the world, hand center, or tracking space.
 ///@return true if the output param was populated with a valid value, false means that is is either unchanged or populated with a stale value.
 public static (Transform, bool) GetGestureKeypointTransform(EControllerHand Hand, EHandTrackingKeypoint Keypoint, EGestureTransformSpace TransformSpace) =>
 MagicLeapHandTrackingFunctionLibrary_methods.GetGestureKeypointTransform_method.Invoke(Hand, Keypoint, TransformSpace);